• Published 21st Sep 2015
  • 3,912 Views, 48 Comments

Did We? - Lux

What happened that led you to wake up next to Pinkie Pie with no memory of how it happened?

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Chapter 1

Did We?
By Lux

Chapter 1

The morning light crept through the window of the bedroom, signaling the start of a new day. Like clockwork, your body slowly awoke from the depths of sleep, starting with the most powerful of all the five senses: touch. When all other senses failed, touch offered an entire array of sensations for your brain to process, and with those sensations you usually felt good or bad about what you were experiencing. As you awoke this morning, however, there was something not quite right with what you were feeling.

You found yourself lying on something, presumably a bed, but this was very different from your bed. Whatever you were sleeping on now felt very soft, like resting on a pile of extra puffy pillows. If the bed was more soft you swore you would sink into it and be swallowed up by the softness. It wasn’t a bad sensation as you found it very pleasant, only strange. Likewise the pillow your head rested upon was equally soft, molding around you with little resistance. The blanket and sheet that you were wrapped in also was alien to you, not feeling like actual bedding but very fluffy towels, the kind that one would enjoy wrapping themselves in after a long shower.

Things became more complex as your hands touched something very soft, remarkably softer than even the strange bed, pillow, or covers that covered your body. This thing was silky smooth but not one whole thing like you thought it would be as you ran your hand through the long strands. Although you mind couldn’t tell what it was, it felt like long soft hair!

By now your mind was beginning to wonder where you were and what was around you, but the fog of sleep still arrested your other senses, preventing you from knowing the truth. Your hand instinctively made its way through the river of soft hair until it brushed something new. It was clearly more soft fabric, the kind you would expect something like sleepwear to be made from, but this time the fabric had form and dimension to it. Your curious body, without giving it a second thought, grabbing the object nearby you lightly, feeling it give and then return to its original form like it was elastic.

At that moment, that’s when your sense of hearing turned on like a car radio and you heard a very pleasant albeit sleepy sounding voice say, “Mmm… If you wanted to cuddle with me all you had to do was say so silly.”

Before your body could react to the new yet strangely familiar voice, you heard the sheets rustle and the earth move under your body, like something or someone was shifting whatever you were sleeping on. Then you felt a strange sensation of something reaching over the top of your body, pulling you closer to whoever this person was. Immediately your body came in contact with something very squishy, only this time is was much bigger and squishier than whatever you touched before, like giant water balloons. Your mind was abuzz with feelings, part of it confusion but another part being actually peace even pleasure, like being in this position with whoever was in bed with you felt only natural.
Eventually confusion won the battle as your mind yearned to know where you were and more importantly, who this person was now so dangerously close to you. The only way to do that though was to open your eyes. Slowly blurred colors came into view, predominately two shades of pink, one the consistency of bubblegum and the other more like a deeper pink. Eventually your vision became clearer as you found yourself face to face with a girl about your age!

Your mind went into a frenzy, trying to piece together the memories and solve how you got from the safety of your apartment to now being in bed with a total stranger. You wondered who this person sleeping next to you really was and how you met. She certainly wasn’t from your work nor did you remember seeing her in your apartment building. Being so close to her you could get a look at her face, but she certainly cute looking, dare you admit it, even sexy. You felt awkward thinking about a total stranger this way but there was no other way to describe what you saw.

It was then that your mind pieced together several obvious facts about your current situation that resulted in a very important question, one that struck a wave of nervousness through your body. You were in a bed that was not yours lying right next to a beautiful girl. Could that mean that you did “it?” You knew exactly what that “it” was, that ultimate act of telling someone how you felt about them. But you were smart and wouldn’t just go from meeting a girl like this one to “it,” would you?

There lay the dilemma before you. If you didn’t do “it” then how can you explain why you were here with her? If you did do “it,” what does this mean for the future between the two of you? Your mind frantically tried to dig up memories of the day before hoping to unearth clues to answer the all-important question. To your dismay, all that was there was a black hole where those memories should have been. It also didn’t help that as you awoke you felt a massive headache building.

Suddenly the pink girl’s eyes fluttered open, revealing the brightest sparkling blue eyes you ever saw that took your breath away. It was as if she was searching your very heart with those eyes, tapping into who you are. For a moment her expression was one of surprise, but then it softened into a pleasant grin.

“Good morning,” she said with a little wink, “Did you sleep well?”

“Um…what?” was the only thing you could say as your mind still tried to fathom what happened.

“You know, sleep!” the pink girl said in a sweet upbeat tone, “You did sleep last night, right? Because after last night I had the best sleep that I had in a while! Anyway, time to get up. I’ll make you breakfast! Hope you like pancakes!”

She sat up, giving you a better view of her form besides simply her face. She had the body that any girl would dream about having, thin but not athletic, and all the curves in the right places. This could be said especially about her generous sized rack which looked bigger that any girl that you saw have, but maybe it only looked big staring up at it. Her long unkempt pink hair cascaded over her shoulders, stopping just at the small of her back. She was dressed in a pair of grey pajama shorts that accented much of her well defined hips and butt and a white t-shirt that appeared to be about two sizes to small and showed much of her cleavage.

“Well, are you coming or not?” the girl said looking down at you, “Oh I see, you want me to help you up huh? Alright, you asked for it!”
She suddenly got up off the bed, walked around to where you were laying, and in one fluid motion grabbed you by your hands and pulled you up into a seating position. You were amazed by her strength for such a girly looking girl. But then as she tried getting you to stand you felt your legs buckle.

“That’s better, not we can go and get… Oof!” she said as you fell forward and crashed into her, sending her falling backward in the process until the two of you tumbled to the ground next to the bed. For a moment you lad stunned at what happened until you heard the girl laugh.
“Wheee! That was fun! Do you do that all the time when someone helps you out of bed? Err… can you do me a favor?”

“Um…sure?” you replied not knowing exactly what that favor was and wondering why your voice sounded muffled..

“Can you sit up now? You have your face in my chest.”

“Oh,” you said quickly getting up as fast as you could with your face beet red with embarrassment, “Hehe… awkward.”

“That’s ok,” the girl said helping you up, “Guys seem to be attracted to my breasts. Maybe it reminds them of two really soft pink pillows. Do they remind you of that too?”

“Err… I’m not sure,” you said as you caught yourself staring at her chest before catching yourself and looking up, “Can I ask you a question?”


“How did I get here?”

“Through the front door silly!” she said with a giggle.

“No, I mean how did I end up in your bed?”

“Because that’s where you fell asleep after last night?” the girl said with a confused tone, “You remember last night, right?”

You wanted to say yes to her, but she was such a nice girl and you were afraid a lie would break her heart. So you could only simply shake your head in front of her.

“You don’t know remember last night?” she said in a worried tone, “What about yesterday, do you remember that?”

Again you could only shake your head. It felt like you were missing out on something big, like the ending of a movie or the punchline to a joke.

Surely something interesting must have happened between meeting her and waking up in her bed, whether it led to “it” or not.

“Do you even remember my name?” the girl said as her face drooped to a frown.

“Sorry, I’d love to remember, but all I’m getting now is a bad headache and a hole where my memory of yesterday should be. I’m sure that it was a nice time and you look like a nice girl, but there’s just nothing there.”

“Oh,” was all she said as she sat back down on the bed with a thud like a rock hitting the ground, looking like she was about to cry for something that was lost. But then when things were at their bleakest, an idea popped into the pink girl’s head and she looked up at you and said, “That’s ok, because I’ve got an idea! The headache is probably because of a hangover, which I can totally understand after last night! As for your memory, I’m not a doctor, but it sounds like you have a little amnesia, but as I said I have a plan! Why not I help you retrace your steps from the moment you met me up to now? I remember what happened yesterday just like it happened a short time ago, but rather than tell you why not show you? Unless of course, if you have other plans.”

She looked up at you with those sparkling blue eyes as if pleading for you to trust her and join her on the adventure.

“I would love to go,” you said to her with a smile.

“Really? Oh great!’ she said jumping up and giving you a big hug, “You won’t regret this, I promise. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye! So, why don’t I start by telling you my name. I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“Nice to meet you… again… Pinkie Pie,” you said as she let go.

“Alrighty! Now you know my name, let’s get some breakfast and get ready, because after that we’ll do it!”

“Sure we can… wait what?” you said as Pinkie Pie skipped out of the bedroom, leaving you with that all-important question left unanswered. This was going to be an interesting day.

Author's Note:

Welcome to my new story featuring awkward sexy situations!

This story idea kind of just popped into my mind and easily became the story that it is.