• Published 29th Sep 2014
  • 314 Views, 6 Comments

Where the Rainbow Begins - Alizilith

Before Scootaloo, before RainbowDash, before the Rainbow Factory, before the elements of harmony, there was a Question, where did Rainbows come from and how were they made, what layed at the beginning of the rainbow. Well heres thier story.

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%Chapter 5% Sibling of Mine

Unicorn magic was certainly amazing, to be able to do a lot of things that are deemed impossible for an earth pony or a pegasi, but I was not surprise that Celestia was able to give me the gift of painless wings, of course I could not use them but I didn’t care. I opened my long wings and gave them a flap, bracing for the pain to come only a small gust of wind to grace the ground. I gave them one more flap and I felt so much pleasure in just doing this task, I just couldn’t help but smile.

Looking around myself I made sure no one was around, breathing a sigh of relief I was assured that I was alone. Cracking my neck I stretched my wings as far as I could and rising them to the highest extent. Muscles that I thought long dead moaned as I stretched and it was so pleasing to feel this. Taking a deep breath I tried flapping my wings, over and over again, my body knew what to do and I proceeded with such precision that my task was unavoidable.

But such a thing was a long forgotten dream, I was only successful in raising myself an inch before falling back to the ground. Snorting I tried once more with such determination that I had to do this, I had to at least try. I began flapping my wings once more and this time I beated them more fervently, my desire fueling this attempt, in any other ponies eyes it would have look ridiculous, i mean I was beating my wings as if I were a humming bird.

I rose three inches this time but my wings seized, unused for so long and the magic that once embedded in them had run dry, fusing into my bone frame and becoming that of earth. I chuckled to myself, a new feeling overwhelming me that I surprised myself. I felt joy. It had been so long since I was able to use my wings and that I was ever happy to get myself to hover.

“That’s surprising” A colts voice rang out into the room

Surprised I turn my head towards the direction of the voice only to be greeted by my brothers face. I winced, using my wing to cover myself. His hoof gently pulled the wing away to look at me. Normally I would be looking at the ground, not wanting to look at him so that I wouldn’t provoke him in any way but something in me made me stay, to stare him right in the eye.

I looked up at him, as if expecting something, yearning to hear words that I had dreamed of but long buried. I had given up those dreams as well when I was just a young mare but now, I felt small.

“What's so surprising to you?” I asked, trying to put my usual spiteful voice in it only to falter.

He steps closer so that he stood right in me, Strom Dancer looking not intimidating but, somber? I don’t know, I never saw this look on him before.

“Well I’m surprised because you, well, I thought you would be breaking down or something” He mutters

“Why would I do that?” I ask now tucking my wings away.

“Well, you’re finally able to use your wings and everything and I mean, you’re a Pegasus, and you still can’t fly” He states, as if trying to piece together a puzzle.

My ears flatten “Yeah, I know, you’ve been telling me that since my flight test” I stated bitterly, he was only here to poke fun at me once more.

“Well I-” He begins but I cut him off

“Stop” I demanded “Just stop” I pulled away from him and began to head towards the door “I’m tired StormDancer, so many times I had wished you would come to my aid, to be my bbbf again and tell me its going to be alright, but I’ve had it.” I turned towards him, flaring my wings, knowing full well that he couldn’t do the same “I am a Smart mare, I am a scientist, I have a lab, I am looked up to, I have true friends, And I have a little sister who treats me like blood more than you ever had”

I took a step towards him but stopped myself “I was sought after for Celestias personal helper, I am looking after a project that could very well turn the tables of Solar Eclipse Siege, I don’t have time to dilly dally with your own ignorance,” I then tucked my wings away, they were no longer apart of me, as with any memories that involved them

“I am Rainbow, and I am moving on, You may be the fastest flyer in cloudsdale but look where it landed you, a broken wing and shattered pride, let me ask you this, have you ever experienced friendship? Have you endured the pain as well as laughs with those who you deem closest to you?”

I was looking him dead in the eye, waiting for an answer “I-I. I’m”

“Tch” I turned my head away “Of course not, if you had true friends then where are they? why don’t they visit you in your injured state” and to emphasize I look outside to see a clear sky being cleared by pegasi, “They’re all flying away carelessly and seeing who could replace you”

I took a deep breath and expected myself to be happy that I finally told him off, to tell him what I felt for so long, that I was in a better place than he ever had been. But I didn’t. I felt hollow, if this was what all those bully’s felt when they told off others then why do they continue to say such things. I even felt like crying at that moment, but I held it in.

My wings were limp, grazing the cold floor as I took a deep breath “I’m tired StormDancer, I tried so hard to get accepted by other ponies and especially my family but it’s breaking me, I almost became a pony who wasn’t me when I was finally able to open my eyes, the friends I have now are my friends because I am who I am so…” I turn weakly towards him “So just, just stop.”

With that I turned away, ready to walk away. “I’m Sorry” In that instance my ears perked up, flipping behind me as if I had heard a dragon shriek itself.

