• Published 14th Oct 2014
  • 1,847 Views, 76 Comments

Love and Punderstanding - Jonesly

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30. Harvest

The Badlands of Equestria weren't actually all that bad. In fact, for the past decade and a half, they could almost have been called the 'Half-decent-if-rather-spartan lands.' The difference was that nowadays, ponies had a reasonable expectation of coming into the... lets call them the Not-quite-good Lands, and coming back out again without their life essence being drained along with love to feed a voracious horde of changelings. In fact, meeting up with a changeling was now considered good luck as the drones were pleasant and prone to putting on impromptu comedy shows filled with impersonations of famous ponies.

In the hive, the Queen of said changelings was lounging on her dais. The years had been incredibly kind to her. Once she had been starving and struggling to find a sufficient source of love to feed her children, that had changed the day a purple pony showed up on her doorstep offering a compromise. Fifteen days later, Chrysalis had stopped ignoring her and let her into the hive to begin negotiations. The end result of those negotiations now stood in the great hall of the hive. Delivered mere days after signing a treaty, a golden statue of a corpulent pony holding an oversized donut above her head stood sentry. The drones had taken to calling the statue, 'Fatty Pony.'

Chrysalis herself was looking rather plump herself. Over time, the starvation holes had closed and she had started to look quite... pleasantly plump. Granted, she'd never quite managed the perfect curviness of Celestia... Curse that mare, no one should have such perfection for a flank, how could it have been possible for that shape to exist in nature? Chrysalis shook herself, wiped the drool from her chin and continued her thoughts. Granted, she hadn't the curviness of Miss Mathematically Perfect, but her flank was at least in the top ten of Equestria. It had filled out into a deliciously shapely bubble and she could attribute it all to clean eating and good living. Chrysalis started examining her hoof. However... was that a dimple? “Drone, is my hoof looking a little thinned out to you?”

Nameless Drone #214 snapped to attention. “My Queen, you are looking as ample and zaftig as is properly befitting your position.... though it I may say so, your horn may be a little skinny towards the end of it.”

Chrysalis chuckled. “That's called the tip. Also, as a tip, it's supposed to be sharp. Thank you though, I was getting concerned, as our Fatty Pony is down to five percent. I was hoping to expand the hive a little, but I guess I'll hold off on that.”

A new drone, differentiated by heaven knows what, trotted into the throne room. Carrying an envelope under his wing he trotted before his queen and snapped to attention.

“My Queen,” Named Drone Steve said, “A pony delivered this letter to the entrance of the hive.”

Chrysalis looked him over. “And where is it from?”


“Oooh! I hope that's what I've been waiting for, bring it here.” Chrysalis commanded. The drone quickly brought the letter to its queen.

The paper was quite nice actually, with fine calligraphy engraved on the front that said, “Queen Chrysalis.” Inside the calligraphy continued, “You are hereby invited to the annual celebration of our love, this year we are celebrating fifteen blissful years. Yours, Celestia Morningstar and Twilight Sparkle.”

Chrysalis grinned. “Harvest time.”