• Published 26th May 2014
  • 1,532 Views, 16 Comments

Purple Pony Princess Possible Pairing Predicament - Mistershield

Imprinting in nature, can be a weird thing. Even weirder, when it comes to alicorns.

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Chapter 2

Chapter 2

“Betrayal?!” Discord shouted, his red eyes narrowed in anger. “That’s not what I’m angry about!”

“Please, everypony, let me...” Twilight quickly looked around the room, trying to defend her- “Sombra?! Chrysalis?!” She spotted the couple looking at her now. “And you’re together?!”

“Well,” Chrysalis looked away, a red hue on her cheeks. Sombra raised both hoofs in the air.

“All this is going on, and we’re your primary concern?” The dark unicorn pointed at the angry Luna, Celestia, Discord, Cadence, and then to the tied up elf. Twilight took a second to look at the last being in the room and tilted her head to the side, confused look on her face.

“Tirek! How dare you claim to...” Luna stopped talking, turning to look at Legolas. “For the last time, Legolas is shy!”

“Tirek, explain yourself this instant!” Cadence shouted. Like the other alicorns, she was still pretty sore at the centaur. She barely got over Discord’s betrayal, and that was at her aunt’s insistence.

“No, no! Why are those two here?! Did you brainwash everypony!?” Twilight turned to look at the dark couple, her eyebrows lifting up. “No wonder they are being so hostile to Tirek! He is a threat to your plans to take over Equestria and the Crystal Kingdom!”

“Those two?” Tirek asked, moving to cross both arms on his chest. “They are insignificant compared to me.”

“Oh, come on, Twilight Sparkle, do not make this about us now. Cadence has been consulting us for months now.” Chrysalis leaned into Sombra, making the unicorn blush a bit.

Legolas turned his head from side to side, the only one unable to say anything. The elf could only study what was going on, and so far he learned a few things. Sombra and Chrysalis at one point made Twilight angry at them, and possible rulers at one time. Tirek has almost everyone angry at him. Luna was being a real pain, and Celestia was holding Discord back from trying to do something with those strange looking birds.

Somehow, this reminded him of the first creation of the Fellowship of the Ring.

“Enough! I will not have arguments or fighting in the Love Center!” Cadence shouted out loud. She charged her form with magic and shot a ray into the top of the room. Everyone looked up, wondering what the tin ray could do. Apparently nothing, as the beam hit the roof and vanished into nothing. “First thing first! This is a sanctuary protected by the Crystal Heart, and as the ruler here, my rules will be obeyed!”

Discord raised his nunchaku a bit, turning to look back at Cadence. Celestia turned to look into his eyes, nodding once.

“Pickle Barrel Kumquat,” Celestia said, using the keywords to try to get Discord to realize to calm down.

“But it’s Tirek,” Discord whined, turning to look back at her.

“I’m sure Twilight has an explanation. While we all were arguing, I scanned her for mind alteration or any kind of magic influence. She has none.” Celestia turned to look at her sister and niece, nodding to them as well.

“She’s... Not?” Luna asked, turning to look back at Twilight.

“I assure you, I am in full control of my mental faculties. But I can’t say the rest about-” She stopped there, motioning to Sombra and Chrysalis.

“We are in a truce with the changelings,” Cadence sighed, shaking her head to the sides.

“A truce? When? How?” Twilight then turned to look back at her former mentor. “And you all knew? Why didn’t you tell me?! Am I not a princess too?” The purple alicorn narrowed her eyes, more angry than upset.

“It was Cadence’s idea to keep it quiet until we found out more about the Crystal Heart,” Chrysalis explained, moving to stand up. Sombra nodded, eyes closed. “With Sombra back, we managed to learn more about the-”

“If I can interrupt,” Tirek raised his right hand up. “Can someone explain what is going on?” Legolas nodded with the centaur.

Discord narrowed his eyes at him, but then ‘harraumped’ and snapped his paw fingers. In an instant, a flashback appeared in a hazy viewing portal. One by one, the events of the Crystal Kingdom, the Changeling Invasion, and Tirek’s escape were laid out for them to all to see. As the events were explained, they call gathered into the group circle to see the ‘window’ better. Once the show was over, the draconequus turned to look back at them all. “Are we all caught up?”

“The truce?” Twilight moved over to sit down close Luna.

“My changelings and I eat emotions. The Crystal Heart itself spreads love through Equestria. I can simply eat love out of the air,” Chrysalis explained. “Well, so to speak. Cadence allowed my race to stay in the north, provided we behave.”

“And since they now can eat without having to resort to parasitic traits,” Sombra spoke up next, “There is no need for me to take over the crystal heart.”

“Why is this?” Tirek asked, more confused why a pony who had his country stolen be so nonchalant about things.

“As it stands, it has been well over a thousand years since I last ruled. I wish to move around the land before I decide my next course of action.” Sombra moved to sit straight, eyes closed to lift a hoof to his chestplate. “I am still recovering my strength, and it seems I have new ways to obtain power than just ruling.” Tirek nodded at this, having spent some time doing the same thing.

“What about,” Twilight motioned to Legolas with her left forehoof. “Legolas, was it?”

“You know what? All of the others have greeted each other,” Cadence said as she moved a hoof to rub the spot between her eyes. “Let’s start going in a circle, and saying how you all got into your relationships?”

“You know, such a discourse may prove to be enlightening.”

Everyone picked up their heads, turning to look at the new voice. Tirek had been the one to remove the binding from Legolas’ mouth. “Thank you, centaur.”

“Pay me no mind,” Tirek said as he sat down on all fours next to the elf. At least he could tolerate this one. “I simply don’t enjoy imprisonment.”

“Let’s start then, with Discord and Celestia,” Cadence smiled, hoping this could shed some much important light.

The alicorns and Discord started to settle down. Celestia, because she wished to respect Cadence’s right as a ruler. Luna, because she was only here to ensure Discord and her sister were truly a couple. Discord, because he still had a lot to answer for. Cadence would only forgive him if he attended these therapy sessions. Twilight released a sigh and moved to lean in against Tirek, making him frown. But if Twilight wanted the others to give Tirek a chance, she had to give the others one as well. Legolas was just glad he could talk properly.

“Well, we shall skip when we first met, as it was so long ago,” Celestia spoke, settling herself down. “But, we have had a on and off relationship.”

“Let’s just call this...” Discord moved his claw hand out, twirling it in circles. “A clean slate to truly start over.” He smiled down at Celestia, making her blush a bit.

“That’s hardly fair,” Chrysalis admonished. “I may eat emotions, but I don't feel passion from you two.” That made Celestia’s wings flare up in embarrassment. Discord himself made both animal hands stick against each other to twiddle his thumbs.

“Now now, I only *giggle* asked that they share *snkt* how their current relationship came about. We can talk about the rest later,” Cadence chuckled. Only Legolas and Tirek didn’t laugh. Legolas, because he was feeling ill at how they would have marital relations. The centaur simply didn’t care.

“Well, after the fall of-” Celestia stopped herself, looking over at Tirek and coughed. “Discord had a true change of heart. He presented me with flowers, doing everything he could to ensure I forgave him.” Celestia shut both eyes and smiled, lifting her head up to nuzzle into his neck. “He looked so cute, that look of embarrassment...”

Discord coughed once, moving his paw hand out to cover his mouth. “Yes, well, she laid out a few conditions for me. I had no idea getting back together would be one of them. Not that I mind.”

“It was so I could keep a closer eye on him. I missed him more than I thought,” Celestia said as she opened her eyes. “Also, this was to relax the ponies. If I could forgive him and stay at his side, it would hurry Discord getting back into good graces with everypony else.”

“I, for one, prefered if we took things slow.” The draconequus shrugged, conjuring some chocolate milk to take a sip. “Can’t afford to get the heat on me thanks to this guy.” He shot a glare at Tirek.

“I’m not apologizing.”

“Don’t worry, dear,” Twilight moved a hoof out to rub Tirek’s side. “He’s the one that let himself get tricked.”

“Now, hold on just a-!”

“Discord, calm down,” Celestia interrupted him. “Who is next?”

“Celestia, I swear that you are being too manipulative.” Discord lowered his head to whisper into her ear.

“Discord, baby, I know. I want to lock up Tirek again rather than see his face again,” Celestia whispered back. “But I want to know what’s wrong with Twilight. And why Luna has Legolas.” Discord nodded, going back to sip on his chocolate. That Legolas was the most bizarre thing he has ever seen, and he was pure chaos.

“It appears the purple one does indeed harbor honest feelings for the centaur,” Legolas whispered into Luna’s ear.

“We are here for Celestia and Discord,” Luna whispered back. “But I am intrigued by Tirek. He hates ponies, but there he is. So well behaved.” The two look at Tirek, who was simply looking around the room for a moment. The centaur turned to look over at Twilight, releasing a small sigh.

“Sombra? Chrysalis?” Candace smiled at them.

“You know, for someone that was locked up in a cavern, you sure do seem awfully cheerful at their captor,” Twilight mumbled with a dry voice.

“Look, I am not mad at Sombra. Yes, he tried to threaten the Crystal Kingdom. But it wasn’t my kingdom yet, and he was merely lashing out for being sealed away,” Cadence answered Twilight. “And with food being supplied to her changelings. Chrysalis has been ever so...” The pick alicorn had to stop and lose her false smile for a second. “Chummy.”

“Oh, Cadence could not turn away a starving larvae,” Chrysalis replied, an all too smug smile on her face. “But my changelings were more than willing to help crystal ponies adjust to the modern world in exchange for food.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, looking at her sister in law.

“Well, the changelings would change into crystal ponies. It was easier for my subjects to hear and learn things from others like them,” Cadence explained. “But back to you and Sombra?”

“Well, there is not much to say.” Sombra shrugged, his deep voice relaxed for once. “After the field the blasted Heart made, I was injured.” He turned to Chrysalis for her to explain.

“My changelings and I headed north, to where the concentration of love was the strongest. We found him injured, and decided to care for him.” Chrysalis smiled, looking back at Sombra. “I figured off we could heal an injured pony, the rulers of the Crystal Kingdom would let us in.” The dark queen then chuckled. “I had no idea it was Armor and Cadence.”

“Back to your relationship?” Cadence insisted, an anger vein forming on the left side of her head.

“Well, it was pretty much a patient falling in love with their nurse,” Sombra shrugged. “I was injured so badly, I could not even eat. I owe Chrysalis my life.”

“Obviously, it took some time. So much pride in this one,” Chrysalis chuckled. “It took us a while to convince him to let us help him. I gradually came to rely on him, Sombra dear being a king and all. And his mane is so sexy.”

Legolas joined in with the others and gag as the two moved in to rub noses in an Eskimo kiss.

“Thank you for that...” Cadence tried very hard not to show disgust at the two former arch nemesis she had. “Charming story. Now then, who wants to volunteer to go next?”

“Oh, I will!” Twilight beamed with a smile. Tirek moved a hand to rest on his forehead.

“Now this is where things are going to be a little... Weird.” Tirek had been serious a moment, and then his eyes opened up more and his hand to cover his mouth.

“Weird? How?” Discord asked.

“Go on, Twilight. I admit I’m a bit curious as to what happened.” Cadence and the others leaned in a bit, looking at how mismatched the two were. Tirek, tall and old. Twilight, small and young. Tirek, evil and cunning. Twilight, kind and a bit naive. Now that the pink alicorn thought about it, they did have a ying yang thing going.

“Well,” Twilight blushed, a rosy hue on her cheeks. “None of you were there for the fight between us. Discord and my friends only showed up when I had Tirek on the ropes.”

Luna, Celestia, and Discord nodded. Each had different memories of that day.

“It wasn’t a fight,” Tirek spoke out, lowering his hand to wipe his mouth. “It was much worse.”

“That gigantic light show? Your shouting that could be heard from Ponyville? What was all that then?” Celestia asked, her left eyebrow raised.

“Like I said, things get weird here,” Tirek answered, trying to push Twilight’s hooves from around his waist.


“Discord?” Celestia asked. “What was that one thing that you were upset by Tirek?”

“Hmm?” Discord picked up his eyebrows. “Oh. I never told you?”

“Well, no. Only you were there along with the others elements of harmony.”

“Well, let’s just say he did something so evil that I wanted to do it,” Discord explained, though frowning at the memory.

“Just what did he do?”

“Well he tied up the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and gave them all cutie marks.”

“Really? Tirek?” Celestia raised her eyebrows. “But why?”

“The Cutie Mark Crusaders are now the Crystal Meth Makers.”

Author's Note:

Proofread by LyonAzakura