• Published 20th Jul 2014
  • 747 Views, 6 Comments

Quidditch Equestria Cup - BronyDan

The first game of Quidditch is played on Equestria soil.

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Chapter 3

Twilight sat back in her throne, still staring at the letter with a confused expression. It was early afternoon in Ponyville; the sun was shining through the high windows of the crystalized castle she had received from the Tree of Harmony after her defeat of Lord Tirek, casting colourful reflections across the floor. She got up and began pacing around the large room, the sound of her hoofs echoed around her as she walked over to the balcony. As she looked out over the town, watching ponies going about their daily routine, she just couldn’t help feeling suspicious; was this simply just another trick of Discord? She knew that deep down he was reformed, but he still wasn’t over his trickster ways, whether it was having her and her friends change manes during their meetings, or having the long pieces of parchment Spike had been writing on wrap themselves around him so that ‘nopony will trip over them’. Small things, but nevertheless, were really irritating.

She had originally decided to let this slide as another joke, but something about still made it seem real. Regardless, Twilight had still asked Discord to summon the Friendship Council, just on the off chance that it was true. As she walked back to her throne, there was a flash of light and Discord appeared, wearing the tuxedo he wore at Fluttershy’s when they first tried to reform him. “The Council of Friendship!” he called out in a mocking interpretation of a snobbish Canterlot accent, “Mistresses Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Master Spike!”

“Yes, thank you Discord.” said Twilight as she gestured her friends to sit at their thrones, circulated around a large crystalized table. Each had their own thrones, indicated by their cutie marks engraved on the top, Spike had his own smaller throne on Twilight’s right and he was there ready with his quill and parchment. On Twilight’s left was Applejack, with Rarity next to her. Pinkie bounced up and down on her throne while Discord helped Fluttershy onto hers. Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes at this as she sat next to Spike.

“Now then,” began Twilight when her friends were comfortable, “I have called you all here this afternoon, for this.” she levitated the letter so that everypony could see it, “According to our ‘advisor’, this letter is a royal summons from Princess Luna for us to come to Canterlot on matters that could possibly change international relationships here in Equestria.”

“Well, tha’ sounds like mighty important news, Twilight.” said Applejack.

“Not until you actually start reading it.” said Twilight, in a dark tone, and she scrolled open the parchment and began to read:

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,
I am writing this letter to you on a matter that may seem unusual to you, but could lead to a new era of Equestrian history. During the last hour of the sun, my sister Celestia had allowed me permission to develop a new sport here in our castle, which if successful, can very well strengthen our political relationships with the various governments of our land. When you have received this message, I would like you and the rest of your council to meet me in Canterlot as the sun sets up in my quarters in the Eastern Tower, I will be able to properly explain everything there.
Yours sincerely,
Princess (of the Night) Luna

Twilight finished reading the letter and looked at her friends. “So what’s the problem?” asked Rainbow Dash, “Princess Luna wants to open some new sport, I say go for it!”

“With a letter like this, I would insist we head to Canterlot right away,” said Twilight slowly, “but then I had to take into account on who the messenger was.” she looked over at Discord, who was now standing behind her throne, looking innocent.

“Oh really, Twilight.” said Fluttershy, sounding quite irritated at her accusation, “you mustn’t dismiss the letter just because of Discord. It may really be from the Princess.”

Twilight knew this response would come. Fluttershy was always the first pony to rush to Discord’s defence if anything went wrong, occasionally saying that pranks were the perfect way to get his chaotic stamina out of his system. “I’m not saying that we should dismiss the letter,” she said reassuringly, “but it’s just that I don’t think we should jump straight into it until we can be sure.”

“But how can we be sure?” asked Rarity.

“Yeah, you can’t exactly write a letter to her saying, ‘Dear Princess Luna, before we do anything and come up to Canterlot, did you actually write this letter? Thanks. Princess Twilight Sparkle’.” Rainbow Dash sniggered.

“And you can’t ignore it, because she may think you’re being a meanie ignorer pony who doesn’t answer back to her letters and then she may actually strip you of your title of Princess and banish somewhere far away, where your punishment will have to ignore ponies as some ironic fate of justice and punishment.” Pinkie Pie rambled on in one breath. Everypony stared at her and then looked back at Twilight.

“Well it would seem like you’re in an unfortunate position, Princess.” said Discord, casually leaning over the back or Twilight’s throne, “Either you go up to Canterlot and risk being the victim of a harmless, but embarrassing joke, or ignore the letter completely and risk facing the wrath of a fellow Princess.”

Twilight looked up at Discord’s grinning face above her, and then she looked back at her friends, who were waiting for her decision. Finally, she gave a long sigh and said, “Let’s just get to the train station.”

Arriving at Canterlot at around sunset, the Mane Six and Spike walked from the station and through the streets until they reached the castle, ponies bowing to them as they passed. When the guards allowed them access, they entered the foyer, just in time to see Celestia walking along the top of the marble staircase. “Oh, hello Twilight.” said Celestia, sounding quite surprised to see her former pupil standing there, “Do what do we owe the pleasure?”

“Actually, we believe to have received a letter from your sister about meeting her tonight on matters that seem rather confusing.” said Twilight, and she thought she could see Celestia’s brow furrow.

“I see.” said Celestia, sounding quite cold now, “Well, you will no doubt find my sister up in her room, with her new… business partner.”

“Actually, she is right here.” came a voice from behind Celestia. Luna was walking down the steps heading to the east side of the castle bowing when she saw Twilight, “Twilight Sparkle, how nice to see you and your new council again.”

