• Published 24th Jul 2015
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Vex Mortis - Weavers of Dreams

Hear me now, read on what had been written, of homeland threatened, of heroes strong, of enemies hated, and love remembered. The Burning Days are here remembered to remind our enemies why they lost. -Extract from the Book of Amethyst-

  • ...

-1- Nightmare Storm

In an explosion of embers and smoke, Captain Rainbow Dash burst from the burning house, an earth pony filly clutched protectively in her hooves. No sooner was she airborne and flapping her wings than the house collapsed in on itself, sending up a wave of flames and sparks that would of torched her. She dropped to the ground and lightly landed near unicorn mare and earth pony stallion, passing the filly to the teary-eyed mother, and then promptly took off before they could thank her. Allowing the ground forces to usher them to safety.

Captain Dash flapped above the houses and looked out to sea. The Discordant fleet was bombarding the coastal town with bale bombs. Inaccurate, yet very demoralizing, those wound up balls of dry twigs and saw dust would fly across the sky like comets and burst open on impact with the ground. The pegusi were doing their best to knock them out before they hit the ground, using metal-and-leather boots to kick them apart, but there were always those that they missed. Sometimes they were lucky and the wind would be against the Discordant, and they would wind up setting themselves on fire. Unfortunately, the wind was very much with them tonight.

No amount of pegasus flapping would change this wind, for it came from the sea, from the untamed lands beyond their shores. One day, perhaps, but until then, they would have to work with it.

Rainbow Dash tilted her wings so the wind would catch under them and rocket her up to intercept a bale bomb. She struck out with a golden boot, shattering it, then closed her wings as she flew through the hot embers. She spread them again once she was past it and looked about to make sure her team was all accounted for. Sometimes a Pegasus would misjudge the timing, and she'd be the one to knock on the family's door with a minister. That was something she hated doing.

Thank the Maker she had only done it a few times in her life. But each broken heart and tear-stained face still haunted her dreams.

Thankfully, they were doing just fine, they were the Wonderbolts after all. Saber Company, known for their precision and recovery speed. Second only to Spitfire's Blaster Battery.

The captain looked to make sure no bale bombs were coming her way, and then turned to survey the ground to look for any pony that might need help. Her blue, fireproof cape billowed and the crow feathers along the top of her helmet twitched in the gale, and the shining pink pearl on her breastplate gleamed in the light of a bale bomb. She put out a golden-clad forehoof and let the burst around it.

She turned her magenta eyes to where it had come from and snorted. "Lucky shot, you bastards."

The evacuation was going well. The ground troops were helping the mares and foals towards the caves just outside the town, where there were emergency supplies and bedding. The unicorns were keeping up shields, while the earth ponies moved obstacles out of the way. It brought a smile to the captain's face, exposing golden canines.

Pegasi, when having passed the trials to become part of the Imperial Guard, had golden fangs implanted, giving them the nickname: Heavenly Wolves. The trials were tough, requiring strength, cunning, and speed to pass base levels. Rainbow Dash was one of the few mares to have succeeded.

The stallions didn't complain, in a society where a pony's own merit earned them privileges, not some bureaucratic legislation, they knew she would be on par with them. Even her rank was all based on her own accomplishments. She had cut her path with the flesh on her back and bones of her wings, and was still determined to climb ever higher. She could easily see herself rising to general in the coming years. That would be a triumph.


Captain Dash shielded her face with a hoof as a flare lit up the sky beside her, pulling her out of her musings. Turning with a growl, she followed the sparkling trail inland towards a hilltop where a couple figures sat. "Better have a good reason for this," she hissed. She pulled out a whistle and gave three sharp blows to let her team know she would be gone a moment.

She reached the hill in no time, grumbling and flicking her tail in irritation. "You two really should have started running because I... would... Oh."

A young unicorn mare and filly sat in the grass in utility cloaks, smiling at the captain with a sense of adoration and. The little filly giggled and rushed up to give the pegasus mare a hug, which was returned in a friendly manner.

"What are you two doing up here?" Rainbow Dash demanded after walking up with the filly practically hanging off her left wing.

"Mother is teaching us to about the Discordant's tactic," Amethyst said with a small squee. Rainbow Dash blew a rassberry as she set Dinky on the ground.

"What fun. Say, where is Ol' Geny McMuffins?" She laughed at her little joke.

"Is that what you call me while on duty, Merriam?"

Rainbow Dash almost swallowed her tongue as she whirled around and threw a quick salute to the gray Pegasus mare that was just landed. The her armor was red with scrolling, and a draped across her back was a crimson cape covered in scriptures done in beautiful black calligraphy. Her left eye was covered with a eye patch shaped as the Two Sisters' seal. Golden, clawed shoes touched down on the grass, noise dampening spells keeping her steps silent, and she strode past the captain, head held high as she moved to stand before her daughters, who both embraced the stoic mare in a loving embrace.

Her face betrayed no emotion for anypony outside her family to see. She gave the captain a look that was neither angry nor humorous. "Geny McMuffins?"

"Don't forget 'old'," Dinky chirped happily, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek.

Ditzy almost lost her stoic composure to her daughter's affectionate attitude. "You think I'm old, Captain? Well?"

"N-no ma'am," Rainbow Dash almost squeaked. "I-it's just a..."

