• Published 31st Jan 2015
  • 1,648 Views, 19 Comments

The Redemption - JusSonic

An old enemy from Equestria's past returns and is looking to be reformed. But will Twilight and her friends even give him the chance?

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Chapter 6: Realizations of the Past

Chapter 6: Realizations of the Past

Storm clouds has gathered over Ponyville...except there was no storms scheduled for today. Nope, they are caused by the darkness now inhabiting the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle.

Twilight was writing her book, "The Ghostwriter Parable", but is having trouble when her daughter is trying to talk to her, obviously upset over what she did.

"How could you do that to him, Mommy?!" Nyx exclaims angrily and disbelief at her own mother.

"He is a monster, and he is never to return, and nopony is to see him ever again!" Twilight snaps at Nyx darkly and furiously. "Not Spike, not you, not Ben and not anypony! If they still think he's innocent, then they are Mudbloods, too!"

Nyx, looking shocked and hurt at this, then started shedding tears of anger, quietly spoke, "You... You... You're not a princess...

Twilight in a threatening tone demands, "What did you say?!"

"You're no princess! You're a monster!"

"How dare you speak to me that way! You sassy, little--"

Nyx shockingly punches Twilight in the face as she screams, "SHUT UP!!!" The impact of the hoof punch caused Twilight to fall to the floor before looking at her daughter in shock. "If you don't want to reconsider, then I have no reason why I'm still living with you! I HATE YOU!!! I DON'T EVER WANNA SPEAK TO YOU AGAIN! SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE AND GET YOUR OWN LIFE!!!!"

Twilight then begins to get angry as she stood up, yelling, "THAT'S IT! NYX, YOU ARE GROUNDED UNTIL I RECONSIDER! GO TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE!!!"

Twilight then flash a teleportation spell at Nyx. The Alicorn glares angrily at the one she once called her mother as she was teleported back into her room. The Princess of Friendship then cast a spell to confine Nyx in there.

Twilight groans as she tries her best to get back to her book. So why the hay is she having trouble doing so?


Celestia's group came over to the door to Lorcan's locked room. Ever since he came back, the scarred Dragon just went into his room, sobbing in sadness while healing himself. The former villain had yet to come out.

"Lorcan? You been in there for hours." Golden Heart calls out to Lorcan in worry.

"I'm never coming out. I can't ever show my face again!" Lorcan yells out as he pace in his room in sadness and anger. "I tried my best, my best, you know. I acted good and nice to all of the kids, but Twilight wouldn't give me a chance and now, every pony hates me!!!" The Dragon takes off his hood, turning to his teenage self as he stares in a mirror. "She's right, I'm nothing but a monster!!!" Lorcan sobs loudly, much to the concern of the others. He is acting like how Rarity once did when her reputation was ruined thanks to the clothes that her friends made her create for them.

"You’re not a monster, Lorcan." Luna said calmly, trying to assure Lorcan.

"He kinda is." DIscord remarks with a shrug.

"Shut it!" Michael snaps in annoyance at Discord.

"Look, Twilights just angry. Just go and talk to her." Golden Heart said calmly to Twilight. Maybe if the two were to try again to talk...

"Leave me alone! I want to be alone! I want to cry myself to sleep, I want to burn all the miniskirts I have-don't get any ideas, Discord- I wanna die! I'm so pathetic!!!!" Lorcan exclaims as he lie down on his bed, sobbing and wanting to die. "Celestia, your student...oh your student!!! She's so....so...." He growls in disgust at what Twilight had done to him.

"What did my student do to you?" Celestia asked Lorcan calmly. She suspects that Twilight must've done something that caused this newfound pain towards the Dragon.

"She accused me of betraying her, banished me before beating me!"

"But why?" Luna asked in concern. She and the others don't know much of all of the details yet!

"Let's see, probably because she bucking hates me!!" Lorcan snaps bitterly to Luna, still sitting in his bed.

"How did this happen?" Celestia ask Lorcan in concern.

Lorcan explained everything. Princess Celestia listens as she looks sad when Lorcan explained the details to her. What has happened?


Twilight decided to sleep in the library tonight. The Princess of Friendship feels like she isn't wanted upstairs, especially since she locked Nyx in her room and Spike, Phobos and Ben aren't happy with her at the moment.

Sunset however came into the castle, frowning a bit. Twilight, seeing, sighs in irritation, "Can this wait until tomorrow?"

"What's your problem? You can't just ground Nyx because she supported Spike's brother!" Sunset exclaims angrily at Twilight. "I even came by here to talk to you because I thought I would help you snap out of that funk you're in about your brother. But I guess I was wrong."

"Why don't you just get outta here and stop trying to get me to reconsider my decision and fixing my family?!"

Sunset looked at her with a disapproving look in her eyes. Then she said in an ice cold tone, "Lorcan's right. You never listen to reason. You're always gonna be a bitter, lonely pony."

With that, Sunset stormed out of the room, slamming the door as she left. Twilight was now left all alone. She placed her hoof on her face, as a tear ran down her cheek. What Sunset said did sting her heart more so than she would admit. But what was even more painful…was that she was right.

"I did the right thing...didn't I?" Twilight whispers sadly to herself.

Twilight didn't answer herself, she just goes to her made shift bed and lie in it, sobbing herself to sleep. Why is it when she tried to make the right decisions, they always end up going wrong?


After Lorcan finally stop feeling sorry for himself, the former villain paces in his room, pissed off. He was close to finally being redeemed for his mistakes...only for those flankholes of Dragons and that anger Twilight to take it away from him!

"I can't believe that princess! I knew being her adopted family was stupid idea... Buck this! I completely buck it off! I don't know what you're up to, Drago. When Twilight learns the truth, she's gonna kick your ass." Lorcan exclaims in disgust and anger. He wanted to end it all.

The shadowy hooded figures loomed behind the window. Four of them smiled and smirked devilishly. They took their knives out as they are readied to fight. Of course, they stopped as Lorcan begins to sing, unaware of their presence.

Lorcan: Eleka nahmen nahmen
Ah tum ah tum eleka nahmen
Eleka nahmen nahmen
Ah tum ah tum eleka: eleka:

He grunts as he threw the book out the Canterlot Castle window, unknowingly missing the figures.

What good is this chanting?
I don't even know what I'm reading!
I don't even know what trick I ought to try
Kids, how are you?
Already dead or bleeding.

The scarred Dragon scoffed bitterly.

One more disaster I can add to my
Generous supply?

He never understood it...all he wanted was to do good...but he got hated for it

No good deed goes unpunished
No act of charity goes unresented
No good deed goes unpunished
That's my new creed
My road of good intentions
Led where such roads always lead
No good deed
Goes unpunished!

He made a image of the CMC, Nyx and Spike appear. His expression softened as he gazed at him.


Luna heard the Dragon's roar of anguish and sighed sadly. Michael could only listen to his friend's ranting from outside the room.

One question haunts and hurts
Too much, too much to mention:
Was I really seeking good
Or just seeking attention?
Is that all good deeds are
When looked at with an ice-cold eye?
If that's all good deeds are ( he scoffed bitterly)
Maybe that's the reason why

No good deed goes unpunished
All helpful urges should be circumvented
No good deed goes unpunished
Sure, I meant well -
Well, look at what well-meant did:

Lorcan looked at his cloak and his eyes narrowed...Twilight always said he could never change or be welcomed from her...she wants him dead...so be it.

All right, enough - so be it
So be it, then:
Let Ponyville be agreed
I'm wicked through and through
Since I can not succeed
Spike, saving you
I promise no good deed
Will I attempt to do again
Ever again

Lorcan took one sharp nail and slowly went towards his wrist...

No good deed
Will I do again!!!!


Luna and Michael stormed in, just before Lorcan could stab his wrist. The guard yelps as he saw what his friend was about to do, "Buck! Guards, get in here!"

The guards rush in, grabbing Lorcan who struggles in their hold. He screams out, "Let go of me, let go! I don't want to live! I want to die, kill me! Mommy!!!"

Luna sighs sadly as she has the guards escort Lorcan out. He needs to calm down before the Dragon ends up killing himself big time.

Meanwhile, the figures hiss furiously before disappearing into the shadows. Their attack on Lorcan will wait...for now.


The next day, it continues storming in Ponvyille. The mayor and authorities asked the citizens to stay inside until it clears up. But most of the folks knew it's centering on the Friendship Rainbow Kingdom castle...where the angry princess is at.

