• Published 5th Apr 2012
  • 752 Views, 3 Comments

Psycho - psycho pony guy

Schizophrenia, Ponies, Hermits and Commies do not mix well...

  • ...

An Eternity

I remember it clearly, the day we first met, May and I. Apparently she had lived in a small cabin down in the woods with her family for all of her life. Until the fire clamed everything she had that is. She never truly did explain the full extent of her prior life and I don't ask. Were together now and that's all that matters.

When I found her she was practically starving on the slope of the hill that I've managed to make a comfortable home for so many years. Naturally I took her in, fed her, gave her shelter and warmth. in turn, she gave me company, something I've been deprived of for so very, very long.

When I first saw her I couldn't help but notice an amazing resemblance between her and a major high school crush I had, a mare which I could never find the guts to even talk to. That was something that ate away at me for years. Nonetheless this new mare, May Flower she went by, stunned me, even in her famine and detest conditions, I was taken in by everything about her, from her beautiful smile, to her silky dark black mane with that one white streak running down off to the side. I loved that streak. It drove me crazy the day she died it out with some wild berries she had managed to collect out in the forest, but naturally, I never told her so. I still loved her endlessly.

She was basically everything I ever wanted in a mare, even the part where she would actually like me right back. Our lives were complete out there in the wilderness, we were happy. May Flower and Mad Wings, alone in peace and harmony together forever.

-------------------------------------------------Years earlier-------------------------------------------------

I awoke in a twisted heap of metal and a pool of dried blood, not quite sure what had happened or where I was. I groaned as the many aches and pains of my broken body suddenly make themselves very apparent. Although my mind wasn't quite working right yet, I realized I need to get out of whatever it was I was resting in. I dragged my poor, scared body through fire and flame to escape the twisted scrap and shrapnel that was once the mighty machine of war, my FIG-110. One that would never get its taste of battle. Although at the time I could barely recall who I was, much less where I was and why I was there. Those memories took some time to come back to me.

For some time I was convinced I had finally arrived in hell after a life filled to the brim with sins, but this was not the case, not yet anyway. Maybe in some alternative reality I had died, but as far as I could tell, I was still alive and kicking, or more half alive and limping for the time being.

Once I finally managed to escape the wreckage, I spent much of the day dragging my crippled body through an infinite forest that spanned endlessly in all directions and covered an entire mountain range in an eerie green and a relentless darkness.

Eventually I ran across what seemed like a small abandoned village, for a few days, maybe it was a few weeks I rested there. time had become an illusion, seconds and hours seemed to morph together. I wouldn't have be able to tell a moment from an eternity should the need arise. All I could say is I stayed there until I could gather up the strength and supplies I needed to move on to someplace else less... well... creepy. (you've ever see a ghost town? those places can be pretty freaky.)

Eventually though I had, up and running, my own little sanctuary atop a grand hill. I specifically chose the location thinking it would be the easiest place for a rescue team to spot and retrieve me. I was a fool in thinking that a rescue team would ever come, especially after a few weeks of them finding nothing of me.

It was quite alright though, I was starting to enjoy the peace that being alone had to offer. I journeyed through the region for many months without finding a single trace of a still living civilization, and frankly, I felt wonderful in doing so. It was as if I owned the entire forest. I was the king of the world.

-------------------------------------------A long time after that-------------------------------------------

Its been long, too long, eternities even since I have seen hide or tail of a single pony besides occasionally running across my own tracks. I wonder if other ponies even exist, could all my memories of society and civilization be illusions? Lies made up by my subconscious to keep me sane? It seems very likely. How could I have ever been so foolish as to think that I wasn't alone in this world. I guess I should settle down somewhere with that being the case...

I've spotted a mountain just north of here that might be comfortable to settle on for a few weeks, just to rest my spirits before moving on. Or maybe to stay upon as a permanent home, I haven't quite decided yet. Doesn't matter right not, I'm not even there yet.

"You know what?" I ask myself. I have taken a strong habit of talking to myself after being alone for so long. "this isn't actually that bad. I've got all the time in the world to myself and my thoughts. I could get to enjoy this with time. and I suppose, time is something I've got plenty of..."


I lived on that mountain for years all alone. I spent most that time simply sitting on my favorite rock and thinking, sometimes not even putting in the effort to do that much. I probably should have spent more time searching for food, but eventually one will get used to hunger. I had enough food to get by and that's all that mattered.

I believe I reached enlightenment at one point in time while sitting on my rock gazing out across the endless horizon that faded off into the distance once it broke apart from the towering mountains that sat monumentally behind me. I respectably lost all knowledge of exactly what I was thinking at the time of my mountain top revelation within an hour of my holy discovery. It wasn't quite as disappointing as it should have been though. Although I couldn't remember for the life of me what revolutionary thoughts had popped into my head that day, I still knew the magnitude of their significance. That part I wouldn't forget till the day I died.

I was quite at peace with myself without the need to worry about any sort of pressure that society is so good at efficiently placing upon all its victims. Something I needed no longer worry about. My life had taken its own path separate from that of all the rest of the world, and I loved it. It was final, if I ever did find a way back to civilization, which I highly doubted even existed at the time, I would decline it.

I remember looking up into endless space on those starry nights long before may had arrived. I remember seeing the moon hang high in the sky and I couldn't help but feel as if someone else was there, someone saying "I'm there right there with you buddy". I could never tell if the noble, almost royal sounding voices in my head were angry at somepony, or just plain sad. No matter what though, they always had a certain hint of malevolence.

I was at the peak of my spiritual awareness for those countless years. Every aspect of life contained a certain miracle to it, the sensation can't be explained, just as it can't be replicated by silly mortal wants and needs.

Those days were days of wonder. They always said you never know what you have until its gone and looking back I would give anything to get those days back. As much as I loved May, I loved my solitude even more. May was a break from the eternity of peace, and a nice one at the time. Nonetheless, universal law says everything must end, as did my life of freedom from the world. Regret would be useless as I had a life to move on with and there was nothing else I could do to prolong my second life. It was time I moved on.

Everything must end, even eternities of solitude. After who knows how many years of living alone as a hermit, I just so happened to run across, to my great shock, another pony! Not a pegasus like me but instead one of them unicorns. A mare that went by the name of May Flower. Apparently ponies existed after all.