• Published 7th Jun 2014
  • 1,330 Views, 26 Comments

A Kind Maid to Cruel Royalty - ChingKittyCat

-CURRENTLY UNDERGOING REWRITES- Fluttershy becomes a maid to one of the cruelest figures in history.

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Fluttershy grumbled. Yes, she grumbled she did. She had just been dismissed by the army's general. They told her that she was useless due to her cowardice on the most recent mission in Hollow Shades. They told her she wasn't fit for the army. Maybe they were right, but Fluttershy knew they were wrong.

Ever since the Crystal Empire was retaken by the one who redeems sins, Fluttershy had been in the army because he saw something in her. Something that stood out compared to the rest. He told her it was her stare. It had held him in place, almost like a spell. She had argued with the general about this point, but they wouldn't listen.

Perhaps she was just being bitter about this whole job relocation thing. It was better than being a slave, a sinner. Then again, being a castle maid wasn't much of an honorable job, unlike fighting for her forced belief. She was grateful nevertheless. She would be working right next to the one in which she respected.

She still believed she wanted to be in the army, though. She had received proper training and everything. Then, when she finally gets to go out on a mission, she gets decommissioned. It didn't matter now. The past was in the past, after all.

As Fluttershy approached the Tower of Crystal that stood in the middle of the city, she thought to herself. She thought of a battle plan. Well, not so much a battle plan as it was a regular plan. She wanted to find the respect of her King. She wanted direct respect from him. She wanted to be recognized, like she had been when they first met.

She would do everything to help him. Yes. If he requested help from her, she would do it in a proper way.

Now that Fluttershy thought about it, she hadn't seen her King a while. The only time she saw him was the time they met. The time when the Crystal Empire wasn't busy with the repenting of sins. That was not but two months ago, now. Continuing to think about it, Flutters was actually kinda eager to meet her King again. See him every day.. Yes, that did sound rather exciting.

Flutters was not but a couple seconds away from the doorway of the Tower. Said doors were on the legs of the tower. One specific leg, to be precise. So, approaching said door, she saluted her fellow soldiers. They did not salute back.

She handed one of them the paper the General had wrote about her decommission. The General had told her to give it to the guards outside the Tower's doors, so that's exactly what she had did. The guard whom she had given the paper to accepted said paper and opened up the door to the tower for her.

Behind the door was a spiral staircase, probably just there to lead one up the leg of the Tower.

The door closed behind Flutters. How courteous of the guards out there to close the door behind her.

Luckily, this did not put her within pitch black darkness. There were, indeed, torches along the walls of the staircase. There was one right above the first step. Yes, that torch was a bit odd colored, but it was just burning with higher temperatures, making it blue rather than orange.

So, Flutters began to ascend the decently lit stairs. She had ascended about a tenth of the way up before deciding just to fly the rest of the way up. It was probably faster than her just walking up these stairs. It was, indeed, faster.

When Flutters had finally reached an actual floor rather than another step of a stair, she had almost smacked her face into the top of the staircase because of the speed in which she was traveling in order to get up the stairs. Yes, stairs. Stairs, stairs. Flutters bet that there were going to be a lot of stairs here (seeing as how almost everypony here was an earth pony).

Landing gracefully on her hooves, Flutters examined her new surroundings. She immediately realized that there were other maids waiting for her arrival. Apparently they also got the memo about her being kicked out of the army. Said maids were all Crystal Pony scum, but they were still her co-workers. She supposed she would be nice to them.

"H-Hello there!"
One of them greeted (there were a number of them all waiting for her). Flutters could tell that they were obviously a bit spooked by her. Yes, a soldier who was now to become a maid. Somepony with training on how to properly battle was now to learn how to dust things. She could see how they would be spooked by her.

She replied, giving off a soft tone in order to soothe their nerves. She couldn't work around ponies who were afraid of her, now could she?

