• Published 7th May 2012
  • 1,215 Views, 20 Comments

The Birth of Grenth: Where we went wrong... - Nightshade shadow kitty

The story of a young unicorn filly and her strange new friend and tragedy that befalls them.

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Chapter 1: Sadness and Fear

The pink unicorn filly emerged from her home, levitating a white flower before her.

“Mommy, Daddy, I’m going to say goodnight to sis! I’ll be back.” She called over her shoulder.

“Alright, just be back before dark!” Her mother’s pleasant voice replied.

“I will! I promise!”

The little filly trotted along the path from her house, the trees silhouettes against the setting sun. She would probably need to be quick if she was going to be back before dark. Thank goodness the cemetery wasn’t very far away.

“I really hope she likes the flower I got her...” She thought to herself.

Reality kicked in a few seconds later. Her sister would likely be unaware of her visit. Her father often said the she was “sleeping” and wouldn’t wake up. She pushed those thoughts from her mind and quickened her pace. The shadows cast by the trees beginning to grow. If there was one thing that terrified her more than anything, it was the dark.
Mia finally arrived at the ancient cemetery gates. They didn’t really serve much of a purpose now, as they were barley attached to their hinges. Few ponies ever visited the cemetery, and even fewer after dark. There had been many rumors going around about monsters appearing in the shadows. And there were a few who claimed that necromancers had been frequenting the area. Mia hadn’t heard any of these rumors though, otherwise she would not have come alone, with the sun setting.

She made her way through the rows upon rows of tombstones. Many were cracked and crumbling with age and neglect. Finally she stopped before a large burial vault. She turned to her left to see the grave she was looking for.
She walked over and sat on her haunches. She read the words chiselled into the tombstone.

“Here Lies Kirin. Beloved daughter and sister.”

Mia placed the flower carefully on the grave and smiled weakly.

“Hiya sis...” She said softly. “Sorry I haven’t been around much. I brought you a flower. It’s really pretty, I hope you like it...” She was quiet for a moment, as if she was waiting for someone to say something back.

“Oh!” She exclaimed. “Mommy and Daddy are both fine, by the way! Yeah, they’re both fine so you don’t have to worry at all! Although...” She was quiet again for a moment.

“Sometimes... when I walk past mommy’s room... I can hear her crying. I... I don’t know why but... when she cries... I hurt inside... right here” She placed a hoof on the left side of her chest.

“If you were still around I know you would know what to do. You always knew how to fix things like that. Like that onetime we found that bird that had died, and you made it alive again! I wish I knew how you did that... Don’t worry, I didn’t tell Daddy. Just like I promised!”

“Oh... by the way, I don’t know if you ever noticed but that bird started to smell funny, and it was losing all its feathers so I let it go. Don’t know what happened to it after that.”

“Oh yeah... Daddy found your book... although I guess you already knew that... since he found it the night before you disappeared. I guess we should have hid it a little better.”

Silence again. Mia let out a heavy sigh.

“I... really miss you sis... I... I wish there was a way to bring you back... like the way you brought that bird back... but I know Daddy would get mad at me... I...*sniff*”

Before she could let out a single tear she heard the soft sound of somepony sobbing echoed quietly from inside the burial vault. She was stunned at first, but soon collected herself and got back up. She made her way hesitantly towards the large stone door. Using her magic she opened it just enough to peek inside. The sound of somepony crying was louder now. She cautiously peeked her head inside to take a look. She was met by a pair of glowing red eyes and a rather creepy voice saying “Who are you?”.

She didn’t answer, nor did she hesitate. She slammed the door shut and ran. She ran with every ounce of energy she could muster. It felt like her heart was going to burst from her chest. She was scared, more scared than she had ever been in her life. And what was worse, it was almost completely dark outside!


The colt stood in the dark utterly stunned. Not only had the filly slammed the door shut, she had been incredibly rude as well. It was a perfectly reasonable question. Ponies asked it all the time. Not that he expected any other reaction. Everypony he met did the same thing. They either ran screaming or tried to “destroy” him.

He didn’t care anymore. He turned back to the stone sarcophagus and sat on his haunches and wept.

“Why father? Why did you do it? Why?”


Mia rushed through the front door of her home and slammed the door shut. She stood in front of the door panting for a moment with a look of utter horror on her face. Her father Tyrant emerged from the kitchen his hooves clopping against the stone floor.

“I thought you were supposed to be back before dark?” He asked sounding a little annoyed and apparently unfazed by his daughters look of utter terror.

“What took you so long?”

It took her a minute to finally get enough breath to speak.

“M...*wheeze*... monster...” She finally huffed.

The navy blue stallion raised an eyebrow.

“Are you certain? It was probably just your imagination.”

“N...NO! It w...*cough*...was real! It was in that big room near *cough* Kirin’s grave! I heard it crying and looked in. I thought *wheeze* I thought it was a pony but all I saw were glowing red eyes! It asked me who I was but I didn’t... *cough* I didn’t answer. I just ran and ran and ran! It was REALLY scary Daddy!”

She looked up at him with a look of both fear and an innocent desire to be comforted. Her big blue innocent eyes met his cold maroon eyes. After a moment he shrugged.

“Well... that’s why you were supposed to be back before dark. Nopony knows what’s out there.”

He turned to return to the kitchen.

“Maybe we should stop letting you visit your sister’s grave if it turns out to be dangerous.”

Mia’s eyes went wide in shock.

“NO! No PLEASE no! I’ll be back before dark next time I PROMISE!!!”

“Then there is nothing more to discuss. But if you come back late again, you won’t be making any more trips to the graveyard, understand?”

Mia lowered her head sadly. “Yes daddy...”

He re-entered the kitchen leaving the now depressed filly alone by the front door. His wife was finishing some last minute cleaning before getting ready for bed. The dark pink mare turned to her husband and smiled softly.

“Was that Mia?”


“Is she alright?”

He shrugged. “She claims to have seen a monster in the burial vault near Kirin’s grave. Apparently it was crying...”

“How strange... did she mention anything else?”

“It had glowing red eyes and asked who she was. She high-tailed it after that...”

Farune looked worried. “Do you think it might be dangerous?”

“I doubt it’s even real. My guess is she’s either making it up, or she was just imagining it...”

“What makes you say that?”

Tyrant’s stare was cold. “Because I made absolutely sure that all necromancers and all their minions were wiped out from the area.”

“It might not be an undead you know. It could be something else.”

Tyrant raised an eyebrow. “With glowing red eyes?”

“Lots of creatures eyes glow when light is shone on them, maybe it was just an animal.”

“And asked ‘who are you’?”

Farune was quiet for a moment. She smiled softly again.

“Maybe you’re right, maybe it was just her imagination. She is frightfully scared of the dark after all. Her eyes were likely playing tricks on her, and graveyards tend to be a bit spooky.”

Tyrant returned his wife’s smile. “My thoughts exactly.”

“I’ll just make sure she’s alright, she is a rather meek little filly after all.”

Tyrant shrugged again. “Do as you wish. She’ll likely be fine though.”

“Still, I’d rather make sure.”

He just shrugged and left the kitchen. It had been a rather long day and he was tired. Farune waited until he was gone before she went to talk to Mia. She was sitting on the floor facing away from the door looking sad and neglected.
Farune nuzzled the little pink filly and smiled softly.

“Do you want Mommy to sleep in your room with you tonight Mia?”
Mia nodded.

“Alright then, let’s get you ready for bed.”