• Published 9th Nov 2014
  • 1,826 Views, 25 Comments

The Next Best Thing - wingbeats

Rainbow Dash and Applejack can't seem to confess their feelings for each other. So, what happens when they attempt to get the next best thing?

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Chapter 2

"Ugh! Stupid, stupid, stupid!" Rainbow Dash said to herself, while flying through the air.

Truthfully, she was planning to go to the Annual Hearts and Hooves Day Hoedown with a particular orange mare, with three apples as her cutie mark (whom she had a teeny weeny crush on), as her date. However she couldn't seem to bring herself to ask, so she thought she'd go with Fluttershy since Fluttershy had never been asked out. But life was cruel this year.

Rainbow had planned on asking Applejack after the meeting, but now that she had lied, saying she was taking some pony else, she had to keep her word.

That's the problem with lies. Tell one and you need to support it to prove you weren't lying, even if you were. It totally messes up your original plan.

She couldn't think of any pony who she could ask to accompany her. Big Mac? No, he's going with Cheerilee. Derpy? Uh no. Dumb-Bell? Uhh HAY NO!

Rainbow flew above Sugarcube Corner. As if on cue, her stomach started grumbling. Rainbow's flight pattern changed its direction as she flew to the entrance of Sugarcube corner. She opened the door and was shocked.

There, in front of her, stood an orange pony with a blonde mane.

How did Applejack get here so quickly? Rainbow thought. Hey, maybe I should ask her out now!

"Hey Applejack" Rainbow called out.

"Hmmm..?" the orange mare turned around. Rainbow instantly knew it wasn't Applejack but they had strikingly similar looks. The mare was orange and had a blonde mane, which resembled Rainbow's bangs, although not as scruffy. Her tail had a darker layer of orange underneath but it still was mostly blonde. The only difference was her navy blue eyes and her cutie mark was a...

"Howdy" said the Applejack-look-alike. Even her accent was the same.

"You're..uh..how did..who are..?" Rainbow was too confused, as if her mind was were playing tricks on her. Maybe she's a Changeling!

"It's alright, Rainbow Dash. Ponies confuse me n' Applejack all the time. Ma name is Apple Cobbler. A pleasure makin' yer acquaintance." She shook a stunned cyan mare's hoof.

"How did you know my-"

"Ah live here in Ponyville. Ah just live on the edge of town with ma sister, Apple Fritter. Ah don't come inta town very often. Only fer the Apple Family reunions of course. Or if ah wanna get a tan. We're cousins of Applejack. Ah know ya 'cause yer one of Applejack's best friends and one of the Elements of Harmony. Uhhh Loyalty right?"

"Uhhh..yea?". Rainbow replied, while tilting her head.

This was weird. Really weird. Although she couldn't get over the 'weirdness' of the whole situation, Rainbow felt at ease with this mare. She decided to give it a chance.

"Sorry, I just didn't see you here before. And you're right, you do look A LOT like Apple-"

Rainbow's mind clicked, as a smile started to form. If she couldn't ask Applejack to be her date, why not get the next best thing?

"Hey Apple Cobbler?" Rainbow started, rubbing her hoof on the back of her head. "You wouldn't happen to be going with any pony to the Annual Hearts and Hooves Day Hoedown, would you?"

Apple Cobbler stifled a laugh. "You sure ya ain't movin' too fast there, Sugarcane? Ah mean, ain't it weird ta ask a gal out that ya just met?"

"Well maybe." Rainbow Dash admitted, still rubbing her hoof behind her head. "But I have no date and if you're interested."

"Well...Ah did jes' get out of a relationship with some pony..." Apple Cobbler started, but seeing Rainbow's adorable pleading eyes convinced her otherwise. "Buuut Ah guess Ah could give it a shot. Ah mean it's one date right?"

"Woohooo!" Rainbow swooped up Apple Cobbler in the air in a tight hug, while Apple Cobbler blushed lightly.

"Don't worry about a thing!" Rainbow assured her, as she landed both of them to the ground. "The pony who let you go is sure to be jealous now that I'm your date. I'm totally awesome, which means, you're automatically awesome too!"

"Well aren't ya a sweet talker". Apple Cobbler rolled her eyes at the prideful pegasus. She wasn't planning on going to the hoedown, but this might have been the next step her sister was telling her to go for.

"Hey, let's celebrate! I wanna hang out with you more. You know, to get to know each other better." Rainbow Dash said happily. "Mrs. Cake?...Uhh..Mrs. Cake?" Rainbow said, looking over the counter.

"Mrs. Cake is busy baking fer the Hoedown. Ah've been helping them with ma special apple cobbler. Would y'all like ta try some?" Apple Cobbler asked.

"Oh boy, would I!" Rainbow said, licking her lips hungrily. With that said, the two were well-acquainted within the next few hours. They talked about Rainbow's dream of becoming a Wonderbolt, Apple Cobbler's dream of opening up her own dessert shop and about the next hoofball season.

The two were unaware that there were two dark green eyes watching them.

Later that night, Rainbow jumped into her cloud bed, weary from the events of the day. But instead of sleeping, she just lay there, thinking. Why was asking Apple Cobbler out easier than asking Applejack? Is it because it's not really Applejack I'm asking out? I mean sure Apple Cobbler is pretty but is she only pretty because Applejack is pretty? Wait...did I just think Applejack, my best friend, is pretty? No! Wait, yes! Ugh..too much thinking!

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and took long, deep breaths.

I sure hope Applejack isn't angry.

Rainbow tossed and turned in her bed, before finally lying back down in the same position. She sighed slowly, with only one thought in her head.

I wish I could go with Applejack instead....