• Published 18th Sep 2013
  • 2,842 Views, 29 Comments

Twilight's Dream - Redbook

Twilight is now a alicorn, Celestia busy with the crying of the nobles. Luna fills a missing role and feelings for the new alicorn grows.

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Chapter One

The rain slowly drizzles on the window; the gray clouds give hints of the moons faint glow. The mare gaze never left the window, feeling drawn to world outside. The lavender mare lets out a long sigh and turn to look into the dark library, only one candle lit the room she was staying in. This was the only time that she had to herself after becoming a alicorn. From the day that happen, she was keep busy with having ponies come to her to talk about things, so that they may have it pass on to Celestia.

The sound of the rain put her mind at ease; she never could figure out why. Her thoughts drifted from the day she had today to things that haven’t happened yet. The clock in the library ringed the time, it was midnight. Twilight knew she should be going to bed, but the rain just keep her wake with the music it played with the world. Or so she thought, her eyes slowly close and a peaceful dream came to her.

Twilight stands on the balcony alone feeling breeze blowing through her mane, it felt so good. Before long there was a sound of some pony walking up behind her, turning to see that it was a pony that she knew all too well. It was Princess Luna with a happy smile across her face.

“Why art thou late at getting sleep, Twilight Sparkle?” Luna made her way next to Twilight and looked at the night sky.

It’s raining and I want to listen to the rain.” She wore a weak smile and looked up at the sky as well. Luna had started coming to visit Twilight in her dreams a while back, about a week after Twilight was crowned as the fourth princess. Which Twilight was happy for, Princess Celestia was busy with all the nobles wanting voice their thoughts about her becoming a princess.

“The rain is indeed lovely on some nights, but sadly it does block our lovely night sky.” Luna lets out low sigh. Twilight giggled and placed a hoof on Luna’s back.

“But isn’t it not true that if you can’t see something, it’s beauty will take ones breath away once finally seen?” Twilight was trying to cheer up Luna, she did love the clean night sky and the wonderful stars that fill it, but she also loved the light rain at night.

“Art thou making fun of us?” Luna gave Twilight a fake whine which caused Twilight to hide a little giggle.

“Princess Luna I would never make fun of you. You’ve become a good friend to me over the past few months. I don’t know how I could ever thank you enough,” Twilight give Luna a quick hug and smiles warmly at the night princess.

“Tis but nothing, Twilight Sparkle. With our sister is busy with those crazy nobles, so we took her role as your mentor, but it seems that I have also become your friend along the way.” Luna’s face turn a little red before let out a little giggle. “It seems like our time is up and thou must wake to face the new day.” Before Twilight could tell Luna that she would talk to her later, the light of the sun shines right in her eye and caused her to abandon from the dream world.

Twilight let out a sigh and looked up at the ceiling of the room. Luna had started out as a replacement mentor, but as time went on the relationship had change to a friendship. To her it wasn’t a bad thing. Twilight loved to make new friends now and Princess Luna was a good friend. Luna seem to be overjoyed to have someone to talk to about her time back and Twilight was just glad to help her out.

She kind of wished that Celestia would have waited a little longer to rise the sun, just so she could have stayed in the dream world a little longer. Her and Luna would talk about all kinds of things that Luna wasn’t sure about in the world today and Twilight even got to talk about her day. She did have the other girls to talk to, but what was on her mind most of the time, they wouldn’t understand.

The more she laid there the more she knew she need to get up. Living in a library was nice, not many ponies come there for books. There was still a few that came for a book on something to help them with a job or something. So it came down to the lavender alicorn to find them the right book in a timely manner.

The library had been closed for a while when Twilight was on her so called royal tour. Which she disliked a lot. Every noble in every town she want to asked her questions that she didn’t have a clue on what to say. She did her best to say that she would answer them at a later date, but never said when that would be. She hope she would have the knowledge to answer them when that later date came.

There was a knock at the front door. That was the worlds way of telling her it was time to get out of bed. Rushing down the stairs so not to make the pony wait too long to get into the library. Unlocking the door and opening it to find a white unicorn with a very fashionable mane style. Rarity bursted into the room with all the flare of being the town’s local drama queen.

“Oh, Twilight how glad I am to see that you made it back to ponyville. I have been dying to make you new dress now that you are a princess.” Rarity was all over her trying to take all kind of sizes before drawing out any of the dress. That was one thing about Rarity that Twilight admired, she could take all your sizes down and have a dress the next day that would fit like a glove and looked really great.

“It’s really good to see you too, Rarity. I just got back last night before the rain hit. It is nice to be home again.” Before Twilight could ask how Rarity was doing, she was out the door with all the numbers she need. She let out a sigh knowing that later she would get dragged to Rarity’s shop to try on what would seems to be a never ending lineup of dresses.

Having nothing else to do, the library kind of ran itself. And all she had to do was make sure the pony signed the book out if they were taking it home and put a return date on the card in the book. So till somepony needed her, she was going to make a pot of tea. Twilight didn’t waste any time getting a pot going. Making the best tea takes time to brew or it doesn’t come out right..

After the tea was finish, the rest day went by like any other working at a library. Which was mostly her relaxing on a couch reading a book and drinking some tea. The sun made it’s way across the sky and it was now making it’s way down. That was when there was a knock at the door. Twilight had one guess who could be at the library at such hour.

Twilight let out a sigh and open the door with her magic. Right as the door slowly, Rarity came rushing in with her horn brightly lit. Rarity was dragging Twilight out by her tail as she try to dig her hooves into the ground. She didn’t want to go try on new dress, she was really enjoying the time she had alone to read. Spike was out on official business, which just meant that he was his day off in Canterlot.


After hours of trying on new dresses, Twilight stumbled into the library. She was so worn out from all the dress that Rarity made her try on. Not wasting any time, she closed down the library and being to do her nightly clean-up of herself. The hardest part was cleaning her wings, those tricky new appendages. Luna happily taught her out to clean her wings with magic, which made things considerably easier.

Once said and done, she made herself comfy in her own bed instead of the window like the night before. The bed was nice and soft as always, but it was hard to sleep in when you have wings and still haven’t got use to sleeping them. After while, she fell into sleep and started the journey into the realm of dreams. She couldn’t wait to see Luna again.

Twilight was back at the balcony again. This seem like a place where her and Luna always meet for their nightly chats. The breeze blows through her mane as she felt a slight change in the ambience, Luna had entered the dream.

“We glad thou could make it on such a reasonable hour this time, Twilight,” Came a voice behind her.

“You can thank Rarity for that. She had me try on so many dresses. I have a feeling she had some made a while back and she just need to fix them to fit me.” She give a long sigh and turn to face Luna.

“We would love to see some of the dresses made for thee.” Luna smiled and Twilight sighed again wishing she hadn’t said a word about the dresses to begin with. And so she give Luna a little fashion show of all the dresses.She had to admit to herself; indeed of the dresses that she put on looked really lovely on her.

“Twilight! What kind of dress is that?” Luna turn around to hide her growing blush, but she forgot about having wings and Twilight turned only to see that Luna’s wings had popped out and were stiff as a board. The dress that she was wearing was a very revealing one, she didn’t know why Rarity had made it.

She tried to hide her also growling blush,changing back into simple that Rarity made for her back at her last birthday. Though Luna still tried to hide ‘till she could get her wings back down. It didn’t take long for them to do so. “That is a very lovely dress you have on now, Twilight Sparkle. May we inquire on who is the divine artist that made such?”

“My friend, Rarity. It is all the rage in Canterlot or so I hear.” Twilight giggled as she looked over to Luna to see that she was still blushing. “I can ask her if she can make you one.”

“That would be wonderful. We hope she doesn’t mind making us one.”

“I’m sure she won’t. Not if that somepony is a princess.” Luna smiled. Luna grinned as she changed into a dress similar to the one Twilight had on before. Twilight turn and her face turn red as the world rushed around her.

She jolted up in bed,finally waking up, and looking back at her wings as they were sticking up in the air and wouldn’t budge an inch. Twilight grumble something about how that was so not cool what Luna did and that she would get her back for it. And so, with those thoughts she begain her day once more.

Author's Note:

I would like to thank UnKnowSalvation and rhinotaz for helping me with editing this chapter of Twilight's Dream. I don't think I can thank them enough.