• Published 17th Sep 2014
  • 1,709 Views, 15 Comments

Up From the Wilderness - Cynewulf

Adventure has left Rarity scarred and immobile, but not broken.

  • ...

VI. She Browses Among the Lilies

To be loved, Rainbow supposed, was an odd feeling. It was more than just a feeling. She knew that, but it was the feeling that bothered her. Loving somepony felt natural and right--everypony could like things, and emotionally love felt much the same. But to be loved was to be regarded, to be given worth apart from one’s ability to run or fly, to fight or flee. To be loved said less about the lover and more about the Beloved. It had always made her feel embarrassed, like wearing dresses had as a filly. She did nt wished to be seen unless it was in the right light.

Rarity nuzzled her under her chin gingerly, almost reverently. “You’re quiet tonight, love.”

She loved that voice. She always loved Rarity’s voice, but this was not just any normal voice. Like her smiles and the masks and facades, Rarity’s voice had many shades, and this was the gentlest one. This was the voice that only Rainbow got to hear.

“Just thinking,” she replied, smiling.

They were pressed close in the dark. Idly, Rainbow stroked Rarity’s mane. Another plus of bedtime: Rarity at last didn’t mind that her perfect coiffure would be anything but. It was truly a blessing.

“Sounds dangerous,” Rarity hummed, and then nibbled on Rainbow’s neck and then kissed gently in a line moving up her neck and up to her lips.

Rainbow shivered and kissed back. “Sometimes,” she said, breathless.

“You’ve been so pensive, lately.” Rarity inched up closer, kissing Rainbow’s brow. “So nervous, like one of Fluttershy’s little sparrows.”

“Lots to think about.” Rainbow closed her eyes, and Rarity kissed the lids gently before returning to her lips, more tasting, testing than kissing. “I guess,” she said, needlessly, soft as she could. She could feel the heat of her own breath mixing with Rarity’s own soft, quiet breathing. She opened her eyes, and at first she saw nothing but the night, which was deep. Even with the moonlight, she could see only shadows and vague shapes, the suggestion of Rarity but not the image.

“You don’t have to carry every burden,” Rarity insisted. She did not move. Their noses touched in the darkness, and Rainbow grinned and wished that Rarity could see it. She imagined that Rarity, too, smiled.

“Eh, you know me. I have to do my part,” Rainbow said. “Share the weight.”

“No, I think the mare who fits that description is Applejack,” Rarity responded in mock seriousness. Rainbow rolled her eyes, but another kiss interrupted any witty retort she would have made. OR perhaps, not so much as interrupted but wiped away entirely.

This was a different kiss from the others. It was deeper, longer, and as it went on and on they drew closer. Even when she felt that there was no way to be closer, still it seemed like they found ways. She caught air as she could, not wanting to break this spell for even a moment, caught up in the feel of Rarity’s lips and the smooth feel of her coat, the smell of her, the taste of her. This was normal. This was what she understood.

But it did stop, eventually. Rarity broke away, and by now Rainbow saw her smiling in the starlight. Her eyes had adjusted, and so as Rarity lay back on her side, Rainbow could see her body above the covers on full display.

And at once, Rainbow felt like her heart and head were on fire. She moved forward, almost hungry, until Rarity was beneath her, pressed to the bed, and she kissed her in earnest. Rarity’s approach was like quicksand, drawing her in with unbearable, unspeakable sweetness. Rainbow’s was like rain, soft and aggressive in turn, but always pushing forward, always falling, always there. For once, she was in control. She said to this curve, this valley, this promontory, you are mine as I am yours. Rarity’s body she knew as well as her own, perhaps better.

She nibbled down Rarity’s neck. The thrill of knowing that Rarity would groan--hearing her whine softly in pleasured happiness--was what she needed. All of the day’s tension began to melt away. This she understood. There was no second guessing, no worrying, and no more watching. There was only the action of her tongue and teeth on Rarity’s coat. Rarity groaned again, a bit louder, and pulled Rainbow closer to her, holding her with all four legs wrapped around.

They lay panting for a moment, dazed from the excitement of contact, somewhere between silence and action.

“Oh… Dash, why’d you stop, love?” Rarity whined lightly. “That was divine…”

“I kinda figured you wouldn’t want to. Guess I was more pent up than I thought,” Rainbow said. She nibbled on Rarity’s shoulder. Stars, but she loved doing that. She loved the reaction it got, the little shudder, the tiny gasps. Her face felt hot, flushed, and she could feel more than just that. “You’re sure you’re alright? Your legs?”

Rarity nodded. “I’m more than alright, Dash.”

That was all she needed to hear.

Author's Note:

My beloved has gone down to his garden,
to the beds of spices,
to browse in the gardens
and to gather lilies.
3 I am my beloved’s and my beloved is mine;
he browses among the lilies.