• Published 17th Oct 2015
  • 522 Views, 22 Comments

Aussie Vacay - T1MBUK0N3

Ponies and Equestria Girls are in real life, and are going with four boys to Australia.

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How It All Began

Hello, my name is Samuel Sadler. I have a sister named Analisa, who is now my ex-sister, a brother named Henry, and two friends named Arthur and Simon. We’re all bronies… well, minus my sister. We tried to get her to watch the show once, and she just said it was ‘too girly’. We never really understood that, since she’s a girl herself, but some people are just different, I guess.

But I’m getting off-topic here. As I was saying...

We all own HoloLenses. To those who don’t know what they are, they’re heads-up-display electronic glasses, that can display 3D graphics, take photos, and-- well, they’re basically just a computer in the shape of some glasses. Recently, we’ve started using them to watch episodes of MLP, and the experience was truly immersing. 3D graphics, super high resolution, it’s so much cooler than a normal TV screen.

Little did we know, the ‘immersion’ was about to get stepped up a notch. Or rather, a large amount of notches, to be approximately exact.

We somehow got a modification for our HoloLenses that allowed us to see what’s going on within other worlds. Some spell the Equestria Girls and ponies performed (without the knowledge of the other spell performance and the similarities of the spells) went wrong.

When we saw the spell ignite, it started to disrupt our screens, leaving just static. At the same time, we heard a sound outside, and turned our Hololenses off before rushing outside to see a plethora of multicoloured characters- Ponies and humans alike., both pony and human. They were lying outside of the house, unconscious. We thought they needed help, so we took them inside and placed them in beds so that they’d rest until they were feeling better.

A few hours have passed, and the characters were feeling much better. They climbed out of the beds to look for us. We were watching Yellow Submarine on our TV, not noticing everyone behind us. They spotted us when we were seeing the first parts of the film, but when everything became black during the scene with the quartet singing, “All Together Now”, we saw their reflection on the screen. Deciding to converse with each other later, we continued watching the film, starting from the scene with the Sea Of Time, all the way to the ending.

After the film was over, we decided to talk to each other about world history, and rant about sorry excuses for celebrities like Justin Bieber and Donald Trump. That conversation lasted for hours, but eventually, we got hungry and didn’t know what to eat. I decided to leave everyone behind by sneaking away and “stowed away” in my car without everyone noticing. Figuring out what to get everyone, I decided McDonald’s, because they’re probably the ONLY fast food restaurant chain serving salads. The reason for me ordering salads is because the ponies are vegetarian. Too bad my friends and I aren’t. That’s a secret I’m keeping in order for us to keep their trust.

When I got to the restaurant drive-thru, the sun was still in the sky, but things were starting to get dark. I ordered the salads, four Big Macs, a lot of large fries, and several cokes to go. Also, for good measure, I ordered a bunch of water, because Pinkie Pie and the Cutie Mark Crusaders(both pony and human) drinking caffeinated sodas is the last thing I want to see in my life. After like half an hour of waiting, I finally got the order, then drove back to the house. When I got back, nobody was able to notice me, so I was able to unload the food on the counter while everyone was watching a 2003 short film from Walt Disney and Salvador Dali called “Destino”.

By the time the short was over, the screen became black, reflecting the kitchen and I with the McDonald’s products. They came to me when I wasn’t expecting them, scaring me. They noticed which products belonged to which being when they noticed that I labeled them. We then began eating dinner, but some of the animations were able to notice certain elements that made up our secret, and figured out what the secret was, and why we kept it from them. However, they told us about it, and reasoned with us about how they’d still trust us for who we are, as long as we were on the side of good.

Later, Analisa came downstairs, and made dinner for herself. However, she noticed the ponies and humans, and was shocked. She was outraged, and had a falling out with me and Henry. She packed her things and left, and we never saw that louse of an ex-sister again. She took images of me and my friends with the ponies and Equestria Girls, and posted the pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, all of social networking websites. People were seeing for themselves, and invaded their personal spaces to know for real by touching and feeling them, but went to psychological and psychiatric treatments, because they thought they were seeing things.

But enough of that. We did lots of things together. Zoos, swimming, sports, parks, games, movies, etc. Every time we did something the CMC (Cutie Mark Crusaders) were fretting about, this might have been “their destiny”, but wasn’t, since they already earned their cutie marks. Once, the pony version of Sweetie Belle said “No! I don’t want to go!” as we were headed to the zoo, “I want to keep swimming!” I told her, “Things will be fine. Besides, your human self is waiting for you. Also, you can go swimming with her later. Now come on.” She realized that I had a point and decided to come along. So, our trip to the zoo was going great, until we learned right before we left, that the zoo men were working on an exhibit for possums.

But these aren’t the stories that I’m wanting to tell, although it was to brush you up and give you enough knowledge, for my REAL story regards a vacation we had in Australia.