Twilight groans a bit as she is trying to get some work done, but the storm won't let up. Just then, the Mane Five, Ben, Spike, and the Mystic Ponies came in. They got to try to convince her to reconsider her decision and snaps out of her anger before she becomes something that Twilight has feared of becoming when she first became a princess in the first place!

"Sugar cube, we need 'ta talk." Applejack said seriously to Twilight.

Ben sighs, "Look, Sunset did take it too far with that insult last night...but what you did to Lorcan...come on, you know better than that."

"If it's about Lorcan, then don't bother." Twilight snorts furiously to Applejack. "I don't want to hear his name again!"

"Twilight, listen. It's not his fault, please." Fluttershy said to Twilight, trying to beg her to listen to reason. "Lorcan claimed that..."

"He's a liar and a bad one too! In fact, when tomorrow comes, I am banning his name used around me."

"Oh give me a break!" Rainbow scoffs to Twilight, disbelieved by this. "Why is it you won't hear the side of Lorcan's story but rather keep to your own?"

"Rainbow, you can talk. You don't trust Discord back before Tirek." Twilight snaps in annoyance at Rainbow.

"Only cause he's not trust worthy at times."

"Whereas Lorcan is." Rarity said with a scoff to Twilight.

"He is anything but that. He'll survive. I did the right thing. As princess, it is my duty to protect my subjects." Twilight said as she goes back to work on her book.

"So you’re willing to give Trixie and Sunset, who tried to kill you by the way, a second chance. But not Lorcan." Spike said to Twilight with a frown. He is calling his big sister out as if she's a hypocrite!

"Has everypony forgotten the invasion?!"

"We haven't but you might of." Ben said with a sigh, shaking his head. "Twilight, forgive me for this, but you're acting like what happened when you kicked me out of the Winter Wrap-Up because of outside forces causing a misunderstanding."

"Oh, so, is that it?" Twilight ask Ben, glaring at her colt-friend in annoyance. "We're going back to arguing again?"

"There were times when we didn't get along. Remember the incident when Fluttershy was turned into Flutterbat?"

"Oh, I can remember it very well as in a flashback!" Pinkie exclaims happily as we go to a flashback (don't ask).


Fluttershy shook her head. "I'm sorry. I just don't like the idea of taking away the thing that really makes the vampire fruit bats..." she inhales, "vampire fruit bats! It just feels wrong!"

"But if we don't do this, there won't be any apples left for anypony here in Ponyville. Doesn't that feel wrong, too?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy sighs, feeling saddened. Her friends wanted her to use the Stare in hope to stun the bats so that Twilight can cast a spell to force them into not eating apples anymore. Fluttershy refused but her friends demanded that she does it anyway.

"Twilight, I don't know how to say this, but... I have to agree with Fluttershy." Ben said to Twilight with a sigh.

"What are you saying, Ben?" Twilight asked Ben in concern, not liking where he's going with this.

"I mean, the idea of Fluttershy using the Stare on those bats? It doesn't seem right."

Applejack, exasperated, asked Ben as if he was acting like a genocide just happened but doesn't give a hoof about it, "How could yew take her side?"

"She's right, Ben. Why are you taking Fluttershy's side?" Twilight ask Ben in disbelief.

Ben annoyed ask, "What's with you and sides? Why do you now think I'm working against you?"

"Well, you're not helping! AJ needs our help, and Fluttershy has to do the Stare. Otherwise, there won't be any apples left in Ponyville."

"She's right! Think about the cider, Ben!" Rainbow exclaims, freaking out as if preparing to lose it if there's no more Apple Cider anymore.

"I don't care about the stupid cider! Besides, I'm a prince. I have royal duties to do!" Ben exclaims, annoyed by this.

Twilight sarcastically remark, "Well, excuse me, Your Majesty! Don't let me stand in the way of you training with Chase! I'm just trying to save a friend's farm here... again! You helped me save it once by going to the End of Equestria with me."

"Mommy has a point, daddy. And it's also thanks to Tao that I'm now your real daughter, seeing that I have both your and mommy's blood instead of that nasty Tso Lan." Nyx said, siding with her mother on this one.

"She's got a point." Spike remarks with a shrug.

"I appreciate that, Nyx, but it still doesn't matter about the idea of Fluttershy using the Stare." Ben said with a sigh.

Fluttershy meekly said, "Thank you, Ben." She appreciate Ben coming to her aid like this.

Applejack rolls her eyes while remarking, "Oh, give me a break."

"Ben, Fluttershy is gonna use the Stare, and I will have to help her." Twilight said to Ben in determination.

"Well, you wouldn't have to if you didn't keep messing up!" Ben snaps angrily at Twilight. This made Alicorn angry as if he has to go and went there.

"I'm messing up?! Well, we could at least have asked you to use your Triforce powers on those bats!"

Ben frustrated screams out, "ARGH! I can't talk to you when you're like this!" He storms out of the library and slams the door closed, much to the alarm of the mares. Boy, Ben sure sounds upset.

Phobos dryly ask, "What's with him?"

Spike shrugs. He has no idea either.


"Luckily for us, things got better though Fluttershy became a bat for a while." Ben said to Twilight, ending the story right now. "I don't want a third time like that to happen. So please, at least listen to reason."

"Right, Twilight. Besides, Lorcan lied when his tail winced." Spike said in agreement.

"I don't believe in him. Whatever he said is a lie, I won't believe in him! Never again! I won't fall for his tricks." Twilight exclaims sternly and in anger.

"Awww, Twilight, come on!" Pinkie insists to Twilight, getting on her nerves. "Don't be a meanie evil pants."

"Pinkie's right. Poor Lorcan could be out there all alone." Fluttershy said to Twilight in concern.

"At least reconsider!" Phobos exclaims in agreement with the others.

"Why are you even refusing to listen?" Ben ask Twilight in concern, noticing how she sobs a bit. "Is this about..."

"If this is about your brother..." Spike began.

Twilight explodes, "STARLIGHT'S GONE!!!" She then breaks down, weeping. "Starlight... is gone..."

"So what, if 'dis what 'dat about?" Applejack ask Twilight in concern. "Didn't Detective Dan say..."

"Enough! I don't want to hear it! At least Warpath is the only pony who knew about Lorcan." Twilight exclaims, nodding towards Warpath for being right on Lorcan.

Warpath huffed, "Thanks. Told ya! I told you that Lorcan can't be trusted. What do you say, big brother?!"

"I'd said... We've been set up." Virtue said suddenly and without warning.

"What?" Pinkie and Rarity ask surprised by what Virtue just said.

"Are you serious?" Spike ask, angered by Warpath's words but is shocked to hear what Virtue just said.

"What are you even saying?" Twilight demands angrily by Virtue. "You saw what happened! You were there! What gave you the right to even say that we were set up?!"

"Twilight, please listen to him!" Ben exclaims, pleading to Twilight to listen. The Alicorn scoffs but grudgingly agrees to do so.

"When Drago arrived and Lorcan protested, I found that his tail didn't winced. It proves that he's innocent and been set up for Twilight to blame him." Virtue said as he points out a fact. Lorcan's tail didn't wince, so that means he's innocent. The Dragons set up the ambush for Twilight to blame him.

"But brother-!" Warpath begins to protest but Blade interrupts him.

"Brother is right, Warpath. Whatever Drago had said, he was the one who told a lie, not Lorcan." Blade said in agreement with Virtue.

"Are you serious?! Are you kidding me?! Are you going to make mistake like letting the Devil Destroyer stayed in our home?!"

"Lorcan is most honest and trustworthy since the day he helped Dragonspear rescued my infant Kindy from danger!" Virtue insists to Warpath sternly. He and Twilight looks bewildered and upset. Virture still supports Lorcan despite all the evidence to the contrary.

"I shall support that as well! I will not believe it!" Dragonspear insists. He refuses to believe that Lorcan would still be evil after all he did for Ponyville.

"Well, that is true." Fluttershy said, speaking out lightly. "I also refuse to believe it."

"Right, those Dragons are the cruel evil ones, not Lorcan." Rarity said in agreement, putting a hoof to her chin thoughtfully.

"Plus, as he is my brother, I got to support him again." Spike said with a smile.

"Right! Thumbs up for Lorcan!" Pinkie exclaims, wearing a thumbs sign on one of her hooves. Don't ask how she got one!

Warpath frowns as he spoke up, "You know, Virtue... For someone like you being powerful and strong Mystic Councilpony, you're soft! You didn't have the guts in finishing your enemies off! You always let them a chance! When your back turn, you let yourself get attacked!"

The ponies looks shocked, alarmed and/or disbelief. Even Twilight is shocked by Warpath's accusation towards Virtue like that!

"Yes... You're right. I'm soft... But I did not abandoned my kindness to those who risked theirs to defend me, even you or Lorcan." Virtue said calmly to Warpath in light of what he said. "Because if I do that, I'm no better than anyone else and proven that I am more a tyrant than benevolent."

Warpath shocked spoke, "Brother..." He thought for a moment. He then sat down on his flank while looking down. He then looked up before bowing down in shame. "Forgive me... I was trying to protect you. I was trying to help you. It's what I was supposed to do! I made an oath that I'll protect you no matter what! I'm sorry. I really am!"

Virtue helped Warpath up, speaking to his brother, "I know. But pleased... What did Lorcan ever do to you?"

"Nothing... I was overreacting and selfish. I kept on blaming him for destroying lives. But he really wants to help and redeem."

"Yes... That's all he wants."

Twilight was silent as the conversion goes into her head. She then remembers some familiar words from the past.

Ben's voice echoes in Twilight's head, "Really? Is following one's duty more important than the heart?"

Sunset's voice echoes in Twilight's head as well, "Lorcan's right. You never listen to reason. You're always gonna be a bitter, lonely pony."

Suddenly, without explanation, Pinkie's voice echoes in Twilight's head, "There's no place like home...there's no place like home...Auntie Em, Auntie Em...and Toto too..." Twilight looks confused at that.

"Twilight...Twilight." Spike said, shaking Twilight a bit, snapping her out of it. "Are you okay?"

"I...I need to be alone." Twilight said sadly as she leaves the library. Most of everyone watch on, expecting that the words she just heard is in her head.

Could this mean Twilight is reconsidering her actions?


Flare Tiger decided to visiting Lorcan and reveal behind the secret of his Earth-Mare friend, who listen and guide him on the path until the friend has disappeared. When she's arrived until Lorcan noticed her and sighed.

Lorcan spoke, "So... You're Flare Tiger?"

Flare Tiger grinned, "Eeyup, old friend."

Lorcan turned around and looked in shock, asking, "Old Friend? I never knew you!"

Flare Tiger giggled, "Maybe... Ah should or...."

Flare Tiger cast the Tsukinousagi, the largest hammer that had a crescent moon with a rabbit, she hold the hammer on it as the symbol flash, it was held up to show off, when the Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Tao walked into the room and is surprised to see Flare Tiger hold the Tsukinousagi. Lorcan's eyes wide and shocked when he realized who she really is.

Lorcan asked, "Kasai Doragon?"

Flare Tiger smiled while saying, "Eeyup! It's being a while!"

Lorcan confused, "I.... I don't get it...."

Princess Celestia chuckled, "That's because she's Element of the Dimension."

Lorcan asked, "Dimension?"

Princess Luna giggled, "She control over the space and time."

Tao hummed, "Flare Tiger, What is your weapon doing here?"

Flare Tiger gulped, "Um... Ah kinda.... Mostly evolved..."

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Tao, and Lorcan shouted with a gasp, "EVOLVE!?!?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she looked at the Tsukinousagi, explaining, "Well... Ah was able 'ta be working so hard and managed 'ta gain very good..."

Tao shudder, "How....how many evolves did you do?"

Flare Tiger hummed, "Four times... Ah prefer to kept them hidden until 'de time is right..."

Princess Celestia asked, "Could you show us, Please?"

Flare Tiger nodded as she held up her Tsukinousagi while she spoke, "This is 'de third evolve, its name is Tsukinousagi. Also, it had Earth magic power by slamming it on 'de ground or hitting flying rocks."

Tao asked, "Name after the moon and the rabbit?"

Flare Tiger giggled, "Kind of... Now..."

Flare Tiger channel the Mystic Hammer into a Shear as she held up, saying proudly, "This is mah first evolve, the Fire Dragon Spear!"

Lorcan whistle, "Is it meant for slaying evil Dragons?"

Flare Tiger groaned, "Well, no. It's didn't slay, but able 'ta purify any evil darkness within innocents. It can be doing fire magic."

The Royal Sisters looked awed as Flare Tiger channel the Mystic Shear into Mystic Lunar Claws and smiled while adding, "This is Night Stakers as it is Lunar's Claws, but it is different because Lunar Guard had three of them, the claws on mine is four, on 'de back on the armor are daggers. And for the magic, its better hidden and used for need, happened to be water magic which is used for healing spells."

Princess Luna squealed, "Oh! Thou should use them as a surprise!"

Flare Tiger giggled, "Well, later, now..."

Flare Tiger channel the Mystic Lunar Claws into Mystic Fans and smiled, she now explains, "These are the Onmyô Fans, which meant Yin Yang Fans as it uses wind magic. Ah barely used them because Ah still practice with them as they're not ready to be useful yet."

Tao whistle, "Nice... I still remember those days, Iris Crystal used them before..."

Princess Celestia nodded, "Yup, that's those faithful days which I remember Lord Azure Phoenix teaching Iris Crystal in the dance moves..."

Flare Tiger surprised as she didn't knew it but smiled while adding "That's so awesome! Maybe, one day, he would happily teach me, but not right now... And about Twilight Sparkle..."

Lorcan huffed, "Oh, her... All I don't care!"

Flare Tiger hummed, "Well, What's if Ah told ya, Ah knew who behind Starlight Sparkle's disappearance?"

Tao gasped as his eyes widen, "You... You knew it... Not only Mystic Ponies knew it but.... even you...."

Lorcan shocked then sighed, "Well... You got me... I believe you. I think I need setting with Twilight Sparkle for things to be needing to be sorted out..."

Flare Tiger giggled, "EEYUP!"

They chuckled as Lorcan and Flare Tiger walked out then head back to Ponyville. The princess decided to take a different way to talk to Twilight.


We find Twilight alone in a room, looking down in sorrow and out her window. Witnessing what has happened after she let her inner darkness blind her anger and hate to which frighten everyone around her; neighbors, friends, even her family. Twilight felt like curling up into a ball right now to reject the outside world until...someone else came into the room from a white light.

"Twilight?" Celestia's voice was heard as she and Luna enter to see Twilight in such a state.

"Princess Celestia...Princess Luna...?" Twilight spoke off in seeing who was here, before looking away. "You must have heard of what I've done." She stated in knowing why the Royal Sisters are here.

"We have..." Celestia nodded her head firmly on the topic.

"Then I really have failed, I let my blind hatred for Lorcan get me distracted, and done things that seems...just awful." Twilight spoke off in feeling like her world just came crashing down around her. "Worse of all, I've failed the Mystics test, I won't be able to use a Dark Form to protect myself from dark temptation if I let such things with Lorcan guide my anger." She failed to trust Lorcan, and now from her failure, she failed a test by the Mystics.

"Twilight, while it is true you made a mistake, we all have gone through events. Even myself when my jealousy for my sister cause darkness to guide me as Nightmare Moon and killed Tadaka's loyal guard & friend." Luna explained the case of how she to let darkness get to her heart, and made her done things that are truly unable to take back.

"Luna?" Twilight looked to Luna of what was she trying to say.

"To this day, I live with that sin, but I must not let it distract me from my duties now. Letting the past bind you like chains leads to no freedom. The example is seen from how Tadaka still hates every pony because of what I did." Luna regretfully stated in knowing that her crime of the past can never be overlooked, and exist so long as Tadaka holds that inner grudge.

"But that wasn't you, it was Tso Lan, he did all of that." Twilight spoke forth in stating that what happened wasn't Luna's fault.

"Shifting the blame will not solve anything, the only path to achieve peace...maybe to forgive." Celestia spoke off in telling Twilight this piece of information. "Let me tell you something Twilight, what can also be the one true way to defeat your enemy? You have shown it much in the past." She spoke forth in asking a strange riddle at this time.

"A true way to defeat an enemy...well, I had my friends help me, we work together as a team." Twilight spoke to think this through of the logical answer.

"True, but there exist another way that even goes over the strength of teamwork." Celestia nodded lightly to that, but there was another answer to consider.

"And...that is?" Twilight asked in wondering what the other choice is.

"To defeat an enemy....you make them your friend." Celestia smiled off to simply say this off as the answer.

"Hugh?" Twilight raised an eyebrow in having heard that, and was off...how can one defeat an enemy by becoming friends, can that work at all at times?

"The method may not work for the greatest of all evils, but there are some who's hearts are not so full of dark hatred & vile instincts, that they can be saved." Celestia stated to explain that the theory method works on those that are not 100 percent evil, and have a chance to redeem themselves.

