• Published 13th Oct 2011
  • 6,908 Views, 86 Comments

The LUNA Project - The Equestrian Gentlecolt

A science fiction origin story. An alicorn foal awakens alone in an abandoned world.

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Prologue - Welcome to the World

I am.

A consciousness came into being in a place which had long been devoid of sentient awareness. The realization flared like a shining light, illuminating the void around it. I am,it thought again joyfully. I am! It might have whooped and cheered for the sheer wonder of the revelation, had it been able. But this consciousness existed in a very sharp mind indeed, and with the knowledge came immediately the question.

I am, but... what is it that I am?

The void around it began to change as it considered the question. As it reached out for meaning, for definition, something else took shape. A sense. The consciousness took hold of that sense with all of its strength, claiming it, accepting it as part of itself. And through that sense, it for the first time encountered something that was not of itself.

I feel.

There was a world around it. It drank in this new sense, this new world, with the unquenchable thirst of an inquisitive mind. And it found that in this new world, something was wrong. An instinct inside of it told it that there was something about this world that was not as it should be.

I feel... trapped.

The world was too small. Too tight. It know, through that instinct, that it should be able to move, and yet it could not. Powerful muscles flexed in a panic, limbs lashing out and colliding with the edges of the world. With those collisions, another sense came within reach of its panicked awareness.

I hear.

A quiet sound, but sharp. Later on, it might recognize such a sound as that of a crack appearing in glass. Then its world was filled with sound, a terrible grinding and cracking. And the feelings... the world it knew suddenly dropped from under it, it was no longer floating but falling, for the barest fraction of a second, before it collided with the surface below it. It heard the sharp intake of breath, and realized that it was its own, as it gasped in its first lungful of air.

I taste. I smell.

The next two senses came together with the air. Dry. Bitter. Foul. It did not like what these senses brought it, the taste and the smell of this air. It turned to its instincts again, beseeching them to guide it in this new world that they had thrust it into. It stood. Muscles that had never moved before flexed effortlessly, and it came up upon four legs with an ease that could have been practiced countless times. It took its first tentative step forward, determined to go wherever forward would take it, and its fifth sense was realized.

I see.

A soft glow appeared, far ahead of it, but growing closer with each step. Something was on the ground, and the something got brighter each time it took a step closer, as if welcoming it into this new place. The source of the glow resolved into a small crescent-shaped object resting on the ground. This was the first, and most beautiful, thing it had ever seen.

I see... a shiny. I want.

More lights appeared around the first. Glinting, green and yellow. Not lights. Eyes, reflecting the light of the shiny thing. Stealing the light. It stepped closer to its shiny, and the intensifying light was cast over the bodies of the creatures behind the eyes. Huge. Much bigger than it was. Ugly. Hungry. The eyes were all on it now.

I fear.

It stood in panicked indecision for a moment. The creatures around it got closer to it, and to its shiny, every second it waited. It called upon its instincts again, but fought what they told it to do.

I fear... but I want. This is my shiny.

Its mouth closed on the cool, smooth surface of the shiny thing, and then it ran. A scrap of paper, unnoticed beneath the glowing crescent, fluttered in the wind of its passing.