• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 1,098 Views, 12 Comments

The Cult of Chaos - PegasusKlondike

A new evil threatens Equestria after the War of the Fallen Race

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The ranks of the Cult were great, but the Master required more souls to accomplish his task. Dozens of the ash skinned Acolytes presided as his cultists and handlers of the less savory members of the cult. The beast like Lost, the humans who had fallen victim to the mind altering, soul stealing madness that was caused by Discord, their Master and defiler. Though little more than cannon fodder, the Lost caused chaos in their own delicious way. Along with a few Acolyte handlers, dozens of the Lost would descend upon human villages and farms, violently tearing apart anything living that got in their way.

The Acolytes would prevent the maddened creatures from killing potential new converts; anyone who went willingly would be converted into more Acolytes, those who fought either died or served as sacrifices to Discord. Though chaotic and perversely divine, the discord caused by the expansion of the Cult was limited to the territories of the humans. Their lands burned and their souls fed the monster of darkness that sat at the center of the cult. But Discord had given his Acolytes specific instructions, no forays into pony territory. Not until those wretchedly harmonious creatures fought one another and made themselves weak. Until then, his army could only grow more powerful, but at the same time, become more of a powder keg.

High Priest Stewarts walked around the Lost kennels escorted by his pair of Acolyte guards. He never went here willingly, it just happened that the ever growing and expansive kennels were on the way to just about anywhere in town. He lost count of the amount of rabid, sub human creatures that now had to be crammed into their cells. And still more trickled in every day! At one point Stewarts had asked his Master how many of the creatures he would need, and how many they actually had around.

"You would ask such a question, wouldn't you? You humans are always so delighted by numbers and math. But let me tell you a little something High Priest; numbers are harmonious, numbers represent order, numbers never change!" The mad monster reared back his gryphon paw and gave the human a slashing back hand across his face. It threw him across the room, the only thing breaking his fall being an unfortunate pair of Acolytes. Those poor bastards probably had broken ribs and several bruised organs, but they did not feel it, they served the Master until death.

The High Priest placed a hand on the still warm wounds that had scabbed over. The triple set of claw rends cut across his right cheek. He never was a vain man, but he thought the scars might seem a little intimidating, and that pleased him. He had grown complacent in his power, and word of the Cult was spreading amongst the remaining human towns in the area. Sometimes a raiding party would enter a town to find it completely deserted; the sane, unaltered humans having caught wind of what was happening and fled. Other times the Acolytes and their Lost rabble would find organized resistance, and when backed into a corner some people fought like wild cats, often the Acolytes had to retreat and regroup here, then take a massive force of Lost to wipe out the resistance. The prisoners always managed to fill the holes in the Cult's ranks.

Doing a quick calculation, the High Priest guessed there to be around five thousand Lost crammed into those kennels, with around three hundred Acolytes in town at any given time. The Lost were what made this place a powder keg, only the influence of Discord kept them from their normal psychosis and pacified them. If Discord decided to leave, who knew what could happen? And it was just that, influence. Not control, just influence; if two of the Lost somehow broke free of his pacifying influence for just a moment, they would tear each other apart and the survivor would either go on a rampage or kill himself. Which with Lost outnumbering their Acolyte handlers several dozen to one was happening more often as more Lost filtered in from the wilds.

Stewarts enjoyed his power, limited as it was. He served as little more than a ceremonial figurehead, cutting out hearts at sacrifices and leading the incantations of dark magic. But he could safely order the Acolytes to do his bidding, and in doing so could have the Acolytes extend their own limited control over the Lost. He enjoyed his luxury, having his servants fetch whatever he wanted. The only reason he came to the Lost kennels today was to select some raiders.

"Acolytes, take some of our feral brothers and find some fresh flesh for my bedchamber. I heard there was a mostly untouched town near the border with the pony territory with plenty of nubile young women. Bring them here alive and unspoiled."

The pair of Acolytes simply stood, one of the few times they actually defied him. "What are you waiting for? Go on now!"

"Your order conflicts with the Master's orders. We are to go nowhere near the territory of the enemy."

He fumed at this obstacle to his lust. "It is not that close you buffoon! Besides, after I process the new converts, the Master will be pleased with the additions to his flock." Pleasing Discord was the one thing that could override anything in the Acolytes tangled hardwiring.

"It shall be done, High Priest." The pair unlatched a gate, letting out a dozen of their maddened brethren to mill about and mutter to themselves.

The High Priest saw this basic lack of discipline, looking around he spotted three more Acolytes that actually had experience in raids. "You three, join them! You know how I like my new converts, fresh and unspoiled!"


