• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 1,369 Views, 24 Comments

The Magic Paint Brushes - Ugly-Duckling123

A human boy and girl suck through painting wake in Equestria

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chapter 1

Once upon a time, not so long ago, or that far away, there lived a girl who hated school. She didn’t hate it because of the lessons, nor because of the students who kept whispering to each other as she passed by. No she hated school because her parents were in charge and because of this she was expected to do her best and be sensible. But Sarah was the kind of girl who wore incorrect uniform, had hair covering half of her face, always chewed gum and listened to music, and although she was a bright kid, purposely got bad grades.

One day as she was coming home from walking her dog Midnight, who her parents had bought for her to keep her company at home while they were still at school sorting out the next days schedule, Sarah spotted a moving van unloading its things into the house across the street, and on the pavement next to it, she saw a boy looking a bit sad reading something. Feeling neighborly Sarah went over to say hello. But as got there....

“What do you want Princess?”

A bit shocked at this Sarah didn’t say anything for a moment. Then she said “For your information ‘New Kid’ my names Sarah not Princess, and all I wanted was to say hello and introduce myself.”

“Well looks as though you’ve done that hasn’t it, Princess Sarah,” said the boy getting up and giving a mock bow “So if you please I’m going in.”

Sarah and Midnight stared in silence as the boy walked to the door and went inside without a backwards glance.

“The nerve of that boy, right Midnight?” Sarah yelled after she was in her room with dinner on a tray. Midnight didn’t hear as she was asleep, she was used to her mistress ranting/complaining about things she, as a dog, didn't understand.


At school the next morning, Sarah was putting the final detail to her murdered boy doodle, when the door opened and in walked her dad and... that boy from yesterday.

“Attention students. This is Eric Foster. He will be joining your class from today, so please welcome him and in turn I‘m sure you’ll become friends.”

“Ha! As if,” Sarah called out not caring that everyone was staring at her.

“Miss Jones, a few words in the corridor please,” her dad said and waited till she had gone to follow. “What was that about then?”

Sarah prepared to speak as loud as she could to make sure everyone on the other side of the door could hear her “Well if you were home last night you would have seen me go over the road and try and introduce myself to that toad, and see he doesn’t give anything back for people who care to.”

“I will have none of that Sarah” her dad said getting annoyed, “Now, your mother and I have invited the Fosters over for tea tonight and you’ll be on your best behavior in your Sunday best. And once you get back in there,” pointing at the door “you’ll find him and apologize.”

“And if I don’t?” Sarah asked annoyed.

“If you don’t, I’ll tell your mother to put all your baby photos on the school website.” Her dad said with a hint of an evil smile.

“Fine!” she said, and went back in to the room, to see to her even more annoyance that Eric was placed right behind her.

That night, for the first time since the last new kid who came to town, Sarah’s parents were home for tea, and at six o’clock the door bell rang. As her mother went to open it her father dragged her aside and said “Remember our talk Sarah? Best behavior.”

On the other side of the door however, to her unknowing, Eric was getting the same words.
“Best behavior Eric, we’re guests here remember. I don’t want to see how you were with that girl last night.”

“Yes mother” Eric said as the door opened.

As the door opened a Black Labrador ran out from the kitchen, which Eric was sure he had seen not so long ago, and gulped.

As the Fosters were lead by Sarah’s mum into the living room, Eric kept his eyes open for the girl he hoped wasn’t there, but sure enough after everyone had settled down, in walked Sarah, in the dress she always wore at these greeting dinners, hair brushed and tied back (looking nothing like the girl Eric had met yesterday) and Mr. Jones with the starters.

Nothing much was said while the starters were being dealt with, but as Sarah was about to go back into the kitchen with the plates and bring out the main course...

“Let me help you with that Sarah,” Eric said surprising everyone, even himself.

“Err... alright,” she answered back “thank you.” And she lead him into the kitchen where Midnight was on her kitchen bed having her dinner.

“Still think I’m a princess then ‘Sir Eric’?” Sarah asked returning the mock bow he gave her yesterday with a very ladylike curtsey.

“Well you do look more like one now than you did yesterday,” then seeing that Sarah was getting annoyed, said the real reason why he had followed her “I’m sorry that we started off like that. The reason why was because my granddad had just passed away, and then my mum said we were moving, and that I had to go to a new school, and it was because I was upset that those first words were the ones I said. So once again,” Eric said this time giving a real chivalry bow “I’m sorry.”

While Eric was giving his speech, Midnight had got up from her bed and had walked up to her mistress’s side, just in case this boy did something to her.

Sarah, knowing that Midnight well enough that she would start barking if she didn’t trust Eric. Quickly she looked him up and down putting a comforting hand on Midnight to tell her there’s nothing to worry about.

“Alright I forgive you,” she said with a smile “Now may you help me give out the main course like you asked?” and after Sarah took Midnight back to her bed, they both went back into the living room.