• Published 20th Sep 2013
  • 2,196 Views, 53 Comments

On Your (Cutie) Mark... - Scantrel

A Cutie Mark Crusaders adventure. The fillies latest scheme goes horribly right, can Twilight put things back in order before it's too late?

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Reckoning - Part 2

The first thing that Apple Bloom noticed as she stepped out of the portal was the scent of fresh apples. She was surrounded by apple trees, all laden with ripe juicy fruit ready for bucking. As she looked around, she realized she was back at what appeared to be Sweet Apple Acres, most likely the south orchard. "Huh, looks like home, wouldn't ya say, Applejack?" Apple Bloom mused.

When no reply came, Apple Bloom realized her sister wasn't next to her. "Well, they said it was gonna be a challenge. I guess I'm supposed ta find her." Orienting herself, Apple Bloom trotted off in the direction of the main farmhouse. It didn't take too long to reach the edge of the orchard and head up the path toward the main house. What Apple Bloom wasn't expecting, however, was the presence of a wooden fence blocking the path at the end of the orchard. The fence appeared to extend as far as Apple Bloom could see, with no apparent gate or other entry.

A movement caught Apple Bloom's attention and as she looked she saw three ponies come into view on the other side of the fence. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized it was Applejack and both of her parents. Waving a hoof over her head, Apple Bloom called out "Ma! Pa! Applejack!" The three older ponies turned their heads at the sound, their faces breaking into smiles as they saw the littlest Apple. Applejack said something to their parents that Apple Bloom couldn't make out, then Applejack walked over to the fence.

"Howdy, Apple Bloom." Applejack said cheerily. She looked the happiest that Apple Bloom could remember seeing her sister in a long time. "Can ya believe it? I've been telling Pa and Ma all about the farm, an' Big Mac an' Granny Smith, an' my friends." Applejack's smile grew a little dreamy. "I could just stay here forever."

At those words, Apple Bloom felt a little chill run down her back. "Sis...I know ya have missed Ma and Pa so much, but this ain't real. This is all part of the spell. We need to get you fixed up an' get back to everypony else."

"Applejack? What's keepin' ya?" her father called out.

Applejack craned her neck to look at her father. "I'll be right there, Pa!" Applejack called back. She turned to look back at Apple Bloom and said, "Now you just go on back, Sugarcube. I've been thinkin' about it an' I'm gonna stay here with Ma and Pa. This is where I want ta be."

"No, it's not!" Apple Bloom retorted. "I know what yer feelin', but this ain't right!"

"How can you know?" Applejack snapped, her tone growing angry. "You were just a couple a weeks old when we lost them, ya never knew them." Applejack's narrowed her eyes at Apple Bloom and she said in a dark tone, "You can't have missed them like I do. You can't understand what I'm feelin' an' you can't understand how it feels to be with them again. " Applejack glanced back at her parents then back to her sister. "I'm stayin' here, I won't lose 'em again. I just can't!"

Apple Bloom took a step back, surprised by the outburst. Then her own anger flared and she growled back, "Yer right, I never knew them. But I remember all ya told me about them, an' I know they wouldn't want you to abandon the rest of the family." Apple Bloom took a breath, trying to calm herself.

"Sis. I know you want to be with them again, but this ain't the place. You need to come back with me. We need ya, Applejack. The farm, your friends, Big Mac, Granny Smith. They all need you." Apple Bloom swallowed and said, "And I need you. You've been more than jus' a sister to me, you're practically my Ma. I know ya never expected to have to take on that role, but ya did, an' you've become the core of the family. Without you, Sweet Apple Acres feels empty."

The two sisters just looked through the fence at each other for several moments.

Apple Bloom looked down for a moment, then back up at Applejack. "I never felt it before, not this strong. But ever since I took yer destiny from you, I can feel just how connected ya are to the farm, an' to our family. I'm guessin' yer not feelin' like yourself right now, or you wouldn't be sayin' what you did."

