• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 6,916 Views, 86 Comments

The LUNA Project - The Equestrian Gentlecolt

A science fiction origin story. An alicorn foal awakens alone in an abandoned world.

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Personal Email File - David Lee

Personal Email File - David Lee
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From: Dr. Daniel Rogers
To: David Lee
Date: October 16, 2156
Subject: Welcome to Project LUNA!


First of all, let me be the first to congratulate you on being accepted to the LUNA Project. I know that a classified government project probably wasn't what you had in mind when you started looking for internships, but we're glad to have you on board. Your uncle has spoken very highly of you, and we need all the talent we can get. I believe you'll bring a valuable new perspective to our work.

Now, on to business. We don't have the spare manpower to do a formal orientation, so I'm going to need you to get right to Cleanroom B and meet up with your new coworkers as soon as you're done filling out HR's paperwork. One of them will be able to give you the run-down on standard cleanroom protocol and get you up and running with the machinery.

I'll warn you now: everyone here is under a lot of pressure, and some are taking it less gracefully than others. But don't mistake their abruptness for animosity. They're all good people. I'm sure you'll fit right in.

Welcome aboard,
Dr. Daniel Rogers, Ph.D.
Project Manager, Human Genome Project

From: Dr. Gregory Lee
To: David Lee
Date: October 16, 2156
Subject: Welcome!

Hey David, glad to see you finally made it! I had to pull a couple strings to get you in here (Dr. Rogers helped too, he seemed a lot more receptive than the others to the idea of grabbing someone fresh out of college), but I know you'll be a great addition to the project. They'll probably skip the tour, as busy as we are, but meet me in the cafeteria for dinner tonight and I'll show you around the place a bit after we eat. The meal's on me.

From: Keith Jacobson
To: David Lee
Date: October 16, 2156
Subject: Welcome to the Circus

Hey, kid, welcome to Dr. Rogers' petting zoo. We're gonna be working together, and I don't have time to slow down and explain things, so here's hoping you paid real close attention in your philosophy classes. Stuff's about to get metaphysical around here. You studied over at Hugh Everett, right? That's good. Good college, and we need good people. Looking forward to meeting you in person.


From: Kathleen Martinez
To: Everyone
Date: August 23, 2160
Subject: Internet Access


The increasing frequency (and proximity) of solar flares is beginning to take its toll on information systems on the surface. Current estimates put the total shutdown of the Internet some time in January. Project LUNA internal systems will be unaffected, but expect Internet access to be flaky at best and unavailable at worst in the coming months, especially during the daytime. In addition, unshielded electronics (personal or otherwise) should no longer be taken on trips to the surface, as they may be permanently damaged by the solar activity.

Kathleen Martinez
Information Systems

From: Dr. Daniel Rogers
To: Everyone
Date: December 1, 2163
Subject: IMPORTANT: Celestia's diet


It has come to my attention that, despite several warnings, some of you have been continuing to take certain liberties with our little pony's diet. I am well aware of her affinity for sweets, and I realize that she can be very persuasive when she puts her mind to it, but I feel I should remind everyone that she is in a very sensitive stage of her development. Starting now, we will be enforcing a strict "no sweets before meals" policy. Violators will have their visiting privileges revoked indefinitely.

Dr. Daniel Rogers, Ph.D.
Project Manager, Celestia Project

From: Dr. Anthony Harris
To: Everyone
Date: July 11, 2164
Subject: It's getting hot out there

I'm writing to everyone to pass along the news that Death Valley, California was the first location to reach the milestone of 160 degrees Fahrenheit (a high of 161.3 to be exact). Hang onto your seats, folks, it's going to be a bumpy ride from here on out.
