• Published 3rd Sep 2013
  • 323 Views, 5 Comments

Memories Are Magic - Lunatic Cake

This story is about a stallion who doesn't remember anything about himself who was found lying on the street. Will he be able to regain his memories?

  • ...

Chapter 1: The Beginning

It was a normal day in Ponyville. Twilight, Rarity, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy decided to go on a picnic. Rarity, Applejack and Rainbow Dash were already meeting up at the spot their picnic was supposed to be held.

"What's taking them so long? We ain't got all day!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Relax, Rainbow, I'm sure they will be here shortly. Have a little more patience, dear." Rarity replied.

"Maybe we should look for 'em, just in ca..." Applejack got interrupted.

"Giiiiiiirls come quick there is a pony I've never seen before lying on the street right over there. I rushed here as fast as I could as I almost tripped over him!" Pinkie Pie shouted.

"You okay? Hello? Equestria to pony, pony please respond!"

As the others approached Pinkie and the unknown pony, he came to.

"Glad you're awake, I was worried for a second. I haven't seen a pony just lying on the ground like that in ages. You must've been pretty tired or something to fall asleep on the street. Anyway who are you? Are you from Ponyville? What are your hobbies? Can we be friends? I loooove making new friends, do you want to be my friend?" Pinkie talked as if she was never to stop again, as Twilight and Fluttershy joined the group.

"Hey girls, sorry we're late, we met up on the way here and ended up... who is that? I've never seen that pony before." Twilight wanted to know.

"Pinkie found him lying on the streets, we don't know who that is, it's the first time we see him too." Rarity explained.

"Anyway, what is your name?"

"My name is... I... don't remember my name. I don't even know how I ended up here or what I was doing before I woke up. All I know right now is that I have a major headache, as if something big hit it... by the way, who are you all? And where am I?"

"Do you really not remember anything? I'm not very common with amnesia but I'm pretty sure you must've hit your head on the ground or something. Also you do not look like you are from around here, could you at least remember where you're from? Anyway I'm Twilight and these are my best friends Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy. And you are in Ponyville. It is very peaceful here, you will probably enjoy your time here."

"We always have lots and lots of fun!" Pinkie added.

"I wish I could remember... my name, my family, anything that would help me figure out who I am..."

"Oh, oh, I know. How about you stay here in Ponyville and have some fun, there are a lot of fun things to do here. Maybe you'll find something that makes you remember about your past! Oh and don't make such a sad face. I want you to smile! I'm sure you'll find a way to remember!"

"That's very nice of you...Pinkie? But I don't know anyone, not even my own name."

"You do know us! We will help you regain your memories! Don't you worry!" Rainbow Dash replied.

"You can probably stay with Fluttershy for the time being as you probably don't have a house in Ponyville."

"Uhm...but Dashie...I-I-I don't kn-kn-kn-know if that's a-a-a good idea..." Fluttershy responded quietly.

"Don't worry, I can figure something out for the time being. I don't really want to disturb anyone."

"It's perfectly fine, I'm sure, Fluttershy wouldn't mind at all! Besides she is always with her animals and is afraid of ponies she doesn't know. It's nice if somepony could open her up a little so she is a bit more confident and not hiding behind her animals all the time and besides you might love her animals just as much as she does."

"Well are you fine with that, Fluttershy? If you don't want to, that is ok with me, since you don't even know me or my name or anything."

"No, it-it's fine, besides Dashie is right, I really really need to work on my confidence. I always get so nervous talking to new ponies I meet and I am barely able to talk. Even now it is very difficult to talk to you like that but you don't seem like a bad
pony at all."

"Okay, now that that's settled, let's go have our picnic! We are all here so let's eat, I'm soooo hungry!" Pinkie said impatient.

"Hold on a second, Pinkie, we still need to give him a name so we can at least refer to him." Twilight replied.

"Let's have a look on his cutie mark. Alright, it looks like a cupcake with a smile on it. I got it! Let's call him Happy Cake."

"I don't feel like giving me a new name is what we should be doing, Twilight. It feels like I'm an animal."

"And that's the reason you're staying with Fluttershy!" Rainbow Dash explained, laughing.

"Stop it, Dashie!" Fluttershy replied, "I'm sorry, she can be very mean sometimes."

"Looks like you already like him, Fluttershy, don't you?" Rainbow Dash replied, smiling.

"Stop it now, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy is just telling you to stop because it really was mean!"

"Don't worry Twilight, I don't really mind, besides if she feels like teasing I don't mind teasing as well. You better watch out Rainbow Dash!"

"Just call me Dash, new pony, you have guts. Nopony would say something like that so bluntly to me. You certainly are special."

"That's no big deal really. As for the name, I'll let Fluttershy decide for a name since she'll take care of me, isn't that right, Dash?" He smiled arrogantly at Rainbow Dash.

"Oh...uhhhm, how about Ocean? Since your fur is dark blue and the mane light blue?"

"That sounds really nice, Fluttershy, I think I can get used to that."

"Alright! Now that that's setteled, let's finally start the picnic please? I'm starving!" Pinkie Pie complained.

As the picnic went by, it got dark very soon, the ponies waved a final goodbye to each other as they went home. Soon Fluttershy and Ocean reached Fluttershy's house.

"That's your house? It looks really nice!"

"Thank you, it's so nice, having many animal friends help me keeping the house clean. I'm sure you'll like them! But I have to tell you, Angel is a little... let's call him special."

"Angel? Who's that?"

"Oh, Angel is my Bunny, among all the animal friends I have he is the best one," Fluttershy smiled, "but he tends to be special and want's a little more attention than the others but I think that's fine since he is such a cute bunny! Let's go in, shall we?"

"Yes, sure."

As they entered the house, Angel looked at Fluttershy, as if he wanted to ask where she has been for so long.

"I'm sorry it took so long, Angel. We met a new pony today who was lying on the street. He doesn't seem to remember anything so we decided that I'd take care of him for a while."

Angel looked at Ocean, stomping with his foot on the ground, having his arms crossed.

"Hello, Angel, Fluttershy told me about you, you really are a cute bunny, I hope we can enjoy the time we spend together!"

Angel stretched out his tongue and hopped away.

"I'm so sorry, I told you he is very special but don't worry, he'll start to like you once he gets to know you better. Oh... I just remembered, I haven't even got anywhere for you to sleep yet! I only have one bed."

"It's fine, I can just sleep on the ground, anything is better than sleeping on the streets with a heavy headache haha."

"But that feels so wrong! I can't let you sleep on the ground. You are my guest after all! You can sleep in my bed if you don't mind."

"What about you then?"

"I'll just sleep down here on the ground. It can't be that bad now, can it?"

"I'd rather have you sleep in your own bed, Fluttershy. After all it is yours. Besides I can't let a nice mare like you who even lets me stay in her house sleep on the ground."

Fluttershy blushed and turned around.

"Okay, if that is fine with you. But we will get you a bed tomorrow then. I feel bad letting you sleep on the ground." Fluttershy's voice gets more and more silent.
"Besides if it is uncomfortable you...can...just...enter the...bed..."

"What did you say?"

"Oh it's nothing." Fluttershy hid under the cloth.

"Time to sleep then."Ocean said.

"Where am I? This doesn't look like Ponyville. I hear ponies calling out to me, who are they? What are they saying? I can't understand them. But they look familiar. Just who are you guys!? I can't understand what you're saying!
Am I dreaming? It's so dark, but it feels so real. What's going on here? Wait, I think, their voices get clearer. They sound different but also familiar."

"Hey, can you hear me? Wake up, please wake up."

"Just whose voice is this?"

"Come on, Ocean, wake up!"

"Fluttershy?" As Ocean opens his eyes, he notices Fluttershy's face above his.

"Thank goodness, you had me really worried there for a second, maybe you should've slept in the bed instead. You seemed to have a really bad nightmare."

