• Published 9th May 2014
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Yu-Gi-Oh! P†H - moviemaster8510

In an alternate reality in which dueling is Earth's greatest pastime, one duelist receives a mysterious card that unlocks his destiny that will lead him to becoming the savior of two worlds...

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Episode 10: Gazing into the Abyss, Part 1

Kieran screwed off the gas hose from underneath the wing of his jet, tossing it to the side as he closed it back up and ran up the stairs to the inside of the plane. Sitting on the floor with his hands buried in his face and his back on the side of the seat was Yurik, with Alice and Twilight sitting beside him with a consoling hand and hoof on his shoulder. Pinkie Pie kept her head down and sobbed as she sat before Yurik.

“It’s over,” he cried. “Walt’s gone and so are our chances of getting home.”

“It’s all my fault too,” wept Pinkie Pie.

“Pinkie,” assured Twilight, “it was completely beyond your control.”

“But it was!” she cried. “Walt came up with this idea for us not to get caught and I screwed it up and got Rainbow Dash caught instead. We might never even see them again!”

“That’s enough of that,” Kieran boomed, walking towards Yurik. “I guarantee you that Orpheus is not going to do anything to Walt. All he cares about is the ponies, and he’ll do whatever it takes to ensure that he gets them… perhaps even trade Walt for them.”

“Whoa, whoa!” shouted Yurik, standing to his feet. “You’re not seriously considering–”

“If worse comes to worse, we might not have much of a choice. The absolute ultimate goal, mine or Orpheus’s wishes aside, is to ensure you ponies return to Equus.”

“But we like it with you!” spoke Pinkie Pie. “I’d much rather be with you than that nasty Orpheus that hurt Rainbow Dash and probably Walt.”

“Pinkie Pie,” shuddered Yurik, “please don’t…”

“Yurik, Pinkie Pie,” stepped in Twilight, “as much as I like it with Yurik, Walt, and the rest of the Guardiaboliques, Kieran’s right.”

“What?!” Pinkie Pie and Yurik both shouted, facing her.

“The whole reason Walt has been captured by the Interpol, the whole reason they’re in this faction to begin with… is because of us. We shouldn’t force ourselves to stay with the Guardiaboliques if it means Walt’s life is put into jeopardy.

“But that’s a great show!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “I watched it with Billy back at his place.”

“No, jeopardy as in he won’t be able to return home to his own family and friends. Regardless of who takes us back home, we get to go home. If we stay… Walt may not…”

Pinkie Pie, understanding Twilight’s words, drooped her ears with tears in her eyes, abhorred with the ultimatum she would have to make.

“So,” Yurik summarized weakly and sadly, “does that mean–”

“We aren’t deciding anything yet,” Kieran said. “I wish to come up with an option that allows us to have the ponies and Walt back… but Yurik, Pinkie Pie, if our hand is forced, you might be spending the rest of your time on Earth with Orpheus. We’re headed to Glasgow now. Try and come up with something in the next eight to nine hours.”

Kieran walked to the cockpit, disappearing behind the door. Yurik glanced to Twilight, who shared an equally forlorn look. Continuing to look into her face, Yurik closed his eyes and let out few more sobs and a pair of tears.

Walt’s eyes groggily opened, his vision blurry as he tried adjusting to the light. His sights appeared primarily grey, and upon gaining focus, he realized he was inside of a glass cell with grey walls. Sitting beside him was Rainbow Dash, whom he was slightly surprised to see was no longer bound. Regardless, she looked tired and miserable.

“You’re up,” spoke a voice that jerked Walt’s head to face the glass.

Standing at the glass was Orpheus, his wrist device no longer on his wrist, but his chain still attached onto his belt loop. Walt felt anger rise from the pit of his gut seeing him, and with a furious expression, he stood to his feet, walked to the glass, and slammed against it as hard has he could with his fists. Orpheus continued standing still, unmoved by Walt’s reaction.

“Amazing,” Orpheus said. “Even after taking a full 4000 damage from a duel with me as well as having his ACL struck while running for his life. You’re full of surprises, Walt.”

“How’s about you let me out of here so I can deliver a few surprises to your head!” barked Walt.

“And that’s why I’m not letting you out… yet.”

“Huh? Yet?”

“Hey!” Rainbow Dash shouted, standing up next to Walt. “Where are we? Where are you taking us?”

“As of right now, Rainbow Dash,” responded Orpheus, “we’re currently flying over Russia. Where we are taking you is entirely up to Kieran.”

“Huh? What do you mean by that?”

Orpheus stepped closer to the glass so that his nose was only an inch from it, right in front of Walt’s own face.

“Walt,” he spoke, “I can assume that you have your own life back in Naperville.”

“Napervi– how did you–”

“We had to confiscate your duel disk and phone, and judging by the picture of you and your friends in front of your high school as your wallpaper–”

“You went through my phone?”

“Hand to God, the lock screen was as far as we got. Regardless, I could tell by that picture that you and your friends are very close to each other. Judging by your age and the time of the year, I would say that the three of you will be graduating shortly. Would you like to resume your normal life with them? Or would you rather me ship you off to a prison in your hometown for associating yourself with Kieran and the rest of the Guardiaboliques?”

Walt bared his teeth, not letting Orpheus see his intimidation.

“What does Kieran have to do with that?” Walt asked.

“Knowing Kieran, he too would want nothing more than to ensure your safety. If he’s as smart as I remember him to be, he will give me all the ponies currently in your possession in return for you.”

“What makes you think I should trust you?”

“You don’t need to. All that matters is that Kieran and I can trust each other to make the right decision.”

“Right decision my flank!” yelled Rainbow Dash, “After what you did to me and tried to do to Pinkie Pie, I won’t let you get anywhere near my friends!”

“I’m sorry,” Orpheus said, backing away from the glass, “that isn’t your decision to make. Excuse me.”

Orpheus stepped back to the door of the cell room and slipped through the door, concealing mostly everything on the other side before shutting it and leaving Walt and Rainbow Dash alone. Feeling desperation once again, Rainbow Dash fell to sit on her rump, tears forming in her eyes.

“I’m scared,” she sniveled. “I don’t want my friends getting taken by this crazy monkey!”

“Listen,” Walt said, kneeling down to her. “First of all, we aren’t monkeys, we’re called humans, and being one of them, I’d prefer it if you called us by our proper name. Second, I highly doubt Kieran is going to sell your friends out just for me… not if I have anything to say about it.”

“But… what about your home? Your friends and family?”

“What about them?” Walt asked. “Twilight and Pinkie Pie are my friends too. Sure, so are Yurik and Alice, who you would love, by the way, but I couldn’t live with myself knowing that my freedom was bought with your misery.”

“But… what are you going to do? That Orpheus guy said he was only talking to that Kieran guy.”

“And like I said, I find it hard to believe that he’ll willingly allow you and your friends to stay with him after he knows how he’s been treating us.”

“But… what do we do if he fails?”

“Hehe,” he nervously chuckled as he sat down on his rump and lied on his back. “Then I guess we’re going to be roommates for a while.”

Rainbow Dash, finding solace in Walt’s humor, let out a weak laugh before she walked over to him and curled up beside him, keeping each other warm. Walt, seeing the scared and weak look on her face, gently moved his hand towards the side of her neck and stroked, the sight of her melancholy making her feel sick.

At that moment, the door opened up with Orpheus walking inside with a cellphone in his hand. Walt and Rainbow Dash grumpily sat back up as Orpheus approached them, standing at the wall of glass.

“Stand up,” Orpheus ordered.

Walt looked up to meet Orpheus’s expectant gaze with lazy eyes.

“You know what?” Walt said with a condescending squint. “I kind of like my spot, so I think I’ll stay here.”

Orpheus squinted back at Walt, his disobedience clearly getting a rise out of him.

“I said stand up,” he growled.

“How about you sit down with me? It’s quite comfy, actually.”

Orpheus stayed silent, his patience slowly fading.

“Do you really want to stay in this cage? Do you not want to return to your friends and family”

“What I really want is for you to not treat these ponies like wild animals. Show some god-damned respect and maybe I can respect you in return.”

“Respect, huh? Let me show you my respect for you!”

Orpheus reached his hand out, Walt suddenly feeling a force wrap around his neck and lift him up so that his face was level with Orpheus’s. Walt gagged as he tried to pull whatever held him off, only for nothing to be there.

“Walt!” screamed Rainbow Dash.

“Here is what will happen,” Orpheus said, staring deep into Walt’s eyes. “I have your phone here, and you’re going to give me the passcode so I can call one of your friends to arrange a trade-off so I no longer have to deal with you.”

“Or what?” gagged Walt. “You’re going to suffocate me?”

Walt felt the grip on his neck tighten even more, but to Orpheus’s ire, Walt let out as loud and his powerful a laugh as his squeezed throat could allow. Orpheus, realizing his edge, let Walt go to fall to the floor, Walt gasping for air as Rainbow Dash rubbed his back in consonance.

“You know,” panted Walt, “if you wanted to talk to my friends… all you had to do was ask… you dumb bastard.”

Orpheus sneered at Walt as he put Walt’s phone on and swiped the screen, revealing a keypad.

“And it is…?” he prompted.

Walt, looking at Orpheus’s deadly eyes, breathed in as he thought of something to say.

“The passcode is…” Walt spoke.

“No, Walt!” pleaded Rainbow Dash. “Don’t do it!”

“Don’t do what?” asked Orpheus. “Return you and your friends home? Is that what you’re seriously asking Walt to do?”

“No,” Walt said, looking up at Kieran, “it’s okay, I’ve got this. The passcode is…”

Rainbow Dash looked nervously at Walt while Orpheus prepared his thumb to press the buttons.

“It’s…” Walt strained, before finally smirking. “You know, after you choked me, you might have just killed enough of my brain cells so that I no longer remember my passcode, so I guess that sucks to be you!”

“Hehe,” Rainbow Dash unflinchingly giggled.

Orpheus began to glare at Walt once again before his ringtone, which played the opening of Talking Heads’s Once in a Lifetime. Orpheus suddenly looked to the phone with genuine astonishment as he saw Yurik on the caller ID.

“Perhaps your friends are more sensible than you are,” spoke Orpheus as his thumb tapped the green phone icon, putting the phone to his ear.

“Walt?” Yurik’s voice queried on the other line.

“This isn’t Walt,” Orpheus spoke.

“This is Orpheus?” Yurik asked.

“Yes, I am. Also, I take it you’re Yurik?”

Yurik panted as he heard his friend’s prisoner’s voice for the very first time, Alice and Twilight anxiously observing him.

“What have you done to Walt?” he asked.

Orpheus stepped to the door with his back to Walt and Rainbow Dash.

“Your friends are safe,” he responded.

“BS!” shouted Walt through his cupped hands.

Hearing his friend’s voice on the line, he froze up.

“Walt?” questioned Yurik. “Walt, is that you?”

“As you can hear,” Orpheus said, “he’s been rather difficult here.”

