• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,369 Views, 24 Comments

The Magic Paint Brushes - Ugly-Duckling123

A human boy and girl suck through painting wake in Equestria

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Chapter 5

When Sarah and the mares got to the Golden Oaks Library, a giant oak tree off a bit from the town square, they heard ponies talking in there and slowly knocked on the door.

The bottom half of the double door opened and Spike came out.

"Yes?" he asked "Oh hey every-pony," he said seeing it was his friends then seeing Sarah suddenly got the feelings he had for Rarity, the most beautiful pony alive in his eyes. "He... Hello," he said sticking out his claw, "I'm Spike." he said smiling.

"Hello Spike," Sarah said smiling at how cute this little dragon was. "I'm Sarah, Applejack said I should meet 'Twilight' before I went to help my friend..." she said not sure how much to tell him.

"Who?" Spike asked dreamily floating in the air hearts in his eyes.

"Is he alright?" Sarah asked Applejack poking Spike gently a little.

"He just gets this way around new pretty girls," Applejack said then biting on his tail a bit to bring him back to his senses said, "So can we come in Spike?"

"What..." Spike asked massaging his tail "Oh yeah." he said going back in and undoing the top half of the door then running upstairs to find Twilight.

"Hey Weirdo," a familiar voice said "Long time no see," it said as they let themselves in.

Up in the air Rainbow Dash was looking at the small group that came in to the library.

For the first time that Sarah could remember, she didn't call back to the givers line. Instead, she just ignored the pony floating above her head and got out the paint brush to look at it again.

Hoof steps could be heard coming down the stairs and Sarah saw a purple Unicorn horn glowing books floating around her, and Spike on her back, come to the main part of the library.

"Hello every-pony" she said not putting the books down, and going over to her telescope to look at the eclipse again taking notes.

"Very friendly friends Pinkie," Sarah said putting the paint brush away trying to find the pink pony in question.

"She's just fussy about stuff like this Sugarcube," Applejack said putting a hoof on her arm. "Once she even got all of Ponyville running after her childhood doll for fear of a tardy on a weekly report."

"Seriously?" Sarah asked feeling a bit better.

"And another time," Pinkie said somehow poking her head out of the chimney, "She wanted to find out what her birthday present was so bad we had to sneak into the Canterlot Archives for a time traveling spell."

"It was not for my birthday present Pinkie," Twilight said taking more notes. "I was visited by my future self, who tried to tell me not to waist my time studying and worrying on things, but I kept interrupting myself, so all that week, I was worried that something bad would happen."

"Well something bad might happen if you don't put those books down and help me Bookworm," Sarah said crossing her arms.

Turning around Twilight saw someone else was in there with them. "Oh... Sorry," she said putting down the books and making her way over to meet the 'new girl'. "My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I..."

"I got that far thanks," Sarah said butting in. "The only reason I'm here is because Applejack said I should see you before going into the forest to find my friend, who according to Fluttershy's rabbit, was taking by Nightmare Moon."

Silence rang tough the library after that. It wasn't a nice, please be quiet silence. It was the kind of silence, that came in all those monster movies Sarah liked to watch when her parents were out late, building the tension just before the 'climax'.

"So now that I met you," she said curtsying to all five mare and the dragon. "I think I'll go rescue my Knight." and she left making her way back up to the hill to go into the forest.

As she left, the smoke cloud that was Nightmare Moon followed her to make sure she went down the right road to get to the Pony Sisters Castle.

Up in Canterlot, Luna was trying with all her might to lower the moon, but nothing was working. Giving up, she went back inside and knocked on Celesia's door before letting herself in.

"Sister, I don't understand, I can't control the moon," Luna said "I've tried countless times, but she wont move."

As Celestia was about to reply a rolled up scroll appeared in front of her, in a puff of green smoke.

"A note from Twilight?" Luna asked as Celestia read it out loud.

'Dear Princess Celestia and Luna,

My friends and I have a feeling that this solar eclipse was not planned, and are a bit worried.
We are writing to you to say we have met a Human girl, who says her friend was not with her when she woke up next to the Everfree Forest, and that Fluttershy's pet Angel told us that Nightmare Moon was the one who took him.

Is it possible that she might be causing this to happen?

We await your quick response,

From the Elements of Harmony.'

Before Luna could say anything, Celestia was already putting on her crown.

"Come Sister," she said slipping into her hoof guards as well. "We must go and see if we can help."

With that the two sisters went out to the balcony, spread their wings, and flew straight to Ponyville.

As Sarah made it to the top of the hill she woke up on, she turned to look back at the town.

After a few minutes she crossed the border of the trees and was heading in a hopefully straight line to where ever this 'Nightmare Moon' was keeping Eric, so they could go home.

After about ten minutes, Sarah thought she heard a twig snap, and looked around to find who it was, but couldn't see anyone, so she pressed on.

But before she could get very far, she thought she could hear panting and the smell of a mix between rotten eggs and onion came up to her.

"Good grief," Sarah said taking out one of her scented handkerchiefs, bringing it up to her nose. "What the hell is that... What in the world is THAT..."

Out of the trees came three living wooden things. 'They look like wolves' Sarah thought her eyes still on them, and their glowing green eyes. She was starring at them for so long Sarah had not realized that these things had cut off all the paths and were seemingly getting closer as they circled around her.

Suddenly Sarah got an idea, if they were made of wood, then they'd be scared of fire. Quickly she got out her lighter, picked up a fallen branch, lit it and started waving it at the beasts.

At first it seemed to have worked, the wolves were backing off. Slowly Sarah moved to one of the paths, keeping her eyes on them just in case they got used to the flames, which unfortunately they were.

Before even five minutes were up, they began to tread towards to their prey again.

Worried, Sarah threw the branch to them and began to run as fast as she could, hearing the beasts following her.

Suddenly her foot caught something and she felt herself fall and land face first. Covering her neck and keeping her head down Sarah waited for them to get her, but... nothing happened. All she could hear was the wolves weeping and running away, hoof steps coming over to her.

"You have nothing to fear now my dear they are gone," a voice said calmly "Although coming in here by yourself, I'd say was wrong."

Looking up Sarah saw a Zebra with a Mohawk wearing gold earrings, bands on her left fore leg and around her neck, holding a staff in her one of her hooves holding out the other one.

"Thank you," Sarah said getting up. "What were they?" she asked.

"They were Timber Wolves my dear," the Zebra said "Just one of the beasts in this forest to fear. Where have my manners gone, I am Zecora, and you young one?" she asked.

"My names Sarah." Sarah replied continuing down the path.

"May I ask Sarah, why are you here, in the forest and Equestria?" Zecora asked following her so they could continue their conversation.

Sarah didn't think she liked Zecora very much... 'Though she did save me from those Timber Wolves.' she said to her self.

"I'm here in the forest looking for my friend Eric." Sarah began "I was er... told that someone called Nightmare Moon brought him in here. And we're in Equestria because of his Grandfathers' 'Magic Paint Brushes' sucking us into his painting of the 'Mare in the Moon'." she said getting the brush out for Zecora to look at.

Taking hold of the brush, Zecora looked at it carefully.

"Such strong magic I can feel in these hairs and wood," Zecora said smiling "Hopefully in your hands it will be used for good." she said giving it back. "Now, do you have any plan, so you can find this young man?" she asked.

"Not really." Sarah said truthfully still walking on. "I think it's just keep going till I find him, and go from there."

"Then may I suggest, we take a rest. Then when we get to the Sisters old castle, there will be no hassle."

"What castle?" Sarah asked trying to look for any sign of a castle in the forest.

"The castle of the Pony Sisters my dear," Zecora said placing her staff vertically on the ground and slowly turned upside down on it closing her eyes. "That is where Eric might be I fear."

"Why, what's so bad about a dumb old castle?" Sarah said finding a safe place under one of the trees.

"It is not the castle, but the spirit of the Mare in the Moon you should fear," Zecora said not opening her eyes "I have felt her in this forest for many a year."

"What's so scary?" Sarah said "If she's a spirit, it's not like she can do anything that bad. You ponies are all wimps."

"If you think you can go on without me, be my guest," Zecora said getting a tad annoyed at this girls attitude "But that is not an option that I will suggest."

Thinking of all the pros and cons, that would have, Sarah finally gave in sighing ending up with...

If she went, she would prove there was nothing to worry about. But she didn't know where the castle was.

"I'm sorry," Sarah said taking a stick and drawing in the dirt. "It's just this is the first friend I every had back home, and I... I just don't want him to be hurt for some reason."

"Maybe it will worry you less," Zecora said "I you tell me a deeper story of how you got into this mess."

Seeing as they're weren't going anywhere anytime soon, Sarah began to tell Zecora how they got there, not seeing a blue smoke cloud hiding in the trees listening in.