Apple Bloom sighed and said, "I never meant to take what was yours, an' I'd do anythin' to give it back." Apple Bloom looked past Applejack at her parents. "They're jus' memories, Sis." Apple Bloom stretched a hoof through the fence, reaching for Applejack. Applejack raised her own hoof and took Apple Bloom's into hers, squeezing it tight.

Applejack's eyes teared up as she turned her head to take another look at her parents. "They seem so real. Jus' like I remember. I wish they could come back with us somehow."

"They'll always be with us." Apple Bloom said gently. "Please come back with me. I want to go home." Apple Bloom closed her eyes and poured all of her strength into her plea.

"Home..." Applejack said thoughtfully, gripping her little sister's hoof tighter. Applejack turned back to look at Apple Bloom, smiling at the hope and love shining in Apple Bloom's eyes. "Home." She repeated.

"Applejack? Are you coming, Sugarcube?" The voice of her mother broke the moment, and Applejack let go of Apple Bloom's hoof and turned to face her parents.

"No, I can't. I have to go home." Applejack answered.

The wind picked up, swirling a few leaves around the base of the trees nearby. Applejack's father started advancing slowly and said in a voice that had taken a much more sinister tone. "Nnope, yer comin' with us. Once ya come here, ya can't leave."

"P...Pa?" Applejack stuttered in surprise, backing towards the fence.

"That's right, Sugarcube." Applejack's mother said. "Yer gonna stay with us here forever."

"STOP IT!" Apple Bloom yelled. "Our parents would never do this! Y'all can't really be them!" Apple Bloom turned and bucked the fence as hard as she could but it seemed to have no effect. She tried again, but the wood would not yield. "Applejack!" Apple Bloom called out. "I can't break it! Yer gonna have to do it. Take it back, take back yer strength!" Apple Bloom reached through the fence, grabbing for Applejack and putting her hooves on her back. "Take it!" she pleaded.

Applejack's expression hardened and she called out "Y'all leave us alone. Whatever y'all are, I'm not lettin' ya hurt us!" Applejack stomped one foot into the ground, feeling a surge of strength shoot through her. "We're going home!"

As Applejack focused her will, she felt another burst of strength and heard Apple Bloom gasp, then felt her little sister let go. "Get back, Apple Bloom!" Applejack cried out, and calling on her renewed strength, bucked with all her might against the fence. The wood cracked and splintered and Applejack's parents paused their advance. Applejack gritted her teeth and bucked once more, and the fence broke, the rails collapsing in a heap.

Applejack didn't hesitate, she turned around to look for Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom was laying face-down near the fence, apparently unconscious.

"Apple Bloom!" Applejack cried out. Applejack pushed aside the broken timbers from the fence and ran to her little sister. Gathering her in her forelegs, Applejack shook Apple Bloom gently, trying to wake her. After several moments, Apple Bloom opened her eyes and looked up at Applejack. "I feel so weak." she whimpered.

"I've got ya, Sugarcube. Everythin' is gonna be fine now." Applejack looked around and saw that a portal had opened again nearby. "Let's go home." Applejack gently set Apple Bloom onto her back to carry her and then walked back through the open portal.

As they stepped through the portal, Sweetie Belle shivered, the air had a definite chill about it. Looking around, she could see they were in some sort of underground tunnel which was dimly lit by torches set into sconces at odd intervals. The dull, grey rock seemed to draw the light in hungrily from the torches, enhancing the gloom.

"I wonder what this place is." Sweetie Belle asked, her voice echoing slightly.

"I'm not sure, but there's something familiar about it." Rarity answered. Her brow knitted in concentration for a moment before she sighed in frustration. "Sweetie, dear, can you give us some more light please?"

"Of course!" Sweetie Belle replied, casting her light spell. The glow from her horn made it much easier to see. The tunnel stretched in both directions as far as either Sweetie Belle or Rarity could tell.

"I guess our challenge is to find our way out of this place." Sweetie Belle mused.

"I'll follow you, it will be easier for you to see what lies ahead of us." Rarity said.

The two sisters set off down the tunnel, trying to keep alert for any sign of trouble. It wasn't long before the tunnel started to branch off into a maze of connecting twisty passages, all alike.

"Right hoof rule?" Rarity offered helpfully.

Sweetie Belle shrugged and said, "I guess so. I wish we had some way of marking where we've been."

Rarity put on her bravest smile and said, "We will just have to chance it. I still can't help but feel I've seen tunnels like this before."

Sweetie Belle nodded and turned down the right-most passage, which sloped downwards slightly. Rarity followed close behind. Together, they carefully made their way down the slope to see where the tunnel would lead.

The gradual slope of the tunnel became more pronounced after a bit and started to spiral downwards, widening slightly. Eventually the tunnel began to level off and opened into a larger chamber ahead. A bright light spilled from the opening, causing Sweetie Belle and Rarity to raise a hoof to shield their eyes as they approached the entry cautiously. Before they walked from the partial concealment of the tunnel, the sudden sound of voices stopped them in their tracks as they reached the threshold of the cavern.

"We must find it!" said a gruff voice.

"We don't know where it is!" answered another.

Rarity suddenly gasped and she whispered in a strained voice to Sweetie Belle, "Diamond Dogs! I knew this was all too familiar." Sweetie Belle squinted against the light to take a closer look. There were two large canine figures, both wearing colored vests and gem-adorned collars. In the room with them were several larger, more brutish looking dogs wearing metal skullcaps.

"You remember how I told you they captured me and tried to make me find gems?" Rarity asked. Sweetie Belle nodded her head. Shuddering at the memory, Rarity continued, "They are the most dreadful creatures, even if not overly bright."

"So what do we do?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"We need to avoid them, that is certain." Rarity stated. "Perhaps if we..."

An unexpected voice from behind them cut Rarity off. "Oh ho! What do we have here? Ponies!" A sudden glint of metal caught off of the light as a third Diamond Dog and two guard dogs with brandished spears closed in from behind. "Get moving, ponies!" the Diamond Dog commanded. Rarity and Sweetie Belle were herded unceremoniously forward into the chamber and quickly surrounded.

One of the Diamond Dogs stepped forward, looming over Rarity. "Big pony can find gems. She can find it for us!"

Rarity put on her most pathetic expression and whined, "But I don't want to find gems! My hooves are sore! It's cold! I'm tiiiiired. I want to go home!"

The Diamond Dogs laughed. "Pony noise doesn't help you this time. You will find it for us, or we will lock you up until you do!" the largest one sneered.

"What do we do with the little one?" one of the other Diamond Dogs asked, poking at Sweetie Belle.

"Throw her in a cell, we only need the big one." the larger Dog replied. Sweetie Belle took a step back as the guard dogs started to creep forward towards her.

"Wait a moment!" Rarity exclaimed. "I need her to do my magic, if you lock her up we'll never find whatever it is you're looking for."

The large Diamond Dog scratched under his chin, trying to decide if this was a ruse. "Very well, both ponies will find it." He glared dangerously at Rarity and Sweetie Belle. "No tricks, ponies, or we'll lock you up forever!"

Sweetie Belle gulped and whispered under her breath, "Rarity, I can't do your gem-finding spell."

Rarity whispered back, "They don't know that dear. Just keep your horn lit and we'll try to escape when we can."

"Start searching, ponies!" The large Diamond Dog urged, nodding for the guard dogs to prod Rarity and Sweetie Belle with their spears. "There is a huge diamond in one of the caves, find it!"

Sweetie Belle increased the intensity of her light spell and the group set off down another tunnel that exited from the opposite side of the chamber. For several minutes, Sweetie Belle did her best to try and lead them in a confusing pattern, looking for any opportunity for her and Rarity to make a break for it. Unfortunately, the Diamond Dogs were keeping too close of a watch.

Finally, Sweetie Belle ran out of options and was forced to start retracing their path. Her ploy didn't last very long and eventually the lead Dog brought them to a halt. "Little pony is walking in circles, trying to trick us." he growled. "Guards! Take her and lock her up."

The guard dogs quickly advanced on Sweetie Belle to drag her away. Sweetie Belle yelped and tried to duck behind Rarity, but the guards were too fast and they snatched Sweetie Belle around her barrel to drag her away to the cell block.

"Let her go!" Rarity yelled, wrapping her forelegs around Sweetie in an attempt to tug her from the guard dogs. Sweetie Belle struggled to hold on to Rarity, but felt her grip slipping, the guard dogs were too strong.

As Sweetie Belle squirmed, trying to get free, she began to feel despair. It was her fault that they were in this predicament, she was the one that had read the spell that had started this dilemma. With all her heart, she wished it was just some horrible nightmare that she and Rarity could wake up from.

"I'm sorry, Rarity!" Sweetie Belle cried, struggling with all her might. "I wish I'd never cast that stupid spell, I wish we could just go home!" Sweetie made a final lunge towards Rarity and for a moment, their horns connected. There was a powerful flash of magic and the guard dogs stumbled back, dropping Sweetie Belle.

When the flash was gone, Rarity felt her magic surge within her again. Sweetie Belle was lying on the ground and the Diamond Dogs were rubbing their eyes. Rarity reached out and lifted Sweetie Belle back onto her feet.

"Are you alright, Sweetie?" Rarity asked with concern.

"I think so, I just feel so tired." Sweetie Belle replied. As she shook her head to clear it, Sweetie Belle exclaimed, "Rarity! You have your cutie mark back!"

Rarity glanced back at her flank, the three diamonds had indeed reappeared. Rarity concentrated, and her horn glowed blue for a moment. "My magic is back also! There's a rather large gem not far from here."

"Good, good! Pony will take us to the gem!" the large Diamond Dog said eagerly.

"Let my sister go and I'll lead you to it." Rarity demanded. The large Diamond Dog made a gesture and the guard dogs backed away from Sweetie Belle.

Rarity turned and led the group down another set of passages, occasionally pausing to get her bearings with the spell. Eventually they entered into another large cavern that was being lit by a pulsing light. On one side of the chamber was a large diamond, partially buried in the rock of the wall. Across the chamber was a glowing portal.

The Diamond Dogs immediately rushed for the huge gemstone and Rarity hissed, "Now's our chance. Run for it!" She and Sweetie Belle galloped over to the portal, escaping through before the Diamond Dogs could react.

Back at the ruin, Diamond Belle's horn ceased glowing as she turned to face the other two ponies.

"They have all completed their challenges. The spell is complete."

"Then this means everything is back to as it should be?" Rapid Winds inquired.

Diamond Belle chuckled. "As much as can be where those three fillies are involved."

Twilight sensed the change in the spell and opened her eyes. "They're coming back!" she called out. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Nurse Redheart all rushed back into the isolation ward room. The black glow that had surrounded the six ponies was fading and each of the girls was starting to stir. Twilight held the spell until she was certain that everypony had returned and then the strain finally caught up with her as she dropped her concentration and she slumped to the ground.

Nurse Redheart put a hoof on Twight's withers and said "Are you alright?"

Twilight nodded weakly and allowed herself to be helped back up. To her great relief, Twilight saw her friends and the Crusaders all sitting up and looking around.

"Whoa, I thought we drowned for sure!" Scootaloo burst out.

"We did it! We beat those dogs!" Sweetie Belle exclaimed.

"We're back." Apple Bloom said quietly. Something about her voice made the others turn to look at her and Applejack.

"We're fine, y'all." Applejack assured them. "I think we jus' want to head on back home."

"Not until we've given each of you a thorough checkup." Nurse Redheart insisted.

"Well, I never thought that I'd be glad to go on an adventure to lose our cutie marks!" Scootaloo said with a grin.

"Yeah, I'll stick to things like getting covered in tree sap and pine needles." Sweetie Belle agreed.

"Well, you girls all seem to have learned your lesson." Twilight noted. "And I think a letter to the Princess is in order from the three of you."

The girls all groaned. "After all that, yer givin' us homework?" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

Twilight looked at everypony and then said with a wink, "Eeyup!" causing everypony to burst into a long and cleansing fit of laughter.