• Published 24th Jan 2014
  • 1,809 Views, 27 Comments

It's a wonderful friendship - Ugly-Duckling123

Twilight sees what Equestia would be like if she never went to ponyville

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Chapter 5

Getting back to Twilight and the foals on the train.

Twilight just woke up to feel the train slowing down. She was worried about what she would see when she got outside. Worried about what the Crystal Empire would look like. Wondering if... If she would see anything about Shining Armour, or Candace, or Spike.

The train stopped, and the doors began to open, to let the ponies out. As they stepped out, Nightmare Crystal Pony Guards surrounded them, chained them up, checked the ring on Twilight's horn was still working, and began to march them to the Crystal mines.

It was a long and silent walk to the mines. Everywhere was covered in black crystals. And every-pony looked like how they did in the flashback Celestia showed Twilight when she was being taught about Sombra. And when she and her friends came to the Empire to help save it when he returned. Dull, grey and miserable, all chained together, some were pulling carts, while others were using pick axes to pick at the walls to look for more crystals.

Finally stopping, one of the guards called out. "Miss Rarity, there are three new ponies who have just come from Canterlot..."

"Yes, yes I know the drill," came a voice above their heads. Looking up Twilight saw Rarity, except this pony didn't look like the Rarity she knew. (But then again Rainbow wasn't either Twilight thought). This Rarity was in a full black outfit with a badge on her chest of what had to be Sombra's cutie-mark (three red crystals) and was holding in her aura what looked like a whip. Thinking she didn't want a repeat of what happened at the station, Twilight choose to stay quiet.
"But then again so should you Captain. Names, Cutie-Marks - if they have them, Gender, what they are, and where they were found." she said coming down the steps and coming to inspect them.

She was sizing up the foals first, thinking on how strong they could be. Then she turned to Twilight. "Humm... I got word from Captain Rainbow Dash that for some reason Sombra likes you, Unicorn," she said looking Twilight up and down.

Turning back to the captain, her horn began to glow, "I'm picking up some crystals in the ninth camp, send the foals there. As for the Unicorn get her fixed to pulling carts..."

"No!" Twilight called out, shocking every-pony including herself.

"E... Excuse me?" Rarity asked blinking mouth hanging open "What was that? I didn't hear you..." she said readying her whip.

"I. Said. No." Twilight said each word in turn slowly and quietly, "Where ever the kids are going, I'm going too. There's no-pony here to look after them, not even... A sister..." Twilight said eying Rarity seeing that she'd hit a nerve.

Rarity, not wanting to look weak took in a deep breath and hit Twilight on the cheek getting close to her. "I don't know how you know, but don't ever tell any-pony about Sweetie." she whispered.
Then stepping back said "But, if you really want to stay with them then fine. Send them all to the ninth camp. And make sure they work themselves to the bone for talking back." Without saying anything else Rarity turned and went back to her lookout post above all the prisoners.

As Twilight and the foals were led away, the captain got close to Twilight's ear. "You know you shouldn't have done that," he said "Miss Rarity can be very generous, when and if she stays happy. But when some-pony or something upsets her she can get a bit harsh."

And with out another word he led them to the ninth camp of the Crystal Mines.

After a long and quiet walk to the ninth camp, Twilight spots Luna waiting for her, by the side of the camp leader's table. At the table was the last pony Twilight wanted to see in this world at a place like this.

"Flash..." Twilight whispered tears coming to her eyes, looking away.

The orange Pegasus stallion looked up from his work at the thought of hearing his name. Only to see the Captain and some new workers.

"Mr. Sentry, Miss Rarity said to send these new ponies here, and to work them to the bone for talking back."

"Alright Captain," Flash said getting up to inspect the new ponies himself. "Have you got the information from them to identify them yet?" he asked halfway through inspecting the colt.

"No," the Captain said. "The Unicorn made us miss the chance to do it with Miss Rarity. Although she did say that she got word from Captain Rainbow Dash that King Sombra likes her for some reason."