Cloud fell from the skies wearing his armor, a javelin clutched in his mouth. All around him lightning danced and the roars of human weapons deafened the pounding of his own heart. Releasing his spear he let it fall spinning through the back of a human soldier. Quickly he pulled out his sword as his falling hooves crushed the skulls of a pair of humans standing together, firing their dreaded weapons at his friends and allies. All around him other pegasus ponies did the same, throwing their spears and killing the human army with the dance of their blades. Cloud looked at their corpses, these were not soldiers, not like he knew. These were just people, not the demons of nightmare. He lifted his own hooves, stained crimson by the blood of those humans he slaughtered in battle, he saw the faces of the families that were broken, the children that would never see their fathers or brothers again. Their blood was on his hooves, and it would remain there forever.

"Cloud Hoof." a voice called from the abyss. Without thought Cloud assumed the voice to be of his wife Starshine, who would regularly wake him to chase away the nightmare. He reached out with his forelegs and wrapped them around his wife. It was only after the warm pony in his clutches began to struggle that he actually opened his eyes. The face of Starswirl the Bearded was forcefully and uncomfortably close to his own. "Let go of me you great oaf!" He obliged, lightning quick his hooves left their assumed position around the unicorn and curled against his own chest. "Is that how you pegasus ponies greet each other in the morning?"

"I'm so sorry Starswirl, I thought you were my wife."

"You bothersome dope, you were talking in your sleep. I was trying to wake you up when you grabbed me and hugged me to your chest!"

Cloud uncovered himself from his sheets and stood, stretching out his muscles. "Well then, I should have warned you. I have night terrors, and typically my wife wakes me up from them."

"Hmph, judging by what you were saying, you still have dreams about the Day of Judgement."

"How did you know?"

"Remember Cloud, I was there too. What was it you said last night? That when pegasi feel pain and regret, they talk about it with their friends. I don't think you've talked this one over."

The pegasus sighed, "You're right, and I won't."

"Cloud, I never fully forgave myself for the way we slaughtered the human army that day, but each day I see as another day to redeem myself just a little more. And the first part of that day is to confront the nightmares and say 'You won't control me.'"

"It doesn't control me, it just makes life a living hell." Cloud stared absently out the window, the dawn mist being burned off by the first warm rays of sunlight.

That morning the pegasus general didn't bother with his not so subtle diplomacy, just eating a simple breakfast with his own soldiers, then going back to his room to don his armor and weapons.

Though he was done in minutes, he had to wait for the less than professional earth ponies to finish their breakfast and grab their supplies. The rest of the party waited outside of the barracks, fully ready to dive head on into the vague borders of human territory. Sunny Brook and his crossbow ponies came out together, joining the others. Sunny cantered to Starswirl and Cloud, ready to discuss their path. The group took off for the wilds, passing the wooden palisade that separated pony territory from the lands where humans dwelt. The three leaders took the front.

"Glad you could join us Sunny."

"Don't call me that, please."

"Fine, how about Sun? That seems fairly inoffensive, right Starswirl?" The old unicorn nodded, not really caring what his companion chose to call himself.

Starswirl cleared his throat, just like before one of this lectures in Canterlot. "Now then gentlecolts, the humans we are after are different from your normal humans. Unlike any race of human I've seen before, they have completely gray skin and features."

"Are they like the plagued ones that wander in occasionally?"

"No Sun, these humans are intelligent, and wickedly so. Think of them as some kind of midway between a normal human and a Chaos Plague human."

"Can't say I've ever met a "normal" human, Starswirl. Sure, I fought in the War but I never set down my spear to have a chat with one of them."

Cloud interrupted his companions. "I did Sun. If somepony hasn't told you already to try and humiliate me, I was a prisoner of the humans. They are easily frightened and will act in self defense if pushed too far. But other than that they are just like us ponies."

"What if we encounter some of the more "normal" ones?"

"Then we either keep our distance and ignore them, or we try to talk to them if they are not hostile in appearance." Cloud reasoned.

"And the plagued ones?"

"No helping those humans, kill on sight." muttered Starswirl. It was a harsh reality, but the other two ponies had to agree. Chaos Plague humans could no longer be considered human at all, and one of them would go out of his way to harm them.

"You know, it seems kind of foalish to just walk into this forest without knowing what's ahead. Wedge, Jet Stream! You two dull your armor and scout ahead, report back on the hour, every hour."

"Yes sir General!" The pair of pegasi saluted and took off northward to scout for danger.


The pair of pegasus warriors drifted over the forested wild lands, their sharp eyes scanning through the branches to seek out any threats. So far so good, Wedge was not seeing anything except a few squirrels and some deer. Jet Stream drifted close and bumped the warrior. Looking at Jet, the other pegasus nodded forward. Looking forward instead of down, Wedge saw the forest end very abruptly. Massive fields stretched out, farmhouses dotting the landscape. But something was not right, many farms billowed with black smoke as the buildings burned. Jet Stream signed to Wedge in the aerial sign language used during scouting, he wanted to land and investigate.

Wedge signed back to his gray and white dappled companion, roughly saying that they should turn back and tell the General. Jet Stream beckoned Wedge over to a large cloud where they could land without detection.

"Wedge, we need to see what kind of danger is down there before we tell the General that there is danger!"

The rusty red pegasus retorted. "Jet, what if we manage to get our sorry flanks killed down there? Then the General would just waltz straight into this!"

"We have to report back on the hour, if we didn't show up General Cloud Hoof would know something was wrong, pigeon wings."

Wedge growled at the insult, "Fine, we do this your way. But don't be surprised when demons come out and shove a thunder weapon up your muzzle." The pair dove down to the nearest farm, the main building still smoldering in the late morning light. Both drew their swords, ready for a demon attack. Nothing came.

Sheathing his sword, Wedge began to look at some of the tracks around the house. All human tracks, hard to say how many. Tracking wasn't his specialty, that was Crosswind's job, and he was still back with the General.

"Jet, how many humans typically live together in a family group?"

"Do I look like an anthropologist? I don't know, maybe about four or five from what I've seen before."

Wedge scrutinized the tracks around the house. "Because it looks like at least a dozen of them came through here. Maybe more. We really need to tell the General and get Crosswind out here to see this."

Jet Stream nudged one of the tiny metal cylinders that human weapons spat out; it lay in the dust, surrounded by blood with human prints all around it. "Wedge, this wasn't some random attack, this was human on human violence."

"Why would they attack each other? I thought they were all busy just surviving."

"That old unicorn is starting to sound a little less crazy with every second." Jet Stream shivered at the thought of the humans becoming violent and erratic like this. The pair walked to the still standing barn, swords drawn as they pushed open the door. It creaked open on rusty hinges, inside it looked like a normal barn. Bales of hay stacked up in a loft, tools hanging from the rafters and a general dustiness that came with such an atmosphere. A large metal machine sat in a corner, though it had not moved in over a decade through lack of fuel. Swords leading, Wedge and Jet Stream searched every nook and cranny of the oversized barn, looking for any sign of the attackers and maybe some sign of the defenders.

Wedge sheathed his sword, convinced the barn was clear. "We should get out of here Jet, we only have a few minutes before the General said we should report in."

"Yeah, I guess you're right." Jet Stream said. The pair started towards the door when a sound had them both on full alert. It was a tiny sound, like a whimper or a squeak. Both pegasi had their wings flared and their swords ready as they stalked towards the old machine in the corner, the source of the sound. Wedge looked at Jet, motioning for him to remove a tarpaulin that covered the machine. Standing back, Jet grabbed the tarp in his mouth and yanked it off. Wedge prepared to swing at whatever was underneath, but held back when saw it. It was a human; a very small human. It looked at the pegasus with terror filled eyes as it cringed into the corner of the barn, awaiting the death blow.

Jet had not yet seen it, "What is it Wedge!?"

"Jet, calm down and put your sword away, it's just a child." Wedge sheathed his own blade, slowly approaching the human child. "Hey, I'm not going to hurt you. Shhh, calm down, there's nothing to be afraid of." The boy cringed and whimpered as the pegasus got closer. Wedge couldn't really say for certain, but he guessed this poor defenseless child was no more than four or five years old. His freckled face was covered in ash, streaks running down from where he had been crying. His sandy blonde hair looked burnt in places, and the child had an injury on his leg, likely from his attackers.

"What do we do with him Wedge?"

"I don't know Jet, the poor thing is frightened out of his wits. You report back to the General, I'll stay with him."

Jet Stream looked disapprovingly at the other pegasus. "What if his parents come back and see you here? They'll tear your heart out for touching their young."

"Humans aren't like wild animals Jet," Wedge leaned close and whispered to his companion, "Besides, I think he's probably the only survivor, the poor boy."

"How can you keep calling that thing poor?! It's a demon Wedge! The things that we fought against for our freedom!"

Wedge grabbed Jet's breastplate with his hooves, pulling him close. "It's not a demon damn it! It's just a child, alone and scared! Now go back to the General and get everypony up here as quickly as possible!" He let go of Jet Stream, the other pegasus stumbling backwards. Composing himself, Jet took off out the door and took to the skies. Wedge turned back to the human child.

It whimpered when he got closer. "I won't hurt you, don't be frightened. I'm Wedge, what's your name?" he asked as gently as possible. The little boy stopped trembling as violently, not sure whether to trust this strange creature that his parents told him was bad. Wedge looked at the wound on the boy's leg. "Does that hurt? Let me look at it." He creeped just a little closer, extending a wing to brush against the wound. He cringed when the delicate wing tip brushed his leg, Wedge got a closer look at the wound. Five long bruises, shaped roughly like human fingers, with scratches on them. Like a human had grabbed ahold of this poor child and tried to drag him away. Wedge pulled out a roll of gauze from his saddlebag and his canteen. Dabbing some water on his wingtip, he washed the wounds carefully.

With military precision Wedge wrapped the gauze around the injury, not too tight, not too loose. "There, not the best job, but I think you'll be okay." The pegasus removed his helmet and saddlebag, placing them on the straw covered floor. Wedge lay down on the floor, taking a drink from his canteen. Wiping it off, he placed the canteen within reaching distance of the child.

The child looked at the canteen with want in his eyes. Wedge nodded to it, "Go on." Very quickly the canteen was emptied, the child greedily slurping down every last drop. He retreated back to his corner after finishing, still frightened of the talking, winged horse in front of him. Wedge extended one of his wings and began to carefully preen himself, straightening any out of place feathers and plucking any that needed to go.

"Are you one of the Bad Men?" The child's sudden break from silence forced Wedge to accidently rip out a feather. Wedge sighed as the perfect, rust colored feather landed in the straw. He looked up at the child inquisitively.

"Who are the Bad Men?"

"They come at night, they hurt us. Mommy says they are Bad and she wanted us to go away."

"What do the Bad Men look like?"

"They're big and scary, with gray skin. They came with the crazy men and took Mommy and Daddy away." The little boy was on the verge of another bout of crying.

By the Princesses, everything Starswirl said is absolutely true.

"I'm not one of the Bad Men, they hurt us too, and I want to stop the Bad Men." The little boy edged closer to the pegasus.

"Are you a superhero?"

"A what?" Wedge raised an eyebrow at the strange word.

"A superhero, you fly and stop the Bad Men, like a superhero from Daddy's old comic books."

Wedge tossed around the thought in his mind. "I guess you could call me a superhero. But my name is Wedge, what's your name?"

"I'm Noah, hi mister Wedge." he put out a little hand. Wedge was unsure what to do, so he extended a hoof, gently shaking his hand. "Mommy says not to talk to strange people, but you're a pony, so I think that's an exception." Wedge smiled. This human child reminded him of his own colt; friendly, a bit timid, but warm and welcoming after you gained his trust.

"Mister Wedge, I'm tired. But if I sleep the Bad Men might come and get me."

"I won't let that happen Noah, the Bad Men will have to go through me first." The child lay down in the straw next to the pegasus, closing his eyes and getting comfortable. Wedge felt the need to protect this innocent creature, and without regret he draped a rust colored wing over the sleeping child. Like he had with own son when he had nightmares.


Wedge felt a nudge at his shoulder, opening his eyes he realized he had fallen asleep on the barn floor. It was only made worse by the fact that the one poking him was the General.

"Fall asleep on active duty, Corporal Wedge? Normally that's KP for the night, but since we are in strange territory with no kitchens around, I'll forgive it this once."

"General sir!" Wedge snapped to attention as best as he could without standing.

"What's the matter? Break a leg? Where is this human child Jet Stream was yelling about?" Wedge carefully lifted his wing, underneath the human child lay curled in a ball, snuggled up against Wedge. "Well then, I see you've made a friend."

"Yes sir. I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me. He was helpless, scared and injured."

"Don't get too attached Wedge, we can't take him with us."

The rust colored pegasus stood. "We can't just leave him here General! What if the evil humans come back for him? What if he can't survive on his own?"

"And if he comes with us he will be in greater danger than ever before."

"General, please. He said that the gray humans didn't kill his parents, they just took them. We have to help them sir! You yourself always talk about how we should help the humans, how we need to be their friends! This is our chance to help them sir."

General Cloud Hoof was caught, sighing he gave in. "He's your responsibility Wedge. If anything happens to him, the blood is on your hooves. Crosswind has the trail of the humans that took his parents, we're moving out in five minutes."