"Myself, Trixie, Discord, Sunset Shimmer, even Pinkamena helped Sombra be free of his evil. The road to achieving it, lies in what choices the doer can do." Luna explained how those that were going down such a road were saved when they had good friends help them out.

"I understand, but...right now, even if I make up with Lorcan, I can't even show my face to the Mystics who tried to teach me the secret of the Dark Form, only to blow it up in my face." Twilight sadly stated that even if she makes amends, she may as well be seen that she'll never achieve a Dark Form to protect herself.

"Perhaps you may or may never achieve that, that form you must overcome darkness which is even too much for Equestrians. But, however, there is a power you can get closer to awaken that is more pure and doesn't require such dark teachings." Celestia spoke forth in stating this while also mentioning something that may just help cheer the mare up.

"There is?" Twilight asked off in having heard this, what could be better than the Dark Form the Mystics wanted to show her?

"Remember what we said about awakening a power greater to reach the Mystics level, Pinkamena has already awakened her own." Luna smiled off in reminding Twilight of one pony whose gain strength to be a true reflection of her element.

"You mean...the Element Evolution?" Twilight gasped forth in remembering that, a power that is stronger than even their Rainbow Forms; Element Evolution could make them be stronger to fight even the toughest and hardest of foes.

"You and your friends can achieve it, but you must first overcome your greatest obstacle before you. Perhaps this being vulnerable to darkness and of what you can truly become is that obstacle that someday you must learn to face and overcome." Celestia spoke forth in stating that to achieve Element Evolution, one must overcome their greatest trial, ordeal and obstacle, and Twilight's path to obtain her Element Form maybe what she is having so much difficulty now.

"If you do, then you may obtain your Element Form, and not even the dark temptation of darkness could control you. However, it appears you still need time to slowly overcome it." Luna stated off that it appears that Twilight has much to learn and overcome, the darkness that could rule over and change her...she needs to conquer it to reach the next step.

"I see. So...unless I can truly overcome my greatest obstacle, a trial that is set on my own limit, I can't awaken my Element Form?" Twilight stated in seeing things a bit more clearly, so that's something she must overcome, then the teachings were not a waste of time to learn about the Dark Form. "But would it also mean...that my greatest foe to face, might be...the side of me I fear of becoming. And there is only one pony I know of today who fits the bill." As Twilight looked out the window, flash images of Twilight Moon are seen; could it be that for her to awaken her Element Evolution, she must defeat her greatest obstacle of what Twilight Moon reflects of her; letting darkness and evil shape her into a creature that is truly evil as the original Nightmare Moon.

"Come Twilight, it's time to go now." Celestia spoke forth in speaking terms of preparing to go.

"You must make peace with Lorcan...and yourself." Luna kindly stated this as what needs to be done now.

"Your right, I'm coming." Twilight responded to say this, as she wipes her tears away.

Now Twilight leaves with the Royal Sisters, hopefully the case to finally forgive Lorcan..and ask for forgiveness in return...is approaching. Hopefully, it is not already too late.


Meanwhile, Lorcan and Flare Tiger were heading on their way to Ponyville.

"Okay, remember, let me do all 'de talking first then yew can speak." Flare Tiger spoke calmly to Lorcan.

"I don't know how that can work." Lorcan said with a sigh. "I am already banished and can't get in by a purple barrier."

"Lorcan, if life serve me well, it's 'dat barriers can always fall." Flare Tiger explained with a chuckle. "Yew wanna ask fer forgiveness, right?"

"No. I rather not, I don't want forgiveness." Lorcan said bitterly. He noticed his tail wincing. "Aw, damn it."

"Yer lie detector tail said otherwise." Flare Tiger pointed out to Lorcan. Whenever he lies, his tail wince.

"All right, fine, so I do wanna ask for forgiveness," Lorcan grumbled.

"Or fer her forgiveness." Flare Tiger said with a giggle. She stopped, frowning.

"What?" Lorcan asked Flare Tiger as he looked around, noticing something moving around all over in the shadows. "We aren't alone, are we?"

"Duck!" Flare Tiger exclaimed. Lorcan ducked in time as an assassin was about to hit him, only for the Alicorn to blast him away. "We got company!"

The assassins appear, surrounding the two. They got their weapons at the ready.

Lorcan sighed in annoyance as he looked up, "Sec, Cann, Jast, Thay? I know you four are here. Come out."

Four familiar figures appeared, but their hoods were removed, revealing them for the first time. Sec was a black scaled Dragon with blue eyes. Cann was a yellow Dragon with dark blue eyes who was often impatient, laid back but questions his brother Sec sometimes. He acts like Demyx and Xigbar, though he'd say 'yeah, right' instead of 'as if'.

Jast was a red Dragon with green eyes. A key strategist, he would analyzes foes from a distance and plan out attacks, and he never loses his cool. And as for Thay, he is a white Dragon with black eyes and bloody tally marks covering his body, though on his forehead was a space for six more, his targets: the Mane Six. He acts like Victor Zsasz from Batman.

"Hello, Lorcan." Thay said with a cruel chuckle. "Miss us?"

"Like fleas to a dog!" Lorcan growled furiously to the cult members. "Your attack cost me everything!"

"Oh, you will get everything back...once we're done, the true leader of the dragons will return." Sec explained with a cruel chuckle. "You know who it is, correct Lorcan?"

"I do, and I do not want to mention the name of that bastard I once called father." Lorcan sneered.

"In a moment, you will beg for mercy and more." Sec said sinisterly.

"Attack." Cann ordered viciously.

The assassins jumped into the air, ready to attack. Lorcan and Flare Tiger prepared themselves. This could get messy!


Back at the Rainbow Castle, Twilight came out of her room with the Royal Sisters. She noticed her friends are waiting...along with Nyx!

"Okay, who let Nyx out of her room?" Twilight asked in irritation. "I thought I grounded her for life."

"I did Twilight." Luna said seriously to Twilight. "She needs to be here just to help you through this before we can speak to Lorcan who is on his way here right now with Flare Tiger."

"I don't know why I should!" Nyx pouts angrily as she turned around, not wanting to face the one she once called 'mommy'. "She ground me for no reason and kicked out my other brother!"

Twilight became angry, about to lose it again. She snapped, "If you want to act like that, maybe we can say to Tartarus with Lorcan!"

"Twilight, why is it that you give Trixie, Sunset and Discord a chance and yet Lorcan is treated as the plague before?" Celestia asked Twilight, trying her best to be calm and patient with Twilight's latest outburst.

"He killed my brother!" Twilight exclaims angrily and in annoyance. “At least, some part of me still think so!”

Tao whacked her head with his staff. As Twilight felt her forehead, the Mystic Pony scolded her, “You silly pony! Did you forget that he was possessed by the darkness Tadaka and Grimmore left within him?!"

"I-I…" Twilight began to protest but groaned in frustration. Why must she always be forgetting these kind of things?!

"We're not turning our backs on you, my student, this is simply a lesson..." Celestia explained calmly to Twilight.

"And if you don't pass it, you will never be a true friend or a princess!" Nyx yelled harshly, "And I will never forgive you again, and neither would Starlight!"

Twilight heard these words and was shocked and hurt before she growled in rage at hearing those words.

"How dare you speak about my brother that way," Twilight snarled, "You... YOU MONSTER!!!"

"Celestia, I wish to speak with Twilight privately." Azure said seriously. It's time for him to step in and teach Twilight a lesson. Celestia nodded as she moved aside, letting her former love in. "Twilight, I'm truly disappointed in you. I thought you're better than anyone else."

"But Lord Azure! Lorcan! He lied and betrayed us! I saw it with my own eyes!" Twilight protested to Azure in concern.

"Did you even bother to know Lorcan's lying? And I meant his tail winced? When Lorcan lies, his tail winces." Azure explained calmly to Twilight. Did she see his tail wince or not?

"He-! But-!" Twilight groaned, obviously fighting a losing battle. "No... I didn't see it."

"Twilight... Allowing anger and revenge will clouded your mind and reason. And tell me, is this what Starlight would wanted? Is revenge so important?! Are you willing to take that risk? Are you willing to become King Sombra?" Azure scolded Twilight. He was reminding her of the fact that the Alicorn wanted to avoid being what Sombra once was.

"Lord Azure... I-I-!" Twilight began to protest, but Azure held up a hoof, not wanting to hear it right now.

"I don't want to hear it. Pinkamena." Azure said before turning to Pinkamena. Time for her to step in.

Things were not looking to swell, the Cult was causing trouble from behind the scenes and it looked like Twilight's little enraged behavior was reaching its critical point of no going back. Pinkamena and Goldie's group witnessed the action with Twilight, and knew that if something wasn't done, then there might not be any going back.