“Thank you, your highness.” said Twilight, uncertainly, “Well you see, about this letter you sent…”

“Ah yes!” said Luna, quickening her pace down the staircase to talk face to face, “A matter that is of great importance, one that is having mine and my sister’s absolute confidence…”

“I only gave permission, I am not getting involved!” came Celestia’s angry voice just before the sound of a door slamming. Luna paused for a second, and turned back to Twilight, “Deep down, she is as ecstatic as I am.” she said reassuringly.

“So, does this mean that you really are planning some new kind of sport?” asked Rainbow Dash. When Luna nodded her head, Rainbow Dash gave an unusually high pith giggle of excitement.

“I am glad to see somepony is as enthusiastic about this as I am.” Luna smiled, “If you will kindly follow me outside to the labyrinth.”

When they arrived in the palace gardens, the moon was already up. As they approached the labyrinth, they saw Discord standing next to a worker’s table with what looked like the plans for the stadium. He was also wearing a yellow hard helmet, with blue overalls and a high visibility jacket. He had a belt around his middle, where an assortment of tools hung from their straps. “Ah, good evening, dear princesses!” he called out proudly as Luna and Twilight approached him, “Just about to start work on the stadium.” and he pulled out a whistle and blew into it.

Out of nowhere, five other Discords began to appear, all wearing hard helmets, overalls and jackets. They lined up in front of the real Discord, “Alright you bringers of chaos,” he barked out like a Drill Sergeant, “This is an important assignment for us. I don’t care if you chip a nail, or break a spanner or so help me, break your neck after falling down the steps from the sixteenth row on the left side of the pitch after failing to mend the chair with the dodgy flip seat, we will stop at nothing to get this stadium finished. But it will not come to that, because be Celestia’s sun, I know that in your hearts, you know, the one that’s situated where your kidney should be, you will be strong enough to get this job done! AM I RIGHT?!”

“Sir, yes sir!” the Discord clones shouted back.

“Well then,” said Discord as he clicked his fingers again and a starting line appeared behind the clones, “when I count to three, I want to see you working harder than you ever done before!” The clones all turned around, their tools in their claws, “One,” they placed their cloven hooves just on the line, “two,” they leaned forward in anticipation, “and… three!” Discord snapped his fingers, and the clones instantly disappeared, so did the labyrinth, and in its place, was a large stadium, made of silver bricks that glistened in the moonlight. “I find motivation always helps to get a job done.” said Discord as he led the party through one of the archways that were carved into the side of the stadium.

They walked in silence until Discord led them through another opening which led onto the pitch itself. Their jaws dropped. The inside was enormous; about eight cathedrals could have been fitted in comfortably. The stands rose high into the air, Twilight felt you could have fitted the entirety of Equestria in here, and possible have some room left over. The grass under their hooves was a strong and healthy green, with a large thick white strip painted around the edge, and a large white circle in the middle. But it was the poles that got their attention, made out of pure gold; there were three on either side of the pitch and fifty feet high with a hoop at the top, looking like the sticks that Pinkie Pie used to blow bubbles. “Well, what do you think?” Luna asked.

“I honestly don’t want to leave.” said Rainbow Dash in a low and awestruck voice.

“The architectural design is simple fabulous!” Rarity giggled.

“It’s really impressive, I must admit.” said Twilight, “But I still don’t understand why you called us here.”

“Oh, well,” said Luna, still grinning, “the reason for calling you here is because I want you to get yourself acquitted with the pitch before training starts.”

“’Training’?” said Twilight; she was beginning to get understand, and she wasn’t liking it.

“Oh yes, you will all be playing on this pitch, in two months’ time.”

The Mane Six and Spike said nothing, they just stood there, their mouths still hung open. Finally, Twilight said, “Princess Luna, you can’t honestly expect us…”

“To say ‘No’ to such an offer!” interrupted Rainbow Dash, her eyes wide with excitement, “When can we start?”

“Hold on!” said Twilight, holding her hoof up, in case Rainbow Dash started to lap the pitch, “We are not just jumping into this, this requires a serious meeting and at the end, we’ll take a vote and we will follow the will of the majority.”

“Fine.” grumbled Rainbow Dash, then she turned to everypony else, “Anypony who objects to the decision for us to play in this new sport say ‘nay’, nopony? Good, its unanimous.” she said all in one breath.

“That’s not how it works!” shouted Twilight.

“Now, hold on, Sugarcube,” said Applejack, “Ah admit tha’ all this is sudden, bu’ Ah for one won’ miss an opportunity to partake in a new sport, so Ah wouldn’t mind havin’ a go.”

“While, I’m not exactly an athletic type,” said Rarity, “I simply cannot say ‘no’ to a royal decree. Besides, I may get the chance to design our uniforms!

“I’ll do it!” said Pinkie, waving her hoof frantically in the air.

Twilight looked over at Fluttershy, hoping to get some backing, “Um, I not sure if I’ll be any importance,” the yellow Pegasus said, quietly, “but I don’t want to let anypony down. I suppose I could give it a try.”

Twilight just gaped. She couldn’t believe that her friends, her council, had so easily decided on this decision without using the proper method. “Aw come on, Twilight.” said Spike “This could actually be rather fun, so come on, can we do it?”

Twilight looked at her friends, then back to Luna. She sighed and said, “Fine. I suppose we’ve decided. But who’s going to be the opposition?”

“My team.” said Luna.

“WHAT?!” the Mane Six cried out together.

“I want to be involved as much as you ponies,” said Luna, “and I must admit, I have managed to make a crack and undefeatable team.”