• Published 17th Feb 2016
  • 640 Views, 15 Comments

Heroes of Equinox, The Guards of Truth - The_Masked_Fox

Five friends are sent to Equinox to save the world from a catastrophe that not even the gods could stop, these five friends turned warriors are the final hope for Equinox and all of its inhabitants.

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Chapter Two - Black and White Dragons

Chapter two - Black and White Dragons

~Helios’ PoV~

I walk down a path I always walk down every night, it’s beautiful as always, nothing here but me and nature its self, I look at the night sky to see two comets, one purple and one blue, fall out of the heavens... wait... those are coming closer! I watch them as they crashed a few miles ahead of me, I run towards the two meteors but once I get there I see two armored dragons, one wearing black armor and the other wearing white armor, I pause and think, “what? Two dragons fell out of the heavens? I must be going insane...” I look at them and rethink what I just thought, “...their armor looks like it was designed to allow them to survive in harsh conditions...” I shrug this off knowing that if I left them here they would be found and probably executed by the guards so I pick them up, and surprisingly the two of them are pretty light.

As I made it to my house neither of them stirred from their sleep, they just are completely unconscious, unaware of their surroundings, almost like sleeping angels... I shake the last thought out of my head vigorously, even if they were angels why would they come down to this hell?

I then heard the bell, my shift is on well of to the mines... again, by the Emperor’s claws I wish we had a savior from this so called “king” who is destroying our Empire. I sigh at that and look back at the two strange dragons then thought, “If only that were true... then we would be able to live in peace.”

I turn around and leave my house to go and do my “job” that is completely “enjoyable”... ugh, off to the mines I go... again... like I have for the last ten years.

~Wither’s PoV~

I open my eyes and slowly push myself up and look around and I see my sister to whom I smile at then start looking around and I notice that it is being lit by a purple glow, strange... the purple glow seems to be originating from me...I glow...?

I could help but ponder why I was glowing purple when a wave of memories crash into me, my name is Wither, I am a cyber dragon same with my sister, we were flying around when a meteor hit us and we were knocked down to this world... and then we hit the ground... my memory is gone from there.

I push myself up and will my armor to stop glowing and the glow vanishes, I look around and see a window, I waited for a second then deciding to go over to the window I do so and I push the curtains to the side a little bit and I see a mining town full of dragons, there are guards who seem rather well equipped and- I froze when I saw one of the miners fall over, now looking at him I can easily tell he is very exhausted.

I smiled a small bit when a guard walks over to him and helps him up but then my smile turned into a face of complete disbelief, after lifting the miner up the guard started to punch and kick the miner until the miner started to cough up blood then the guard walked away.

The only thing that I could feel was pure unbridled anger, but I calmed myself down, if I am to free these... slaves, I would need my sister, the two of us are stronger together than we are alone.

“Sister, will your armor’s light off.” She looked at me in confusion then realized and her glow vanished, then she asked me, “Brother, why are you so angry?” I tend to forget we both have been so close that we can’t keep secrets and even our emotions are not hidden from each other.

“We are in a town of dragons and... well, one of the guards beat up a civilian for no reason other than he fell over from exhaustion...” I started to tremble with anger again.

She looked at me then said, “The one who brought us here should tell us why the guard did so.” I nod in agreement and felt a lot calmer, my sister is one of the very few people who can calm me down when I am mad.

I smile and reply, “Alright, I can wait.”

We sat there for hours, this time, I knew it was so because the sunlight had vanished more and more until it was nearly dark when the owner of this house came back; when he saw us he seemed very startled at the fact that we are awake, I was about to ask him a question that has been pulling my brain apart when he suddenly shouted silently, "Oh thank Cobalt's glorious spines, both of you are alive!" this outburst caught me off guard.

I was about to attempt to ask my question again when my sister interrupted me, "Thank you, we are fine; We've been in worse situations, but me and my brother have a question for you," the dragon seemed relieved and then nodded at her, "you see... my brother saw a dragon being hurt by a guard, do you know why?"

What neither of us expected was the surprise that spread across his face then he asked us, "Do you not know of what has been happening since twenty years go?" we both looked at each other then back at him and shook our heads, at this he did the same but out of disbelief then he started to talk again, "It started in Equestria when a powerful necromancer named Cryptic Spell had decided to raise an army of undead, she did so and within a month she captured Equestria's capital, Canterlot, and made the Alicorns of the sun and the moon her slaves," he walked over to the window of his house and leaned on it, "the Elements of Harmony tried to retaliate but they too were no match for 'Queen' Cryptic Spell, her reign over Equestria changed it, she assimilated thousands of Equestians into her army and those that joined her became harder to kill..." he sighed then looked at the ground, "...after two years of building her army she invaded the Crystal Empire and captured it; she resurrected King Sombra then made him the ruler of the Crystal Empire but only for it to be a vassal state to the 'new' Equestria... but her hunger for power wasn't sated by controlling Equestria and the Crystal Empire so she waged war against the rest of Equinox," his claws clutched the windowsill, "the Draconian Empire was the first to fall; then the Gryphon Nation fell, only the Diamond Dog Empire, the Yak Republic, and the Thestral Kingdom remain, there are the outlying states such as the Minotaurs, the Rams, and so on but the major nations of Equinox are half gone," he looked at us then sighed again, "the Draconian Empire's newest leader is 'King' Meteor who was appointed as such by our conqueror, he has enslaved our people, but only the Nobles and those loyal to him are not worked to death in the mines and fields." Upon hearing this my rage flared and in turn, my armor sprung alive, I looked over at my sister and saw her armor did the same thing then she looked over at me and we both silently agreed on one thing, kill the tyrant queen and those loyal to her.

We both stood up at the same time and walked for the exit, once we got outside we drew our weapons and then plasma started to arc on the ends of my sister's tail and wing, and fire sprung alive on the ends of my tail and wing then using the flame at the ends of my tail and wings I launch myself into the sky with me sister following me. Once we reached a considerable height I drew my katanas and my sister took her double sided naginata off her back, the two of us readied our weapons and took a sudden dive to the ground. The wind whistling and wiping away at our armor I saw the ground quickly approaching, with a howl of outrage and anger I quickly changed the direction of my dive onto a guard and the impact crushes his body in a sickening and wet crunch.

~Helios’ PoV~

When they went outside I ran after them fearing what they would do but when they made a quick vertical accent with fire and plasma wrapping around the ends of their wings and tails I stopped in amazement but when they did a sudden dive downwards my fear returned, then the one in black armor did one thing I never expected, he changed the direction of its fall and landed on a soldiers and effectively killed him.

The other soldiers turned on him but then he used the flames on his wings and tail to suddenly do a spin and then sliced them in half with his strange sword. I turned around to see where the strange white dragon landed and I saw her standing in the middle of a circle of soldiers with their weapons drawn and circling her.

She appeared calm and waiting for the guards to make their first move, one of the soldiers lunged forwards with his spear aiming at her but she used her strange spear to redirect his spear then spun her spear so the other blade on her spear chopped through his helmet and into his head, another soldier attacked her from behind only for her to flash like lightning next to him then she spun her spear and chopped off his head and then did a quick spin and attacked another soldier but, this time, she impaled his through the chest. She kept doing a pattern, wait for her enemy to strike first then block or dodge then attack and by doing this pattern she killed all the soldiers efficiently.

Together the strange dragons killed all the soldiers as if they were not killing draconian soldiers but instead it seemed like they were foxes hunting chickens.

I stared at them in both disbelief and shock, I looked around to see the other slaves doing the same when the black dragon spoke: "We have heard your ire for the false king of your empire and the tyrant queen of the 'new' Equestria, me and my sister are not from this world; no we are from up there-" he points up to the sky, "-we don't fear these tyrants and instead we will fight for those who have been enslaved by them! Stand by me and my sister to fight against these fools who think they can take your world from you!"

I blinked a few times then smiled with happiness I never thought I would never feel again, I look around to see if any of my fellow slaves would stand tall with me and these strange dragons... then realization struck me, these are celestial dragons or the draconian version of angels! I turn to them and ask them one question, "Who are you two?"

The white celestial dragon walks next to her brother then answers with, "I am Star and this is my brother Wither."

Author's Note:

Star and Wither are organic or living cyberdragons (more like normal dragons) from XenoRaptor.

If you see the little pun I put in good for you. :trollestia: