• Published 11th May 2012
  • 1,917 Views, 10 Comments

Applejack and what else - owocowy

Applejack looks for a hobby, and she discovers a new talent.

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Chapter 6: The challenge

Applejack woke up with a start. The room was dimly lit, as the curtains let through a little sunlight. She gave a quick glance at the clock. Ten o’clock already?! She jumped off of the bed and went over to open the curtains. The sun filled the room. Looking through the window, she reached out to the shelf with her hat, but it was empty. She turned around and noticed it lying down on the floor, next to her bed. Not giving a second thought, she picked up the hat, put it on her head and trotted downstairs.

Unsurprisingly, the house was empty at this time of the day. Applebloom was (hopefully) at school, Granny Smith doing whatever she planned for today, and Big Macintosh working. At the kitchen table there was a plate full of already cold pancakes, waiting for her. Applejack readily ate her breakfast, and went outside. She saw her brother working in the field, and directed towards him.

“Hey Twilight, where are you going?” The cyan Pegasus asked, landing next to the trotting unicorn.

“Hello, Rainbow. I’m going to visit Applejack. Just to check up on her. And you?”

“Me too! And to confirm an information.” She said almost conspiratorially.

“What information?”

“You see, yesterday I was talking with Cloud Chaser about the last performance of the Wonderbolts. And she said that they were in Ponyville last week! Their track was passing nearby, but not through Ponyville, so I couldn’t believe it! I went on to sniff around a bit.” Rainbow Dash took in the air again, hovering around Twilight. “It turned out that it weren’t all the Wonderbolts, only Soarin. Or a pony that looked like him. Anyway, Roseluck told me that she saw him talking with Applejack that day. So I want to ask her if it’s true and why she didn’t tell me about it!”

“I see. Maybe it really wasn’t him…” Twilight fell silent for a moment. She put up her hoof. “Rainbow, look!”

Rainbow looked at the direction that her friend was pointing, and saw a familiar contraption approaching Sweet Apple Acres from the other side.

“Uh-oh. You think it’s them?”

“Maybe. If yes, this means troubles!” The unicorn said and sped up.

They got on the place just before the machine, and met Applejack and her brother at the field.

“Howdy ya’ll” the farmpony greeted them.

“Applejack, have you seen them?” Rainbow Dash said, waving her hooves at machine that was moving closer to the Acres’ gate. Twilight also looked worried, but said nothing, busy panting heavily.

“Yup. Wonder what them no-good Flim Flams want ‘ere again.” Applejack stated, her eyes fixed on the said two unicorns, as their vehicle entered the farm and stopped. They jumped off, and came closer.

“Hello, Apples” The first one started “And friends!” the other ended, bowing his head towards Rainbow Dash and Twilight.

“What d’ya want here?” Applejack asked them, sounding rather calmly, but her face was tense.

“Still trying to get rich quickly?” Twilight asked, regaining her voice.

“Well, yes, who doesn’t?” The one with moustache answered.

Applejack turned to Big Macintosh.

“You better go an’ check if nopony’s going through the house.”

“Hey, we don’t stoop down to theft!” both unicorns said, but Big Macintosh just gave them a look and went to the farmhouse.

“All we want is a fair and square chance for money.” The shaved one, Flim, said.

“And you get the same chance if you agree! ‘Cause that’s the rule of a bet!” his brother, Flam, ended.

“Mah farm against what? Yer machine?” Applejack asked, looking at their vehicle. It looked more like a wagon now, no cider-squeezing machinery on it.

“No no no. Normal money are at stake.” Flim produced a bag and opened it with his magic. The gold shone in the sun.

“Our ten thousand bits against yours. The winner takes it all.” Flam said. “You in?”

“And exactly what kind of bet is it?” She asked.

“Purely physical competition. Five challenges, each for one point.” Flim explained.

“Oooh, Applejack! Let me! I’m the fastest one, they stand no chance!” Rainbow was clearly excited. This pony sure do loves competitions, Applejack thought.

“Ah’m sure it won’t be just about speed, am ah right?” she inquired.

“Yes, a race, slalom, hay-throwing, hoof wrestling and barrel pushing.” Flam answered.

