• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,915 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5

You found yourself once again whisked away into Pinkie Pie’s car again, driving to an unknown destination. Even though she insisted on walking you out of the bakery holding your hand, you knew that something was different. You weren’t resisting her anymore as you felt she had the best interests in mind in getting back your memory of the day before. It was more than merely trust as you felt at ease being around Pinkie Pie, making you feel that your decision to meet her wasn’t the wrong one.

“So where are we going next?” you asked after Pinkie finished singing one of her songs on the radio.

“More like where are we going where we went to yesterday!” she said with a giggle, “But before I spill the beans, do you remember anything else?”

There was still a hole between meeting Pinkie Pie at the bakery where the two of you drove away together, but in your mind, you got a glimpse of a memory. It was a place with crowds of people talking and having fun mixed with tons of vendors and food places and the sound of a carousel organ through the crowd.

“Are we going to a fair?” you asked noticing that Pinkie Pie gave you the benefit of silence while you thought about your memories.

“Yes indeedie!” she said, “Oh I’m so happy you’re getting your mind less fuzzy! After the bakery we went to the fair, and that’s where we’re going now.”

“Pinkie, you don’t have to go through the trouble of taking me everywhere to try and jog my memory, much as I love spending time with you.”

“Awww it’s no problem. I want to go again to the fair. What’s better spending time with you once? Going twice! So let’s go… again!”

You parked out into the large open field and the two of you strode into the fairgrounds. To your surprise the crowds weren’t as numerous as it was the last time you visited, allowing you the freedom to move around without feeling like having to swim through people.

“Wow! What a difference being here in the early afternoon is compared to when we went last.”

“So we were here in the late afternoon then?”

“Yuppers! Our time together today is a little different from yesterday. You met me at the bakery at around five and then we went to the fair in the evening. But that’s ok with the time as long as I help you get your memory back! Now, where do you want to go first?”

“I can use something to eat,” you replied.

“Ok, to the food stands!” she said as her stomach growled in response as she giggled a little. The two of you traveled through the vendors, stopping to grab several treats. To your surprise Pinkie Pie purchased twice as much food s you did, carrying it in a haphazard pile. It was strange when you did find a spot seeing her eat from her pile as if she hadn’t eaten in days. It was then after devouring a hot dog she looked up from her lunch to see you staring at her.

“What?” she said with her mouth full.

“I just never knew you liked so much food.”

“Of course I do! What better way to enjoy all the favorites then at a fair!”

“It just you have lots of food and you look…”

“Look like what?”

“Like you don’t eat a lot.”

“Is that your way of saying I’m pretty?”

“Well of course you’re pretty. I’m just wondering where all that food goes. I mean, do you exercise?”

“Oh well my job as a baker is kind of my exercise, lifting huge sacks of flour, moving cakes here and there, things like that. But beyond that I don’t do anything special. You know what I think though? I think that some of the fats and stuff go to where it counts while the rest I just burn off quickly.”

You knew exactly what she meant by what she ate going where it counted, and it seemed to be working. You only wished you had her metabolism as you finished your chicken tenders and topped it off with a soft pretzel.

“Ooh! I got an idea! Let’s share a churro!”

“Ok,” you said as you waited for her to break the sweet tube shaped pastry in half, only to watch her stick it in her mouth partly and clamp down, “Uh… I thought you said we’re sharing.”

“Thy am tharing this,” she said in a garbled tone.


“I said I am sharing this,” she said temporarily removing the churro from her mouth, “We’ll make a game of it. We’ll each start at the ends and eat our way until we meet in the middle. Sound fun?”

“I guess,” you said never even considering this idea of sharing a treat. She bit the churro again as you took the other end, waiting to begin.

“Thokay, One… thow… three!” and with that the two of you began eating the sweet and cinnamon treat, your faces getting closer to each other by the minute. Suddenly, the two of your lips met by accident but you felt Pinkie then reaching across the table and wrapping her arms around you as she gave you the longest kiss you ever had. After what felt like an hour in pure bliss she let you go and said, “There, what did you think of your little snack?”

“Both were nice,” you said still stunned.

“I knew you’d like it. You’re not so bad of a kisser yourself. By the way, the churro thing was just a trap as you probably guessed. I just felt the need to kiss you.”

“I kind of figured you had a plan like that. You never cease to surprise me Pinkie.”

“And that’s the best kind of relationship, one where it never gets bored! And speaking of surprise, I think we should hit some rides before the crowds get too big.”

The midway was just a short trip from where you were as you looked around at the various rides and games.

“So what do you want to try first?” you asked.

“The Tilt-A-Whirl is a fun ride but not after eating. Trust me on that one! So, how about the Ferris Wheel?”

“Sounds like a plan,” you said as the two of you boarded a car and soon you were up and away, looking over the entire fairgrounds.

“You know Pinkie?” you said as the ride came to a stop at the highest point.


“I like being with you. You make my life fun and you know how to put a smile on my face.”

“I like being with you too. You know what? I think that we were meant to meet yesterday, and I think this memory loss thing you’re having is a blessing in disguise.”

“How so?”

“It gives us another chance to get to know each other.”

You held each other as the ride descended back to the station as you got off. After that everything was a blur as you and pinkie Pie went on ride after ride. You stopped in the House of Mirrors where Pinkie Pie’s already funny expressions looked even crazier in the cheval glass. Then it was a quick stop to the carousel where the two of you rode side by side on the horses while holding hands. Then it was off to the Tilt-A-Whirl where despite your efforts to stabilize the ride Pinkie just kept shifting her weight to make the car spin the entire time, something you knew was intentional. This was a little too much for you as you desperately try to hang on while Pinkie Pie is having a blast!

“Woohoo! That was great!” Pinkie said as she bolted out of the car unfazed by the effects of the ride, “Where do you want to go next?”

“Maybe something a little less spinning,” you said as you stumbled towards the exit.”

“Hmm…” the pink haired girl said as she looked at the midway around her, “Oh I know something fun we can do to take a break. Why not try the balloon burst?”

“Isn’t that a game rather than a ride?”

“Well duh but it’s still fun and really there’s no skill in it. You just have to pop a balloon and you get the prize behind it. The trick though is finding the ones the ones that are for the really big prize. Ooo…and look there! The big prize is one of those cute giant pink bears! Will you play it once for me?”

“I guess so,” you said as Pinkie led you over to the game and setting down a few dollars set you to finding the right balloon. The first one hit between two balloons and didn’t pop any while the other landed on an empty space. The third balloon, however, hit home and popped a blue balloon.

“Let’s see what you’ve won,” the carnival barker said looking at the medallion where the balloon was, “Well it’s your luck day. You got the large prize!”

“Aww don’t feel bad,” Pinkie said giving you a hug, “I’m grateful that you tried. You were a lot better this time than before.”

“You mean I played this yesterday?”

“Yep and that time you just got a small prize, and now you got a big prize. Well actually got two prizes yesterday.”

“Really I hit two balloons?”

“Not exactly. You won one prize here but you won me as your prize!”

“I did, didn’t I?”

“So what prize will it be?” the man at the game booth asked.

“I’ll take the white horse,” Pinkie said, “you know it reminds me of you somehow, this dashing stallion whose willing to help out his other horse friends. Anyway, there’s more to see here, so let’s get going!”

The two of you disappeared through the crowd deeper into the midway as more fun and time with the adorable girl next to you was bound to happen.