I went to look at Storm when I saw the look on his face, it was that of sorrow “What did you just say?” I asked taken aback

“I’m Sorry Rainbow” He states more clearly and stepping closer to me “I know this is long over due and you may even reject it but I’m sorry Rainbow, I should have been there for you but my pride got the best of me, I had that one set in mind, fly and fly fast, that was always our family’s crest and when I saw that you couldn’t fly it was as if you were betraying me, and well, mom and pop acted as if they were denouncing you so I only followed suit”

He bowed his head “I don’t think I could ever forgive myself but when you saved me that day, I, I realize that I was such a foolish colt. And I am willing to do anything to make amends with you. I’ll understand if you reject me, but at least, consider.”

I stood there, not knowing what to do and it was as if my heart stopped, trying to decide which way to beat its rhythmic tune, but I already knew the answer. Turning around I raced right at him, he jumps in surprise as hooves wrap around his neck. He looks down to see me hugging him tightly. Hesitantly he wraps his hooves around me.

“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry I said those things” I cried out threw his grey coat.

“You’re sorry, I should be the one saying sorry, all those thing you said were true and I was the ignorant one” He beckons back

Everything was silent and I was just happy that i had my brother again “You know I was kinda hoping you would have been moping about your wings being, well, unflyable and all” He laughs nervously and I gave him a skeptical look “Well I mean, if I caught you when you’re down, I could swoop in and, you know, be a big brother and comfort you” He states while rubbing the back of his head with a shaky hoof.

I snorted at this “You really think I would still gripe on that?” I asked pulling away.

“Well yeah, we’re pegasi and flying is everything!” He exclaims, he winced when he tried to move his wings.

“Not to me” I stated simply “I gave up when the doctor told me there was no way for me to ever fly”

“I never heard that”

“Of course you didn’t, Mother and Father tried there best to keep me a secret, an unwanted child who couldn’t keep up the family’s legacy” I frowned at the thought “they would have kicked my under the rug if i weren’t so memorable, i’m thankful for once that I have a Rainbow mane”

“Well you can’t really blame them either, both of their side of the family raised them to think flying is the number one thing over everything so its permanently on there mind.”

“I know” I said with a little more venom I thought there was going to be, I sighed at this “I know” more calmly than the last for sure, but it held an air of sadness.

“Be the fastest there is Rainbow, you hold the weight of all pegasi Rainbow, one day you’ll be taking our place in the records of flight camp Rainbow, they’ve drilled that into my mind that I would have went insane if it weren’t for my friends”

Then, there was silence, we both didn’t want to speak anymore of our parents, and we didn’t really have anything else to say, it felt too awkward to talk to him anymore. I sighed sadly at this, it was too late. After all this time he finally reaches out, but then again I was at fault as well, I should have reached out as well, now I don’t think we could reach each other from the riff that separates us. I looked up to see him looking at me, staring deep into his eyes I could see turmoil, is he thinking the same.

I shook my head while closing my eyes, too late, it was all too late. Standing up i moved towards the door.

“Rainbow wait.” He calls back

Mere hoof steps away from the door, I stayed, my ears flipping back and forth, trying to figure out what to do or say.

“I think…. I think it’s too late Big Brother” I stated while staring at the door “For years I have waited, and I guess I was at fault as well but there’s still going to be that gap in our lives, a void that would only harm us” or me I thought bitterly

“Come on Rainbow” He trotted behind me, getting close “Just, just give me a chance, I mean, I could make it up to you, you know, uh, I could help with your devicy thing, or uh, I could,” He was thinking hard now, trying to think of what I liked or something like that, I nearly chuckled at this as he knew nothing about me, what I liked or disdained, and he knew I knew this fact “But come on Rainbow, one chance, that’s all I ask, ok?” He was now standing next to me, he was really close to me now and I was simply lost, sighing I looked at him

“I don’t want to hurt anymore” I stated simply to him, and at these words I saw pain cross his eyes and I was slightly taken aback at this, I smiled just a little “And I would hurt worse if I never gave you a chance”

He brightened up immediately as the words rolled off my tongue, he then jumps up, wrapping his hooves around me

“Oh you won’t regret this little sis, I'm sure I'll be the BBBF you deserve” He shouts ecstatically.

“Ok, ok I get it” I stated shoving him off. “You shouldn’t be so hopped up you know, don’t you have to take care of your wing?” I stated while poking at his side

“Hey now” he states, pulling his hind leg up to cover his sore wings. “I only need this brace for three more days before i’m fully recovered so I think I'm fine” He states while sticking his tongue out at me.

I blew a raspberry his way before we begin to laugh. I then peered at his wings once more “You know” I stated while putting a hoof to my chin “If you’re so set on making up to me Stormy, you could lend your wings for a bit”

“My wings?” He uttered out surprised “But you can’t-” He then stops there for a bit “This wouldn’t happen to be related to a little sister you were talking about earlier is it?” He asks mischievously while grinning.

“Maybe~” I drew out while walking out the door.

“Hmm, I can’t wait to see the mare you deem more of a sibling than blood” He states trotting after me.

“Good, because you’re going to make her the best flyer there is” I said while grinning, heading outside. A pony who would fly us to a brighter future I hope.

Author's Note:

Yeah, short chapter but I'm working on it, If you made it this far thank you so much and I appreciate the effort of you reading this :rainbowwild:
Now if you're actually curious of what happened to me well~...
I'm now living with my sis until my house is situated so I hope that goes well :pinkiecrazy: (note its not) so I am going to do my best in finishing this story.
Anyways I'll be waiting for your hate or lovely comments Peace~ :derpytongue2: