• Published 6th Jun 2013
  • 1,410 Views, 7 Comments

A Rainbow In The Sky - SobStory

The girls learn to deal with the loss of one of their friends. Except for some ponies who just can't accept it.

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Ah knew what Ah had to do. As soon as Ah came back to Ponyville, Ah had to round up all my friends back together and we had to do what we should've done 'bout a month ago. Apple Bloom had told me what's been going on with every pony.

"Fluttershy and Twilight won't come out of their homes, Rarity had been going crazy with dresses and even hit Sweetie Belle in the face, and Pinkie Pie isn't being her usual Pinkie self, and Scootaloo, she's been the worst! It's almost as if she lost the closest thing she'd ever have to a sister, it's just been horrible." Ah knew things were going bad, but ah never knew it would be this bad. Then Applebloom asked something.. Something Ah just didn't want to answer.

"Why did ya leave, Applejack?" Ah just couldn't tell her, it would break her heart and mine.

"I'll tell ya what, once I talk to every pony, I'll tell ya, you stay here, alright? I'll be back soon."

"Alright Applejack, it's a deal!" Ah knew what I had to do, first stop, Fluttershy's.

As Ah was walking to Fluttershy's cottage, I saw Scootaloo coming up to me on her scooter.

"Applejack! You're back! Did you talk to Applebloom? Will you be staying?" The small pegasus was eager to ask.

"Already talked to her, Scootaloo, And Ah'll be staying for sure," Then Ah remembered what Applebloom told me about her, about Rainbow Dash, "Say, Scootaloo, would you like to help me?" The youngster was confused.

"With what?"

"Ah need to talk to my friends and Ah could really use the help, would you willing to help me out?" She thought about it for a second until she finally nodded yes.

"Great, c'mon then, we're going to Fluttershy's first." Scootaloo got back on her scooter and followed me to the cottage. Ah knocked on the door.

"Fluttershy! It's me, Applejack!" No answer, "Fluttershy!" Still no answer, "Alrighty then, Scoot, move back, Ah'm going in." Ah backed up and ran up the door and knocked it down.

"Ah still got it," Scootaloo and I walked in. "Fluttershy?" We searched around until we finally found her in her bed.

"Fluttershy! Oh Ah've missed you," But Fluttershy just looked at me and turned away.

"Hi, Applejack." The pony was known for being shy but Fluttershy didn't much cared about me coming back, all she did was look at the wall.

"Hi? Ah've been gone for a whole dang month, and all Ah get is a hi?!" Fluttershy turned back to me

"You wouldn't be the only one that's been gone for a month..." This got me mighty angry.

"Now look here, Fluttershy, me and Scootaloo have come to make every pony feel better, to get over Rainbow Dash and move on, and we won't leave until you come with us. Look at yourself, Fluttershy, you're a mess, all your animals are gone and-" She then got up and yelled,

"SHUT UP! JUST SHUT UP." Ah've known Fluttershy for a long time and I knew that at some time she could have her mean moments but she has never told any pony to shut up, let alone her friends.

"You come into my home and expect me to get over one of our closest friend's death?! You know what, Applejack? I CAN'T! NO PONY CAN'T... We lost our best friend, one we've known for a long time... And.. I can't get out the image of her plummeting down... I can't get out the image of her covered in blood.. And now.. I can't get her out of my mind... All I want is to hear her voice again, to see her again.. She made me stronger, tougher.. I loved her, okay?" Me and Scootaloo were pretty shocked to hear this.

"We all loved her-" She cut me off again.

"No, I meant I was in love with her.. I had a crush on her but I didn't say it because a lot of ponies would say it's wrong... I was going to tell her.. I should have told her soon. After she died, I just didn't have the strength to do anything else with my life.. I stayed indoors, all my animals left me... Angel died, and it's all my fault. If I had just fed him.. He'd still.." She was crying too much to go on. Ah hugged Fluttershy, Scootaloo didn't know what to do, she just stood there, but Ah knew she was tearing up a bit.. Funny, that seems like something Rainbow Dash would do in a situation like this.

"Rainbow Dash and Angel would want us to move on, Sugercube." Fluttershy wiped away her tears.

"You're right... I'm sorry I yelled, it's tough Applejack, I just miss her so much."

"Me too.. Me too. C'mon then, you too Scoot. We're going to get the rest of the girls." Fluttershy and Scoot smiled and nodded and followed me out the door. It was funny, Fluttershy was nearly blinded to the light, but she got used to it. Now we were onto Rarity's, I could see the boutique from here.

"Rarity! It's me Applejack, open up!" Rarity came to the door, and I was dead laughing once I saw her, her hair was a mess, and she was dirty. Once she saw me, she didn't care if I was laughing at her, she hugged and me and Fluttershy.

"Oh girls, it's been so long! About a month now, isn't it? Come in, come in." As we walked again, it was a mess. There were ripped dresses, clothing and fabrics everywhere. Even Ah ain't messy like this. Rarity gave us some drinks and we all started to talk.

"Applejack, please don't bother me asking but why do you leave? Where did you even go?" As Ah said before, Ah wasn't gonna answering.

"Uh, I'll tell y'all later. So, how have you been?" We all listened in.

"Well, at first I was going a little crazy with all the dresses. They were being made for.. Well, you know who. And one day I did the worst possible thing, I hit Sweetie Belle. I felt horrible, like the worst sister ever. So I did what I had to do, I decided to hell with these dresses and ripped them all up, soon I comforted Sweetie Belle. All I did after that was sleep, all I wanted to do was sleep, I haven't even taken a bath in days. I smell dreadful." She then turned to Fluttershy.

"I can't believe you were able to get Fluttershy out, Applejack. What did you do?" Ah then told her all that happened and asked her if she was ready to move on.

"You know I'll never forget Rainbow Dash, she was indeed a great friend. Sure, I mourned her for a while but after snapping out of my dressing phase, I think I'm ready to move on. I'll come along with you guys." We all hugged and were about to head out to get Twilight, but then Rarity called back to someone.

"Sweetie Belle, come on, we're going to see Twilight." Sweetie Belle then came downstairs, turns out she was listening the whole time. It was nice how Rarity is now giving more time to her sister, it was sweet. Sweetie Belle rode back with Scootaloo in her wagon and came along. As we were about to leave, Applebloom showed up.

"Applejack! You're doing it, you're getting 'em all back together. I know you told me to stay home but I couldn't help it, can I come alone too?" Aw shucks, Ah couldn't say no to her adorable face. I nodded and she went back with Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. Next stop, Twilight Sparkle.

At Sugercube Corner, Pinkie Pie was holding up a picture of Rainbow Dash, holding it tightly.

"I hope you're having loads of fun up there. I miss you." She kissed the picture and looked up in the sky.