• Published 19th Mar 2016
  • 637 Views, 7 Comments

Everything I am - BallotBox

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I am Nothing

Entry 1
I am Princess Luna diarch of Equestria, Mistress of the moon and stars, patron of the arts. I am was Nightmare moon. I find it hard to distinguish between us you see, we were together for so long. When all around you is nothing, you create something within yourself. Even now, I address a book of empty pages as if it were a pony. I suppose it is because ponies have never liked us me. Even less so now that I have driven them away. Maybe it is now that they realize what I have known all along.

Without the Nightmare, I am nothing. The thought roars in my ears as if she had whispered the words into my very soul, though I am alone in my own head. Without the Nightmare. I. Am. Nothing. I am no longer Celestia's little sister. I am no longer NightmareMoon. I have lost myself in a thousand years of silence and I do not know how to get back. In this land and time that I do not belong in. But for my sister. Celestia loves me and I hate love her. She is my sister. My best friend. My equal and my opposite. Or she's meant to be. Before I was taken by darkness, she was taken by the limelight. Perhaps my sister has changed, over the course of a thousand years it is clear that I have. This is a long enough entry for today as I am meant to dine with my sister this evening and should not be late.

With that, Luna set the pen down and closed the book. She then moved the book from the nondescript desk it rested on and moved it to a bookshelf, where it blended in seamlessly with the other books. Luna paused for a moment, glancing toward the large window that provided her only of the night sky and donned her crown and shoes. Luna stood in wait at her door, having been told to expect an attendant to guide her to the dining room. However, time went by and it seemed the pony would not show up. Luna narrowed her eyes glared at the door. "I am the princess of the night. I do not require a guide." Then, without another thought she exited the room.

Luna wandered the halls turning this way an that, refusing to ask assistance of the few servants that did not avert their eyes or trot away. She walked at a slow measured pace, the clips and clops of her steps precisely with the intent to exude a regal aura of tranquility. However, after the first ten minutes of searching, Luna's pace grew quicker and her neutral expression turned to irritation. Still she searched, fifteen then twenty minutes passed before she finally slammed the door to the dining room open and took a loud step inside, to find a her sister at the head of the table occupied by forty or fifty other ponies. The doors swung shut with an ominous thud and Luna froze as the buzz of conversation came to a icy halt. Her eyes darted around the room to meet her sister's amethyst ones, confusion and apprehension clear in her own. Celestia stood tall and perfectly groomed, a pleasant smile on her face. She approached Luna, the sound of her hooves on the ground the only noise in the room.

“You were always adorable when you were surprised Luna” she teased,the light tone of her voice and the soft laughter that followed, slicing through the tension like a hot knife through butter. As murmuring moved through the crowd like a wave, the older alicorn motioned for Luna to follow her and walked back to the head of the table. Luna hesitated for a moment, doing her best to gather herself, but followed quickly. Over a forty pairs of eyes watched her, from the suspicious glares of the council members to the openly hostile guards posted throughout the room. Every instinct she had sent her the same message, she was trapped.Taking a moment to steel herself, Luna looked up with a dangerous glare at any pony who met her eyes, a dark satisfaction settling low in her stomach when they looked away their eyes. She marched towards the seat beside her sister.

The dining room was impressive to say the least. Its marble and gold interior was glorious to behold and the mahogany table seemed to gleam in the artificial light. The largest thing in the room, a throne of ivory and gold sat at the head of the table, gleaming and calling attention to itself. Luna glanced across the room as she walked and was pleased to see the other ponies still standing, but as her gaze reached the other side of the room she squinted. As she expected there was a chair beside Celestia but to her shock it was much smaller and seemed....odd. As she got closer Luna determined that the chair seemed to belong in a study, rather than a dining room, the material lacking the shine and spectacle of something made for the public use of a royal. Luna seated herself, without complaint but watched her sister with an expression of comical confusion.

A guardspony to behind Celestia on her left side adjusted his position and stared at Luna distastefully, his expression implying, that she was beneath him. Over the sudden boiling anger beginning to consume her, Luna heard her sister call for the rest of the diners to be seated. Pushing at her rage to the back of her smile, Luna looked up at her sister and gave her an empty smile.

"We..I apologize for mine tardiness sister, I wast not aware of the location of the dining room ." Celestia frowned and looked over her shoulder. "I sent one of my guards to guide you to here." The guardspony bristled, and took a step forward. "Your majesty, due to the risk posed by....your sister. We elected not to send a escort to fetch her." His statement silenced Celestia, and he turned his adoring gaze from his ruler to glare at her sister. “You belong in a prison” he said to her, as if she were some common criminal.

Celestia scolded him sharply but the damage was done, Luna stood and turned to glare at the guard the wild rage bubbling up once more. “Who art thee to to tell thy sovereign whither the she belongs? I am thy princess! ” Luna's wings flared and her hooves trembled with the urge to strike the pony. She took a deep breath and a stepped toward him, looming over the suddenly skittish stallion. She glared at him with all the murderous intent that only a rage held for a thousand years could give. "doth thee understandeth ” she hissed, her horn lighting with magic. "or doth i needeth to make thee?" Celestia drew in a sharp breathe as Luna stared the stallion down. Her guard was clearly frightened but still being defiant. Celestia would be impressed if she wasn’t so panicked.

“Sister, it is alright. Calm down. Sunny Flare please understand, NightmareMoon was not my sister. It was an evil entity that took control of her during dark times. Show my sister the respect she is owed, she served this nation over a thousand years before you were born. This is her rightful place” Celestia cut in sharply. Her tone brooked no argument but the two dissidents didn’t comply.

“But your highness, she is unnecessary. I’ve served you for years, and not once has another princess been needed. She is a monster who doesn't deserve to be free! Let alone to sit and rule beside you!” Sunny Flare yelled indignantly. Celestia opened to order him out of the room but she was cut off by Luna smashing a hoof into the floor. The powerful strike cracked the marble and instantly everypony's eyes were on her.
Luna was livid. Her lips pulled back in a vicious snarl and her eyes alight with murderous rage, “How. Dare. Thee!” she hissed.
She lit her horn and jerked her head causing Sunny to be flung against the wall behind him in a burst of magic. The guard grunted as he hit the wall, but glared at Luna hatefully.

"You see. A pony can't change her pattern. If I should even call you that monster." Sunny said the words with a breathy laugh, grunting as the force pushing him against the wall increased. Luna remained silently determined to silence the stallion, her eyes narrowed.
Celestia was frozen for a moment. Watching in disbelief as her sister, the fearful and ravaged alicorn that had hidden in a tower for three months displayed more power then she’d ever suspected her to possess.

Luna being able to thrust a full grown, armored, stallion against and hold him there wasn’t the shocking part, though it was impressive, any unicorn of sufficient strength could do it. No, it was the aura of power that surrounded Luna, an ocean of magical strength that permeated the room. Everypony in the room had bowed in terror and even Celestia tensed as her body prepared for instinctive flight or fight. These feelings were examined and analysed in a space of a second before Celestia regained control and rushed her sister. In the last thousand years she had gained much control over herself and fear did not hinder her. She could see a dozen conflicting emotions sweep through her sisters eyes like a hurricane and knew she had to act fast before Luna did something she'd regret. Luna saw her sister coming and reared up, her eyes whited out with power and for a moment it seemed as she'd attack. Celestia didn’t wait and calmly stepped close and folded her sister into a feathery hug. Luna flinched and froze but her confusion dissipated some of the anger.

“It will be alright little sister” Celestia said softly. Luna blinked and looked around as if this was the first time she'd seen the dining room. She looked at Celestia, the frightened nobles and finally the glaring pony held aloft. She took a hesitant step back, away from Celestia and shook her head, releasing Sunny Flare

“I-I... I didn't... my most humble apology... I just... I hath lost mine temper ” Luna spoke, addressing the stallion. She seemed to be in shock as she bowed politely to her sister and fled the room, pushing past anypony in her way. Finding her way much more quickly this time, Luna slammed and locked the door before sealing it with magic. Yanking her journal off of the bookshelf, Luna added a second entry.

Entry 2
I am nothing without the NightMare

Author's Note:

I really don't know what to say in these. This chapet was inspired by Caleb Serusa's
Lunacy is expected. I hope you enjoy what I've written so far. Please comment and let me know. :pinkiehappy: