• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,915 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The smell of pancakes and maple syrup filled the apartment as you watched Pinkie Pie cooking breakfast, humming a happy tune that most likely she heard on the radio while swaying back and forth. You couldn’t get a look at much of her with all that long full pink hair covering the majority of her back, but what you did see was her cute butt moving hypnotically, getting at times dangerously close to your face as the pink girl bent over to get something.

Despite you mind desperately trying to remember the events of the day and more importantly the night before, there was a sense of calm being with Pinkie Pie. It was like that there was a sense of peace with her, not ambivalence as to what was happening around her as she clearly cared about others like you. It was just that she didn’t seem to work herself up into lather over issues. Even the fact that you didn’t remember the events of the night before didn’t seem to affect her for long.

You couldn’t help but feel upset forgetting what could have been a wonderful experience with the girl who was cooking you breakfast. It could have been a magical time with her where you really connected and started a great relationship but for the moment you couldn’t tell. From the fleeting moments knowing her when you awoke, she was the perfect girl to get to know. She was funny, smart, caring, confident, and had a body that you would only dream of women having. Still there was something holding you back from taking the leap of faith and getting to know her more. You guessed that it was your nagging feeling that this was all too good to be true, that something that you would say or do wrong or some secret about her revealed would shatter the perfect encounter, leaving you both broken. Maybe it was the fact that nothing in your life came without a catch. Maybe it was also that you believed that love at first sight or even an interest at first sight was something for fairytales. Whatever the reason, you remained skeptical but optimistic.

“Here you go!” Pinkie Pie said handing you a plate piled high with three of the biggest pancakes you’ve ever seen in your life, “Hope you’re hungry because I know I am. Phew, I think last night took a lot out of me.”

You were about to dive into the pancakes before looking up at her. What did she mean by the night before taking her energy? That very important question again popped into your mind as she turned around and began making up her own plate. She certainly was alluding to “it” with the way she talked, and that would explain the overwhelming hospitality she was giving you. But going from meeting a total stranger to “it” was definitely not your style, or at least you didn’t think so. If something did happen last night like “it” there must have been a really interesting chain of events, and seeing this girl before you now maybe interesting is what gravitated towards her like a magnet picking up metal.

“Hey, what’s wrong? You haven’t touched your breakfast yet. You like pancakes, right?”

“Um… yeah I do,” you said trying to come up with a reason for the delay, “I was just waiting for you.”

“Awww… that’s so sweet of you! Well I’m ready so let’s eat! I’ve got butter, syrup, whipped cream, and strawberries here, so you can do whatever you’d like.”

You set to work decorating your pancakes with just butter and syrup while watching Pinkie Pie cover her is whipped cream and strawberries to the point that there was little trace that there had ever been pancakes on her plate.

“Mmm… these are the best pancakes I’ve ever had!” you said between bites.

“Thanks! I knew you’d like them. You know, it’s nice to cook for someone here. I mean I technically cook for lots of people, just not here.”

“So, you’re a chef?”

“Nope, but pretty close! Try again!”

“Then…a baker?”

“You got it! I make cakes, pies, cookies, bread, and all sorts of yummy things!”

“So I have to ask then, you said you don’t cook often for others here. You have friends, right?”

“Well of course I do silly! Making friends is as easy as making a cake! It’s just that, well, sometimes I wish I had someone that I could cook for more than just occasionally like with my friends.”

You can tell what the pink girl was getting at, her desire to get to know someone as more than simply a friend. This was far too familiar for you as you too felt this longing for some special someone in your life. But even as you stared at her longing eyes and saw in them the opportunity to perhaps try to fill that void in her life something held you back. It was the empty space where your memories should have been and the question of how you met her and how you got to her place.

“Pinkie, can I ask you a question?”

“Absolutely!” she said as she stared at you with her pretty eyes. You wanted to ask her if you did “it” with her, but it was a very loaded question. Knowing the truth was one thing, but if it meant offending a person that you enjoyed spending time with then you hesitated going through with it. Casually you thought about another question.

“Why do you have pink hair?” you asked feeling dumb for asking such as question.

“Because pink is my favorite color silly! Plus how many people do you see with pink hair walking around?”

“None that I can think of,” you said thinking about your average day of going to work and back home.

“See, I want to stand out, but in a good way. And I thought you were going to give me a hard question!”

With that the pink girl gave a giggle, making you feel a little better not asking what you wanted to. As she laughed, a strawberry precariously placed on her fork fell off and landed right in her cleavage.

“Um… Pinkie? You have a strawberry between your…”

“Between my what?” she said as you pointed as she looked down at her body until she spotted the offending fruit, “Oh there you are! Silly strawberry! Hey, do you want it?”

You alternated your gaze between the strawberry and Pinkie’s face before saying, “No thanks, I’m kind o full.”

“Suit yourself,” she said easily plucking the fruit out and eating it, “It’s not like I would have asked you to get it yourself, unless you wanted to that is.”

With that she gave a sexy little wink as she ate the last of her pancakes. The messages you were receiving from the pink haired girl were confusing at best. Part of the time it seemed that pinkie pie was content simply being your friend but then just when you had things figured out she would drop a little innuendo like that at you. There was no doubting that she liked you, most likely more than just a friend, and these little hints were to perhaps to jog your memory of how much she feels about you. There was no doubt about it that the more you spent time with Pinkie Pie the more you liked her, seeing her as something other than a happy coincidence or a friend.

“Alright, now that we’ve devoured our pancakes, time to get ready for the start of our day filled with adventure! I don’t know about you, but I need a shower after last night. I’ll meet you in the bedroom after I clean up breakfast.”

You left the kitchen and once again found yourself sitting on the bed, the sounds of plates and glasses clanging together as they were loaded in the sink and Pinkie Pie’s voice singing another tune the only sounds heard in the apartment. Soon you heard the familiar footsteps as the pink girl entered the bedroom.

“Sorry I can’t offer you any clothes to wear other than the ones you have on,” Pinkie Pie said as she went from her closet to her dresser pulling out things and throwing them into a pile, “I’d offer you some of mine, but I don’t see you as wearing bright colors or skinny jeans and skirts.”

Suddenly Pinkie Pie grabbed her shirt and began to pull it up over her head, revealing more of her body to you.

“Wait!” you suddenly said as you felt your body get hot.

“What? I’m just getting undressed,” Pinkie said letting go of her t-shirt momentarily before a realization crossed her mind, “Wait a minute, you’ve never seen a girl naked before, have you?”

“Not really,” you admitted feeling embarrassed admitting it to what you felt was still a girl who you didn’t know much about.

“You mean to tell me you’ve never had a girlfriend get changed in front of you?”

“No,” you said essentially admitting the truth that although you had girlfriends before none of them got that serious where you did “it” much less see a girl get changed in front of you.

“It really no problem getting undressed in front of you as this is kind of my habit. Unless you uncomfortable, then I’ll change in the bathroom.”

“No… that’s fine…” you said regretting saying it. There was no going back, not that you were upset about it. If anything it was a little strange seeing a girl so unafraid to change in front of another person. She didn’t strike you as the naughty type, just very trusting. Again though it made you wonder if she was so open to change in front of you was she open enough to do “it?”

“How about this, I’ll tur around when I get undressed and dressed. Problem solved!”

With that she turned her back to you and pulled off her shirt, throwing it carelessly behind her and landing on your head. You could smell a trace of her unique body scent which ironically reminded you of the sweet smell of a candy store. You pulled off the shirt just in time as she shimmied out of her shorts and with a kick of her one leg sent them flying as well towards your face. You deflected them, only to catch a glimpse of her perfect heart shaped rump which sent a shudder up your body.

“I’ll be right back,” Pinkie said looking over her shoulder before walking into the bathroom. Soon you heard the water run and her voice again piercing the silence with a sweet melody. You breathed a sigh of relief as you survived the awkward encounter. It wasn’t that you minded Pinkie getting changed; just that it was a new experience for you having a girl that was so open towards you. Had it been a case where you knew her for a few weeks this wouldn’t bother you, but after one day of who knows what you did you couldn’t help but feel it was happening too soon.

As you muddled your thoughts in your mind, you got a better glance around her room. The first thing was that the room had a pink and white flair to it. The walls and area rug were pink but the ceiling and practically every piece of furniture was in white. Definitely a room fit for a girly girl. It was well organized too, everything in its place and a place for everything. The only thing not cleaned up was unmade bed you sat on which no surprise had pink blankets and sheets on it. You heard the water turn off and a few minutes later out came Pinkie Pie dressed in nothing but a big pink fluffy towel. Her long pink hair still dripped water as it clung to her back as she picked up her clothes and turning around again dropped her towel and proceeded to get dressed in her underwear.

“Can you hand me my shirt and pants off the bed?”

“Um… sure,” you said handing her the clothes which in a minute she slipped on.

“Done!” she exclaimed turning around, “So what do you think?”

She was dressed in a pair of short khaki shorts that revealed much of her legs without being indecent. Her white t-shirt bore a pink heart on it and was clearly two sizes too small, showing off her breasts.

“You look great,” you said as you couldn’t help but stare.

“Thanks!” she said before she noticed your eyes directed at a certain part of her body, “Err… are you looking at my chest?”

“Huh? Oh, no, just think about something,” you said as your eyes darted everywhere except there.

“I’ll bet,” she said with a giggle, “I guess you can’t help it since lots of other guys do it. Plus I think my shirt shrunk in the wash. Anyway, the shower is open to you! I’ll wait until you are done. Oh, I set out a spare washcloth and towel and a toothbrush.”

You entered the bathroom and let the relaxing warm water wake you up. You hoped that in doing so you would regain your memories, but sadly those still were a mystery. It was strange showering in the same place where she once was, even though you’ve been to hotels where showers were used by others before you. There was no use delaying things as you shut off the water, slipped back on the clothes you had on the night before, brushed your teeth and joined Pinkie in the bedroom where she had the entire bed made up.

“Ready to go?” she asked you, “We have so much to go to!”

“Sure, I’ll just get my keys and we’ll get going.”

“Um… I think I should drive,” Pinkie said nervously.

“Why’s that?”

“You didn’t have your car coming here to my apartment.”

Author's Note:

More awkward moments and a surprising revelation!