• Published 1st Jun 2014
  • 486 Views, 5 Comments

No More Ponies - TheBot705

Travis Touchdown leaves Santa Destroy after the death of his sensei to put it behind him, but when he finds himself in an unexpected world, he realises that no matter where he goes, violence will be sure to follow.

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Chapter 1: Unexpected Destination

In the outskirts of Santa Destroy, California, a bulky white motorcycle was riding away from the small city as its motor roared as it drove down the highway. Riding this bike was none other then Travis Touchdown, a man with his hair combed up and slightly back, his orange tinted sunglasses glared against the sunlight, and his trademark red jacket with the collars up swayed with the wind. He also had torn blue jeans and red and white shoes.

He was trying to get away from Santa Destroy in order to keep the civilians of the city safe, for it seemed where ever he goes, violence always follows him. The death of his 2nd teacher, Lovikov, who would help him get stronger for his A.S.S.A ranked fights was now killed and to Travis it was his fault.

While Travis was riding his bike he furrowed his eyes and began to open his mouth to speak "Hey don't think just because I'm in writing that it will make me any less of a bad ass! So just sit back and enjoy the story, because there will be much more blood to shed!" And with that, Travis revved his engine as his bike roared and jumped into the air and suddenly him and his bike dissipated into thin air.

Travis reappeared in the middle of what seemed to be a market in the middle of a field. Travis fell through the air as he shrieked until he landed face first into the ground as grass and dirt was shoved into his mouth. His bike landed a few feet ahead of him as it slammed into an apple stand, causing the fruit to scatter all over the area. The bike then started to release black smoke as the motor slowly died and let out a small hiss.

Travis picked up his head and saw the damage that was done to his bike as he spat out the grass and dirt from his mouth. He got up and dusted himself off as he walked over to his bike and got on one knee to see how bad the damage was. As he inspected his bike he started talking to himself "Shit, when Naomi sees this she's going to kill me." A gasp and a thud could be heard behind Travis as he raised an eyebrow in curiosity and stared behind him as his eyes went wide from what he saw.

There was a whole group of Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns staring at him with horror on their faces as they tried to put together what species Travis was. Travis gave them the same look as he looked at almost all of them, all he saw was their bright pastel colors and the Unicorns and Pegasi fascinated him the most. Slowly and steadily, one of the equines dropped a glass of juice which triggered Travis and the crowd to begin screaming in fear at each other. It went on for a long while until the equines ran into their homes, closed the windows, and locked their doors. One pink coated pony with violet and pink hair, had fainted as it laid on the ground unconscious.

Travis got up to his feet as sweat was pouring from his head as he panted heavily and his heart was pumping. "Where the hell am I?" Travis exclaimed as he slowly approached the sleeping pink pony to inspect it. When he reached to poke the pink creature, it suddenly awoke as it shrieked as it laid there as if Travis was holding it down.

"Help!" The now obviously female Pony yelled as Travis was again taken aback at the fact that they could also speak English.

"Wait you things can talk?!" Travis exclaimed as he grabbed the pony by the shoulders and began looking in her eyes.

"Help! He's eating my soul!" She exclaimed as tears ran down her eyes and sobs could be heard from now and then.

Travis raised an eyebrow in confusion from her statement and was about to speak up for himself until someone yelled towards him and threw a boot at his head.

"Leave her alone!" A yellow filly with a red mane and a bow yelled as she let out a battle cry and ran towards Travis in a charging position. Travis just simply put his hand on the filly's head as she began to try to land punches and kicks on Travis but failing miserably.

"Look kid, I'm not eating her soul, I'm just trying to figure out what's going on and figure out where I am!" Travis yelled as he was already frustrated from all the Ponies screaming at him.

"Lies!" Was the next thing Travis heard until a scooter hit him on the head and was followed by a kick by a filly Pegasus with an orange coat, and purple hair. Travis fell on his side as cheers of victory were heard as the two fillies celebrated and chanted "Cutie Mark Crusaders, Monster Hunters!" it was short lived when Travis could be heard breathing in anger as he slowly got to his feet and his eyes narrowed onto the fillies. The two fillies gulped and galloped away as Travis began to gave chase to them.

"Come back here you little brats!" Travis yelled as he was closing the gap between the fillies and himself, and he would've gotten them. Until suddenly something kicked him in the head as he fell onto the ground with a thud as dust rose into the air, Travis could feel himself slowly losing his conscious.

Travis could hear faint voices as his eyes were slowly closing.

"Take that you freak!" A tough female voice said, as her voice sounded a little scratchy.

"Ah think we should tell Twi about this" A southern female accent said as the other female responded with an "OK then" as she began dragging Travis from the ground.

"Fuck" was all Travis whispered until his eyes rolled to the back of his head and his closed as he had finally lost his conscious.

Author's Note:

So how did everyone think of my first story, and by the way, if you don't know what No More Heroes is, it's a game that was made exclusively for the Nintendo Wii and even got a sequel. This takes place between the 1st and 2nd game. If you want to know more about it, just go to Wikipedia or something. I hope you enjoyed this story.