“See? That will require some down to earth strength. A featherweight like you won’t do, Rainbow.”

“But you just came out of hospital!”

“It was mah head, not legs that got hurt. And ah’m well now. Ah’ll compete.”

“Applejack, don’t agree! They will try funny things again, I tell you” Twilight warned. “Besides, do you have that much money?”

“Ah have mah savings… and ah know where are Big Macintosh’s. ‘Sides, ah will beat any of those weaklings!” Applejack was rather confident. Maybe Flim Flams were taller than her, but were far from being muscled. “And no magic, right?”

“Of course, of course. Just the brawn.” Both unicorns assured.

“Applejack, think twice!” Twilight said. “It’s just money!”

“Ekhm. And honor.” Flim added under his breath. Applejack looked at him and narrowed her eyes. Maybe it was a bit impulsive, but Flim had a point. A challenge thrown on her farm, her land? She will pick it up and she will win!

“The bet is on.” She said firmly.

“Great! Contestants, step forth!” Flam beamed.

“Okay, so which one of you two am ah going to beat?” Applejack made a step forward, but none of the unicorns did.

“None.” Flim said, as an earth pony came out from behind the vehicle and approached Applejack.

“Hey, who’s that?” Rainbow Dash asked, clearly baffled.

“Our contestant! Meet Julio Manevio!” Applejack looked at the newly appeared stallion.

“Yallo!” the stallion welcomed them with a smile. His coat was blue and his mane was black with short, curly hair. He was wearing a stripped, red and white tank top. He was tall, and well built. Very well built. She could see his muscles moving under his skin… Applejack gulped.

“You mean ‘Hello’?” Rainbow Dash accosted him. His face instantly crossed and he furrowed his brows at her.

“Ah thought that YOU are challengin’ me” Applejack said to the brothers. She may sounded a bit worried, as the odds clearly moved to her opponents’ side.

“No, we are just placing bets. Nopony said it would be us to compete.” Flam explained.

“What, you chicken out?” Flim asked.

“No ah don’t!” Applejack stamped her hoof. No turning back right now!

“Then let the games begin!” The brothers smiled.

First, there was the race. The track was set up among the trees and it was decided to be five laps long. Applejack hoped that she will outdo the stallion with her endurance, but it came out that he was at least as tough as her. Having longer legs than her, he surpassed her in the second lap, and she didn’t manage to catch up to him. The first point went to Julio. Flim and Flam gave each other a satisfied smile.

The second challenge was a slalom. A short track between twenty trees. Applejack was in her element this time, as she swiftly passed the track, cutting the turns narrowly. The blue pony was fast too, but he had obviously less practice in running among the trees. He cut one turn a bit too much, and nearly ended up on the ground. This time, Applejack scored. Her friends cheered.

The time came for the third challenge. The Flim Flams pulled out already prepared hay stacks from their vehicle. Applejack gave way to Julio to throw first. The pony had some reliable strength, and he used it well to give the hay stack a high velocity. However, he had thrown it too high, as it arched and landed closer than it could have. Nevertheless , it flew a considerable distance. Now it was Applejack’s turn, so she took the string into her mouth. She concentrated, trying to recall everything she learned during preparation for the Equestria Rodeo. She took a small running start, leaned on to increase the momentum, and let the hay after a quick spin. The throw was almost perfect, and the stack landed much further than her opponent’s. She smiled, and her friends cheered again. Applejack was one point ahead! She looked at the brothers. They remained calm, as if they were prepared for that. And it worried her. Hm. They do have sleeves, and probably aces too. She looked around and noticed Big Macintosh watching everything from distance.

Now it was turn for hoof wrestling. A barrel with a pillow on it was set up, and the contestants approached. Applejack started to worry even more, as she took Julio’s hoof in hers. It was firm, strong, and its owner had a bold smile. The starting mark came, and the struggle began. Applejack knew that she was pretty strong for a mare, but the blue pony knew well what he was doing. He used the length of his leg as a lever, and beat Applejack’s hoof despite her determined efforts. The points aligned, and Flim and Flam’s smiles changed to rather sly than satisfied. It looked like they were certain of the result, as the time came for barrel pushing.

Flam used his magic to float a wooden barrel. It had “CIDER” written on its side, though the letters were shabby and the barrel was obviously empty.

