• Published 10th Jul 2014
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Doctor Whooves and Assistant: Hello Sweetie - CrackedInkWell

When Luna was a filly, she had a series of nightmares that made her too terrified to go to sleep. So help arrives from a blue box from a staillon who calls himself "Doctor" along with a pony who she once thought was imaginary.

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6: The Rescue (Part 1)

Nopony in the room had any idea what to do. Luna at this point was too shaken to go back to sleep. And without the help of the Doctor, both Ditzy and Tick Tock were now lost.

Whenever something goes so wrong and so quickly, one cannot help but feel hopeless. The worst has happened and none of them had any ideas how to fix it. It is in a moment like this, a spark of inspiration is critically needed.

Luna looked out of one of her windows and saw the moon overhead. Asking herself over and over: “What would River do?” Then she remembered what River said about being brave, and something that she heard River said long ago. Back at a time when River came now and then when she was alone. She muttered herself what River once told her: “Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that.”

She looked back up to the moon again, looking at what that glowing orb in the sky meant to her. It was such a moment, that she got an idea. She would attempt the impossible. No. Something very, very difficult. Yet, not entirely impossible either.

“I know what to do,” she said aloud. This gotten both Ditzy and Tick Tock's attention.

“Do what?” Tick Tock asked.

“I have to go and get them back.”

Ditzy and Tick Tock looked at each other then back at the blue alicorn again. “How?” they asked.

“I'm going to try something,” Luna said as she approached the machine. “I don't know if it'll work, but my sister is with those monsters. I know what I'll have to do. I have to save her. I have to save them.”

“But aren't you afraid?” Ditzy asked.

“I am. I'm really really scared. But just because I'm scared, doesn’t mean I can't do something about it.”

“Well, are you going to need this?” Tick Tock said as his horn glowed to lift Luna's headgear. But Luna shook her head.

“What I'm going to do, I don't think I'll need it. And one more thing,” -She turned to both of them- “if none of us come back, or if, I don't come back, tell everypony, I'm sorry – I tried.”

“Luna-” both of them said, but before they could say anything further, Luna's horn glowed. She closed her eyes and let her magic envelop her, and then before she vanished from sight, they saw Luna opened her eyes to reveal a white glowing light.

When Luna opened her eyes, she saw that she wasn't in her room, or anywhere else she recognized. It was as if she was in the night sky but very up-close. She saw stars that were all around her some were white, others were red. The three stars that were in front of her were in a very deep red color. It didn't take her long to guess what they were.

She went up to one of them and touched them. As soon as she did, she was enveloped in that red light. After blinking a few times, she looked around as to where she was.

Fortunately or unfortunately, she knew exactly where this nightmare is taking place and even whose it was. She was in their old home they once lived. She can hear shouting coming from upstairs. Worse yet, she knew who that voice belonged to.

She trod up the stairs to their old room. There in the open doorway was her sister in a corner of the room. And there in front of her, was the one pony they thought they would never see again. Even though he was charred from head to hoof, his mane blacken and even his wings (what was left of them) was on fire, his voice and what remained of his cutie mark was unmistakably their father.

“.... AND YOU JUST LEFT ME TO DIE THERE!!! Hasn't your mother ever taught either of you girls ANYTHING!!!”

Luna, uncertain what to do, scanned the room for something. Then she spots the little cast iron shovel that was used to move hot coals by the fireplace. With her magic, she picked it up. She gave the battle cry of: “YOU LEAVE HER ALONE!” and as hard as she could, hit him over the head with the shovel. As she did so, she noticed two things at once: first, the shovel took a chunk of the charred head off, in which she saw nothing but ash and vanes of fire; the other, was as her shovel past him, she and Celestia saw the waves that surround her like a kind of shield.

“Celie! Run!” Luna cried out as she saw his father's eyes that glow red like coals. Her older sister made a mad gallop out of the room along with her sister, she slammed the door and locked it, but even then, the wooden door was beginning to burn. They ran downstairs and try every door they knew to get out, but as they found, all the doors that lead outside were locked. Then they heard their old door braking, along with a shout from their father.

Thinking quickly, she motions her sister to the kitchen. Sure enough, in their kitchen was an oven they once baked bread in. An oven big enough for a pony or two to crawl in. And sure enough, when the door was open, they saw a fire was still going.

“YOU'RE GETTING A BEATING FOR DOING THAT YOU LITTLE BRAT!!!” Yelled their father as he made his way down the stairs. They got a hold of as many pots and pans that they could find. Their father came rushing in, only to be greeted with pots and pans beating him. He was backed towards the open oven door. And then, with a few hits of the pans, he was knocked right into the oven, where Luna slammed the door and Celestia locked it. For a moment, there was screaming and soon, nothing.

The sisters let the pots and pans dropped. They stood there taking in deep breaths.

“Celie,” Luna said, “I think it's time for you to wake up now.”


“You were having a nightmare, but that nightmare is over. So please sis, wake up.”

The room, if not the house seemed to shake, and Luna was picked up by an unseen force away from her sister and was engulfed in white light.

A few blinks later, she saw that she was back to those stars again. This time, she saw that instead of three red stars, one of them was white and it grew smaller and smaller until it was gone.

She guessed that her sister was now awake, so she reached out and touched the next red star.