• Published 27th Jul 2015
  • 592 Views, 8 Comments

Dazzled Brushes - lilflamewars

A 2nd person story about three girls, one green whatever he is and some hairbrushes.

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Chapter the Fourth

It took a while, but you eventually extricated yourself from Aria's hug. Such a monumental task has surely never been accomplished since the days of myth. Several versions of a European demigod who was famous for doing a bunch of really hard things would totally fist bump you for overcoming this challenge.

You're going to have to ask about that inexplicable hostility from Aria. Tomorrow though. It's not worth opening up a that can so late in the day, might be a shitstorm in there.

Instead you wander towards the back of the house. Adagio was last seen heading that way with hammer, nails and a purpose. The noises and wild cursing kept you away before but it's been quiet for a while now. You really hope she hasn't destroyed the back verandah or something. Stepping out the back door into the growing chill of the evening you find yourself on the edge of a battlefield. Mass of huge nails are scattered about. Each is a massive spike of thick, sharp tipped metal. All are bent, twisted or broken. Surrounded by the greatest concentration of slain stilettos is a hammer, worn and scraped. Suspended between two of the wooden pillars supporting the roof above is Adagio. Turns out she really was trying to hang up that hammock.

With anyone else you'd have expect them to give up or ask for help after this much trouble. But not Adagio. Behind the charisma, the cunning and the knowing smirks is a stubborn streak that stretches beyond the horizons. It's not something that happens often, but if manipulations, clever ideas and all the tricks in the book (and some that aren't) fail, Adagio won't give up. Instead she just puts her head down and starts pushing until whatever's in her way collapses and crumbles. It's a little intimidating, but you do admire her for it.

Right now though none of that is showing. Asleep in the hammock, Adagio is wrapped in a blanket of her own hair. Ye gods that hair. But this isn't the time to start gushing like an idiot about that glorious mane of bouncing curls that catches the light and whoops you're doing it. You reach out and gently shake her shoulder.
"Adagio, wakey wakey Adagio."

She stirs and blinks slowly.
"What is it?"
"You've been asleep for a couple of hours and it's getting cold out."

She stretches and seems to be feeling the air.
"If you say so."
"I do. Come on, if you need sleep that bad you can get it in your own bed."

She gives an amused huff at that and goes inside. You head in to grab a broom. Best not to leave that sharp metal all spread out. The near mindless work gives you time to think. Why did Aria react so strongly to Sonata? They hadn't gotten into a fight over anything so it's not that. Sonata being meek was odd, but Aria would poke at a weak spot not get mad. Which means that unless you've missed something or are just totally misunderstanding the situation it was the asking that sparked it. And as comfortable as you are with these girls in your life, you can't help but remember that there's a lot of things that you don't know about them.

You just hope that you can get Aria to explain things without blowing up at you.

Author's Note:

Just a little one this time.