"Oh, I'm sorry, didn't mean to worry you. Anyway it's nothing really. I guess anypony has bad dreams once in a while don't they?"

"Yes, that's only natural." Fluttershy replied, smiling.

Fluttershy and Ocean decided to have breakfast together as suddenly somepony knocked on the door.

"Just a second!" Fluttershy said and went to the door.

As she opened the door, Twilight stood in front of her, being excited.

"I found it! I found the book! Could you get Ocean to the door as well, Fluttershy?"

"I'm already here, Twilight. After all I wasn't that far away from the door."

"Anyway, I found a book that might help you out on your amnesia, I found a spell that enables you to go back into your childhood. That way you can find out where you're from and who you actually are!"

"Wow, that sounds great, Twilight. So can you cast that spell right away?"

"I'm sorry, I can't. For the spell to work you have to be asleep and since it's morning I suppose you are not tired at all. However it is a little dangerous using that spell. Everything you experience in your dream is real. That means if anything happens to you you might not be able to wake up ever again. But I'm sure there is nothing to worry about!" Twilight said confident.

"So what are we going to do until then?" Ocean asked.

"We could show you around town. I'm sure, the others would join up as well."

"Well that sounds alright I guess."

"Let's meet at the Town Hall in an hour then. I'll have the others gathered there by then."

"Alright, see you later then Twilight!" Fluttershy said.

"Alright then, shall we feed the animals then? Afterwards we should get going."

"Okay then."

After they fed the animals, Fluttershy and Ocean headed to the town hall to assemble with the others.

"Alright guys, we're here!" Ocean shouted, "Who are you? You look like a dragon but you are so tiny."

"I'm a baby dragon, my name is Spike, surely Twilight told you about me. I'm her reliable assistant after all." Spike bragged.

"Oh yes, how could I forget the almighty dragon Spike who is unrivaled by any assistants in Equestria!" Ocean looked at Twilight who couldn't help it but giggle.

"So where are we going first?" Ocean asked.

"First place would be Applejack's, then we'll go to Rarity's and afterwards we can go to my library...You okay?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine I guess I just got another headache." Ocean replied, but then he collapsed and passed out.

"Where am I? Did I die? It's dark, my head hurts, just what the buck is going on? I feel there's somepony with me but who is it? What is he saying?"




"Who are you?"

"...ve me ple..."

"I can't hear you!"


"Ocean? Can you hear me? Ocean wake up!" As Ocean came to, he noticed a stallion looking at him.

"And who are you?"

"I'm Doctor Whooves. Say, have we met before? You look familiar."

"How did I end up here?"

"Your friends brought you here, they are very worried about you. They said you suddenly passed out but I can't find an explination for that. You sure are a strange one."

"Where are they? Are they still here?"

"Yes, they are waiting outside, mind if I call them in?"

"Yes, that would be really nice."

"He is awake, come on in, girls."

"We were so worried about you. I thought for a second you would not wake up again. If you don't feel well tell me next time, but don't make us worry, Ocean." Fluttershy said.

"I'm sorry, it's just ever since yesterday I keep having these headaches and I can't get used to it. That moment I felt like my head is going to explode and I guess I just passed out I'm sorry." Ocean replied.

"I think we should wait until you are out of the hospital before we use that spell, besides it takes quite a few preparations for which I need you at my house anyway. So hurry up and get well, okay?" Twilight smiled at Ocean.

"And then we'll have a party!" Pinkie said and started shooting her party cannon.

"Haha, sure, don't worry Pinkie, we'll just do that."

"Unfortunately you must stay here for two nights, we can't risk another breakdown. You should get some rest now." Doctor Whooves said.

"As for you girls, it's probably best if you come back again tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow then girls!" Ocean said as he waved them goodbye.

Author's Note:

This is my first time writing a story on this site and about MLP (with a self-made character included). I really hope you guys are going to be nice to me. :P