“The rules are simple. You push over a barrel, and the first one to give in loses.” Flim explained, the sly smile still on his face. Applejack settled herself against the barrel, and so Julio did. This challenge was conclusive, and the determination brought beads of sweat to both of them. On mark, they both started to push. It was exhaustive, yet fierce battle. Applejack depended on her strong hind legs, and Julio used his physical superiority. The ponies struggled for a longer while, their supporters doing their best to raise their spirits.

Eventually, Applejack felt as her front legs started to give in. She pushed her shoulder against the barrel to withstand, but her opponent noticed that he is gaining advantage. He raised on his legs to push more downward. Applejack realised that he is trying to crush her, but she couldn’t do anything about that. She tried changing her position to straighten her front legs, but succeeded partially. The barrel was now pressing against her hooves and forehead, but her left hind leg started to shake, and it eventually collapsed, leaving her on one knee. Damn you, McGillycuddy! She could hear her friends let out a horrified gasp. Ah can’t lose! Not now! She felt humiliated too much lately, and knew that her pride wouldn’t survive another defeat. Nor her wallet.

She opened her eyes and concentrated on the barrel in front of her. Then, she recalled the strange feeling she discovered at the hospital. It was still present, pushed aside by her consciousness. This feeling was now telling her that the barrel needs just a push. Like ah’m not pushin’ already! The feeling of her second leg shaking brought her back to reality. She was losing. As she fell to her knees, Julio let out a single “Ha!”. Applejack gathered the remnants of her power and pushed hard with all her might. She could feel an itch appearing at the back of her head, and then the lowering pressure on her hooves. At first, she thought that her limbs were going numb, but then she realised it was the barrel that stopped pushing onto them. Suddenly, everypony could hear a scream as the barrel, along with the blue pony grasped to its side, rocketed into the sky. Suddenly deprived of support, Applejack fell on her stomach. Lying on the ground, she could see Julio crashing to the ground a dozen yards further, and the barrel smashing next to him. He quickly got up and fled like scalded, limping a bit and yelling probably offensive invectives.

Everypony stood in silence, with Applejack lying on the ground, stunned by what had just happened. The first ones to regain self-control were Flim and Flam. As they realised they lose the bet, they quickly mounted their vehicle and were off, leaving a cloud of dust behind them.

Rainbow Dash jumped to Applejack’s side and helped her up.

“Wow, AJ, that was incredible!” She said with ecstasy.

“Indeed. But WHAT exactly had just happened?” Twilight asked, eyeing Applejack suspiciously.

“Uhh...” The orange pony brushed off her coat. “Ah dunno... He must’ve tripped or somethin’...”

“Oh yeah, and that was awesome!” The only pony who didn’t seem baffled was Rainbow Dash. “Next time remind me not to push a barrel with you. At least not without a safety outfit!” She laughed. “And look, there’s your prize! Looks like you’re rich now, AJ!” The Pegasus spotted the bag of coins lying on the ground, and flew over to pick it up.

“Heh, heh... ah think ah am...” Applejack answered, turning away from Twilight’s suspicious look. The unicorn broke the gaze and trotted over to Rainbow Dash, taking the bag with her magic. She looked inside.

“Oh no... looks like you’re not, Applejack.”

“What d’ya mean?” The unicorn let the bag on the ground, and the golden bits fell out. Under a thin layer of them, the rest of the bag was filled with pebbles.

“Those lousy cheaters!” Rainbow uttered a cry. “They were playing it safe all along!”

“I knew that something was up. But at least you have...” Twilight swiftly counted the coins. “... about one hundred and fifty bits in profit.”

Then, Big Macintosh approached his sister and patted her on her shoulder. Not saying anything, he went over to clear the debris from the barrel.

“That’s somethin’. And, what else, ah just won a competition!” Applejack gathered the coins. “This calls for a celebration! The evening’s on me” She smiled, and so did her friends. They left for Ponyville, with only Rainbow Dash chattering about the competition with the blue pony. Twilight wasn’t saying anything, obviously deep in thoughts, so Applejack quickly changed the topic to more neutral one. She was puzzled about this event as well, but decided to think it over later.