• Published 8th Dec 2015
  • 605 Views, 2 Comments

The Beginning - fallen starr

The tale of how Celestia and Luna got their powers and came to rule Equestria.

  • ...

First Day at the Castle

Celestia jerked awake. Muffled shouting came from inside the castle and the grounds below. "Lulu," she whispered, prodding her younger sister, "Get up. It's time to raise the sun."

Luna groaned but got to her hooves. She yawned before blinking at Celestia. "We're still at the castle." A smile spread across her face. "It wasn't a dream!"

"No, it…it wasn't." Celestia grinned back at Luna. "I wonder if anypony could let us in now."

Luna walked over to the door and peered in. "I think something is wrong. The guards are all running around and shouting." Luna raised a hoof and waved. "One of the guards saw me. He's coming."

Celestia stood behind Luna as the guard opened the door. "Thank goddess we've found you. What are you doing out here?"

"We came to look at the stars last night, but we were locked out." Celestia bit her lip. "Was…all of this just for us?" she asked as they followed the guard inside.

"Indeed. When neither of you were in your chambers, their majesties were worried you had ran off after all." The guard led them to the same room they had been taken to when first meeting the King and Queen. "Just wait here."

Once the guard had left, Luna walked over to Celestia and wedged herself between the white unicorn's front hooves. "Are we in trouble, Celly?" she asked worriedly.

"I don't know," she answered. "I'm sure it'll be okay." She reached down and stroked Luna’s mane comfortingly.

Moments later, the King and Queen walked in. Luna shrank back against her sister's chest. "We're sorry. We didn't mean too," she squeaked. "We just got locked out and there was no pony around to help us."

The King's expression softened as he looked at Luna. "It is alright, child. You are both safe and here, and that is what is important."

"Where were you, though? Why did you not stay in your chambers?" the Queen asked.

Celestia lowered her head. "As Luna said, we were locked out of the castle. We stepped onto a balcony to see the stars and the door locked behind us. We’re sorry we caused such a fuss.”

The Queen furrowed her brow. "You slept outside last night?"

"It isn't so bad," Luna said, peeking out from her hiding spot now that she felt nothing bad would happen. "I mean, normally we have a roof and our blanket, but Celly kept me warm." She looked up at her sister with a smile.

Celestia smiled back as Luna nuzzled under her neck. "The guard woke us up. We heard them searching and Luna caught the attention of one who let us in."

The King looked puzzled. "Why didn't you simply stay in your chambers? Were the windows provided not satisfactory?"

"We never went—" Luna started before Celestia's hoof clamped over her mouth. However, the damage had been done.

Celestia shook her head, her eyes wide as she looked up at the King and Queen. "Please don't punish him. I'm sure it was an honest mistake. The moon had already risen and—"

"Do not worry, child.” The Queen placed a hoof on Celestia’s shoulder. “We shall take care of this. Now, I do believe the sun is set to rise soon. If you would follow us…"

Luna glanced nervously at Celestia before following. They walked through the set of doors the King and Queen had entered from and out onto a different balcony. "Celly, looks, it's the nice lady from yesterday." Luna pointed her hoof at an older mare standing on the other side of the balcony. "I bet she told the King and Queen about your Cutie Mark."

The sisters were in the back, out of view of the crowd just feet below. Celestia looked around the balcony. Several guards stood watch as everypony waited for the King to call sunrise. The mare from the day before caught her eye and winked, and her words came back to Celestia. The lady had known what the Mark meant, and that’s why she had asked about it.

The King cleared his voice. "IT IS TIME," he called in the Royal Canterlot Voice. Celestia wasn't sure how the other ponies could stand to be near the King as he used this voice, especially so close. With her ears pressed as flat as they would go, he was still very loud. She put her hooves over Luna’s. "LET US RAISE THE SUN."

As one, the group of unicorns turned and focused their magic on raising the sun. Though she pulled with all her magic, Celestia couldn't help but grin as she caught a glimpse of her younger sister. Luna had a look of determined concentration on her face as she used what little power her magic held at that age to help.

Once the sun was up, everypony began walking away. "And so another day begins," the King said. "Now, I do believe it is time to break fast, is it not?"

Luna grinned.

There were more ponies at breakfast than there had been at dinner the previous day. Celestia and Luna did not have the freedom to sit where they chose—cards with their names on them had reserved seats, though thankfully they were still next to each other. The room was different, and the table smaller, but the sisters felt this was grander simply because of the amount of ponies present.

A few guard stood around the room, looking straight ahead. At the table sat ten ponies, though the only one the sisters recognized was the older mare from the previous day. A couple of ponies gave the girls curious looks, but did not speak to them. No pony sat, until a set of doors opened and the King and Queen walked in.

After the King and Queen sat at the opposite end of the table from Celestia and Luna, everypony else took their seat. The kitchen staff entered at precisely that moment, almost as if it were a trained task done every day. Once the breakfast had been revealed—buttered toast with preserves and fresh apple slices—the King spoke.

"I am sure many of you are wondering why two fillies have graced us with their presence today.” Celesita saw a couple of ponies nod their heads, while one stallion looked around, surprised to see them sitting there. “Some of you may remember The Prophecy that we speak of from time to time." A few of the ponies nodded their heads. "Celestia, if you would stand."

Celestia paused, her mouth already firmly around a slice of toast, before quickly swallowing and nodding. She stood, unsure of what to do this.

"Please, present your Cutie Mark." Gasps and mutterings greeted the Sun mark. She looked back at the ponies, an uneasy smile upon her face. "Thank you, you may sit again."

Attention turned back to the Royal couple slowly. Celestia pointedly focused on her breakfast, refusing to meet anyone's gaze. "I think they like you," Luna whispered beside her. Celestia looked at her sisters smiling face before nodding, though she felt it was her Mark they were impressed with.

"Yes, something like that." Celestia noticed her sister glancing the second piece of toast on her plate. Seeing Luna's was already empty, she smiled. "Are you still hungry? I do not believe I want this one." After Luna gave her a look that said ‘are you serious’, Celesita pushed it toward her. “Truly. I ate an awful lot last night.”

"Yes, please," Luna said, never taking her eyes off the toast.

A stallion next to Celestia cleared his throat as Luna took the toast. When he saw Celestia looking at him, he leaned over to her. "We do not eat off other ponies plates."

Celesita raised her eyebrows. "Ah, I see." He turned his attention back to whatever the Queen was now saying. Celestia looked at him. Middle aged, with both a brown coat and mane, and something of a pudge around his middle. He obviously had never been hungry enough to understand, and the King and Queen did not seem bothered by the sisters behavior. She looked at her sister, who had already eaten half the toast. "Is it good?"

Grinning, Luna nodded.

"Now, does anypony object to these?" the Queen asked.

The stallion who had admonished Celestia spoke."They are but commoners, my Queen. Surely you cannot be serious. They would not blend well with the ponies of your stature."

The older mare from the previous day spoke up. "I believe it to be an excellent point. They are peasants. Two young fillies without parents who, I must say, appear to be very well mannered and are very respectful.”

High Rule took a breath. "They eat from the same plate, your majesty. They continued eating, even when you had stopped. They know nothing of manners. They do not belong here. Imagine the embarrassment had it been more than just the council at this meal. Why, I would say that that particular mark is not even genuine."

Celestia watched the exchange. It sounded like staying in the castle might not be the sure thing she had thought it was.

The Queen gave High Rule a level gaze. "High Rule, pardon the slip of memory, but your position is over ensuring the foal's houses are running smoothly, correct? And all orphaned foals are there, being taken care of?"

"Yes, milady. My position also heads our relations with the…" he stopped here, struggling to find the correct word, "…lesser ponies." He glanced over at Celestia and Luna.

"Ah, I thought so. Please, tell me, why it is these two fillies were brought here yesterday after being found living on their own for months just outside of the village. Or why they were so adamant about not going to a foal's house?"

"I—I do not know. There are kinks in my system and the royal police may not be—" his stammering was cut off by a hoof slamming the table.

"Enough," the Queen said. "I have plans to visit every foal's home in Equestria. We are built on trusting and taking care of each other, High Rule. Some ponies, it seems, have forgotten this. Some ponies, it seems, believe themselves better than others. I sent a guard just last night to check the Canterlot foal's home. Do you know what he found, High Rule?" The stallion swallowed, but said nothing. "Filth. Sickness. Do you know what those foals ate for dinner? Wild turnip soup."

"Oh, Celly is good at making that."

"Luna," Celestia said, using her sister's proper name to reprimand. "This is not our business."

"No, go on child," a mare said. “The Queen is right. We don’t know the conditions of our charges lives, it seems.”

Casting a glance at Celestia, Luna continued. "We don't have it a lot, because she said we needed to save them for when the grass dies in the winter. She made me some for my birthday, though. There was grass, too, because grass was there and it was at least something else to add, she said. But it was a great birthday present." Luna grinned, pleased with what she had said to defend her sister.

The mare raised her eyebrows. "Birthday present?"

Celestia looked at the table. She hated how ashamed all these ponies made her feel. "It was nothing like mama and papa would have given her. But…we are low on coins. It was the best I could do."

"It was perfect, Celly," Luna said, putting her hoof on Celestia’s. "I loved it.”

Celestia closed her eyes against the tears that threatened. "I know, Lulu."

