• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,368 Views, 24 Comments

The Magic Paint Brushes - Ugly-Duckling123

A human boy and girl suck through painting wake in Equestria

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chapter 3

Next day at school Sarah had gone back to her old ways again, only this time was quieter than normal. As though she had something on her mind. These thoughts were confirmed with her doodle drawing (heads on spikes, black swans, dragons, and surprisingly to most of her classmates and teachers, hearts). She also people noticed, a few times, got awfully clumsily and blushed, whenever she was around Eric. ’What’s that about?’ they asked each other.

Eric on the other hand, after being eager to learn and to get into things yesterday, had his head down and wasn’t paying all that attention to anything that was going on.

By lunch Eric had well questioned as to not give anything away, to everyone he knew he could trust and the teachers, ‘What could make something, like a paint brush, magic?’

Most of the answers were ‘they can turn you into a good painter’, others were ‘you think of something and they do the job for you’, some more were ‘take you to a new world’ while more people said ‘you paint something and it becomes real’.

After school that day, Sarah thought it would be polite of her to say sorry for ditching the Fosters last night, and so, after Midnight's walk, went across the road and knocked on the door.

"Hello Sarah," Mrs Foster said opening the door a wooden spoon in her hand.

"Er... Hello Mrs Foster, I... I just wanted to say sorry for not staying last night," Sarah said twiddling her thumbs nodding her thanks as she invited her in.

"Oh that's quite alright, dear," Mrs Foster said, bringing out some juice for her, smiling.

"You... You sure?" Sarah asked taking the cup.

"Yes it happens all the time. Someone new comes to town, the people feel strange about them, and feel like they should get to know them better first. Right?" she asked.

"Er..." Sarah said looking anywhere but at Mrs Foster's eyes.

"Well what ever it was, I'm sure it will be fixed in time." she said getting up as a beeper went off. "Eric in his room if you want to see him dear."

Thinking that he deserved an apology as well, Sarah put down the cup, and went upstairs.

Upstairs Eric was putting the finishing touches on his try at a midnight landscape.

'Tap' 'Tap' 'Tap'

"Come in," Eric said finishing the full moon set in the middle of the picture.

"Um... Hey Eric..." Sarah said after coming in.

"Ah my fair Princess," Eric said bowing with a smile. "Do you like the painting?" he asked moving out of the way.

"You did this in just one afternoon?" Sarah asked coming forward.

"Well yeah," Eric said "I mean we have to work out how these brushes are magic, don't we?" Eric said finishing fixing the craters on the moon to look like a unicorn.

"Why are you doing that?" Sarah asked.

"My grandad had a saying, 'If it comes to you, draw it,' " Eric said making his way to the tip of the horn. "Last night, I dreamt I saw the moon looking like this, and so, started painting." As he was about to finish, he turned around smiling. "Would you like to finish it My Lady?" he asked brush in hand.

"Why thank you good Sir Knight," Sarah said plotting the tip of the horn on the picture.

But as soon as she had done this the paint brush began to feel warm in her hand and the moon in the picture seemed to be getting brighter.

"What did you do?" Eric asked shielding his eyes from the light feeling wind in his hair.

"I... I didn't do anything," Sarah answered back feeling that she was being sucked into the painting.

"Sarah!" Eric said reaching out a hand feeling himself being drawn in too.

Suddenly a bright light filled the room aimed at the two of them and within seconds they were gone.

Now not a lot of people know this, but there are actually different universes, and in each one although it's different, somethings are the same.

For example, a coin flip, or what creature's the dominate race. Some universes even have magic and magical creatures in them.

We are now in Equestria, a land ruled over by two Alicorn sisters, Celestia and Luna. Together along with a student of Celestia's and her friends, they keep their kingdom free of danger.

One of which, still remains unknown to any of them. Long ago Luna grew jealous of every-pony loving her sister's day more than her night. Not being able to stand it anymore, her heart grew blacker than her darkest nights and she became Nightmare Moon. After being locked on the moon for a thousand years, she came back to try and take over again only to be defeated by Twilight Sparkle and her friends along with the Elements of Harmony - the same things that trapped her in the moon.

