• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,369 Views, 24 Comments

The Magic Paint Brushes - Ugly-Duckling123

A human boy and girl suck through painting wake in Equestria

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Chapter 11

In the great hall the fight was still going on, neither side showing forms of tiring out determination on their faces.

The last blast Nightmare Moon shot at Sarah sent her into the wall making her Beam of Harmony shoot though the roof making some bricks fall down with the power afterwards.

"Give it up Princess," Nightmare Moon said wings spread eyes on Sarah "You can not stop me! No one can! I will destroy you and then my night will last forever!"

"Enough with the boasting," Sarah said slowly getting up again because of the pain. "Why is it always 'Me' 'Me' 'Me' with you, and your night?" she asked. "Some people actually like the light of the day you know?"

Eric had just came back in not being noticed by either of them who only had eyes of hate for each other.

"And what's with all this 'destroy you' junk." Sarah asked now on her feet an arm clenched around her waist. "What are you part parrot or something? Because you're repeating yourself a lot."

This comment getting her another blast of darkness shot at her, that Sarah was only just able to block.

Going back into the corridor Eric got out the magic paint brush and looked at it.

"Grandad, what ever you want me to do with this, please tell me now so I can save my friend." Eric told the brush holding it tight feeling it warm up in his hand.

All the sudden the brush in his hand glowed and turned into a sword gently tapping him on each shoulder ending with him now some how in a knight's form of Sarah's Harmony outfit, the chest plate showed a shield with a rainbow patten and six gems on it.

The sword now turning handle towards him waiting for him to take it and save his princess.

Hesitating a bit wondering if this was a good idea, Eric thought about how much he cared for Sarah. A sudden blast from the two 'princesses' in the hall brought him back and with out further delay he took the sword and ran into the room, just as Nightmare Moon was about to destroy Sarah.

"I told you no one can stop me!" Nightmare Moon said charging her horn to hit Sarah with one last blast.

"HEY MOONY!" Eric cried the sword in hand turning into a bow and arrow just skimming her to get her attention.

"Get away from my Princess." he said preparing to shoot again.

"It's not very chivalrous for a knight to shoot his weapons at his princess Whelp," Nightmare Moon said turning her attention to him.

"Good thing you're not my princess then isn't it?" Eric said bow still armed and ready as he slowly made it over to Sarah.

"I will be after I destroy her, and Luna and Celestia."

"Wow you are part parrot," Eric said the bow and arrow turning into a shield to avoid Nightmare Moon's Beam of Darkness increased by anger. "Would you like a cracker or something?" He said as he came back out from behind the shield blocking both of them from Nightmare Moon.

"Eric?" a weak voice asked behind him.

"Sarah," he said reaching a hand behind him helping her up eyes still on the Alicorn.

"Nice outfit. Now you can be my Knight." Sarah said smiling but still holding her waist with pain.

"Well every Princess needs one." Eric said smiling.

"Not when they can fight for themselves," she said though her teeth.

"Yeah," Eric said "Don't think that's going very well do you?"

"ENOUGH!" Nightmare Moon cried. "I don't care who fights me, in the end I. Will. Defeat. You." and with that she charged at the two of them, Eric grabbing Sarah jumped out of the Mare in the Moons way and leading her to safety.

Up on the main balcony over looking the room Eric placed Sarah down and the shield turned back into the bow and arrow as he shot one after the other at the Alicorn, the third one piercing her wing letting out a cry that shook the walls and made the two of them cover their ears.

"Will you stop," Sarah asked "You're only making her angrier." she said as the cries stopped.

"So what? So she can 'destroy' us?" Eric said quoting Nightmare Moon's words.

"Besides, weren't you doing this when I came in?" Eric said picking Sarah up again as the jumped to the next balcony to avoid a beam from Nightmare Moon who now she couldn't fly was firing beam after beam at the two.

"Anyway, a knight needs to protect his princess." Eric said the bow and arrow turning back into a shield.

"But a princess needs to protect her people, including the block headed knights." Sarah said grinning still holding onto his hand feeling a warmth grow between them and the pain lessen.

"Ok, my lady," Eric said stepping away from the edge, the shield going back to a sword. "You can take the next shot."

Down on the ground Nightmare Moon was laughing at what was going on.

"Nor is it very chivalrous for a knight to place his princess in danger."

"Well I'm glad you finally worked out who I'm with Moony," Eric said "But I'm under orders to let her do this."

When the two stopped Sarah held up her hands and fired a Beam of Harmony at Nightmare Moon stronger than anyone before, singeing her fur a bit but still not destroying her.

Sarah was on her knees panting checking if it worked.

"Sarah." Eric said using his sword to block a new beam shot by Nightmare Moon. "You alright?" he asked looking over his shoulder.

"I... I don't understand," Sarah said looking at her hands "That was the strongest beam I've done. How... How is she still standing?" she whispered bringing her hands to her chest and looking away in shame, tears in the corners of her eyes.

After deflecting the beam Eric turned to Sarah. "Sometimes you can't do everything by yourself, Princess." he said turning her face to his so they could look into each others eyes.

"Sometimes, when you come to the end," Eric said wiping a tear away from Sarah's eye "What you need is a friend."

"Get that from Zecora?" Sarah said smiling her lips moving towards his.

"No. It was one of Grandad Sam's old sayings." Eric said moving towards her now. "When ever I was down he'd tell me that I was better straight away."

They were an inch apart when Eric felt a pain like he never felt before hit him in the back, causing him to cry out and bend over in pain, tears rolling down his cheeks from clenched eyes.

"ERIC!" Sarah cried shocked turning him over.

Down on the ground Nightmare Moon was blowing at her horn, like a cowboy would do to his pistils in those old western movies.

"That's what you get for having your back turned to me Knight." she said enjoying the pain that was coming off of the two up on the balcony.

"How dare you?" Sarah said anger towards the Mare in the Moon in her heart. "How DARE you! We weren't even paying attention, how dare you fire at us?"

"Do you think I really care about fairness in these fights 'Sarah'?" Nightmare Moon asked. "If you're shot by me because you weren't paying attention, it's your own fault."

"But don't worry my dear," she continued "A ugh... 'Beam of Harmony' that uses all your power will make him better, but if you want to save him I suggest you don't delay. Of course that's the only thing that can stop me as well." she said just as Sarah was about to save Eric.

"So what will it be? Me or your precious Eric? Make your choice little girl."

Sarah didn't know what to do. If she saved Eric, then he'd be alright and they can continue being friends but Nightmare Moon would still be at large terrorizing this place and go after Luna and Celestia.

But if she destroyed Nightmare Moon she'd save this place, but lose her friend.

Looking at her hands Sarah thought about what Eric had just said: "Sometimes, when you come to the end. What you need is a friend'."

Not knowing what that meant but knowing she'd never leave Eric again, Sarah took hold of his hand and looked up to Nightmare Moon.

"Go destroy this world Moony," she said anger in her eye "I choose Eric." She said standing up holding out her hands and aimed at his chest.

"No Sarah," Eric said though clenched teeth. "You have to stop her."

"But I can't let you die..." Sarah said back on her knees holding his hand again.

"But, if you do this then everyone here will die."

"I'm sorry" Sarah said getting back up.

"Sarah wait..." Eric said bringing her closer to him until their lips were together, and they both felt a warmth that neither felt before come over them, a light shining off them making the whole room light up as if the sun was in the room. Suddenly a rainbow fired out from them arching above their heads shooting towards Nightmare Moon, making her cry out as it hit her until there was nothing left but the echoes of her screams.