Obviously a bit more relaxed, one of them decided to give Flutters a full explanation about what was going to happen while she was here. It was a rather lengthy one, so I'll just sum it up.

There was breakfast. Flutters was to wake up at an unreasonable time (7:30AM) to set up the table. All the other maids would be cooking for the King (or doing other tasks) during the following time. He would enter the dining room at around 8AM, but it really was up to him. After breakfast, there would basically be a time between eight and twelve where they would be just dusting off everything. That and cleaning carpets, beds, etc.

Next was lunch. Only for maids, though. The King didn't have lunch. He was much too busy for that. So, all the maids would gather in their personal dining room and eat there. After lunch, there was another one of those free periods of just cleaning and stuff. Then, there was dinner. Dinner happened also happened at eight. Instead, it was 8PM instead of AM.

The expected time in which maids were to retreat back to their rooms was 9PM.

"That's the jist of it."
The maid had finally finished.

"Since it's almost nine right now, I'll show you to your room. Your maid outfit will be in there, so you don't have to worry about that."
Another spoke up. Flutters nodded. She was a bit tired. She was looking forward to the beds here, actually. The beds back in the military camps weren't exactly the most soft. They were made out of rock. Straight up, fresh out of the mines, rock. Like, rock. Legit rock, bro.

The maids bid each other goodnight and headed down two different hallways. Obviously these were the servant halls, in which kept all the maids together. Flutters had the room at all the way down the hallway, which seemed to be a lucky room. The explanation as to why will soon be revealed.

"You know, everypony was excited to meet you today. It's not often we get new maids around here. It's especially rare to have an outsider like you. All of us here except for you and.. H-Him.. Are different races."
The maid spoke as the two walked down the hallway.

"Is that so?"
Flutters was nonchalant about this whole conversation here.

"W-Well.. There's only two pegasi in this entire empire. All of us Crystal Ponies don't have any special features like wings or horns. So you can imagine how excited we would be to learn that you were coming in today."
The maid explained. The two were getting fairly close to Flutters room now.

"I suppose that's understandable."
Fluttershy kept herself from insulting the fact that the Crystal scum didn't have any special features. It was hard to do, but she managed. She needed to make a good impression with these things, so this was the right way to do it.

"Anyways, uh.. Like everypony else, there's a journal in your room along with a stick of lead. It'll be sitting on your bed. Oh, there's also one more thing about your room."
The maid had stopped at the door of Flutters new abode.

"You're one of the lucky few who have a window. It doesn't have any glass on it, but it's still a window. You won't be able to fit through it because it's way too small, though."
The maid informed.

With that, Flutters thanked the maid for her time and entered her new room. The maid went off back to her own room.

Flutters found the room to be small, but cozy. Like promised, there was a window, a maid's costume (folded neatly on the bed), a journal (also on the bed), and a bed. The bed had one pillow on it. Fancy. It was nicely made, though. Well, as nicely made as a bed with one pillow and one blanket could be.

Flutters took everything off the bed and placed it on the floor. She first wrote in her journal, making her first entry. Of course, she entered the date of arrival (1/10/6012) in her journal. Then, she tucked it underneath her bed.

Thus, Flutters flopped over the bed and almost fell asleep ontop of the rough, uncomfortable and probably going to make her itchy in the future covers. Flutters decided it was better if she actually got into bed, though.

Flutters fell asleep almost instantly in the actual bed. It was better than just ROCK, that was for sure. Maybe she could get used to this new life as a maid. Probably not. It was more likely that she would cause shenanigans and get in trouble because of it. That was a lot more likely.

Author's Note:

Man, reinstalling a series you haven't even looked at for over a year is pretty spooky. Pretty spooky. Plus, new people are probably going to be confused as to why the comments are so old and not on existing chapters.

Anyways, my art has gotten better over that almost year long hiatus, right? Yeah. I think so. I can't shade, though. Ech. Or draw backgrounds of any sort.