"Celly," Luna whispered, though now that no one in the room was speaking, the words were clear to everyone, "please don't cry.” She was looking directly at her sister, thinking she was only talking to her. “I really did like it. I know you wanted to get me a new toy, but you worked hard on that. Besides, I have Dolly that you made me. I don't care what that snooty pony thinks, you are the best big sister ever."

Celestia took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the other ponies in the room, and she couldn’t stop herself from feeling their judgemental eyes, but she would not let her little sister be ignored. “I know you liked it, Lulu.” She did her best to smile at the filly next to her.

"The worst part, dear High Rule," the Queen continued after a moment, "was the foal's spirit. What kind of Equestria are we building, when our youngest have the bleakest outlook on life?" High Rule remained silent.

The meeting took most of the morning. Afterward, a guard was assigned to show the sisters around the castle. Luna walked around with a constant look of amazement on her face, as did Celestia. Their home with their parents had been much better than the small shack Celestia had managed to cobble together, but it was nothing compared to the castle.

Four floors made the structure, with four towers that rose higher than the rest. The bottom floor was the dungeon, though the fillies were forbidden from ever going there. The first floor was where the entrance to the castle was. It held several different sized ballrooms and dining areas, as well as the castle kitchen.

The second floor had the washing rooms and staff sleeping quarters. The third floor was where the guard took his time to show the girls where they were and weren't allowed. This was where the King and Queen's chambers were. After forbidding the fillies from ever entering those rooms, he led them to the opposite wing and showed them their chambers.

"This is yours." The guard flung the door open, a small smile on his face. "Go on, look around."

Slowly, Celestia and Luna walked into the room. A large bed took center stage, though there were dressers and bookshelves around the room as well. The entire room seemed to be centered around a golden theme. "Celly, isn't our room amazing," Luna said as she ran for the bed.

"Actually, this is only Celestia's room. If you would follow me, I will show you to Luna's."

Celestia raised her eyebrows as she nodded for her sister to follow the guard. Luna had caught up to him before he took three steps. "My own room? Really? Oh wow. I've never had my own room before."

Celestia followed behind her sister. The young filly seemed to vibrate with excitement. "I don't remember a time when I didn't have to share a room with you either, sister."

"You had your own room for five whole years before I was born. I've shared a room for seven." Luna giggled. "I get my own now."

Luna's room was at the end of the hall. It was nearly identical to Celestia's, but Luna focused on one thing first. "Dolly!" She leapt onto the bed and hugged the stuffed toy to her chest. "I missed you!" Luna made sure her toy was in top condition before hugging it again.

The guard cleared his throat. "If you will follow me, it is time for lunch."

Luna jumped from the bed and, careful to levitate Dolly to her back, happily followed the guard and her sister to where they would eat lunch.

They were in the same room they had been in that morning, except only the King and Queen were eating with them. "Did you enjoy your tour?" the King asked as they waited for lunch to be presented.

"Oh, yes. Our rooms are lovely. And Dolly was on my bed," Luna said, gleefully holding the toy up.

"Yes, thank you, for all of this. The rooms are astounding," Celestia added.

A small silence settled into the room. Celestia was certain she should say something, but nothing came to her. She sighed with relief when the door to the kitchen opened and their lunch was presented to them. Luna began eating as soon as the lid was lifted from the tomato soup.

Celestia thought back to that morning. "I am sorry about our folly this morning, your majesties. We were not aware of the dining customs in the castle and Luna…" she trailed off, lowering her head. "We did not mean to embarrass you."

"Celestia." The King's voice was gentle as he spoke. She looked up to meet his eyes. "We do not expect you or your sister to know all the proper customs. We understand where you are coming from." He smiled. "High Rule, I'm afraid, is not an exception to what the higher class believes. I was pleased when Ambrosia stood against him, giving the Queen opening to say what she did. Do not worry. You will learn and be trained, in time."

"If you girls are any indications of the state of Equestria, I believe the King and I need to work hard to make it a better land for our people. A safer land where fillies such as yourself do not need to fear a foal's home or go hungry." The Queen smiled at Celestia's shocked face. “We care deeply for our subjects. It is time we acted like it, I suppose. We have already been busy with plans for you this morning. I have arranged a tutor for both you and your sister, starting tomorrow."

Celestia looked at her sister, who was still busily sipping her soup. "Did you hear that, Lulu? We're going to be learning from real teachers again."

Luna sat her spoon beside her bowl now that her soup was empty. "Aww, I liked it when you taught me. I didn't have homework or anything. It was like a game."

"I can only teach you what I know. These tutors know so much more than I. And maybe we can work on getting you a cutie mark."

Luna's eyes grew big. "Really? That would be amazing, Celly." Luna smiled as her mind thought of the various things she could have for a Cutie Mark.

Celestia turned her attention back to the King and Queen. “Thank you, your majesties.”

“We want the best for you girls,” the Queen said.

"We have, however, arranged for the two of you to dine in your rooms tonight. I'm afraid we have a few serious meetings with the Griffins, and they would not take well to foals being present," The King said. "We will see you come sundown for the moon rising.”

The moonrise went just as sunrise had gone; Celestia and Luna were not in view of the public, but they were there to help. They weren't able to talk to the King or Queen after the raising, since a guard led them to their rooms.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Celly! I'm going to go sleep in my room." Luna took off at top speed, running to her room, giggling like crazy.

Celestia shook her head and walked into her room. She looked around, still amazed at how the last two days had turned. She and her sister had gone from living in a small shack she had built with her own hooves and horn to living in the castle with the King and Queen. She still believed it was a dream, except for the part where the fear felt all too real.

Supposedly, she was one of the mares in a prophecy about the sun and moon. When this happened in the bedtime stories her parents would tell, it always meant grave danger. Still, as she looked around at the thick blankets and soft, fluffy pillows, she decided not to question it. After all, she and her sister were being fed well and kept warm. She looked out the window at the moon, wondering who the other mare was and what she was doing at that moment.

Celestia yawned. She looked at the bed with a smile. Turning back the gold colored duvet, she snuggled between the sheets. The bed was soft and warm compared to her previous sleeping arrangements, and felt just as she imagined a cloud would. She was asleep in seconds.

Luna sighed as she looked out the window. She knew she should go to sleep, she had even already pulled the blankets and sheets back, but she couldn't pull herself away from the night sky. She'd never had a chance to just look at it like she could now. The moon was only half-full and headed for the new moon.

Most ponies were asleep now. She had even blown all the candles out in her room, though it was simply to better see the stars. Her eyes danced over the sparkling lights, connecting dots and making figures. She had told her sister her names for a few of them, but Celestia didn't know how greatly she loved the night sky. She saw it as a masterpiece of art.

Only when her blinks began taking a surprising amount of effort to finish did she turn to the bed. She snuggled between the sheets, holding Dolly close to her chest. With one last gaze out the window, her eyes closed.

"Luna, get up." Celestia stood over her. "Hurry, we must get out." Confused, Luna got out of the small bed. Her sister's pink mane was streaked with grey. "I can't find mama and papa, they're probably out already."

Smoke clouded her view of her sister and she stopped. "Celly?"

"Luna, come on." Luna looked around for her sister, but she wasn't there. She looked to the left where her parent's room was. Celestia had said they were outside, but it looked like they were still lying on the bed. She took a step toward the room.

Then she was jerked back by Celestia's magic. "No, Lulu, come on." Celestia's voice sounded strange, but Luna followed her to the door and outside. Celestia kept Luna her in magic until they made it far away from the house. Finally, she sat her down. "Are you okay? Are you burned or anything?"

Luna shook her head before looking around. "Where are mama and papa?"

"Are you sure you're okay?" Celestia's voice was shaky as she examined Luna. "Did you breathe in much smoke?"

"Celly," Luna said, afraid now, "where are mama and papa?"

Celestia stopped and looked at the ground. "I tried to wake them up. I…I tried so hard, but they wouldn't wake up. They wouldn't breath. I…they are in their bed, Lulu."

Luna heard her sister's sobs. She felt her sister pulling her close and holding her. The warmth of her own tears and Celestia's coat as she pressed her face into it was familiar. But all she could see was their house fully engulfed in flames.

Luna's eyes snapped open. She was covered in sweat and fresh tears as she scrambled from the bed and out the door. She ignored the guards who tried to stop her as she burst from her room and into Celesita's. She was on the bed before either guard could blink.

The sudden arrival of the filly in her bed woke Celestia. "Luna? Luna, what's wrong? What’s happened?"

Luna sat trembling on the bed with tears streaming down her face. Celestia pulled her close, nuzzling her. Luna pressed her face into Celestia's neck as she cried, unable to speak. The guards, who had came into the room, slowly backed out and closed the door.

After a few minutes, Luna pulled away. "I wanna go home, Celly."

Celestia shook her head. "Did you have the dream again?" The sniffling from Luna was answer enough. "Remember what I told you, Lulu? Keep Dolly close and she'll keep us safe." Celestia touched Luna's chin so the filly would look up. "And I'm always here for you. Never forget that. I'll be here whenever you need me."

"I know, Celly." Luna sniffed and snuggled closer to Celestia. "Can I just sleep in here tonight?"

Celestia smiled. "Of course."

Luna situated herself comfortably, pressing close to Celestia. "Celly?"


"I'm really happy you’re my sister." Luna yawned before sleepily adding, "I love you."

"I love you, too, Lulu." Placing a kiss on Luna's forehead, Celestia wrapped her younger sister in her hooves as they drifted off to a peaceful sleep.

Author's Note:

Hey, I hope you're liking this story. Let me know in the comments what you think, yeah?