“Eat me!” Walt shouted.

“I wonder why,” Yurik responded with an irked tone.

“Regardless,” said Orpheus, peering from the corner of his vision at Walt, “if he continues his behavior, I might not have any choice but to incarcerate him and your friend.”

Walt looked back at Orpheus’s sideward glare, making him shrink away.

“All I want is the ponies that you have in your possession,” continued Orpheus. “If you comply, you and Walt will be able to return home as if nothing had happened. Of course, this all depends on how well Kieran keeps his end of the deal, which he recently hasn’t been very good at.”

“I won’t give you anything unless you promise me one thing,” said Yurik.

“Name it.”

Yurik looked visibly shaken as he was about to name his ultimate price, his guilt wavering him.

“If we give you Twilight and Pinkie Pie,” he demanded, “I want your word that you will treat them like you would any decent person. And the rest of the ponies that are out there, you better not harm them like you did Rainbow Dash.”

Orpheus stopped his pacing as he considered Yurik’s condition.

“To be completely fair, Yurik,” he said, “once you give me those two, they, along with their other friends will no longer be of concern to you. You will have no idea what happens to the others after that.”

“Do you want me to hang this phone up right now?” questioned Yurik.

“That depends. Do you wish to see Walt in one piece again?”

“Understand this,” Yurik spat as he aimed his mouth directly into the microphone and pointed at his phone, “if I get even the slightest idea that these ponies will be harmed by you and your men in any way, shape, or form, you and your precious Eurydice can walk circles for absolutely nothing for the rest of your lives. How about that?”

Orpheus’s eyes shot open as his goal was now hung in front of him.

“No!” snapped Orpheus.

Walt and Rainbow Dash were visibly impressed by Yurik’s apparent ability to finally put Orpheus himself under pressure, their eyes wide and lips pursed. Orpheus scowled his lips, his vulnerability betrayed.

“That’s low,” Orpheus growled to Yurik.

“While we’re on the subject of low,” Yurik responded sarcastically, “just how tight were those ropes that you bound Rainbow Dash with? How frightened did she look as she was rendered completely trapped and immobile?”

“I’m sending these ponies back to help someone dear to me!” boomed Orpheus. “And what does Kieran want? To make his vigilantism legal?

“Well, you see,” Yurik spoke, pacing about, “while Kieran’s goal is to help out millions of people, yours seems to benefit a number of those that I can count on one hand.”

“And how will it feel when Twilight can’t return home because someone continues to be in their way?”

Yurik stopped in his tracks, suddenly shot in the gut with Orpheus’s logic. Yurik placed his phone from his ear and stared at it, hardly unable to believe what he had heard.

“Your friend here has been calling me a bastard ever since we first laid eyes back on Mt. Takahata,” spoke Kieran. “You’ve spent an entire week trying to gather her friends to try and return her home. I’ve been looking for how to return Eurydice for seven years. Do you think Twilight would like living that long from the comfort of her home? Wouldn’t you do everything in your power to ensure she could return home after that long if the opportunity represented itself?”

Walt, hearing in on the conversation, felt slightly empathetic as he approached the glass with Rainbow Dash

“All you and your friends are doing by withholding those ponies is not just keeping Eurydice from going home, but them too. So now I ask you, who’s the bastard here?”

“Hey!” Yurik said. “If we keep the ponies, we can ask Celestia to send Eurydice home with them. We can compromise! Let the ponies stay with who they want to!”

Orpheus stayed silent before he gave his answer.


Walt and Rainbow Dash gasped upon hearing this response.

Yurik stayed paralyzed as Orpheus continued to talk.

“What do you mean no–”

“This is a mission I must accomplish myself,” he said. “My decision is final. Either this trade happens, or you won’t see Walt or Rainbow Dash for a very long time.”

Yurik gulped, feeling fear mounting in his stomach again.

Walt and Rainbow Dash frowned as Orpheus walked back to the cage.

“Where are you headed?” Orpheus asked. “We will meet there.”

Yurik, realizing that the Guardiaboliques’s hands were now forced, began to sniffle as he tried to compose himself for his answer. Alice, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie watched as Yurik took in a deep breath.

“Just east of Strathaven, Scotland” he spoke, fighting his tears. “Southwest from Glasgow. The pony Applejack will be there too.”

Twilight and Alice hung their mouths open, realizing what was about to be done.

Orpheus, unable to hear Yurik’s sadness, stayed silent as he contemplated their meeting spot.

“Interesting,” he said. “You seem to have gotten a head start on us, so we will meet you there.”

Yurik nodded, a tear escaping from each eye.

“Yeah,” he breathed. “I guess you will.”

“I suppose that’s all then,” Orpheus said as he reached to turn end the call.


Orpheus quickly put the phone back to his ear, ready to hear Yurik out.

“What is it?” he asked.

“I wish to hear Walt… to be sure he’s okay.”

Orpheus turned to Walt, who stared at him with fire in his eyes.

“Alright,” Orpheus quietly relented.

He approached the glass and pressed the front of the phone to the small holes where Walt could speak.

“I’ll let you say one thing,” Orpheus said. “Choose your words wisely.”

“Okay,” Walt responded with a nod.

Slowly putting his lips to the holes, he took in a deep breath.

“Yurik?” he asked. “Can you hear me?”

“Yeah,” Yurik’s voice called faintly through the receiver.

Walt looked up at Orpheus and then back down at Rainbow Dash before he took one last inhale and made his one statement.

“Don’t give that bastard an inch.”

Orpheus’s mouth hung open as Walt looked up to him with contempt.

Yurik, feeling the honesty and brutality in his voice, stopped his crying as he kept the phone to his ear. Looking back to Alice and Twilight, he nodded to them, letting them know that it would not be over.

“Orpheus?” Yurik called.

“Orpheus, can you hear me?”

Keeping his watchful gaze at Walt, Orpheus put the phone to his ear.

“What is it, Yurik.”

“We’re going to sleep on that trade-in,” he replied, making Orpheus squeeze Walt’s phone. “Call us back when we come up something we can actually all agree on.”

With a sudden beeping in Orpheus’s ear, he looked to Walt’s phone to see that the call had been ended. Orpheus furiously turned his head to Walt, who sported a confident grin with Rainbow Dash. Orpheus could only point at Walt as he searched for the exact right words to say.

“Listen here, you brat,” he hissed. “If this trade-off goes to hell because of what you just said, I’ll ensure you never see your friends and family again, you got it?”

“Whatever helps you go to sleep at night,” sighed Walt.

Fighting his urge to kill Walt completely, Orpheus stormed to the exit door, flinging it open with a flick of his wrist and slammed shut once his entire body left the room. Now alone again, Rainbow Dash safely let out a hearty laugh as she fell to the floor.

“That was a good one!” she chuckled.

“Yes,” spoke a voice, stopping Rainbow Dash instantly, “you really made his blood boil.”

Walt and Rainbow Dash turned to see Eurydice the peryton in her full form standing in the entryway. Rainbow Dash jumped back in fright while Walt bared his teeth at her.

“You,” growled Walt. “How badly do you want to get home that you want these ponies to suffer?”

“I don’t wish for them to suffer at all,” Eurydice claimed, a hoof over her chest. “Please do forgive Orpheus; he is not usually this callous. Ever since Equus appeared in the sky, he has been desperate to have Celestia grant him his wish to return me home. And while I want with all my heart to go back, I abhor the way he had taken you, Rainbow Dash.”

Walt looked at her with a skeptical sneer, which seemed to confuse Eurydice.

“Why do you look at me so?” asked Eurydice. “Are my words really that hard to believe?”

“You’re acting a lot nicer than when I was dueling Orpheus,” he said.

“And I apologize for that as well. It is true when Orpheus says I have been his companion for many years. With the promise made by Princess Celestia from Equus, I feel that these may be our final days together. Granted, I’m eager to return home, but I will still miss him. We are still great friends after all.”

“So what does that have to do with tying me up like a hog?” asked Rainbow Dash irately.

“About that, I only want to please my master in my final days of being with him, and if he wants me to hunt, I will do so with no holds barred. I just want him to think kindly of me before we part.”

Walt, still feeling unsure, but understanding of Eurydice’s words, gave her an exasperated shrug.

“So,” Walt said, “how’s that going to help when he takes the ponies from the Guardiaboliques? I don’t think a man with that kind of temper should be working with these guys.”

“Especially Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash mentioned. “She’s not going to like him at all.”

“Please, listen,” asked Eurydice. “I realize Orpheus has become quite volatile these past several days, but I will talk some sense into him. Perhaps we can reach an agreement like what your friend Yurik had suggested.”

“But why?” replied Walt. “Why are you helping us?”

“Because I trust that you can try and help me back home. Orpheus says that he wants to be the one to present Celestia’s ponies back to her, but I would be happier knowing that you and the ponies are somewhere safer and where you want to be.

“If I manage to succeed, will you promise me that upon saving the remaining ponies, you will include my return home as part of your wish?”

Walt, feeling the sincerity in her voice, nodded and smiled.

“Of course,” he said. “I would shake ha… hooves, but…” he croaked, pointing at the glass barrier.

“Not a problem.”

Eurydice reached forwards towards they glass, her hoof and arm phasing through it and presenting himself to Walt, who now leapt back in shock.

“Do we have an agreement?” Eurydice pressed on.

Walt, taking a moment to accustom himself to the sight, stepped forward and gently gripped her soft, but cold and damp hoof. Regardless of Walt’s nervousness, the peryton closed her eyes and smiled with satisfaction.

“Excellent,” she spoke. “I will be sure to talk to Orpheus immediately. Thank you, Walt Faber. Your loyalty and bravery will not be forgotten.”

Eurydice turned back to the doorway and began to glow bright before she quickly faded away. Walt, smiling at the progress that had been made, fell down and sat beside Rainbow Dash, who gave him a congratulatory wink.

“Don’t worry,” Walt cooed, petting her neck to her surprise. “We’ll get you out of here.”

Appreciating the feeling of his hand on her fur, Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, drooped her ears, and twitched her front hoof as Walt continued to rub down her neck.

Yurik sat in one of the airplane’s seats with a can of Sprite in his hand, taking small, careful sips as Alice sat by his side. Between sips, Yurik glanced at his phone on his tray table, staring at the screen and waiting for it to come alive with a ring.

“Yurik,” said Alice, “you need to stop this. Eventually, you’re going to have to make the decision again. We’re only an hour from Glasgow, and we need to come to a decision before then.”

“As soon as he comes up with something reasonable,” Yurik replied, taking a stronger gulp of his soda, “then a decision will be made.”

“Yurik, you heard what Orpheus said–”

“I know what he said! He clearly doesn’t want to make a simple compromise, so I shouldn’t see why we have to be the ones to meet his demands.”

“Because he has our friend, Yurik. We promised your mom that we’d be home by Sunday. It’s probably around nighttime on Saturday in Chicago right now, so we can’t afford to wait around on this much longer.”

Yurik looked to Twilight, who sat on the other side of the plane with Pinkie Pie, who looked to be looking out the window together to pass the time.

“Yurik,” Alice cooed, “I know how badly you want to help them, and they’re as much my friends as they are yours, but we also do need to think for their sake. They’ll still be going home, and I’m sure they won’t think badly of us humans all because of him.”

Yurik continued to stare at Twilight, unable to respond to Alice.

“Listen,” she decided, “once we begin to descend into Glasgow, and you haven’t heard from Orpheus by then, call him and tell him you’ve changed your mind and the deal’s on.”

“Yeah,” Yurik whispered, taking another greedy swallow of his drink.

Alice frowned, both feeling Yurik’s pain and admonishing his stubbornness. With an hour left before a final decision could be made, Alice leaned back into her seat and sighed sadly.

Orpheus sat in a small office room with a glass of whisky on ice. Staring up at screen of a map of Europe with a red dot flying towards the United Kingdom. Swirling the ice inside his glass, he took a sip, seemingly unaware as Eurydice faded into existence inside the room behind him.

“Where were you?” Orpheus asked calmly.

“I actually had a nice conversation with Walt and Rainbow Dash in the holding cell,” she proudly remarked.

“Hmph. Did Walt call you a b–”

“Actually, he was very kind to me. Perhaps if you had done the job humanely like they clearly have…”

Orpheus turned in his chair, facing Eurydice with an unamused expression.

“I had to do what I could to capture her,” Orpheus spoke. “And I don’t take kindly to people who intentionally screw with me to try and prove a point.”

“You want to hear a point? When our conversation had ended, Walt had promised me that he would see to my return to my home if he and his friends retrieved the remaining ponies.”

“Can you really believe him?”

“Yes, Orpheus, I can.”

Shocked by her response, Orpheus stood from his chair, placed his drink on his desk, and faced Eurydice.

“What was that?” he said.

“He’s not like you,” replied Eurydice, making him gasp slightly. “He’s not attacking you for his own pleasure. He genuinely cares about these ponies, and I feel that he’s more concerned with their return home than whatever reward Celestia has to offer him or whatever punishment he faces. I can believe that he’d extend that gift towards me because he feels doesn’t need it.”

“It’s not his business.”

“Twilight and Pinkie Pie willingly joined the Guardiaboliques with Yurik and Walt to find their friends. It’s absolutely their business. Why do you have to be so stubborn about this?”

“Because I don’t want what took me seven years to accomplish being done by anyone else, especially by him!”

Eurydice, stepped backwards in fright from Orpheus’s outburst, only for him to step back himself, regretful for his volume. Eurydice, seeing Orpheus calm once again, slowly stepped forwards.

“Orpheus,” she said, “you have done wonders to make my life on Earth as comfortable as possible, and I consider you a great friend. However, I don’t like how obsessive you’ve gotten over this whole thing. When I leave here, and you by extension, I want to remember the caring honorable Orpheus that did what he could for his friend, and not the one who harmed others for her.”

Orpheus looked at Eurydice’s shimmering, yet fiery eyes, letting him know all that he had at stake.

“What do you suppose I do then?” he asked.

“I think you know what you must do,” she said, her body beginning to glow. “What would the caring and honorable Orpheus do?”

With her words echoing off, her body flash in light before it disappeared. Orpheus looked blankly at the open spot where Eurydice had once stood, thinking of his decision. He then looked back to Walt’s phone, which lied beside his glass of whisky and melting ice.

Yurik stared at his own phone on his tray table, counting down the seconds before he’d need to tell Orpheus his compliance. It was then that his phone rang, Walt’s name appearing on the ID. Yurik scooped his phone up and clicked the green phone icon, placing it against his ear.

“Is this still Orpheus?” Yurik asked.

“Yes,” he responded. “After some… careful consideration, I am willing to offer you a chance to return with both your friend Walt and Rainbow Dash.”

“What?” Yurik gasped, hopping from his seat and walking to the back of the plane. “What is it?”

From their seats, Alice, Twilight, and Pinkie Pie peered over their seats’ edges, wondering what Yurik was talking about.

“A single duel,” Orpheus said. “Between you and one other person of your choosing against me. It can be Kieran, your female friend, or even one of the ponies with you right now.”

“I… I see.”

“If you and your partner can defeat me, Walt and Rainbow Dash will be returned to you and the Guardiaboliques, and I and The Underworld will shift responsibility of rescuing these ponies to you. But, if you lose, you will take Walt with you back to Chicago and leave the ponies behind with me, no questions asked.”

Yurik stayed silent, feeling his stomach drop as the last words were spoken.

“Listen,” continued Orpheus. “I was convinced to make this decision. I am swallowing all of my pride with this gamble, and I expect the same amount of honor on your end. This is all I can be willing to allow for a compromise. Yurik, will you accept my offer?”

Yurik looking back at Twilight and Pinkie Pie, still watching him over their seats, before he smiled and turned his head back around.

“I accept,” Yurik responded. “Meet us in Scotland.”

Yurik clicked the red phone icon, placing his phone back into his pocket. Spinning halfway towards the front of the plane, he walked to Alice in her seat, who was unsure what had happened to allow Yurik to adopt a determined expression on his face. Stopping before her, he looked down to face her.

“Get your duel disk,” he simply said.

Twilight and Pinkie Pie looked at each other with confusion, but Alice gave Yurik a sly smirk, amused by what she assumed had transpired.

Kieran’s plane landed on a runway at the Glasgow International Airport, both Yurik and Alice standing by the door with each of their duel disks on their arms. Over her sleeveless shirt, Alice wore a short-sleeved dark-green jacket cut just over her navel, along with two long, pointed coattails that ran down and out to the sides of the back of her knees.

The plane finally touched down upon the runway, allowing Twilight and Pinkie Pie to join her friends at the door. Yurik looked out at the city of Glasgow and its lights, which both warmed and chilled his spirits for the gauntlet that was about to be thrown.

Taking a large black van down Glassford Rd. east of Strathaven, Yurik looked out the window to search for the location where Applejack would be. Sure enough, on the right, a large, luxurious farmhouse surrounded by apple trees were visible. Kieran turned onto the path riding up to the driveway to where the house stood.

As Twilight and Pinkie Pie took a look for themselves, they were both surprised and elated to see Applejack herself, orange-coat and blonde mane and tail and all, standing at the deck of the house as she watched the limousine come up.

Even before Kieran could park the car, Twilight and Pinkie Pie scrambled out of the door and galloped to their friend.

“Applejack!” screamed Pinkie Pie with a bright smile on her face.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack called in an alto-Southern accent, running down the steps to the ground. “Twilight!”

The three of them threw their arms around each other as they each clamored each other with tearful greetings and sentiments. Yurik and Alice came out of the car next with Kieran exiting the driver’s side door, standing beside them.

Not much longer afterwards, a middle-aged man in a t-shirt and jeans walked out of the house and towards Kieran and the others.

“I can’t believe you guys are here!” Applejack cried.

“You better believe it!” Pinkie Pie chirped. “And that’s not all! Rainbow Dash is coming too!”

“Did you say Rainbow Dash?! Where is she?”

“It’s a bit of a story,” said Twilight uncertainly.

The man walked by the ponies and to Kieran, already extending his hand out.

“You must be Kieran,” the man spoke in a thick native accent.

“And you must be Kel,” Kieran said, shaking the man’s had.

“I have to say, you gave me quite a fright telling me you were coming for Applejack like you were. Until I heard her friends and she heard them, I knew you weren’t lying.”

“It’s perfectly understandable. We only wished to allow you to bring her to us instead of stealing her away.”

“Well, I certainly appreciate it!”

Kel then turned to Applejack with a forlorn glare, which she returned with a warm, caring smile.

“I guess this is goodbye, then,” Kel said with a shrug.

“Not quite yet,” replied Kieran. “We have another party coming shortly that we need to do business with.”

“Is that why, uh… those children have those duel disks on them?”

“Do you mind if we use that field over there?” asked Alice, pointing to a grassy area with about two groups of half-a-dozen budding trees. “We would rather keep this away from the house.”

“Why? You’re not doing anything shady, are you?”

Alice turned herself and began to walk to her suggested spot.

“Not exactly…” she said.

Yurik began to follow her, along with Kieran, Kel, and the three ponies. Applejack trotted to Twilight and leaned her head towards her ear.

“Say, Twilight,” she whispered. “Just what in the hay is happening now?”

“It’s a long story,” Twilight responded. “I’ll tell you when we leave.”

Another black van began to appear out of Strathaven, riding up to the orchard where the Guardiaboliques were waiting. Turning into the driveway, the van continued driving until it finally stopped, its driver seeing Yurik and Alice standing beside each other behind a collection of budding trees with Kieran, Kel, and Twilight, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack standing on the sidelines.

Stepping out of the vehicle’s left passenger door was Orpheus equipped with his dueling device, who stepped aside with the door held open. Rainbow Dash came pouring out from the car and galloped to the ponies. Rainbow Dash wrapped her arms as tightly around them each as she could, tears streaming from her eyes.

“I missed you guys so much!” she wept.

“We missed you too,” Twilight sighed, “happy to see her friend again.

Yurik looked to Rainbow Dash with a sense of scorn as he redirecting his face towards Orpheus.

“Hey!” he shouted. “Where’s Walt?”

Promptly exiting the car was a man in his mid-twenties and short brown hair leading Walt out of the van, his hands held behind his back. Walt and Alice grimaced at Orpheus as he approached the makeshift dueling field with Walt and his captor.

“Rest assured,” Orpheus said, “your friend is not harmed. Consider him collateral until this deal of ours is settled.”

Yurik and Alice eased their glare, but still looked menacingly at Orpheus as the two of them came closer to the center between the two tree bunches. He and Kieran both shared a blank stare with each other with a mutual respect. Applejack looked to both Twilight and Pinkie Pie, who looked expectant at what was going to happen.

“Can someone please tell me what in Sam Hill is going on here?” she blurted.

“These three are playing a game to decide who we stay with,” Twilight simply answered.

“What in the hay does that mean?”

“Never mind. Just root for that guy and girl over there.”

Walt and his captor stopped on the left side of the supposed field and watched as Orpheus took his spot across from Yurik and Alice, whom Applejack studied for reference.

“What should our rules be?” Orpheus asked.

“4000 life points each,” said Yurik. “One turn per round in a clockwise fashion. Neither of us can conduct our draw phases or attack on our first turns. If either of our life points hit 0, you win. If your life points hit 0, we win.”

“And as we agreed on the phone, this duel is for both the custody of the ponies Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Pinkie Pie, as well as the ones who will be allowed to search for the others.”

“Yes,” Yurik complied, then turning to face Walt. “Walt!” He shouted. “We’re going home! All of us!”

“That’s just what I want to see,” Walt replied with a smirk. “Knock ‘em dead, you guys!”

Orpheus stood still as he calculated these rules.

“Fair enough,” Orpheus responded. “I accept these terms and conditions. You can take the first turn in that case, Yurik. Do we all agree?”

“Yes,” Alice responded, removing her blade disk from her duel disk. “And how.”

Orpheus grabbed his chain from his side and whipped it against his dueling device, the chain forming into its check shape and a wave of purple light to shine through it.

“Go Yurik!” shouted Twilight and Rainbow Dash together.

“Take him down a peg or 4000!” cheered Pinkie Pie.

With Yurik detaching his blade disk from his duel disk, both he and Alice tossed their blade disks as the circled around Orpheus on both sides. Upon returning to their owners, the blade disks stopped along their duel disks and shone brightly, their blades sliding out from the lights on both sides of the disk. With that, all three duelists’ decks shuffled inside their slots.

“Connection complete,” said a computerized female voice. “Battle royale commence. Yurik Clayer and Alice Ross vs.… Unknown. Draw.”

Each duelist drew five cards from their decks, staring each other down.

This is it, Yurik thought. Here comes my true test to see if I’m worthy of carrying the Guardiaboliques's honor.

“Let’s go!” shouted Yurik. “I’m ready now!”

“DUEL!” the three of them shouted.

LP: 4000

LP: 4000

LP: 4000

“I’ll go first!” Yurik spoke, pulling two cards from his hand. “I set the pendulum scale with the scale 3 Unioncorn of Fire and the scale 4 Unioncorn of Water!”

Yurik threw both of his cards onto the outer zones of his blades, causing two pillars to arise from the ground on the sides of Yurik’s section of his and Alice’s shared field. Rising from the ground inside the pillars were Yurik’s yellow unicorn with a fiery mane and tail and his unicorn with blue, hairless skin and a kelpy mane and tail. The sky began to brighten into a dark-blue color as a three and a four appeared over Yurik’s monsters.

Unioncorn of Fire
Pendulum Scale: 3

Unioncorn of Water
Pendulum Scale: 4

Applejack hopped up from her front legs in shock, tipping backwards and landing on her rump on the ground.

“Holy guacamole!” she shouted. “Did he just do that?”

“Yes, he did,” Twilight responded, tossing Applejack to all four hooves with her magic. “And those ponies are not real. They’re only images.”

“They look pretty real to me.”

Orpheus glowered at Yurik for his play.

“I don’t know what your strategy is,” he said, “but you can’t pendulum summon anything with a scale like that.”

“I’m well aware, Orpheus,” replied Yurik. “That’s why I’m activating my Unioncorn of Water’s effect. By negating the effect of a FIRE monster in my pendulum zone, I can double this card’s pendulum scale!”


Water began to spring up from underneath the yellow-unicorn’s feet, burning its mane and tail out and making the blue unicorn glow with power.

Pendulum Scale: 4 -> 8

“Pendulum scales?” Applejack questioned. “I can’t understand a lick of this and its makin’ my head hurt!”

“Just watch, Applejack,” said Twilight. “I will tell you later.”

Applejack huffed angrily, still feeling flustered and bemused, especially as a bright star appeared in the sky over the field.

“Now,” called Yurik, “I can special summon monsters from my hand whose levels are 4 through 7! Pendulum summon!”

Yurik grabbed two cards from his hand and swiped his hand over his blades, placing two cards upon them. A red portal opened up in the sky, allowing a magenta beam and a green beam to soar down to the ground from it, blasting dust all around Yurik and Alice. Large lavender wings blew the dust away, revealing Twilight Alicorn with its wings still spread out intimidatingly, as well as a green pony with swirling designs on its coat.

“Come to me,” Yurik beckoned, “Pony of Wind! Twilight Alicorn!”

Widening their stances, both of Yurik’s monsters presented themselves to Orpheus.

Twilight Alicorn
ATK: 2500
Lvl.: 7

Pony of Wind
ATK: 1400
Lvl.: 4

Orpheus looked into Twilight Alicorn’s eyes before he suddenly felt his heart pound forcefully inside his ribs. Disoriented from the lightheadedness the sensation gave him, Orpheus swooned onto one knee. Kieran gasped slightly, as well did Walt’s captor.

“Sir!” the man shouted. “Are you–”

“I am fine, Matthew,” sighed Orpheus, getting back to his feet. “I will be fine.”

Something is very strange about that card, he thought, continuing to look at the lavender alicorn. It… too holds a strange power. And yet… he mused, turning to look at the observing Twilight Sparkle, that monster’s resemblance is remarkably similar to that pony. Just what is this card?

Rainbow Dash and Applejack were stunned by Yurik's monster's appearance and how closely it resembled their friend.

“Twilight?” Rainbow Dash quietly said. “Why does that monster look just like you?”

“I have no idea either,” she responded. “I know we'll try and solve that mystery once we get the rest of you.”

Applejack and Rainbow Dash continued looked at Yurik's field in sheer perplexity.

“Now,” stated Yurik, “the effect of Unioncorn of Water activates. When I pendulum summon monsters while it’s on my pendulum zone, I gain life points equal to the total levels of pendulum monsters that were pendulum summoned times 100.”

The blue unicorn’s horn began to glow as water began to stream from it and around its body.

“Alicorn Twilight’s level is seven,” he explained further, “so I gain 700 life points.”

The water then flew towards Yurik spiraling around him as his body shone blue for a moment, the feeling refreshing him.

Yurik’s Life Points: 4000 -> 4700

“He’s planning on bulking his life points,” Orpheus commented. “He’s really trying to set himself up to win.”

