• Published 25th Sep 2013
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(SiC) Part 6 - How Much Do You Really Love Me? - Brian Jacko

Rainbow Dash and Soarin' have been happily together for a long time now. Will their relationship stay healthy, or will strife and heartache come to visit them?

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Their First Kiss

Rainbow Dash watched Soarin' head backstage after the show. Thankfully, he was still in one piece after the crazy stunts he was doing with the other Wonderbolts. Rainbow Dash ran up to him and threw her front legs around him. "You're the best, Soarin'! I hope one day to be a Wonderbolt just like you."

"Soarin' felt odd for getting her soaking wet with his own sweat. He didn't even get the chance to towel off and his sweat was sopping through his uniform. He patted her on the back and said, "You'll get there someday, Dash. I know that you are capable of being a Wonderbolt along with me."

Spitfire was standing by and heard that comment. "And then you two love birds wouldn't be able to take your eyes off of each other while performing stunts and crash into another team mate, right? I take it that this is your new filly friend, Soarin'?"

Soarin' let go of Rainbow Dash and turned to Spitfire. "Yeah, I told you about her before. You remember her, right? She saved our lives at the best young flyers competition."

"How could I forget?" Spitfire asked. "I remember that she saved something else that was of great importance to you as well."

Soarin' turned his head away and thought about that memory. "Yeah, she saved my big apple pie."

"I'd save you and your big apple pie any day of the week Soarin'," Rainbow Dash playfully added.

"So is your heart soarin' for Soarin', Rainbow Dash?" Spitfire asked.

"You would say something like that, wouldn't you, Spitfire?" Soarin' asked.

"Just try not to make him so love sick, Rainbow Dash. We work hard enough to keep his mind off of apple pies and video games. We can't imagine what a filly like you could do to him. I hope you don't play video games and learn how to bake apple pies too. You'd end up being his ultimate dream girl."

"I'll try not to get into his head too much, but thanks for giving me the ideas," Rainbow snickered. "At least I know his weakness."

Spitfire rolled her eyes. "I guess I'll let you two love birds be alone now. I hope she doesn't make you fall to pieces Soarin'. I can already tell that you're crazy for her just by the way you look at her. I'll catch you both later."

Soarin' watched the team captain of the Wonderbolts leave and said, "Hey Dash, let me get out of this suit and dry off and I'll be right back."

Rainbow Dash nodded her head ok. As she waited for Soarin' she looked at all of the other Wonderbolts. In the past, she would be going crazy because she was standing in the great presence of the Wonderbolts, but she really only cared for Soarin' now and her eyes were only for him.

Soarin' came back out and walked up behind her. He grabbed her by her front hoof and took her away.

"Where are you taking me?" Rainbow asked.

"I just want to be alone with you," he replied as he spread his wings for take off. "Come. Follow me."

Rainbow Dash followed Soarin' through the air

"Hey Dash! Look down at that pond way down there. I'll race you to it. The winner gets to make the loser do anything they want. Deal?"

Rainbow saluted him and said, "You're on! I can never back down from a challenge!" She positioned herself right next to his side as she hovered in the air with him.

The destination wasn't terribly far from where they were.

"Ready? Three. Two. One. Go!"

Both Pegasus ponies took off racing at full speed.

Rainbow Dash didn't have the time to perform a Sonic Rainboom since she would need to be at a greater altitude or else she would lose control and crash into the ground. Still, she gave it all she had.

Soarin' had touched the ground first by just a smidgen. Even though he worked hard performing and was exhausted from performing with the Wonderbolts earlier, he was still a top athlete and slowing him down wasn't exactly an easy task to do, especially when it came to racing against a mare as hot as Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash stomped her hoof on the ground and said, "Aw shucks! I was so close!"

Soarin' smiled and asked, What would you have had me do if you won?"

Rainbow turned her head away and dragged her front hoof across the ground. Her face was blushing madly. "Maybe I would have made you give me a kiss."

"Then I'll forfeit my victory and let you have the win," he replied.

Rainbow had never kissed anypony before. She was hoping to save her very first kiss for the pony that she would end up marrying and even though their fledging relationship had just begun, she already envisioned them getting married someday. Rainbow licked her lips and stood on her hind legs. She pushed him backwards with her two front hooves against a tree that he was standing right under. She pressed her body tightly against his body and kissed him passionately.

They both closed their eyes and Soarin' wrapped his front legs around her body.

A loud bang was heard. Rainbow Dash opened one eye and saw that there were fireworks going up off in the distance.

Soarin' knew that ponies would be shooting off fireworks because they always did that after a Wonderbolt's show. He had heard and seen enough fireworks. He even flew by them mid-air as they were exploding with the other Wonderbolts during performance shows. He was enjoying this kiss and he could open up his eyes and enjoy the fireworks with Rainbow afterwards. Right now, the fireworks going off inside of his mind were far greater than the fireworks exploding in the skies.

A cool breeze had swept over them on this warm and beautiful night.

The endorphins running through her brain from her first kiss made her feel euphoric. Rainbow Dash pressed against him a little harder and then pulled back. She kept one front hoof on his chest and kept him pinned to the tree. "Thanks for letting me win. I'm glad I saved my first kiss for somepony like you."

Soarin' had felt bad that he hadn't saved his first kiss for her, but being such a big name like he was and dating a few other fillies seemed kind of hard to save his first kiss for somepony like Rainbow. He didn't even know fillies like her actually existed, but at least he had saved his virginity for somepony like her. Soarin' stared into her eyes and said, "Thanks for saving your first kiss for me. I hope you enjoyed it."

Rainbow Dash grinned and nodded her head yes proudly with her eyes closed. She opened up her eyes and grabbed Soarin' by the hoof. She pulled him closer to the little pond and sat down next to him.

Soarin' sat down with her and wrapped his front leg around her and drew her near.

They both watched the fireworks together.

Rainbow Dash would occasionally stare into the pond and watch the colorful reflections of the fireworks in the water. She could even see the fish swimming in the pond when the fireworks lit up the sky. The colors were hypnotizing to her. She rested her chin on Soarin's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "I know this is probably too early to say, but I love you already, Soarin' and I'm going to be loyal to the one I love. I'm not ever going to leave you."

Soarin' looked at her and kissed her on top of her mane. "I love you too and I hope we end up getting married someday. I love you, Dash."

The words of Soarin' echoed through her troubled mind. "I love you, Dash." The words replayed over and over again and it tormented her. She was now starting to blame herself that perhaps he acted like this because she said that she loved him too soon and she kissed him sooner than she had hoped to. Maybe it gave him the wrong idea when she told him that she would be loyal to him. Tears continued to stream down her face and she lied down on the ground and curled up in a ball beside the pond. She wanted to cry herself to sleep here even if she would probably freeze to death, she didn't care about going home to her nice insulated house made out of clouds. Her body was shaking tremendously because of the cold and she watched her hot breath dissipate into the frigid air. She wrapped her tail around her body, but it was of no use. She was still freezing cold. Her emotions were running wild and her mind kept telling her to stay here and mourn, but the Spirit inside of her was gently telling her to get up and seek comfort from her fellow sisters in Christ.

Soarin' walked into his bedroom and threw himself onto the bed. He was still full of anger, but he felt no conviction because he did not have the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside of him. He felt as if his girlfriend had just ditched him because of Jesus's teachings. He struggled to fall asleep. He did his best to ignore his angry feelings and managed to drift off to sleep.