"I really wish it didn't come to this, but...Twilight...you left me no choice." Pinkamena said sternly to Twilight.

Then without warning, Pinkamena then rushed past the crowd, and approached Twilight's location to which before the princess could respond... "Stabfruvhmm...." A stab noise was heard when Pinkamena was behind Twilight who had lightly widened eyes in what happened, as the pink pony had injected a needle serum into the Alicorn mare's bloodstream around her neck area. As the pink pony backed away while many that saw this were shocked, but their attention turned towards what was happening with Twilight.

"Pink...amena...cough...cough....what do you...do?" Twilight faintly coughed while trying to collect her thoughts in what just happened.

"I'm sorry Twilight, but you left me with no choice. I really didn't want to go with Plan B, if you continued to let your hatred for Lorcan continue to cloud your judgment." Pinkamena regrettably spoke out in stating these things that were for the mare's own good.

"What...do you inject...cough-cough...in me?" Twilight slowly asked off to cough more, but felt...woozy.

"A hallucination you'll see from failing to forgive Lorcan, and for not understanding the truth/ I just hope...you'll survive it." Pinkamena spoke to say this in sounding terrible in knowing what comes next for poor Twilight to now have to deal through.

"You....ugh!" Twilight tried to reach over to Pinkamena, but her vision blurred out before she fell onto her side and appeared to be unconscious.

"Alright, everyone, nothing to see here! The princess will be fine!" Golden Heart issued off in making sure the crowd doesn't panic in seeing that Pinkamena did something to Twilight and would think its treason.

Twilight's world began to swirl while the voices blurred out, as everything was going blank and dark at this time.



Twilight finds herself in darkness, looking confused. What's going on? Suddenly, the Alicorn saw a vision...of her speaking right after Lorcan was revealed to still be alive.

"You hid this monster for how long?" Twilight asked the princess sternly.

"Two years." Lorcan explained to Twilight making her scoff a bit.

Twilight yelped as the vision disappeared. Then she gasped as another one showed herself speaking to the princesses...and Celestia looked pissed!

"TWILIGHT SPARKLE!!!" Celestia exclaims angrily to Twilight, the vision one. “First, you banned my son from his first Winter Wrap-Up and now you mistreat and exile Lorcan?!"

"He betrayed us!" The other Twilight protested furiously to Celestia. The first one gasped in shock and horror. Is this how she was acting recently?

"You are blinded by hatred! Remember when I told you to follow your heart?" Celestia exclaimed as the first Twilight briefly saw a flashback to Celestia telling Twilight to follow her heart.

Back in the other one, the second Twilight protested angrily, aura glowing, "I said I'd follow my heart only if it concerned Ben!"

"Well, you weren't concerned about him when you yelled at him!" Celestia pointed out coldly to the other Twilight, reminding her of how she acted before.

"SHUT UP! SHUT UP!!" The other Twilight shouted as her eyes glowed.

What happened next was disturbing to the real Twilight: the vision one fired a huge blast at the Royal Sisters. The two gasped as they tried to block, but it was too late. The blast engulfed them both, causing an explosion.

When all was clear, there was nothing of Celestia and Luna but ashes, their remains on the ground.

"If I have to rule Equestria in my way..." The raging Twilight started. Then, her eyes started glowing like King Sombra's as she made an evil grin while finishing menacingly, "...SO BE IT!!!" Then she started laughing maniacally.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" The real Twilight screamed in pain, anguish and sorrow after watching this.

The first Twilight's eyes widened in horror as another vision showed her using her darkness to cover most of Ponyville, turning them to her side. And soon, the princess made an announcement: to find Lorcan and hunt him down.

"Why did you do that?!" Nyx demanded in horror that Lorcan is hunted down now.

"Listen, sugarcube, we can't stand let y'all be tricked by that monster anymore!" Applejack exclaimed, possessed by the darkness.

"He's not a monster!" Sweetie Belle protested, horrified by this.

"Well, we beg to differ!" Rarity, possessed, exclaimed darkly.

"And that's why we're going to find and kill him." The other Twilight said wickedly.

"Yeah!" Most of the possessed ponies cheered in determination.

"What?!" Ben gasped in shock and horror. "But Twilight, you didn't kill Discord, Trixie or even Boris!"

"I will kill you all if you get in the way!" The other Twilight snapped as she used a spell to trapped Spike, the CMC and Ben in spheres. "Just stay there until Lorcan's head is mounded on my wall!"

"MOMMY, NO!!!" Nyx cried as she banged on the sphere in vain.

Twilight, the real one, looked stunned. Had she been acting like this to Nyx?! Another vision showed the group cornering Lorcan. He tried to reason with them, but the ponies refused to listen and attacked him. He was attacked with no resistance...then Twilight saw the Cult beginning the ritual and Tadaka's spirit entering his body.

Twilight was left remorseful but still not trusting Lorcan slightly. But another vision was shown of her executing thieves, thugs, crooks and the bandits for the public in warning future misbehaving ponies.

Twilight even saw her working her guards and citizens tirelessly in building a fortified wall and making the Rainbow Kingdom look like a Grey Kingdom (pun joke, cause there is no color of rainbows, only dull gray sorrow).

"From now on, I am your dictator, and all who are me will be destroyed!" The evil Twilight shouted. Then she glared deathly at the CMC as she finished with a demented grin, "Starting with the Blank Flanks!"

"No, please don't!" Twilight cried in horror. But no one could hear her. She could only watch as the CMC were beaten by her possessed guards. How could this lead to this?

Twilight even saw herself delivering severe punishments to complaining ponies, EVEN children for either not following her rules or dare question her authority. No one was safe from the dark pony's wrath!

The mad Twilight was seen attacking other royals that wanted her to change her behavior, but went against it. The mare wanted to avoid seeing this...but cannot.

Another vision was shown where the Plunderseed Vines were growing, entangling the gray castle and the wall that was being built. The Everfree Forest was taking control of Ponyville... and yet, the corrupted Twilight was actually welcoming it. In fact, she suddenly changed colors. Her mane and tail colors turned black, purple and green, and she now wore a black princess dress with black-and-green slippers along with a matching crown.

"From this day forward, Twilight Sparkle is no more. Now all will before... Princess Twivine Sparkle!" The evil Twilight shouted before she started laughing maniacally as lightning strikes in the background before the rest of the corrupted Mane Six laughed along with her, their evil laughter striking fear to all their slaves.

Soon, as the evil laughter loudly echoed in her mind, more visions are shown, much to Twilight's horror. She saw herself ordering her men to chain all civilians to be kept under lock and key within her kingdom to live miserable lives, just like from King Sombra's rule. She held a Death Fight where those who don't learn their place, are fighting either friends or monsters for their own survival. The mare would turn those Twilight was annoyed with to stone with horrified expressions, just like Discord once was.

Then Twilight saw Twivine publicly blasting a stallion where his child watched as a lesson was taught for stealing food from her gallery, begging to forgive him as he wanted to feed his child and asked that he live to raise the child, before making the child an orphan into a cold miserable home after Twilight vaporized the stallion that asked for forgiveness.

"NO MORE! NO MORE!" Twilight wailed a bit, wanting to die. "I don't want to see anymore..."

Just the Azure and Pinkamena appeared. The Mystic Pony spoke sternly, "It's time you learn the truth of what happen if one pony desired revenge than forgetting what you truly meant to do and be. Other than yourself of course..."

"Trust me, Twi. It's not pretty. It happened in Ma; we'll start with Virtue's. It happen before and during 'Battle of Grave Stone Maze'." Pinkamena said seriously.

Twilight, Azure and Pinkamena arrived in the Chinese Throne Chamber of Dragon West Kingdom. They looked up and found Virtue, dressed in his greenish armor, sitting on his chair. He looked down while showing his pain, raged and angered. Concerned Lorcan, Dragonspear and Intellect Feather stood before him looking worried. Virtue's Wife Tigress, a light peachy Unicorn with a short brown mane and tail while her Cutie Mark was a Tiger Claw and Chakram, was neared him. She shown her feared and concern looks as her husband begins to rage on.

"Yes... We must defeat the Water Tiger Clan..." Virtue explains seriously to his allies.

Dragonspear gasped at this announcement, "But Strikespell and the Phoenix Kingdom are the true threat! What is the point of attacking the Water Tiger Kingdom?!

Virtue slammed his hoof on chair's right handler, scaring the Hell out of everyone as he snaps, "What's the point?! You..." He stood up angrily. "How dare you say that?! Avenge Blade's death! What other reason do we need?!"

Intellect Feather remained silent and calm while showing his firm gaze at his emperor. Tigress was in shock and scared when she looked at Virtue's hatred. It looks like he is turning into something that isn't truly him at all!

"Virtue... Don't. Attacking the Water Tiger Kingdom is what Strikespell wanted." Lorcan explains to Virtue, trying to help him. "Once you or even you did defeat them, he will take the advantage to kill you! Equestria won't able to stop them! And trust me, Celestia didn't want to hurt her former love because she loves him! And the Dragon and Tiger Kingdoms are the only ones who can stop Strikespell from attacking!"

Intellect nodded while adding in, "Qin may have been destroyed. But the Phoenix Kingdom will conquer the land by force. We have to stop them first before they could destroy anything else!"

"Please, my lord... I don't know why my brother did it. But I'm sure he didn't mean it because of... because..." Tigress begins to explains, trying to find the words needed to get sense through her mad husband.

"It was my fault. I have underestimated them. I always though the Water Tiger Kingdom is an honest nation, willing to help us. But because of the mess I made, they betrayed us..."

Virtue sighed as he finally calms down, "You're right..."

"Azure... What- what am I seeing? I'd never seen how angry Virtue is... He's beyond being a kind pony." Twilight said in shock and disbelief. She always known Virtue to be better than this. What is this that she's seeing?

"The past... Virtue's and Lorcan's Past. This is before the Three Kingdom became one powerful nation and even those who died are chosen as Mystic Ponies. What you're seeing... happens after Blade's death." Azure explains calmly. This is the past and Twilight is witnessing it all for the first time.


Azure sighed, "I set the alliance between mine and Water Tiger in disposing of Blade at the 'Battle of Great Defender Fort'. And we did."

Twilight looks stunned and shocked. Azure actually did that? The Alicorn spoke up in horror, "Azure... How-how could you?! Of all the ponies, you could do something like this."

"That was in the past. After we became Mystic Ponies, we all reconcile and forgive each other. And I even went and see Celestia." Azure explains that happened before was in the past. Since those times when the right ones become Mystic Ponies, they have apologize and forgiven one another of their deeds.

Twilight sighed, "I guess it's over."

"Actually, Twi... This is the beginning." Pinkamena said seriously to Twilight.

As the door opened, a green armored West Dragon Guard entered and bowed down. He spoke up to his lord, "I bring news!"

"Not now!" Intellect exclaims to the guard. Now is not the time for this!

"If those Tiger bastards want to fight, they're gonna have to wait!" Lorcan exclaim in agreement at this.

"Please! Sec the Duke had turned on us! And General... General Warpath has been killed!" The West Dragon Guard explains making everyone but Azure and Pinkamena gasp in shock and alarm. "He and his squadron have taken his head and fled to the Water Tiger Kingdom!"

"Bastards! Damn you, Sec! How dare he?!"

"The relationship between us and Dragons... How could he do it?!" Dragonspear demands, shaking his head. The relationship between the ponies and Dragons had been good...but now, Sec went and done this?!

Virtue slowly got up while his body shaken and shivered in fear and shock. He begins to ask slowly as if wanting to wake up from this damn nightmare, "Warpath... He's dead?" Tigress fell to the floor while sobbing and crying in despair and pain. Virtue sobbed and cried in anger and rage, "Nooooooooooooo!:

Virtue took his sword up. He unsheathed it. He turned to his throne chair and gave it a hard slash. Everyone but Azure and Pinkamena were in shock and feared of what they were watching. Virtue here appears to be no longer himself. Hearing what happened to Warpath has truly change him.

"Oh Celestia...” Twilight gulps a bit. But one thing she doesn't understand: Sec? Wasn't he the same Dragon that she saw yesterday?

"About Sec? Sec the Duke is Sec II's father. The one we met that afternoon? Lorcan was right. Sec is the real liar..." Pinkamena explains to Twilight. The Sec that killed Warpath was in fact the second one's dad!

Virtue fell his flank on his back. Lorcan and Dragonspear approached and helped him up. Virtue screamed in pain, raged and anger, then slammed his hooves on the ground. The time to not act is over! The time to avenge is here! Everyone but Azure and Pinkanena looks shocked, horrified and alarm at this.

"My lady Tigress, forgive me... I fear this will be hard on you. I... I must avenged Blade Dragoon and Warpath Temper!" Virtue exclaims in determination and anger. His friends are dead, he must act! "I will have Claw Tiger's head! I will have my enemies' heads! I will have them executed! I will avenged them all!"

"Virtue..." Lorcan said to Virtue in sadness.

"Virtue... Don't do this! This isn't what your brothers wanted! You have to stop!" Twilight exclaims, calling out frantically to Virtue. Is she what others feared she would be turning into?! Into...this?!

"It's pointless, Twilight. We're in the past. What happens before, it's too late to change..." Azure explains that what she's seeing is already happening and there isn't anything the Alicorn can do to change it now.

"I hope everything's fine. I hope Virtue doesn't let his anger blind him."

"Hmm... Funny to hear that from someone who was blinded by her hatred."

"My lord, I-!" Twilight begins to gulp. But the truth be told, Azure is right. She is being blinded by her hatred.

"Proceed to the next one." Azure said calmly, ordering for the next scene to be shown at once.

"Right. And trust me, Twi. The next one... is painful." Pinkamena said seriously to Twilight. Whenever the pink one is like it, you can tell that something troubling is about to occur!

The scene shifted into some sort of stone like area. Twilight, Azure and Pinkamena watched and witnessed the Battle at the Grave Stone Maze. Both Dragon West Soldiers and Water Tiger Soldiers charged into the battlefield and fought against each other hard and quick while screaming angrily and wildly. As soon as three to five battles ended, the war prisoners and even the traitors from the Dragon Kingdom were brought before Virtue and his soldiers. The traitors bowed down and begged for mercy and explained their situation.

"SILENT! I'm done in listening to you! Because of you, my brothers had died! Kill them! Kill them all! Terrastrike, Heavy! Avenge your father and Rogue! Make them pay!" Virtue exclaims in fury. Twilight gasps in horror, could this be like when she wrongfully banished Lorcan before?!

Terrastrike, an armored darker greenish Pegasus with a brown short mane and tail tied with sash, wielded his father's Blue Dragon Crescent Blade while teenage Heavy wielded his father's Serpent Forked Spear. The time to execute...is now.

"This is for father... and brother..." Terrastrike said quietly.

"Die, you bastards! May hell take your lives away!" Heavy exclaims in madness.

Terrastrike, Heavy and Dragon West Soldiers drew their swords and spears out as they executed and decapitated the traitors and enemies. They came across a black-purple scaled adult fierce dragon who could only be Sec the Duke, Sec II's dad. Twilight looks horrified some more.

Sec the Duke growled, "Virtue... bastard Emperor of Dragon! Your brother is an idiot! He's the reason why I betrayed you all! You've made a mistake! My descendants and children will avenge me! They will have your head! Mark my word!"

"I'm gladly that they can try." Virtue said darkly. He swung his sword in decapitating Sec's head. He turned and glared at his allies. "No prisoners! No mercy! No kindness! This is war! This is vengeance! We shall not rest until I have Claw Tiger's head! Forward!"

Terrastrike turned to his soldiers while giving out the orders that everyone had now heard, "You heard him! Move out! Take them down!"

Heavy cried, "No mercy!"

"This can't be good. I've got the bad feeling about it." Lorcan said as he watch the madness unfolds here. How ironic that he will be doing the same thing many centuries from now!

"Yes... We have to protect him." Dragonspear said to Lorcan seriously. Virtue needs protection from not just his enemies...but from himself.

As Virtue and his Dragon West Kingdom charged and battled with the Water Tiger Army; they defeated yet killed, slaughtered, destroyed and decapitated their enemies to their deaths. Twilight looks shocked, horrified and disgusted at this. Virtue is merciless and reasonless!

"I can't believe it... This is what happen if I let my anger get the best of me." Twilight said stunned while shaking her head.

"That's not the worst of it... Because of his anger, he ignored everyone, even Intellect's advice and plans. He was defeated, and his army..." Azure then sighed. He hates to see this again, let alone show it. But it must be done. "Best you look at it..."

The scene shift to night time at the Grave Stone Maze. Twilight saw and witnessed the blazing and burning flames at the military camps. The Dragon West Army cried and shouted in fear as they were running away for their lives. They had lost, nothing can save them all now! The Water Tiger Army came out of the bushes and rive as they murdered and killed all of the Dragon West Army. Twilight is stunned. She is seeing what appears to be the end.

Virtue came out from his tent as he witnessed and saw the destruction and burning of his forces. The soon to be Mystic Pony gasps, "No... It can't be... How could I?! How could this had happen?! Damn it! No! This can't be happening!"

"Virtue! We have to run!" Lorcan exclaims to Virtue. No one can win here, the two must flee!

Terrastrike and Heavy helped and guided Virtue through the forest. With some remaining squadron and units of army, Dragonspear came and helped them in escaping while battling and fighting against countless Water Tiger Army members. As soon as they approached the misty gravestone area, Lorcan stopped and stood before his enemies.

"Lorcan!" Dragonspear exclaims in shock. What is that damn Dragon doing?!

"Go! Get out of here! I'll hold them on!" Lorcan exclaims. He turned and glared at his enemies. He is armed with his sharped claws. "Come and get me, bastards!"

Lorcan roared angrily as he jumped and attacked his enemies by firing his Dragon Flame and slashing his Dragon Claws and Dragon Sword in defeating all of Water Tiger Soldiers. Twilight looks stunned at his actions. She has never seen him like this before, only the evil side that was shown...when Tadaka, the Demon Lords and Grimmore had corrupted him.

As he continued battling with his enemies, Shorty and his soldiers came as they fired and shot their arrows on Lorcan's chest. The future Scarred Dragon groaned angrily before roared wildly, "You're not getting pass of me! Go to hell!"

Lorcan charged and battled against his enemies as hard and quick as he can. Shorty and his soldiers continued firing and shooting their arrows on him for a few times. After defeating his enemies, Lorcan fell to the ground as he panted.

"Damn it... Never thought I'm gonna died." Lorcan mumbles to himself.

Twilight is stunned. For the first time in forever, she feels...sorry and sadness. But that will have to be put on hold as Shorty come closer, ready to finish Lorcan off.

"Time to finish you. It's so hard to believe a Dragon like you was willing to help and defend the vengeful lord." Shorty said sternly to Lorcan.

"He's not my lord. He's my friend." Lorcan said to Shorty calmly, despite how close he is to be dead.

"You're welcome to go home..."

"Noooooo!" A familiar then Mystic Pony calls out in horror. Dragonspear jumped up as he slammed his spear on the ground in causing a powerful shockwave in destroying or blowing his enemies off. "Come on! Let's get out of here!"

Dragonspear grabbed and held Lorcan on his back. They both turned and escaped the battlefield. Shorty and his soldiers got up and went after their enemies.

"No.... This can't be... Is he?" Twilight still shocked by the events that she is now witnessing.

"You have to find out by yourself, Twilight." Azure said to Twilight with a nod.

The scene shifted into a sleeping chamber; Tigress, bandaged Lorcan, Intellect and Dragonspear stood before Virtue who was sleeping on his bed due to his illness since his defeat. Virtue moaned painfully, "Forgive me. I wanted a land of benevolence, like we talked about..." He sighed in regret. "But I allowed my anger and grief to consume me... And It cost men their lives..."

"Lord Virtue..." Twilight whispers in sadness and worry.

Tigress grabbed and touched Virtue's hoof. She pleads to her love, "No, my lord! It's not your fault. It's not."

"In fact... It was mine. I should have done the promise as soon as we took the Western Province. I'm truly sorry..." Intellect apologizes to his lord in regret and sadness.

Virtue smiles weakly to the ones who stood by his side. He spoke weakly, "My friends... Thank you for supporting me till the last, especially you, Lorcan."

Lorcan sighed, "Well... At least, I did a favor. Look at me... No argument from Warpath... Finally, I can have some peace." The Dragon sighed at this, realizing what he just said. "Sorry... Didn't mean that..."

"None taken... My son, Kindy Dragon... He must take over when I'm gone... Saber was killed because of me. My oldest adopted son... He was prefect to lead the kingdom. But now... he died in protecting me. And I repaid him is death... What kind of father am I?"

"My lord... Please... He did it to help you and avenge all of your fallen comrades..." Tigress said to Virtue calmly.

"That doesn't give me any excuse... ignoring everyone's advice and let them died for nothing..." Virtue sighed, feeling more regret and sadness. "If Kindy proves... inadequate, Intellect... You must lead the Dragon West Kingdom..."

Intellect shook his head and bowed down, insisting in shock, "No, my lord! I cannot!"

"You must complete the task... I have left unfulfilled..." Virtue turned to Tigress, wincing some more. Death for him...is near. "My lady.... I'm sorry for the pain I caused you."

Tigress sniffed, holding his hoof while saying, "My lord... With you... I was happy..."

Virtue turned and looked up to heavens. He spoke up, "Ah.... Blade... Warpath... Saber Dragoon... Everyone... I'm sorry I took so long... Now we go... Together always..."

With his last breathe given, Virtue closed his eyes calmly while having his hoof fell off Tigress's hold. Dragonspear hissed in anger while looking away from the scene. Tigress cried and sobbed in despair and pain. Intellect bowed down to the ground. Even Twilight looks down, paying her respects to the fallen one.

Lorcan sighed before bowing down, "Rest in peace, brother..."

Dragonspear, Intellect Feather and Tigress stood up and bowed before to Virtue Dragon. Twilight spoke softly, "Lord Virtue..." Will this await her should she keep on what she's doing? And is what happened to Virtue's son Saber? Will this be the same thing to Nyx?

"Do you see it now? Anger... leads to sufferings... Because of that, you wasted life for vengeance. I hope you understand..." Azure explains calmly to Twilight who now see the truth.

Twilight cried and sniffed in pain and despair, "I... I... I understand now... And the way Lorcan talk to me... He was trying to convince me. And I let my anger blind me..."

"There's still time to fix it. It's time to find and apologize to him."

Twilight sniffed while saying, "I will..."

"Otherwise, you will be like this!" Pinkamena booms out.

The scene disappears, showing a familiar Twivine who appears, laughing madly as she lunges forward, appearing to engulf everyone....



"NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Twilight was seen screaming at the top of her lungs and sat up quickly with a look of terror on her face.

Twilight was sitting somewhere, recovering from her hallucination. Then she hears the door open and turns around.

Lorcan or what appears to be him spoke, "Are you gonna stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself all day or something?" She tries to get a better focus. "You owe Nyx an apology for the way you treated her last night." It's actually Spike. "Are you okay? You don't look too good."

With some deep breathing, Twilight suddenly notices she's back at Rainbow Castle, in her bedroom, and still all together. Then she looks around to see her friends and family by her side, along with Pinkamena & Golden Heart's group. Twilight suddenly coughs a bit, but tries to get her thoughts again in what happened, and why she seem so shaken....was what she saw a dream, or a hallucination.

"You okay Twilight?" Ben asked his love if she was alright now.

"Ugh, I feel awful." Twilight held her head in feeling like she's been flushed or something.

"Probably a side-effect of the serum I injected in you. Again, sorry, but it had to be done." Pinkamena explained the case again while apologizing in having done what she had to do.

"I saw things...horrible images...the likes I wish...I don't want to say or remember." Twilight spoke off to say this in feeling like what she saw, was something she rather not go through again.

"Then did you learn something?" Golden Heart asked if maybe what his sister did must have made Twilight realize her mistake.

"Those things...my choices....they spread so far to be the end of Ponyville...maybe even all of Equestria." Twilight held her covers close to her in feeling a shiver from feeling horrified by some realization she experienced.

"Mommy?" Nyx ask Twilight. She squeaks as her mother grabs the feeling, hugging her sadness and regret, with tears coming out of her eyes.

"Oh, Nyx...I'm so sorry...I'm so sorry..."

Nyx is hearing this, the voice of love and regret that she was used to. The filly hugs Twilight back, tears coming out as she spoke tearfully, "I understand, mommy. It's okay..."

"Then it means you've come out of it, and without being too late to make things right." Pinkamena smiled off to say this in knowing that Twilight has realized her errors and can now correct them.

"So then what are we waiting for? The day won't move faster if you don't get active!" Jack Zen questioned off in when Twilight's gonna get moving here.

"Right, we have to reach Lorcan and make things right." Nyx nodded off in agreement on the topic itself.

"You ready now Twilight?" Ben held out a hoof in awaiting for Twilight to take it.

"Right, come on everyone....we have to make everything right. For all of us...myself...and for Lorcan!" Twilight spoke off in becoming determine to take Ben's hoof to get out of bed.

Everyone cheered in seeing that Twilight's back with them now, and they all head out of the room. Hopefully, everything can be settled before the situation can get much worse. And with that, everything goes dark at this time...while leaving us puzzled in what awaits us and our heroes to face against; whatever it is, it will be something from the past...

"Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Fred exclaims as he and Barney rush into the next room. "We got reports of an attack between Ponyville and Canterlot."

"Yeah, doesn't look good." Barney remarks, nodding in agreement.

Twilight's eyes widen in shock. It could be too late!


Lorcan cringes as he fell to his knees. The cult members have outnumbered him and Flare Tiger a billion to one. It doesn't look good.

"Look at you." Drago laughs as he and his goons appear from out of nowhere. "You used to be someone...now? You're just a short freak with a scar."

"Shut up...Drago." Lorcan groans. He yelps as DJ Fist kicks him. "Gah!"

"Not so tough now, are ya?" Strikemaster Ice ask with a wicked sneer.

"Be silent, Strikemaster. We got the rage from earlier...hold him still." Sec orders calmly. The villain then took out a dagger and stabs Lorcan in the arm. The former villain screams in pain as blood came out of it which Sec calmly collects with his dagger. "Now you made finish him...we got all we need."

"LEAVE HIM ALONE!" A familiar Canterlot Voice booms. Everyone turns to see Twilight's group and everyone with her arriving. The help has arrived!

"Princess, you are too late..."

"Attack!" Virtue demands as his side jumps up, trying to attack the enemy and save their injured friends. They don't know what happened but they all gotta act and fast!

The battle continues to rage on, with almost neither side getting an advantage here. Drago was scouting at the battlefield when he noticed Twilight was going to...aid Lorcan? Drago growls in seeing that Twilight, who hated Lorcan right down to the core, was going to give him aid in the fight to survive against Tadaka's remnant forces.

"Grrr…ARRRRUGH! Someone stop those two!" Drago roared off in annoyance, and wanted any available evil Dragon to stop such an event; but they were all busy with their own feats. "Fine, I'll do this myself!" Drago begins to charge in, only to be cut off from two chain blades that stop him by wrapping around his arms. "WHAAAT?" He roared off in fury to look at who was holding him back, and saw it was Pinkamena that was keeping him from going anywhere.

"Sorry, can't let you go. This is something Twilight and Lorcan need to do to patch up a relationship you broke!" Pinkamena made a sassy remark towards the guy in keeping him from interfering.

"Grrrr....you just made a very big mistake here? GROOUUAARRRUGHHH!/Powwfruvhmmm..." Drago darkly remarked off in a threaten tone, before he used his Dragon fire breath to shot out big flames at the pink pony.

Pinkamena suddenly had to draw back her chains to dodge that incoming fireball from almost roasting her.

"Get that little pink freak!" Drago yelled out for someone to get Pinkamena.

Much of the free Dragon cult members were seen charging to attack Pinkamena. But the pink pony stares against her overwhelming odds to swing her blades around to make like a spinning tornado. All enemy Dragons that attacked were getting hack, slash, chop from even getting too close to the attack. When she stopped, many of the evil dragons working for Drago and Sec were scattered and beaten across the ground.

"Grrr...." Drago growls with a growling Dragon sound while steam was blown out his nose in showing how mad he's getting.

"Twilight's seen the truth, the chance of your demon buddies seeking revenge is falling apart. So it's over now, Drago!" Pinkamena lectured the enemy that his chances to fool Twilight is over.

"Oh, I'm just getting warmed up." Drago remarked off with a sly smile on his face that this was far from being over.

Soon Drago pulls out some metal pole, blows fire on both ends to start swinging it around in having other skills then just speed, strength & fire spell & breath attacks; he's also got some martial skills for combat.

"Your so toast! ROOUUAARRROGHHH!" Drago remarked off to say before he soon charged straight at the pink pony.

And soon a combat clash was going on between Pinkamena & Drago. They were clashing with their weapons, and the pink pony was somewhat caught by surprise that Drago could fight well with a weapon in hand. But she yelped from watching out for the hot flames off the tips of that rod weapon he used, almost burn a bit of her mane.

"FIRE IN THE HOOOOOLE/Powwfruvhmmm..." Drago yelled out to say before blasting a Combination type tire spell right at the target.

"EEK!" Pinkamena yelps to duck down in avoiding that attack from hitting her.

"KURBOOMFRUVHMMM..." Then an explosion happened that destroyed a portion of where the pink pony stood, definitely wanna stand clear of getting burn there.

"Okay...this is really starting to not look good here." Pinkamena stated off in seeing that Drago is really bringing the heat here. "But no matter what, Twilight will realize that the only real monsters around isn't guys like Lorcan....but you and your buddies!" She stated off this matter in knowing that Twilight will know who the real monsters are, those that never learn to change and stay evil and Lorcan is the opposite cause he WANTS to be good.

"Spare me your words, and get ready, for when this is over....we'll be having a pony BQQ." Drago smiled off to say this while getting under the pony's fur.

"NOT ON MY WATCH!" Pinkamena yelled out in getting herself into a battle position.

"We'll see...LONG LIVE...THE AGE...OF DRAGONS!" Drago remarked off before yelling off this battle cry and started to charge in full force.

"LONG LIVE...THE AGE...OF CUPCAKES!" Pinkamena held up her blades in making a weird battle cry at this time.

Then a record scratching sound was heard that made many viewers look to the pink pony as if staring at some weirdo that made the weirdest declaration war cry ever.

"What? Should I have gone with ponies instead of mixing it up a little?" Pinkamena asked off in seeing that everyone thought she was weird for saying something like that.

"ROOUUARRRUGHHH!" Drago was heard roaring out that caused Pinkamena to snap her attention and stop an attack from getting to her.

Now the battle between Pinkamena and Drago continues to be clashing on in which the pink pony wasn't gonna call it quits here for even a second. Hopefully the others can hold out and win their own battles while Pinkamena is keeping Drago occupied.

"Enough of this!" Sec said as he got up, recovering. "We must leave NOW!"

Sec, Drago and their Dragons disappears, leaving Flare Tiger and the injured Lorcan behind. They got what they needed. No need to stay behind any longer than they had to.

"Lorcan!" Twilight cries as she flew over to Lorcan and begin to hold him. "Lorcan! Lorcan!"

"What happen?! Who did this to him?!" Spike demands in shock and alarm, seeing the stab that Sec made when he attacked Lorcan.

"Those jerks who attacked us." Flare Tiger explains as she got up but barely. "They assaulted us while we were on our way here. One of them, Sec, stabs Lorcan in the arm."

"The cults... Lorcan wasn't really part of it... Let's find them now!" Twilight exclaims in determination. She made a huge mistake in letting this happen.

"Twilight... Twilight..." Lorcan spoke up barely.

"Lorcan! Stay here! You need resting!"

"No! They did it. Those bastards have it..."

"What? What did they have?" Ben ask Lorcan, fearing the worst.

"They're bringing Tadaka back from dead... The fight between us... It's their ploy... Stop them... Stop them..." Lorcan moans a bit before he fell unconscious.

"Lorcan..." Twilight said quietly and sadly to herself. What have she done?


In the Everfree Forest, the Dragons gathered, ready for the resurrection that will spell the end of Equestria for good. By the time their enemies figure out that they're here, it will be too late.

"The preparation is done. We have the Aura of Hatred and Blood of His." Sec said wickedly and madly.

"Good... The Reign of Demon Lords and Dragons can finally begin..." Drago said with a cruel grin. Everything has gone according to plan. Soon...

Author's Note:

Author's note
Oh no! The resurrection is about to get under way. But will they stop the resurrection? Probably not as a force not seen in a long time makes his return. Tadaka is back and he's going to continue what he's started. Read, review and suggest.

Lorcan having a breakdown with the others trying to comfort him is like the same thing for Rarity when her reputation was ruined thanks to the bad dresses that her friends made her create in one episode.

Sunset's argument with Twilight is a reference to "The Legend of Korra".

The flashback references the Flutterbat episode but with Ben, Nyx and Phobos involved.

Twivine Sparkle was an OC by Delta Brony.

Virtue gone mad is based on www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8yRC3… and www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulsLa4… for the scene where Liu Bei gone angry and mad when e heard Guan Yu and Zhang Fei died (Dynasty Warriors 7 & 8 Version)

Battle of Grave Stone Maze is based on Battle of Yi Ling (Historical and Dynasty Warriors)

Virtue's Death is based on Liu Bei's Death (DW 7 & 8 Version). www.youtube.com/watch?v=ulsLa4

Terrastrike is based on Guan Xing (Dynasty Warriors).