• Published 11th Aug 2015
  • 996 Views, 38 Comments

Brittle Deformation - BlueSkyHeadLeft010

A new threat has come out of hiding, one more powerful than the changelings or Sombra. And this one Crystal won't be able to fight alone.

  • ...

Thorn in my side

"What do you think you're doing?!" Twilight said surprised, as we all watched Discord wary.

He wasn't supposed to be moving about. We needed him to understand he was under house arrest. Er... Well I don't think he has a house, but close enough!

Discord seemed to be ignorant of the threat before him, as he just continued mulling about. "Nnnnnnnnngh– Why, stretching, of course. When you're a creature of chaos, stone bodysuits aren't your typical go-to fashion choice." He smirked as he snapped his fingers and a bunny to his right suddenly turned into a hulk-like rabbit.

The rabbit roared angrily as it's new form pumped adrenaline into its system.

This is the power a being of Chaos holds?? I narrowed my eyes as I watched Discord much closer.

"Make that bunny cute again now!" Pinkie gasped as she hopped right in front of Discord's line of vision.

Discord chuckled as he bent over to rub the rabbit's chin. "Oh? Why he's adorable the way he is!" He chuckled sinisterly, before the bunny leaned over and bit him, earning a wince from Discord, and a smirk from me.

Crystal: 1, Celestia: 0, and Discord: 0.

Discord frowned and blew a raspberry, before he turned his sights on us. "You know what else is adorable?" He started, as he walked forwards dangerously, making us all lean back defensively.

"You ponies truly believe that you can reform me, and that you're putting your faith in this one here to make it happen. Makes me wanna pinch your little horsey cheeks..." He smirked as he leaned over to Fluttershy, donned an old fashioned granny blouse, (complete with makeup), and actually pinched Fluttershy's cheeks.

She winced as she rubbed the sore spot, and I just growled.

I was about to step in when Twilight beat me to it. "Wait. How'd you know about that?!" She blinked surprised as Discord frowned and crossed him arms.

"Being turned to stone doesn't keep me from hearing every word Celestia says. Although I admit it makes rolling my eyes a challenge." He said, demonstrating by actually rolling his eyes around his head. *Shivers*

Twilight snorted, "Well, unless you want us to turn you back to stone, you'll zap those animals back the way they were, pronto!" She countered, as she lit her horn ready.

Discord smirked, "Oh, you wouldn't dare turn me back to stone and risk disappointing your precious princess." He quipped at Twilight, causing her to falter her spell casting for a moment.

Crystal: 1, Celestia: 0, Discord: 1.

"Try us, "Dip-cord"!" Rainbow countered as she zipped in his face.

"You think you can treat poor defenseless animals like that and get away with it?!" Fluttershy added. She too walking up to Discord and frowning.

"You go, Fluttershy!" Me and Rainbow blurted out at the same time, before looking at each other and snorting humorously at the odd coincidence.

Fluttershy beamed, as she seemed slightly taller, much more secure in her form, after the compliment.

"You'd best watch your step, buster, or I'll give you... the Stare!" She said bravely, as she began to stare him down.

Discord snorted. "The Stare? Oh no, please, not that! Anything but your disapproving eyeballs!" He mocked in Fluttershy's face.

Fluttershy frowned as she began to stare at him really hard, to which Discord actually froze for half a moment, afraid.

I watched confused as Discord began begging Fluttershy to relent, before a small chuckle escaped and he laughed even more.

"Oh Fluttershy! You're so hilarious!" He hooted, as Fluttershy's bravo seemed to falter, her stare breaking and her mood falling.

I'd had enough. "Hey! Don't think this is a parole for good behavior!" I growled as my anger drove me forwards, totally apathetic to the fact that a god slaying monster was hovering in front of me. "The moment you start doing something screwy-" I narrowed my eyes, locking them with Discord's own as they seemed to be smirking; taunting me, as if daring for me to do something. "-it's back to stone for you." I said with ice in my veins, before the anger fissiled out enough for my rational side to realize what I had just done.

Discord saw it too.

"Oh how adorable! You six brought along a sentry! Cute~!" He sung, as he reached out with a claw and pinched my cheek, tugging it beyond what physics deemed possible, yet it snapped back normally. Twilight stepped forwards defensively and pawed a hoof in the dirt, as Discord backed off.

"Though I suppose you are right." He chuckled, though I couldn't tell if it was out of nervousness or mirth, as he snapped his fingers and the woodland creatures he 'discordified' turned back to normal.

"Well, it looks like I know where I'll be crashing while I'm being "reformed"... With you, Fluttershy." Discord chuckled as he hovered over to the yellow mare and hugged her tight, like she was his best friend in the whole world.
I narrowed my eyes.

This guy was up to something. I didn't like him. Couldn't be trusted one bit. Heck, I would trust the Grinch over him!

I felt a reassuring hoof on my shoulder, as I turned and found Twilight shaking her head back at me. Right, I think I was scowling. Not to mention letting anger drive me forwards, which is probably what he wanted anyways.

"Come on, let's go help Fluttershy with Discord and her cottage." Twilight suggested, as I sighed and relaxed the tension in my shoulders a bit before we followed the rest of the group to Fluttershy's home.

"You big liar!" Rainbow Dash yelled at Discord as he lounged on the sofa.

"Now, look who's a liar. Anyone can plainly see that I'm not big at all." Discord tutted, as he shrunk several feet and ticked off Rainbow even further.

I groaned as I ground my teeth and tried not to scream.

Things had not been going well. As soon as Discord walked through Fluttershy's door, he continued to push everyone's buttons. It was like he saw us a living arcade machines that begged to be played with.

He's set fire to Pinkie's mane, caused a random wind storm to appear and douse the flame, messed up our manes, and gave me a migraine.

All in the twenty minutes we had sped walked to the cottage.

Currently he was testing Rainbow's limits.

He grew back to normal size after he was done taunting, and in the process tipped over a nearby lamp.

Fluttershy tried to catch it before it fell, but was too late as it crashed into the floor. She gasped horrified as Discord realized he'd made a mistake. "Oops!" He said in fake shock, as he snapped his fingers and the lamp pieces went flying back together. "There, good as new!" He said approvingly, as he revealed the unbroken lamp to have had some... Slight modifications.

Okay, actually he just turned it into a mini Discord holding a light bulb. Oddly impressive on the creativity end.

Crystal: 1, Celestia: 0, Discord: 2.

Dang, I needed to get my act together...

"I can't watch..." Applejack frowned, as he hid her face behind her stetson and walked out.

"Um, we'll be outside if you need anything." Rainbow fumed, as she decided it was best to leave too before she blew a gasket.

I followed with as Spike opted to climb on my back and follow me outside.

Twilight stayed a bit longer to talk with Fluttershy, but I had already tuned it out. I didn't care what Discord did next. Anything more and I would've exploded. It was hard to hold back my anger.

Yet, I managed.

Once outside, the rest of us agreed that the moment Discord did any tiny little thing he was gone.

I had to concur. Discord was trouble. Celestia may not have seen it, but I could feel it in my bones.

"In case the elements fail, or Discord does something sneaky, I'm going to look up a few counterspells so we'll be ready." Twilight said as she came outside and closed the door.

"Sounds like a good plan Twi'. Let us know if ya need some help." Applejack smiled as we waved goodbye and made out departures.

My nose started to tickle...

"Huh. That's weird. The spell I had in mind isn't in here. Spike, where are the other books I asked you to pull?" Twilight frowned confused as Spike came running over with more books stacked in his claws.

We had been rummaging through the library for the good half of the hour, who knew there were so many books in here? It seemed and looked impossible. Hmm... Maybe Twilight used a spell...

Anyways, we had been combing through the more advanced spell books for anything relating to changing, or in this case reforming, a being's mind/opinion.

Twilight had early on discarded the physical spells on changing a mind, that wasn't what we were going for and some of the illustrations were very horrifying...

"T-Chooo!" I sneezed as snot hit the book. Ugh.

I grimaced as I wiped the snot off my muzzle. Right, then there were my... Allergies to contend with.

"You ok Crystal?" Twilight poked her head up from reading as she asked concerned.

I flinched as I sniffed the wet mucus back up my nose. "Yeah, fine. Just got some dust tickling me." I lied as I sat down the book and went to grab another one.

I could feel Twilight staring. "Hey if the dust is aggravating you, why don't you- gwhuh?!" Twilight paused as she stared as book in her magical grip.

"What?! What is it?!" I turned around panicky as Spike rushed over as well.

"The books!" She whined, "Everywhere I thought I would find the spell, is missing!" She frowned.

"What the heck?" I rubbed my chin with a hoof as Twilight grumbled. "Discord..." She hissed as I realized that was indeed the kind of handiwork he'd do.

"I'm going to check on Fluttershy." Twilight closed the book as she grabbed her saddlebags. Me and Spike opted to join her, but she waved it off.

"Come on Twilight, let us help!" Spike cried upset as Twilight shook her head. "No, I'm afraid that will only make things worse if more than one pony shows up." She grimaced, "Besides. I'm just going to double check some things. Not engage." She looked over to me, silently telling me I would probably overreact if I insisted I came. I lowered my ears a bit at that. She was right, but it stung...

"I'll be back within the hour. Keep the library going like you'd normally do!" She waved as she closed the door behind her with her aura and left us to silence.

"Right..." I sighed. Be safe... I silently worried.

Spike looked over at me as I sniffed again and he crossed his arms.

"So... Gonna tell Twilight that you're sick yet?" He jabbed as I groaned defeated.