"Well tough stuff for him," Twilight blurted out. "I've already got a special-some-pony... But I don't think he knows it..." she said her eyes on Flash.

Shocking everyone into silence again, Flash went back to his table. "Even if you do, or even if the King does like you, the rules still stand. Talking back, will get you extra work for you and for all who came with you," he said pointing a quill to the foals. "You will only speak when spoken to, there will be no singing, laughing, talking, dancing - if you could do it in you chains - magic - other than to work the pick axe, trying to run away, or fun or rebellion of any kind," Flash Sentry said as though he were reading them off of a list or something. "Do you understand?"

Wanting to say something to him, Twilight felt Luna's wing on her shoulder. As she looked, Luna pointed to the foals who were scared and who were already getting two lots of extra work because of her. Sighing and looking back to Flash she nodded.

"Good," he said smiling a smile that didn't suit him at all. "Now, to the business of registering you," he said shifting around on his desk for the ninth camp slave list. Getting his quill ready he began.

The registering of Twilight and Jewel and Saturn (the filly and colt), took less time than Twilight thought it would. But I suppose when every-pony's er... working together, things get done very quickly.

After everything was done the Captain remembered that Twilight said where the foals go she will follow. Saying this to Flash who raised an eyebrow, Flash put them into the same cabin.

"You will be given a few hours to get used to this cabin before you will be called out to start work picking the walls of the mines," he said showing them the small wooden cabin with no beds, or light other than a single candle lantern, and a list on the wall showing that three other ponies lived here as well. After they were all in, and Flash wrote their names up on the list, Flash shut the door and walked away.

Waiting a few moments to make sure it was ok, Saturn turned to Twilight, fear in his eyes. "Miss Twilight," he began, "We don't want to live here. We want to go back home to the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters in the Everfee Forest, with every-pony else."

Shocked to hear that that was where these foals were from Twilight looked at Luna who nodded as if to say 'Yes they are from there'.

"Yeah we want to see, Thunder-Lane, and Braeburn, Lill' Strong-heart, the Cakes, the Cutie-Mark-Crusaders, Big Mac, and Captain Applejack again." Jewel said naming off just a few ponies in the rebellion.

Waiting a few seconds to get all the names into her head, Twilight just stared at the two hearing that Applejack was, not only the leader of this so called rebellion, but where the Elements could be found too.

"If you don't mind me asking children," Twilight said getting down on her knees to look the foals in the eyes, "How did you get caught if you were in a safe place like that with so many grown ups there to protect you?"

Not sure what to do, or say, Saturn and Jewel went quiet, and looked away from Twilight shame written on their faces. Not wanting to nag them Twilight stayed silent.

Finally... "We were out playing..." Saturn began.

In the middle of the Everfree Forest, there stood an ancient castle named the Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. In the courtyard of this castle two young, brother and sister, Earth ponies were playing under the watching eyes of Braeburn and Lill' Strong-heart.

"Tag you it," Jewel said laughing happily, turning to run away from her brother.

"Oh yeah?" Saturn asked a sly smile on his face only waiting a few seconds to run after her.


Up on the balcony over looking the yard Caramel stepped up to Braeburn and Strong-heart. "Hey guys. I'm running low on things in the kitchen and need some-pony to go looking for something to eat."

"Well what is it you need Caramel?" Strong-heart asked turning away from the foals to look at Caramel properly.

"Fruit, nuts, and eating berries," Caramel said off the top of his head.

"Ok we'll go out to look for all that for ya Caramel," Braeburn said also turning around and walking to get his cow-pony hat.

"But what about the kids?" Strong-heart asked following her colt-friend.

"Oh it's fine dear," Braeburn said reaching the stairs. "It's not like they could suddenly escape from the courtyard. Besides, this place is perfectly safe, and they know to run and hide if any danger comes . I'm sure they'll still be out there when we come back."


But what the grownups didn't know was that Saturn and Jewel were an adventurous pair, - almost as bad as the Crusaders in Twilight's world, - and had been sneaking off into the forest every now and then whenever they heard the singing on the wind to try and find out what it is.

'Hush now, quiet now,
It's time to rest you sleepy head,
Hush now, quiet now,
It's time to go to bed...'

Saturn and Jewel froze in their tracks. "There's that singing again Saturn," Jewel said smiling with glee that they could go on another adventure.

"Well what are we waiting for?" Saturn said running over to the brick in the wall they made to come out whenever they wanted to go out. After pulling it out, squeezing though and sliding the brick back into place, the twins ran off into the forest, little knowing it would be the last time they would do it in a while.

After about five minutes, or so running though the forest ears twitching to try and pick up on the singing again, the singing stopped, bringing the foals to a stop as well. They waited for a voice, a sign, anything that would send them off into the right direction. But nothing came. Except....

"Well that should be enough don't ya think Strong-heart?" That was Braeburn and sounded as though Strong-heart was with him! Oh no. They couldn't see Saturn and Jewel out of the Castle. What were they going to do?

"Sure looks like it to me Braeburn," Strong-hearts voice replied "Sure hope those two kids are still alright."

"I'm sure they're fine," Braeburn said showing he had high hopes for the two who were panicking searching for a place to hide.

Jewel finally spotted it. A beaten down old cottage, with a river running though the garden, the bridge was broken, and it had bird houses all around high in the trees. "Quick." And they ran for it just making it as Braeburn and Strong-heart came into sight and going back the way the foals came so they couldn't go back that way.

Sighing with relief that they didn't get caught, Jewel turned to her brother. "Now what Starswirl?"

"What did I do?" Saturn said, a bit too loudly.

"You wanted to go out and find the singing. You pulled the brick out!" Jewel said equally as loud.

"You were the one who heard it first!"

"I didn't say we should go after it!"

"Well you didn't stop me pulling the brick out did you!"

"Now, now. What's this?"

A voice rang out, a voice as mad and crazy as the beast it came from. "I thought I heard unhappy voices in here..."

With a flash of light, Discord stood in front of the two foals, who were frozen stiff with fear.

"Hello, I'm Discord," he said bowing "Spirit of Chaos and Dis-harmony, one of the Three Rulers of Equestia, and leader of Discord-ville. And who might you be?" Discord said popping a microphone and a game show presenter's suit up out of nowhere, and pointing it at the twins.


"Well good to meet you." he said "Now as your our one hundred contestants on this show.... You have just won an all expense trip to, wait for it.... Canterlot!"

Gasping, just getting what was happening, the two ran for the door. But Discord was too quick for them, and with a snap of his fingers they were gone.

"And you were with us for the rest..." Jewel said tears in her eyes and running down her cheeks.

Not knowing what to say to the story she just heard, whether she should be worried or say something to the kids about her friends - such as knowing it was Fluttershy who was the one singing - or to cry. Twilight just stretched out her arms and wrapped them around the foals, who were crying for their stupidity.

"You can trust in me you two," Twilight said caring in her voice "Apart from when it is by accident, I will never, ever hurt you or let anyone else. You might not believe me or know it, but I've just lost everyone I love because of a few stupid words I said because I was angry," she said looking up to Luna.

"We know," the twins said.

Shocked Twilight pulled back from them. "What?"

"We know what happened to you," Saturn said smiling, "How you wished you never went to Ponyville. How Princess Luna," here he pointed over to Luna "is trying to teach you it was a good thing by showing you this world."

"And that every-pony we've seen so far used to be your friends, how you lost your brother, sister and Spike in this world. And that guy in charge of this camp is your colt-friend in the other world."

Even more shocked and confused than before, Twilight looked at Princess Luna. "You said no one could see you! You said the only one who could see you is me!"

"That doesn't mean I can't make more see me, and give them the run down of what's happening to make you less lonely." Luna said smiling happily.


Twilight didn't get to finish, because at that moment the door to the cabin sung open to reveal Flash and two guards.

"Right then you three, Time to get to work...."

Author's Note:

Hope you like the story :pinkiehappy:

And the twist that i'm making the foals get to see Luna and know what's going on.