• Published 24th Jul 2015
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Vex Mortis - Weavers of Dreams

Hear me now, read on what had been written, of homeland threatened, of heroes strong, of enemies hated, and love remembered. The Burning Days are here remembered to remind our enemies why they lost. -Extract from the Book of Amethyst-

  • ...

-2- Hearts of War

Captain Spitfire quickly ordered her squad to drop when she saw the sonic rainboom. Not a moment too soon either, a dark shape tore across the sky, splitting the atmosphere, which then slammed shut in its wake. The thunderous noise it made would have shattered glass, if anyone in the town below were rich enough to afford such a luxury. Then the dark shape slowed down and changed its course coming straight for her.

Spitfire gulped and began backflapping, not caring how much everyone said the Elements controlled the Nightmares, they were still terrifying things to behold. But trying to evade Nightmare Storm was like a rock trying to outrun a rabbit in an uphill race. The giant pegasus came to a complete stop just mere fractions from her, their nose practically touching. Spitfire gulped and tried to keep as still as possible. She mentally cursed the necessity to flap her wings.

Nightmare Storm gave her a low growl and then took an object from under her cape and begrudgingly passed it to the golden mare. "For Twilight, from Amethyst. Be sure all the Elements know. I'll be back in an hour. Oh... the Shriekers are coming, get ready to back them up."

Spitfire didn't dare say she already heard about the Shriekers from General Ditzy, as the nightmare was aggressive enough without someone back-talking her. She just nodded and smiled nervously. Then gave a sigh of relief when the giant turned around and headed out to sea towards the Discordant fleet. She looked at the object in wonder, it was quite impressive, and if it was what she thought, it would be a definite game changer. She was tempted to test it out. But she had more self-control than that.

She put it under her cape and turned to search for the nearest field hospital. The reason it didn't fall out was due to the shoelace spell made in two parts from her boots and back armor. The shoelace spell allowed almost any object she touched with her boots to be attached to her armor, and pulled away with the same motion, almost like lacing with a simple pull-string knot. It was one of Clover the Clever's greatest minor triumphs.

She didn't have to search for the field hospital, as it practically broadcast its own position.

A crescent lean-to would be a valid description. Made of thick metal, painted white with a red cross on the outside, it was a collapsible shelter that could be moved in a moments noticed on carts pulled by heavily barded earth pony stallions. A canvas canopy extended from inside the concave side of the structure helped keep patients out of the weather. Tonight wasn't a bad night, as she could see several of the physicians outside, searching for ponies to help. As opposed to being swamped and understaffed like one night a few weeks ago.

The physicians were a military force in their own right. Though far more defensive than offensive. Their wore clean white linens, with spells to keep dirt and grime off, red facial wrappings, and bore wide white shields upon their backs, which always faced the enemy's direction. They were well known for running backwards in heavy combat situations, made safer these days thanks to mirrors placed on their helmets that the Two Sisters' felt well worth the gold. This both kept them and, more importantly, their patients safe while under siege. They were also highly trained in martial grappling to deal with the more disoriented or unruly patients and... well, woe to anyone who tried to harm their charges. The physicians were just as vicious as they were kind, making them a very well-respected and elite group.

Spitfire landed just outside the canopy, and found herself quickly approached by two eager young physicians.

"Is their anything you need healed?" asked one, a unicorn mare, barely past fillyhood. "Even if it is just a scratch. No injury is a waste of our time. There is no shaming here."

Spitfire smiled and patted her on the head. "No, thank you. I'm just here to deliver... something. Is Lady Fluttershy inside?"

The two youngsters looked rather disappointed. It was an enthusiasm to help and comfort that was religiously instilled in them from day one of their training, and something they would keep for life. It was one of the few branches where gender and race didn't matter, the only thing one needed to prove was that they were willing to risk their lives for another.

The other, a pegasus stallion, she could tell because the tips of his feathers peeked out of from under the shield, nodded and sidestepped to open the flap for her.