No-pony knew her spirit still lived in the castle of the Royal Pony Sisters within the dark forest of the Everfree next to the small town of Ponyville. Biding her time until something new came, or she was strong enough to try and take over Equestria again.

That day she felt something new enter this universe, so she set out to try and find it.

It felt like it was by the edge of the forest closest to Ponyville. Changing into one of her Shadow Bolts so she could leave the forest, she went to see what it was.

It was a boy, a human boy. Not knowing what was so important about him, but sensing that he had something in him, she took him back to the castle, not seeing the girl lying at the bottom of the same hill holding a paint brush in her hand.

In a dark cell like room Eric was just waking up rubbing his head.

"Good to see you awake," a voice said that... did not sound like someone he knew.

"Who..." he asked looking around himself to work out where he was and who was talking.

"I'll ask the questions. If you don't mind." a voice from the shadows said, two draconic eyes pointing at him.

"First two," it said "Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Eric was not about to answer to someone he did not know.

"I said, 'Who are you, and where did you come from?'" the voice repeated.

"I heard ya," Eric said. "But you think, I'll give away any answers to someone who seemingly locked me up, and wont let me see them or tell me who they are?"

Growls could be heard from the shadows. Then stepping into the light came a transparent black Alicorn, her wings spread out, in what looked like light blue armor, her mane and tail looked like the night sky constantly flowing.

"My name whelp, is Nightmare Moon," she said a little annoyed. "Now answer my questions... Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Just as Eric was about to, he noticed someone was missing.

"Where's Sarah?" was what Eric said first.

"Who?" Nightmare Moon asked getting more annoyed.

"My princess," Eric said. "She should have been with me. So where is she?"

"I am the only Princess here boy." Nightmare Moon said stomping her transparent hoof in anger.

"Then I guess, I wont be talking to you." Eric said crossing his arms. "Until I'm sure my princess is safe, I'm not saying anything."

"Well you better get used to living here then boy," Nightmare Moon said. "Because until you speak, You're not leaving this castle."
Nightmare Moon said turning into smoke and flew down the corridor, leaving the boy alone.

"Oh Sarah, where are you?" Eric asked himself looking out the window to see a dark forest.

The sun was almost halfway though the sky when Sarah woke up rubbing her head, looking around seeing she was definitely not in Eric's room anymore.

"Well, at least we've worked out how these things are magic..." she said.

"Er... who exactly are you talking to?" a voice asked getting Sarah to look around, but couldn't see anyone.

"Up here weirdo," it said.

Looking up Sarah was surprised in quite a few ways...

One was seeing a blue Pegasus mare with a rainbow mane, two seeing said Pegasus on a cloud as if she had been watching her for as long as she had got there, three since no one else was around it seemed...

"Well who you talking to?" the Pegasus said smiling at how she had made this thing fall down in surprise.

Knowing it would be rude to ask 'What are you?' Sarah asked the question just below that.

"Er... Who... Who are you?" she asked getting up looking into the mare's eyes.

"Name's Rainbow Dash," the pony said "But I think the better question is who are you? And I'll ask again... Who are you talking to. You and I are the only two up here."

"My names Sarah..." Sarah said giving a slight curtsey not knowing how she was supposed to introduce herself. "And I was talking to..." But then something caught up with her and she started to look around for Eric, noticing that they were the only ones there. "Er... was there a boy, with me Rainbow Dash?" she asked looking up.

"The only weirdo I've seen up here today is you 'Sarah' What sort of name is that anyway?" Rainbow said.

Suddenly it started becoming dark, as something started blocking out the sun.

"An eclipse?" Sarah asked eyes wide, noting how worried this made Rainbow Dash somehow.

"I've gotta go," Rainbow said zooming off towards the town that was at the bottom of the hill. Leaving a confused and now slightly scared Sarah on the hill to slowly make her way down it to try and get some help.

Author's Note:

this was a non fim-fic story first so when it gets to Equestria please say nice things when you say how bad it is.... :fluttercry: