• Published 23rd Mar 2012
  • 1,097 Views, 12 Comments

The Cult of Chaos - PegasusKlondike

A new evil threatens Equestria after the War of the Fallen Race

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Tonight, Chaos Reigns

Crickets chirped and the breeze was still in the early evening as the sun fell on the horizon. The six Acolytes looked upon the pegasus outpost with silent contemplation from their place of hiding. They had been given a simple task, break apart the pony nations. The Acolytes would succeed, failure was not even a concept to them. Phase one stood in front of them, the dim glow of torches reflecting off the armor of at least a dozen pegasus warriors as they patrolled their posts.

This post was here to prevent cretins like the Acolytes from sneaking into pony territory to cause havoc. But they did not want to sneak around. No, phase one of the Master's plan required a little something from one of the pegasus warriors. Though normally mindless and stoic, this group of Acolytes had been gifted with decision making processes to make their job easier. Without words they drew out a plan for getting what they needed without causing too much of a stir. They each nodded in silent agreement to their course of action. They selected their target, a pegasus warrior that roamed too far from the safety of his post.

An Acolyte picked up a stone, being a former baseball pitcher he used his precision muscles and careful aim to toss the stone near the warrior. The pegasus flared his wings when the stone bounced near him, startled by the sudden noise.

"Damn earth ponies must be trying to run us out again." he muttered to himself. Drawing his sword with his mouth he slowly approached the treeline that hid the Acolytes. Stopping right before the trees he thought to himself that this was an incredibly stupid idea, going out there alone.

The Acolytes saw his hesitation, then motioned for their fellow to try again. The pegasus turned back to his post when a rock struck him behind the ear. Swearing to himself and rubbing the swelling spot with a wingtip he growled back to the treeline. "Whoever is doing this is in real trouble now!" Grabbing his dropped sword he charged headlong into their trap without aid or even the thought of backup. The pegasus ran into a small clearing in the trees, looking for his assailants.

"Where are you damn it?!" Without warning several pairs of fingered hands clamped over his legs and his muzzle, preventing him from crying out for help. A quick slide of the dagger across his equine throat silenced him forever. The Acolytes did not congratulate themselves, rather they quickly began to rip out the pegasus warrior's feathers and take his weapons. Phase one had been completed, and the six Acolytes split into two groups for Phase two.


Chancellor Breezemane preferred the life of a simple pony to that of the warrior pegasi or the noble unicorns. He opened the door to his cottage home, stopping to work out a cramp when he placed his tools in their customary place by the door. Though the elected leader of the earth ponies Breezemane worked his own farm. He raised chickens and grew potatoes and carrots to help pay the tribute enforced by the other tribes. Farm life was appealing, it seemed distant from the never ending political scheming of the unicorns and the military communes of the pegasi. Sighing at their foalishness he looked at what made him happy in life.

His dear wife Soft Song lived true to her name as she hummed a gentle ballad, slowly stirring this evening's meal in the fireplace. Breezemane quietly walked up to her, placing a quick peck on her cheek as she stirred a delicious smelling stew.

"What's for dinner my dear?"

"Well for a hard working, wise and benevolent stallion there is some of my famous stew in the pot. But I'll let you know when such a stallion comes by."

Breezemane chuckled at his wife's friendly jest. "And what about for us regular ponies?"

"I might let you have some too, if you can have the children wash up for supper."

The marshmallow colored earth pony called out to his children. "Kids! Supper's ready!" His two foals Apple Sweet and Windblow came clattering from down the stairs, eager to get some of their mother's famous stew. "Woah there little stampede, let's see those hooves."

The filly and the colt groaned as they presented their hooves for inspection. Apple Sweet passed with flying colors, her dainty hooves always cleaner than her little brother's. Windblow however had a little too much dirt to be allowed at the table. "Apple Sweet, you go on ahead, but don't start yet. Windblow, you scrub those hooves again, then come and eat."

"Yes papa." the colt trotted off to his wash basin. Breezemane couldn't believe how lucky he was to have such a loving family. He wondered if the other tribes enjoyed such simple things in life like enjoying a well cooked meal with everypony they loved. Some of them had to, he had met with the other leaders before. Cloud Hoof seemed like a family stallion, but Silverhair seemed rather detached from his several children and his mostly estranged wife.

The family sat down at their dining table to eat, discussing their days and what they might do tomorrow if Breezemane could finish harvesting crops quickly enough for the monthly tribute. Laughter was aplenty and spirits were high. They finished their meal and continued to talk for hours, both adult ponies having to light some candles and lanterns after the sun set outside.

"Alright kids, time for bed. You two run along and brush your teeth. I'll be along to tell you a story in a few minutes."

"But papa!"

"No 'buts' young colt, you need your rest if you want to grow up big and strong like your papa."

The foals gave in, "Okay papa, but could you tell us the story about the dragons again?"

"Only if you two hurry along now." the two foals left the dinner table, a full day of chores and play having worn out their little bodies. Soft Song and Breezemane stayed up to talk some more, sharing a mug of hard apple cider like they normally did after a hard day's work. Breezemane decided his foals needed to be tucked in for the evening, so he quietly walked up the stairs to their room. Peeking into their bedroom, he saw no need for a bedtime story, both foals were sound asleep.

The heart melting sight was offset by a sudden crash from downstairs, followed by the sound of breaking mugs and plates. The Chancellor cantered down the stairs quickly.

"Soft Song? Are you alright? I heard a noise....NNNOOO!!!" Soft Song had a knife planted between her shoulder blades, a creature of nightmare clutching her mouth shut to prevent her from screaming. It was a human man, one of the demons he had fought years ago in the War. The gray scale man ripped the knife from the mare, letting her lifeless body fall to the floor. The demon whipped his dagger through the air, aimed straight at his true target, the Chancellor. Breezemane ducked to his left, the dagger landing with a solid thunk in a support beam. The wood around the dagger began to blacken and smoke.

Breezemane straightened himself and charged the human, tackling him in the chest. Both fell in a heap, the pony raining hoofed punches onto the monster that dared touch his wife. But the human put both of his feet onto the pony's stomach, launching him off across the room. The demon stood and spit out a bloody tooth, with a jerk freeing his dagger from the post, advancing on the fallen pony. Breezemane saw an opportunity and let it get closer, then he grabbed the poker from his fireplace, jamming the sharp end into the human's gut.

It recoiled in pain, clutching the poker with both hands. It's gaze returned to the pony, and with horror on Breezemane's face he began to rip it out, taking several chunks of flesh and a torrent of blood with it. The human only smiled as he drove his dagger into Breezemane's chest, the light fading from his eyes as his vitae fed the human's desire for chaos. With a wrench the human pulled his weapon free. He did not have much left in him, and death would soon claim the Acolyte assassin. Reaching into his pockets he grabbed a handful of pegasus feathers, strewing them about the room. Taking the pegasus sword he blooded it on the dead earth pony, intending to lay it near him. But a sound came from upstairs, like crying.

The Acolyte felt the need to increase chaos. Death and chaos went hand in hand, so he investigated the noise. Kicking down the door to the foal's room he saw the pair cringed under the same covers, hoping that their papa had come back to them. They screamed in childish terror as the demon lifted a single finger to his lips, swinging the pegasus sword to complete his monstrous mission.

Outside, the same scene played out several times, flames consuming many farms across the land and the screams of terror followed by silence. None were left to see their demonic murderers.


Though not really the most interested in his children, King Silverhair did visit them on occasion before bed. Mostly to see his pride and joy, Prince Silvergaze, his oldest son and heir to the Canterlot throne. He had a total of four children from his wife Azalea, but she preferred to imbibe salt and liquors rather than spend time with her children. It hadn't been the happiest marriage ever, like everything with King Silverhair it was political in origin. He had married her because she was the daughter of an influential head of House, they agreed to it to simply further their own gains. At times like these he envied his cousin and chamberlain Golden Flame, who loved his wife and even loved that insufferable brat of a daughter, Platinum.

After carefully tucking in his prize child, Silverhair adjourned to his private baths. He would often immerse himself for hours on end in the warm, scented waters of the marble baths, letting the heat untie the knots of stress from his day. Silverhair fell asleep in his baths quite a lot, the shear comfort being better in his opinion than sex. Normally a butler would come sometime around midnight to escort his Majesty back to his bedchambers for a proper rest. But Silverhair slept uninterrupted tonight.

Outside, beyond the walls of Canterlot, the three Acolytes sized up the challenge before them. The walls to the city were incredibly tall, and patrolled by unicorns regularly. Luckily for the extremely dexterous and agile human assassins, the walls had easy handholds nearly the entire way up. It took nearly an hour for all three assassins to claw and pull their way up while avoiding the unicorn guard patrols.

Guard patrols would come by often, the Acolytes would use the shadows to their advantage, hiding away and hurling their accursed daggers at any guards that might be around. Running along the wall the three made their way stealthily to the palace. From atop a high tower in the center of town, a herald called the hour.

"Two o'clock and all is well!"

Perfect, these idiots didn't suspect a thing. The castle was much more heavily guarded, and the assassins took their time to pick off each and every individual that got in their way. If they had a minor scuffle putting down a unicorn guard, the Acolytes would occasionally place down a piece of false evidence in the form of a feather or piece of armor. Finding a servants entrance through the kitchen, the three crept in, not sparing any servants that were up earlier than usual. Coming to the wing that housed the royal family, the assassins nodded to one another and split up.

The first crept into the queen's quarters, silently padding his way to her bed. Queen Azalea snored loud, several bottles of wine placed precariously around her bed, an occasional block of salt on her nightstand. Asleep in her drunkenness, the assassin could have brought in a marching band without disturbing her. So without ceremony he made the quick slice across her throat, her snores gurgling as crimson blood stained her sheets. He reached into his pocket and tossed a pegasus feather in her sheets. His job done, the Acolyte would retreat to outside the city walls, find a hiding place and plunge the dagger into his own heart. The cursed dagger would incinerate the corpse of its bearer, leaving no trace. But he had to provide any assistance he could to his brethren first, so he left the dead Queen enshrined by the wine bottles and salt blocks that defined her life, letting the shame permeate.

The second Acolyte took a more gruesome job, murdering the two guards that stood outside the royal nursery with a pair of thrown knives. Retrieving his blades, he silently worked the knob and opened the door to the children's wing. They slept in one common room, with the exception of the crown prince. Two little colts and a filly snuggled in their blankets as the Acolyte had to make the toughest decision of his life, which one first?

Choosing an adorable red filly, not even old enough to have a cutie mark, he began his bloodbath. Raising his dagger high, he hesitated, something scratching at the back of his mind, whispering to him not to do such a monstrous act. The Acolyte placed a hand on the side of his head, trying to drive away the feeling and complete his mission. A hand clasped him on the shoulder, the second assassin whipped around to face his new foe. The first Acolyte assassin stood there with a look in his eyes that said, What are you waiting for?

The magic of Discord overcame the human emotion, and he quickly plunged the dagger into the foal's heart, twisting the blade deeper and hearing the crunch of bone. His fellow Acolyte moved on to the other foals, determined to end this quickly. A few quiet slices had his soul weeping with shame from the deviant, monstrous acts that Discord had forced them to do. Both assassins were planting evidence when a voice interrupted them.

"No! By the Princesses no!" the crown prince stood in his night clothes, sword levitated with magic to face off against his siblings murderers. Roughly a teenager, he had some skill in martial prowess, mostly with the sword. "Come on you monsters, come and get me!" he screamed, hoping some guards would hear.

Both Acolytes leapt at the prince, their daggers moving opposite of one another, determined to end his pitiful existence. The prince swept aside both daggers with his sword, only to face enemies on two fronts. The assassins worked as a team, clumsy in their form but their intent deadly. Prince Silvergaze would parry a dagger thrust only to have to dodge another, breaking his stance. The two advanced on him, daggers dancing in the moonlight. Only his magic saved him as he levitated a second sword from a decorative placement on the wall. Blocking both as they tried a high and low maneuver he pushed the offensive, scoring several small hits on the humans. The prince took a gamble, whirling around to plant both of his hooves into the chest of an Acolyte, throwing him across the room and most likely breaking a few ribs. But he felt a sting in his leg, an Acolyte had taken a chance and made a deft cut in the prince's thigh, hamstringing him. The prince cried in pain, whipping a sword around to take off his assailant's hand, then he plunged the sword into the demon's chest, ending the miserable cretin.

As the assassin fell, his fellow stood behind him, fully recovered from his painful kick. With a flourish he threw his dagger, landing it with precision into the prince's chest. It was not needed, the poisoned blade had doomed the prince the moment it cut his leg. He fell to the floor, the light fading as he looked at the bloody corpses of his siblings, begging for forgiveness that he had not been able to protect them.

The second Acolyte had survived with no more than a couple of cuts and a nice pair of hoof shaped bruises on his chest, grabbing his fellow's severed hand that still gripped his dagger he plunged it into the fallen Acolyte's heart. Instantly the corpse began to smolder, falling to ash as the dagger worked its cursed magic. It would not do to have such incriminating evidence lying around, and he threw down a pegasus dagger and an emblem from the warrior they had killed earlier.

Meanwhile, the third assassin was having less actual luck with his most important of targets, the king himself. Creeping into the royal bedchambers he was surprised to hear movement and moaning coming from His Majesty's bed. The king sounded like he was enjoying a romp in the hay, metaphorically speaking. Silent as the shade of death itself the assassin crept up to the bed, ignoring the very embarrassing scene before him, prepared to kill an additional target. Slipping a bit more poison onto his blade he heard the exchange between the lovers.

"Call me king baby, yeah, you're my queen aren't you?"

"Mmm, you're my king tonight butler boy!" The mare and stallion giggled as they violated their king's bed.

Wait, this wasn't the king? The assassin felt confused, his magical hard wiring giving him a certain list of targets. Priority one, the royal family. Priority two, soldiers and witnesses. Priority three, himself after the completion of his mission. He could kill these two now, but they had no idea he was here plus he would have no idea where the king was and still be no closer to completing his portion of their plan.

The two giggled and moaned under the sheets, the Acolyte standing over them, dagger in hand and a look on his face that recalled the old computer problem of 'blue screen of death'.

"Wait, Mystic. I think I hear somepony out there. It might be the king!" the mare was panicking now, the assassin snapped out of his logic loop and ducked into the shadows.

The obviously servant ponies pulled the sheets down and looked around for any intruders, their eyes passing over the Acolyte in hiding.

"Relax baby, it was probably a bird at the window. The king never leaves his bath unless I come and wake his ass up. Now where were we?" The pair pulled the sheets back over their heads and resumed their infidelity. The Acolyte grinned, good things indeed came to those who waited, and the heartbeat of a mouse made more noise as he crept out of the royal bedchambers, seeking the king's bath house. He met up with the other Acolyte in the main hall of the wing, most of the inhabitants were dead, so they could speak to one another openly.

"Have you finished the Master's plan?" asked the second Acolyte, clutching his chest in pain.

"No, the king yet lives, he sleeps in his royal bath, pickling like a cucumber." he looked his companion up and down. "Do you have the strength to complete your final objective?"

"I am not sure."

"Then by the Master's will I shall complete our mission and end you if you are incapable. Do you know where the baths are?"

"The sounds of flowing water were prevalent this way." The Acolyte pointed down a hallway, the pair lighted down that way. Their assumption was correct, the feel of moisture grew on their pale grey skin, the temperature growing warmer as they approached the dimly lit resting place of the king. They spied him laying in his bath, a large marble tub flowing with steam and the powerful scent of roses. He snored loudly, the Acolyte assassins took to either side of him and plunged their daggers under an armpit, puncturing his lungs. The king's eyes shot open as he choked, not being able to breathe anymore. A scarlet wave came from his chest into the bathwater. Of all their targets, he had been the easiest by far.

The pair planted more evidence at the scene, then without congratulating themselves they took off for the outside walls before the light of day or the changing of the guard shifts ruined the Master's intended effect.


Starswirl was having a horrendous nightmare, some kind of demon monsters creeping around and slaughtering everypony in the castle. He awoke with a start, panting and coated in sweat. He lifted a shivering hoof to wipe away the drenching sweat. It had seemed so real, so close to him. He could still see the blood dripping down the lifeless limbs of the king's children, hear the screams of a familiar earth pony face. Cursing himself he stood from his bed, his old bones complaining with every step.

Going to a wash basin in his chambers he splashed some water in his face, looking into the mirror he saw age was finally creeping up on him. He wasn't a young pony when the transforming magic had come to make him thus, but the nuances of the Earth Mother's magic had made them equals to humans, including an increased lifespan. He decided this late night terror was a result of an experimental potion he and his assistant Clover had brewed that day.

"Never going to try that one again, not even if it's sugar coated." The aged unicorn slowly walked back to his bed, laying down he tried to get back to sleep. But he stayed wide awake, concerned for the royal family. "Why am I so concerned? Fine, I'll go check on them, even though they have guards to do that on the hour."

Throwing on a simple robe Starswirl left his chambers in the dungeon area, his slow pace taking him to the royal quarters. Coming up on the pair of guards that normally stood at attention in front of the Royal family's quarters, he noticed they looked slumped over.

"Hey, wake up you bums, your shift is almost over, you can sleep back in the barracks." Starswirl poked one with a hoof, his hoof coming back stained with a crimson wetness. He recoiled from the pair of murdered guards, adrenaline pumping through his veins. He looked past them and murmured to himself. "By the Princesses, the children...." Dashing past the murdered pair he charged to the door which housed the royal nursery. He didn't give a rat's ass about Silverhair and Azalea, they were a worthless pair of political miscreants, but if somepony had harmed their children....

"No...no no no no!" The children lay in pools of their own blood in the nursery. Starswirl walked to the crib of the youngest, a filly that had been barely able to walk, much less even talk. Her little eyes were open with terror, a rending cut over her heart telling the old unicorn she had gone in agony. With a hoof he closed her little eyes, wanting nothing more than to wake up from this nightmare.

He had to tell the guards, but all the ones he had seen were murdered. He had to tell somepony, so he ran as fast as his old legs could carry him to the main hall. He slowed to catch his breath when he saw two shapes in black run through a hallway.

"You there! Stop!" he shouted. He quickly gave chase to the upright forms. They were some kind of monster obviously, their path out of the castle was littered with bloodstains and the corpses of ponies Starswirl had known for years. The first signs of dawn were upon them when the creatures ran out to the wall with Starswirl not far behind. One monster seemed fitter than its companion and reached the wall first. Pulling a dagger from its belt it shoved the weapon into its own chest, hurling itself from the wall. The now lifeless corpse became a pile of ash in seconds, falling like fine snow from the castle walls. The other monster had pulled out its own dagger, preparing to do the same.

"No, you're not getting out that easily!" Starswirl's horn glowed fiercely with his magic, encapsulating the dagger and ripping it away from its owner. He then grabbed the creature with his telekinesis, holding him secure as he tried to jump off the wall. Starswirl panted at the exertion of running throughout the castle. The first rays of dawn revealed the identity of the murderer.

"A human. Why?" The human looked at him with stoic, dead eyes. Totally unlike his feral brethren, this monster was something new. Something that had effectively eliminated the entire royal family of Canterlot, and possibly put all of ponykind in jeopardy.