"Such a gentlecolt," Spitfire said, leaning forward and giving him a peck between the eyes. "When your off duty, take that mare to a nice eatery." She pushed three gold coins into his facial wrappings and stepped inside before he could protest.

"... what do you mean you can't buy happiness? You should have seen the midwife's bill after my daughter was born."

A round of laughter erupted from the dozen or so patients inside the field hospital at the comedic antics and jokes of Battlefield Entertainer(Bat-E for short) Pinkie Pie. The noise dampening spell on the outside of the hospital helped keep everyone calm, which in turn allowed Pinkie Pie to keep their spirits up. Even inside the hospital the physicians kept their backs facing the enemy, but they still laughed at her antics along with their charges thanks a few large mirrors set up inside so they could keep watch of everything.

"Hey, turtlebacks*, are those mirrors not showing everything properly? Here, let me help." Pinkie Pie had been doing a few visual gags along with her jokes, and now she was doing them again, except this time, in reverse. "?lyreporp gnihtreve gniwohs ton srorrim esoht era ,skcabeltrut , yeH" She paused and looked at the crowd with a big grin. "See? I can speak mirror fluently."

That brought on more great laughter from everyone. Even Spitfire had a good chuckle. But she remembered her business.

Even though she saw Pinkie first, she figured she would find Fluttershy rather than halt everyone's good time. She moved around the empty beds, waving off a few enthusiastic physicians as she looked for the shy figure. A flash of strawberry delight mane caught her eye and she moved swiftly towards it.

"There, doesn't that feel better now, little angel?" Fluttershy said softly to the little earth pony filly she had been applying soothing ointment to. She was far too young to really know what was going on, but she felt the sting of her little burns fading away and a contented coo. The buttery pegasus nuzzled her cheek and wrapped a clean white linen around her little form.

She turned her head back to the parents, a unicorn mare and an earth pony stallion and offered them each a bed. "We're not busy tonight, thank the Maker, and, if you would like, you can sleep here with your daughter. I'm sure we'll be safe with those wonderful soldiers protecting us. I would offer you both the same bed, but... we've had a couple couples who thought they were... sneaky. I hope I'm not offending you in any way."

The unicorn mare shook her head. "Not at all, Lady Fluttershy. I would feel much safer here than heading to caves in the dark. But, could the beds at least be next to each other?"

Fluttershy chuckled. "Of course. But, just close enough to hold hooves and kiss. No tongue, though; there are children here. Oh, and this little angel shouldn't be alone," she said as she held up the little filly in her gentle hooves. "Which one of you wants to hold her?"

"I stayed up with her last night," the mare said as she got onto one of the beds. "He can have her tonight."

"At least until she gets hungry," she stallion chuckled as he took his daughter in one hoof and laid upon the other bed.

Fluttershy beamed a smile at the family and looked about the mirrors for someone else to help. Upon seeing a Wonderbolt, she hurried over to see if she needed attention. But found a hoof in her mouth instead.

"No, I don't need any help, thank you, Lady Fluttershy," Spitfire said with a slow shake of her head. She looked down and saw the Element of Kindness about the shy mare's neck. She wondered how such a mare could go through with such a thing. "I just came with a delivery and message from nightmare Storm."

Even though she whispered that last part, she could feel the tension the room rise. No one dared speak, and Pinkie fumbled a bit with her next few jokes. Fluttershy, however, was impassive.

"Was she alright?" she asked in concern.

"She was fine," Spitfire reassured her. "Though she'll a couple days with friends and family to make sure she retains her element."

Fluttershy nodded understandingly. "I'll have a pigeon carry a message to her husband. Now, what's the delivery?"

Spitfire passed her the device. Fluttershy looked it over carefully. "Is this...?" Spitfire nodded. Some might have thought that a physician handling an instrument of death would result in some form of drama. But not in this empire.

"This will save our soldiers?"

Spitfire nodded. "By the thousands."

"Then I will ask for one as well," Fluttershy said with a firm nod.

"Oh, yes," Spitfire said, turning to leave, "you need to gather the other elements and give that the Lady Twilight." With that, she exited and took off into the sky to rejoin the Blaster Battery.

