• Published 4th Dec 2013
  • 3,535 Views, 135 Comments

Equestria Girls: The New Doctor - zZ Sky Ninja Zz

The 11th Doctor is a little different than he is in the show, when he lands in a new (but familiar) universe. With his companion Twilight Sparkle, he saves the universe from evil (Cliche much?) Equestria Girls universe, possible Doctor/Twilight

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Time is running out and we have no Screwdriver and no TARDIS, how we gonna do it?

The small group ran over to Velvet, the Doctor then snatched her phone and turned to face her. "So, the sun is going out and you're taking a picture of a man and dog, why?"

Velvet was shocked. "I.... how.....?"

"Hi mom."

She saw the others catch up. "Twilight, he's...."

Twilight nodded. "Yes mom, he came back."

"But how....?"

The Doctor grabbed her arms. "Man and dog, why?"

Twilight frowned. "Isn't he one of your patients mom?"


Velvet nodded. "I work at the hospital but this man shouldn't be here because-"

"He is in a hospital, in a coma." Both Velvet and the Doctor finished.

Velvet frowned. "Yes."

The Doctor walked around them. "Knew it, he is a multi form and they can disguise themselves as anything but for that to happen, they need a feed. A psychic link with a living, dormant mind."

The man then barked at them, the Doctor then smirked. "Prisoner Zero."

Velvet clutched her head. "Wait wait, THAT'S Prisoner Zero?"

Twilight nodded. They then saw one of the eyeball ships come down and the Doctor reached in his pocket. "That ship up there is scanning for non-terrestrial technology."

He then pulled out his Sonic. "And I think this little Screwdriver matches up to that description."

He held it skyward and activated it and it started buzzing loudly.

All the streetlights started exploding and a fire engine went rogue. The small group were shocked that little thing could do so much damage while the Doctor just grinned.

"I hope no one notices that." He said, he then blew up a phone box but that caused his Sonic to blow up and it fell on the ground a black stick.

"No, no no! Don't do that!"

The ship was now flying away. "No! Come back! He's right here! Son of a dalek!"

Prisoner Zero then melted into a drain. "Doctor!" Twilight called out.

The Doctor turned around. "It just melted." Twilight explained.

"Of course it did. It's now hiding and we have to drive it out."

He then clutched his head. "No TARDIS, no Screwdriver and I have seventeen minutes. What to do....?"

Back at the hospital, a coma patient, who Prisoner Zero took the form of was shaking. "Barney, can you hear me?"

Applejack was worried for her sister as the little farmer started shaking too. "Applebloom, please be okay."

Unknown to anyone, the multiform slithered through an air vent and starts hissing.

Back in the streets, Velvet placed a hand on her head. "So, that..... thing has been in our house for a year?"

"Oh please, multiforms can live for millennia. A year is a quick breath."
Twilight crossed her arms. "How come you show up again the same time those eyeballs came? The same minute!"

The Doctor was pacing still thinking but is able to explain. "They're looking for Prisoner Zero, but they followed me. They saw me through that crack on the wall and got a fix, they're only late because I am."

Shining Armour rubbed his temples. "I don't understand."

The Time Lord turned to Velvet. "Give me your phone again."

Velvet was reluctant but agreed, the Doctor was scrolling through the photo's. "I'm assuming these are all coma patients?"

Velvet nodded. "Wrong answer, these are all the multiform. Eight comas, eight disguises for Prisoner Zero. Oh, look at that. Even a little girl with a bow, no one will ever suspect that."

Cadance frowned. "But he had a dog, how did he do that?"

"It's simple, coma patient dreams of a dog, Prisoner Zero get's a dog."

He then exclaimed. "Laptop!"

Twilight frowned. "What?"

The Doctor noticed Shining Armour had one. "Gimme."

The white skinned humans eyes widened. "No, no no!"

The Doctor frowned and snatched it off. "Give it here!"

He then sat down on a bench and opened it and grimaced. "Cadance, you should get that mole on your leg checked."

Twilight looked at the screen. "What mo- AH!"

She fell down covering her eyes. Velvet slapped her forehead while the couple were blushing madly. "This is not important right now, but I do know something that is important."

Shaking her head, Velvet asked. "Which is?"

"The sun's gone all wibbly." The Doctor explained. "Somewhere in the world is gonna be a big ol' important video conference call. All the experts in the world panicking, you know what they need? Me."

He then grinned. "Ah here we are, all the big boys. NASA, Jordell Bank, Tokyo Space Center, it astonishes me how similar this universe is to my own."

Twilight blinked. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Tell you later, but right now I'm gonna drop in."

Velvet looked shocked. "You can't hack into a call like that."

The Doctor took out his psychic paper. "Watch me."

Faces appeared on screen and the Doctor showed them his psychic paper. "Who are you?"

"This is a secure call! What is your business here?"

The Doctor started typing. "Hello there. Yeah, yeah you should cut me off but before you do that take a look at this."

He put up a load of files. "Fermat's Theorem, the proof. And I mean the real one. Never been seen before. Poor old Fermat, got killed in a duel before he could write it down. My fault. I slept in. Oh, and here's an oldie but a goodie. Why electrons have mass. And a personal favourite of mine, faster than light travel with two diagrams and a joke. Look at your screens. Whoever I am, I'm a genius. Look at the sun. You need all the help you can get. Fellas, pay attention."

"Sir, what are you doing?"

Still typing but on the phone this time, the Doctor replied. "Just writing a computer virus."


Rolling his eyes, the Time Lord continued. "Don't worry, it's very clever, super fast, and a tiny bit alive, but don't let on. And why am I writing it on a phone? Never mind, you'll find out. Okay, I'm sending this to all your computers. Get everyone who works for you sending this everywhere. Email, text, Facebook, Bebo, Twitter, radar dish, LOL. Any questions?"

"What does this virus do?"

"It's really simple, it's a reset command, that's all. It resets counters. It gets in the wifi and resets every counter it can find. Clocks, calendars, anything with a chip will default at zero at exactly the same time. But yeah, I could be lying, why should you trust me? I'll let my best man explain."

Frowning when he got no answer, he looked up to see the others gawking at him, he leaned forward and whispered to Shining Armour. "That's you."

Snapping out of his trance, Shining Armour was dumbfounded. "What?"

"Okay Shiny, listen." The Doctor draped an arm over him. "In..... ten minutes you are gonna be a legend, women will want you (Until Cadance chases them away) and men will want to be you..... (Until Cadance chases them away) People will be offering you jobs left and right."

Shining Armours eyes widened. "I could even be Captain of the Police Force."

The Doctor nodded. "But first, I need you to be magnificent. I need you to make those people trust you."

He then grabbed the officers cheeks and squished them. "Today, Shining Armour. Is the day you save the world."

Shining Armour frowned. "Why me?"

"Simple, it's your laptop."

Giving the laptop to Shining Armour, the Doctor turned to the others. "Cadance, you stay with Shining Armour and help him with this. Twilight and Velvet, you call Night Light and the three of you go down to the hospital and get those patients out of there."

Twilight looked at him. "What are YOU going to do?"

The Doctor grinned. "I'm going to get a little something."

Taking a deep breath, Velvet nodded. "Okay, let's save the world."

"Let's go, Avante!" The Doctor then jumped with glee. "That's it! That's my new catchphrase!"

The others rolled their eyes and went to do their assigned duties and the Doctor turned to the couple. "Oh, and if I were you, hide those photo's."

He then sprinted in a direction leaving a blushing couple behind.

Author's Note:

Right, after this episode is done the chapters will be more than a 1000 words, that I promise. But for now, just bear with me. Also, if anyone can do a cover art for me or point me towards someone who can that would be great.