• Published 26th Oct 2014
  • 1,173 Views, 68 Comments

Diamond Tiara's Birthday Wish - 366 Days of Fun - Theo Vellum

Diamond Tiara's birthday doesn't go so good, but she's glad that she was able to spend time with her family and friends. So what better birthday wish than to be able to spend more time having fun with them than ever before?

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Day 8 November 1st Saturday: Candy, Lots of Candy

“I bet I can stuff more Twinkies in my mouth than you at one time, Dazzle.”

That was the sentence that began the ultimate candy competition. It began with one Twinkie. One delicious and delectable Twinkie that was going to be a pain not to bite down on. But I persevered. Soon we were at a total of twenty-four Twinkies each. It was impressive how many of those treats would fit in ones mouth, but I needed to focus on not biting down. With how much I love Twinkies it was incredibly hard.

“Hi, Diamond... Tiara...” Silver had just walked in with a face of utter bewilderment. She quickly regains her composure though. “So, how’s your day going so far?” A grunt escapes from my mouth. She’s doing this on purpose isn’t she? “Wow, we sure did get a lot of Twinkies... All those delicious, delectable, sweet creamy treats that no one can help but take a big, huge, bite out of when you taste them...” Silver has got a very devilish face on her now. Oh no... Don’t let her get to you... Don’t let her-


I let her get to me. Dazzle crunches down and chews soon after me, taking victory for himself. I glare at Silver Spoon, who just lets out a giggle.

“I know you’ve got a lot of candy, but you don’t have to gorge yourself. You know it’ll still be here tomorrow.”

“That’s what I’d expect to hear from Miss Perfect Teeth. You always seem to be able to keep your teeth perfect even after Nightmare Night!”

“Maybe if you brushed after every meal like I did...”

“Dazzle and I have better things to do.”

“I can tell. I mean, it’s so obvious.”

“You’re just jealous because we’re so much better at eating candy.” I bring a Twinkie to my mouth, and bite into it delicately.

“Oh! You think you can eat more candy than me? I can assure you that I could eat more candy than you if I wanted to!” She’s taken the bait, now it’s time to reel it in.

“Then why don’t you put your money where your mouth is? Unless you’re sugar-free?”

That was it, I’ve got her. What followed was a sweet, sweet candy eating competition. Round 1 consisted of who could crunch down on the most caramel soft candies the fastest. Dazzle decided to be the judge. After many candies were crunched down upon, it was determined that I had crunched down on 65, while Silver had a measly 32. Did you expect anything less from the queen of candy?

Next was the round of Chocodiles. Like the round with Twinkies we had to stuff as many into our mouth as we could at one time. It was close for a while. We were neck and neck. But Silver Spoon won this round in the end.

It was finally time for the final round! We each have to pick up candies from the junk candy pile at random, and no matter what, we have to eat them. Whether it be black licorice, sugar-free, or something even worse... We have to eat it in turns.

I know that you might think that there is no such thing as a junk candy, but believe me when I tell you that there are some real stinkers out there. Like this Warhead for example. I picked it out first, and I have to endure 10 minutes of sourness before I can even chew it down without breaking my teeth. The awful taste... The sourness of sours! Ugh... It takes a while but I muscle through it. What a bad first pick.

It only gets worse for both of us from there though. We both end up picking several strings of deadly, horrible, disgusting black licorice. Some of them have been in that junk pile for years, and are getting stale. It’s so stale that I actually have to spend time chewing before I can swallow it down, and Silver looks like she’s retching after she finishes hers. She makes all the sounds and movement that she’s going to vomit, Dazzle and I back away, preparing for projectile vomiting. Luckily it never comes. Or perhaps unluckily? If she vomited I would have won, and I would have an excuse never to get into the junk pile again.

I thought I was safe for a turn when I got some bubblegum. But the gum was banana flavored. I almost spit it out. Banana flavored candy is the worst. It tastes like yellow glue! Not that I’ve ever tasted glue, but that’s the first thing that comes to mind! I have never tasted good banana candy, and what’s worse it usually disguises itself as lemon flavored! You are supposed to know what to expect with lemon candy, but noooooooo. There is no good candy in this pile, I should know this already.

Of course, that’s not to say there isn’t ok food in the pile. Somepony last year gave out cheese and crackers, and Silver managed to get a package. Somehow they aren’t stale, and I see her chew on the crackers happily. She got such a lucky break, and she’s smirking at me. Ugh, note to self, re-assess what goes in the junk pile.

However, I would have to wait until next Nightmare Night to do that. Neither of us wanted to give up, and we refused to throw up even with the worst candy. As the pile thinned out, we knew there was something just waiting to be picked, something we really wanted to avoid. Then that thing was all that was left, and it was my turn. My turn to eat an entire tube of toothpaste. Darn you, well intentioned dentist. Darn you all to heck.

“I... I... I can’t do it, I’m not going to eat a tube of toothpaste.” Silver Spoon looks shocked, I can’t blame her though. I’ve never admitted defeat to anyone. “Silver Spoon, you are the new queen of candy.” Her shock turns to utter joy, and she dances around the room. She does this for only a few seconds, however, before all this candy eating catches up with her. Collapsing backwards, she holds her tummy and begins to make snoring noises.

“Hey kids! How’s your Nightmare Night candy eating... Going...” Randolph doesn’t take long to faint at the mess we’ve made. I forgot... He’s going to have to clean all this up... Ugh... Too tired to care now, need sleep...

The ultimate candy competition had no true winners, only losers. It didn’t help that our father decided to make us all take surprise check ups the next day... I am so not looking forward to that.

Day 8 END

Author's Note:

First chapter of the day! It took a while to get into the groove for this one, but hopefully I can get the next one done super fast while still writing it good. Bootsy and Mager are the best help I could've hoped for.