"A joke," Ditzy finished for her. She sighed and reached up to remove her helmet. "You're on duty, Captain Dash. You know protocol. I understand some need to keep some regulations more in the spiritual sense, but... really? I am Commanding General Ditzy Doo of the Their Majesties' Heavenly Wolves." She flashed her four golden fangs to Rainbow dash, who couldn't help but prod at her own two. "I think I am deserving of a little more respect than some childish nickname. I could demote you on the spot for that."

Rainbow Dash began shivering as tears threatened to escape her eyes. Her legs started to buckle at the mere thought of being demoted by the legendary general.

General Ditzy turned her head away from the captain and sighed in thought, while at the same time giving a wink to her daughters. "But I'm no cruel officer, am I Captain?"

Rainbow Dash shook her head, speaking rapidly. "O-of course not. You're the greatest general in the history of the empire. Why, I've based my whole life after..."

"General Hurricane," Ditzy said, giving her a sideways glance. She saw the expression on the captain's face. "You can't fool me with flattery, Captain. Don't be afraid. Hurricane was a much better general than I."

"That's not true," Dinky stated, crossing her legs in front of her chest defiantly. "Mommy's the greatest gennal in the history of gennals."

Ditzy couldn't help it any more. Flicking off her helmet, she swept her little filly up into her hoofs, being careful with the claws, and gave her a hug. "Biased little buggy, that's what you are." She looked back at Rainbow Dash, the smile still etched on her face. "I've taken enough of your time, Captain. Just be a little bit more careful about what you say while on duty. That is all."

"Thank you, Commanding General Ditzy Doo Ma'am," Rainbow Dash said with a firm salute. She was about to take off when Amethyst called out.

"Wait, I forgot to give you this."

Rainbow watched as the purple unicorn pulled a long device out from under her cloak and levitated it over to the captain, who took it into her wings and looked it over in awe. "This is why I called you over here. I need you to deliver this to Princess Twilight Sparkle. She ordered it some time ago and I just finished it. Think you could test it out as a little before you deliver it to her?"

Rainbow Dash was about to nod when the general gave a sharp cough.

"No time for that, Captain," she said as she pointed out towards the sea, from where more balebombs were being launched. "We need those waters cleared by yesterday. The Shriekers should be arriving tonight. And we don't need them finding themselves cut off, do we?"

Rainbow Dash looked out at sea and gulped. "You mean... you want me to..."

Ditzy nodded. "Consider it your punishment."

"Don't worry, I'll make another for you," Amethyst said with a chuckle.

"You laugh," Rainbow deadpanned as she pushed the device through her belt and turned towards the town. "Stand back, this is won't be pretty."

The two unicorns ducked behind their mother, who slipped her cape about them as they watched the transformation. Rainbow Dash just stood there, taking a few deep breath and spreading her wings. Then she began to chant.

By winds strong,

Beneath wings divine,

Through clouded peaks you now enshrine,

I call up you,

The strength and will,

Surrender unto me your great skill,

The darkness mine,

Come forth and be chained,

Kneel now my Nightmare.

A strong wind suddenly picked up, making her cape flap and snap like a whip. The gilded armor began to glow, and then expand. Then came the screaming. Her bones began to lengthen, her muscles started pulling and expanding, her teeth became sharper, and her fangs thicker. Her eyes shifted into reptilian pools of magenta spice, and her manes and tail lengthened, darkening with her fur to become dark and shadowy, the element about her neck thrummed with power, shrinking to constrict the neck, giving more agony to the already painful transformation. Finally, her wings lengthened to almost triple their original size, and her feathers became as silk, shimmering in the light of the stars.

Ditzy put a comforting leg around her daughters, holding them close as she watched the beast take a few ragged breaths. "Well? How are you feeling? Nightmare Storm?"

The gigantic Pegasus whirled around and bared her teeth. Dinky squealed in terror. It tried to take step forward, but the element about her neck lit up and lightning coursed about her body, elucidating a cry of pain. She collapsed and spat contemptibly. "You wanted to demote me. The Element of Loyalty, the best flyer in Equestria, and you were going to..."

"Get over yourself, Rainbow Dash is in control," the general said as she nuzzled Dinky. "Don't cry, muffin, mommy's got you." She looked back at the nightmare. "Get going, you have work to do."

Nightmare Storm hissed and turned about. With one flap of her wings, she rocketed into the sky, leaving behind a trail of dark rainbows. Reaching maximum altitude, she looked out at the fleet on ships and sneered in disgust. Even in her warped form, Rainbow Dash hated the Discordant. With roar of fury, she sped forward, unleashing a sonic rainboom that lit up the area, warning everyone to get out of her way.

* * *

There was a beautiful prism, generating a cascade of colors, with a spirit as bright as the morning star. Her strength and courage were admired by all who saw her. But every now and again, the crystal would be taken from the sun, no longer reflecting the light, and her spirit would be become selfish and spiteful. The crystal would appear more like a garnet of little value, yet all who saw this transformation, though still afraid, would love her all the more, looking past the evil shadow at the lovely crystal they knew was still buried within. Though she was tormented by the shadow that enveloped her, she would rise once more in the sunlight, and she would know she was loved. -Extract from the Book of Amethyst-