“I now activate the effect of Twilight Alicorn,” shouted Yurik, “allowing me to special summon two monsters inside my pendulum zones! Go! Summon Shine!”

Twilight Alicorn’s horn began to become wrapped in a magenta aura, a similar energy covering the two monsters inside his blue pillars. With an electrical pop, both monsters and the pillars disappeared, and both the yellow and blue unicorns appeared on Yurik’s field beside Twilight Alicorn and Pony of Wind.

“Let’s go, Unioncorn of Fire! Unioncorn of Water!”

Orpheus stared out at Yurik’s massive field of monsters as they prepared themselves to attack.

Unioncorn of Fire
DEF: 1200
Lvl.: 4

Unioncorn of Water
ATK: 1500
Lvl.: 4

“Four monsters in one turn?” speculated Orpheus, his eyes widening.

“Next, I’ll overlay my level 4 Unioncorn of Water and Pony of Wind!” declared Yurik.

At once, the blue unicorn and the green pony transformed into auras that swirled about each other over a bright red portal forming on the ground.

“With these monsters,” stated Yurik as both monsters flew inside the portal, “I construct the overlay network. Xyz summon!”

An alicorn emerged from the vortex, sporting a forest-green coat striped with black, as well as a mane and tail that looked to be blowing from the bases of its neck and tailbone as a smoky gust.

“Come on!” Yurik screamed. “Allicorn of Typhoons.”

A pair of auras floated around the monster as it took its place in between Twilight Alicorn and Unioncorn of Fire.

Allicorn of Typhoons
ATK: 2300
Rnk.: 4

Orpheus frowned at his difficult situation, leaving Yurik calm and confident as he took the last card from his hand with a smile.

“I place one card face down and end my turn,” he said, slipping the card into his spell/trap slot, making a large card backing appear on the ground.

Status: Hand: 0 Life: 4700 Monsters: 3 Pendulum Cards: 0 Pendulum Zone:Spell/Traps: 1

“My turn!” Orpheus spoke, his hands on a monster card in his hand. “While my opponent controls a monster while I control none, I can special summon Melia, Nymph of Void Deep from my hand.”

Orpheus placed his monster upon the center large link of his chain, and appearing forth from a blue portal on the ground was a grey female humanoid with only two beady blue eyes for a face, red hair, and a white robe.

Melia, Nymph of Void Deep
ATK: 600
Lvl.: 3

“When this card is summoned this way,” explained Orpheus, “it is banished when it leaves the field.”

“Damn,” hissed Walt. “Now it’s starting.”

“Then,” Orpheus said, removing his card from the link and making the creature disappear in a dark swirl, “I tribute my Melia, Nymph of Void Deep to tribute summon a monster from my hand.”

After sliding the card into his graveyard slot, Orpheus took another card from his hand and placed it onto the now unoccupied link on his chain. An ethereal, starry rend in the sky appeared just overhead, Orpheus leaning back up to face it as everyone nearby looked at it with awe.

“She who has crossed through space to this realm” he chanted as a starry portal opened in the sky, “stun your enemies with your majesty and then devastate them with your raw strength! Descend, Eurydice, Peryton Ruler of Void Deep!”

Orpheus’s blue peryton flew down from the special tear and gently set itself down upon the ground, calmly surveying Yurik’s monsters.

Eurydice, Peryton Ruler of Void Deep
ATK: 1800
Lvl.: 5

“So he brought out his ace on the first turn too?” growled Yurik.

Eurydice, looking at Twilight Alicorn for the first time, widened her eyes and gasped, shuddering.

“That monster’s likeness is that of the alicorn there,” she said with a fearful grunt. “I can also feel a great power exuding from it.”

“It doesn’t matter,” Orpheus said. “I have full faith that your strength outnumbers it.”

Eurydice nodded obediently, yet with a sense of skepticism. Yurik and Alice were both dumbstruck by what they had just witnessed.

“He spoke to his monster,” commented Yurik. “Does that mean that card is Eurydice incarnate?”

“And now the effect of Eurydice activates,” said Orpheus. “This card gains 100 ATK for every monster of mine that is banished. With Melia banished, my monster gains 100 ATK.”

Eurydice’s wings glowed bright as they absorbed energy from the unseen banished zone.

ATK: 1800 -> 1900

“Also,” he continued, “the effect of my banished Melia activates. When this card is banished after it was tributed for the tribute summon of a monster I control, as long as Melia stays banished, all monsters with the name as the tribute summoned monster gain 600 ATK.”

“What was that?” shouted Yurik.

“Which means that Eurydice gains another 600 ATK,” Alice answered. “Which means…”

A ghostly spirit of Melia, Nymph of Void Deep floated up from the ground and flew about Eurydice, showering her in bright blue sparkles before it disappeared.

ATK: 1900 -> 2500

“…both Twilight Alicorn and Eurydice’s ATKs are the exact same.”

Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and Pinkie Pie looked amazed at Orpheus’s strategy. Walt watched with bared teeth at the strength that Orpheus’s monster now possessed. Kieran and Kel looked flatly Yurik, the former expectant of his abilities.

Yurik and Alice breathed through his clenched teeth with nervousness and tension as he observed Eurydice in all her glory.

Author's Note:

Featured Card:

Allicorn of Typhoons
Rank: 4

1 Level 4 WATER monster + 1 Level 4 WIND monster

Once per turn: you can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card, then target 1 Spell/Trap Card on the field; destroy that card, and if you do, this card gains 500 ATK, until the End Phase.

ATK: 2300
DEF: 2100

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