Fluttershy nodded and pushed the device through a strap in her uniform. She looked in the mirror to see Pinkie Pie putting on chainmail barding and leather pads.

"That's all for today's show," the bubbly mare said as she pulled up the hood and then through a thick cloak over top of it all. "I would love to stay longer, but, it looks like that small family is trying to sleep. Congratulations on the filly by the way. I'm hoping for a colt myself. And you all could use some rest as well. So, in case I don't see you. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and good night. Love you all."

Jamming her hooves into some metal boots, just right for bucking a Discordant into the hereafter, earth pony style, she moved over to the entrance and waited for Fluttershy. She pawed a bit at the Element of Laughter about her neck, thinking of Rainbow Dash.

"You're pregnant?" Fluttershy asked in shock, running a hoof and wing along Pinkie's belly in search of answers. Anyone other than a physician, or Pinkie Pie, invading another pony's space like this would have been arrested. But this was for medical purposes. Pinkie Pie giggled and waited until they were outside to answer.

"The way Pokey and I've been going at it, I'd better be," Pinkie said, her blunt openness making some of the large earth pony guards blush several shades of red. Two of which moved to escort the mares through the bombardment.

Fluttershy hummed thoughtfully. "Well. Your mammaries are slightly enlarged." The blushes became brighter. Fluttershy pulled her cloth-covered hoof back from someplace only a spouse or trusted doctor would be allowed to touch, and examined her findings carefully. The guards forced themselves to look away. "Some definite fluids. Nothing conclusive. I'll schedule an appointment for tomorrow. Be sure not to tell Pokey, you know how disappointed he'd be if it was a false alarm."

Pinkie smiled and nodded. "Duly noted, Fluttershy. I'll be there bright and early."

Fluttershy wiped her hoof on the ground. Even though the cleansing spell took care of the mess, the guards made mental notes never to touch that spot of dirt. Ever. Fluttershy unbuckled her shield's straps from about her waist and promptly placed it on Pinkie's back. This exposed an assortment of surgeon's tools, hand-crafted, and without magical enhancements as a precaution against anti-magic spells. There was also a small blade attached to her upper right wing for defensive purposes.

"What are you doing Fluttershy?" the pink earth pony asked in confusion. She giggled as Fluttershy tightened the straps, not too tight though. Just enough to keep it secure.

"Protecting a possible future citizen of the empire," Fluttershy declared in her meek voice.

"But I've already got armor, silly," Pinkie chuckled. "You need something to protect you. There's an entire fleet of Discordant ships out there."

"My life is not as important as that of this little one," Fluttershy stated firmly, gently patting the pink pony's side.

"But you said I might not be pregnant," Pinkie said, trying to reason with her. Fluttershy was adamant.

"Whether you are or not, it doesn't matter. I refuse to let a possibly pregnant mare, much less a friend, go anywhere without the best protection I can provide."

Pinkie gave her a hug. "Ah, Fluttershy, you're the best friend a pony could ask for."

Fluttershy smiled and returned the hug. "Don't let Pokey hear you say that. He's sensitive."

Pinkie broke the hug and started trotting parallel with the enemy fleet. "Com'on, I think I saw Rarity this way before the attack. Maybe she knows where Twilight is."

"Oh, okay," Fluttershy said, quickly following her. "Lead the way."

"Uh, Fluttershy? Do you really have to keep walking sideways even without the shield?"

* * *

The prism had many friends, not the least of which were a bottle, constantly bubbling over, and a butterfly, shy and graceful. These two friends were different from the prism, one giving joy to all who drank from her, and the other easing the hearts of those that felt her gentle touch. They would travel the rocky fields together, each baring a lantern, giving light to all that needed it in the dark hours, they were loved by many. But those that loved them knew there was a darkness within them. All it would take was time before the bottle and butterfly would become as the prism. -Extract from the Book of Amethyst-

Author's Note:

* A slang term for the physicians. Jokes around and about them are highly acceptable as long as the patients' spirits are lifted.