• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,019 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

  • ...

Party Animals

Hours later, you wipe some of the sweat off your forehead. You had succeeded in fixing the biggest pieces of damage on your cars, though it doesn't exactly look pretty. You're just thankful you learned how to weld.

Putting your tools away, you look at your watch: seven at night. Damn, time really flies when you're working. That text said the party was starting at seven thirty, so it wouldn't hurt to go ahead and head out there now.

You enter your living room, where the girls were all watching TV. Evidently, they found the game show channel, judging by the fact that Twilight was convinced what she thought was right.

"Hey, party's in thirty minutes," you tell them. "We can go ahead and go over there."

"Oh boy, I can't wait!" You look beside you and flinch at Pinkie's sudden appearance. You were starting to learn to not question her antics.

"Where will it be?" Twilight asks, turning off the TV.

"Out near the docks, in an abandoned warehouse."

The six girls follow you to the garage, where you tell them to wait while you go find a suitable car for the occasion.

Really, you only had two choices for carrying a lot of passengers, and despite your work all day, the Land Rover was still fairly beat up, which left only one other option: the Ford Raptor. You normally weren't a big fan of trucks, but anything that can plow straight through a roadblock with little effort was okay in your book.

It would be a tight fit, though, since you'll need to fit four in the back, when it only really has room for three. Still, it's roomier than any of your other cars.

You start up the behemoth, and drive over to where the girls were waiting. They climb inside, Twilight and Dash getting in the front with you, and the others squeezing into the back.

"Everyone comfortable?" you ask as you pull onto the elevator.

After you get six affirmative replies, you start the elevator up, then drive onto the highway. After a moments thought, you turn on your lights, as well. It was about to get dark, after all.

On the way there, you saw fit to inform the girls on what to expect at the party. Pinkie seemed disappointed that it wasn't like what she considered a "normal" party, and that there wouldn't be any sweets that you knew of, but she shook it off fairly quickly.

"Also, there's gonna be a lot of people there, probably," you say, "so you might need to come up with cover names and stuff."

"Now why would we need fake names?" Applejack asks.

"For most of you, your hair can be passed off as dyes," you tell them while you take the exit to Ripley's Point. "But your names are a bit harder to explain, even with most people not using their real names."

Before you forget, you add, "Oh, and I kinda used the story that Dash was my cousin, so we could probably say that the rest of you are her friends." You realize that part wouldn't be a lie, but whatever. "And if anyone asks where you're from, just say Palmont," you tell them, naming off a city you remember visiting once. Like Fairhaven, it had a street racing "problem", though not as severe.

Soon, you pull into the warehouse. Two cars are already there, and you park alongside them.

"Who are they?" Twilight asks.

"Probably the DJ and the bouncer, they always get here before everyone else."

You all get out of the truck, and start walking down a ramp, where the actual party would be. There, the DJ was already setting up various things, and the bouncer was leaning on a wall. You knew both of them, even though they themselves don't race all that often.

"Let me do the talking," you whisper to the girls, before returning the bouncer's wave.

"If it isn't mister number one," he greets you. "And who are these fine young ladies?" he then asks.

"The rainbow one is my cousin from out of town, and the others are her friends," you tell him.

"They race, too?"


He laughs. "Well, you're right on time. Everyone else should be showing up soon."

Sure enough, a number of other cars pull into the warehouse, and soon it's like a full parking lot. People filter in almost just as quickly, and various cans and bottles are quickly set up at a table, a number of which were alcoholic. You didn't drink that often, since you like your driving to be sharp at all times, but you have a beer every once in a while.

It's not too long before the DJ starts playing music. It's loud, and it certainly gives his speakers a workout, and a sort of dance floor begins to materialize. Thankfully, there's still plenty of room to not dance, and you and the girls end up splitting up. Hopefully, nothing will go wrong.

You scan the faces, and see a number of people you know, either dancing or just talking. You see more than a few guys hitting on some of the girls there, with varying degrees of success.

Among those trying to get some that night, you spot one in particular, who was well known for being generally unlikable. He raced, but not very well, and always blamed his losses on anything but his skills (or lack thereof). On top of that, he was just annoying to be around, and he always tried to get with any woman he met.

Of course, as the girl currently slapping him in the face would attest to, he wasn't very good at it.

You chuckle to yourself, only for your smile to drop as you see him approach Fluttershy, who was simply trying to be invisible on a wall.

You can't hear what's being said, but it certainly seems to be making her uncomfortable. Because she lacked the assertiveness to tell him to leave, he only saw this as a sign of succeeding, and slowly got closer to her. You were about to intervene on her behalf, but you spot the bouncer out of the corner of your eye. The two of you look at each other, before he nods and starts walking over to the scumbag.

One brief conversation later, and the guy leaves, angry. Fluttershy seems relieved, and after the bouncer makes sure she's okay, he goes back to work keeping an eye on the party.

With that taken care of, you go ahead and decide to loosen up a little bit. You could still drive pretty well with just one beer in you, after all.

Right after your first sip, you hear a familiar voice directed at you. "Sir, have you been drinking tonight?"

You laugh at your friend's antics. "I swear to officer, drunk, I'm not God!" you answer. The both of you laugh a bit.

"So, I hear that your cousin has friends," he says.

"Don't even think about it," you tell him. "They're all taken." You didn't know if they were, but you were sure that the girls wouldn't appreciate being hit on.

"Damn, I'll just have to look somewhere else, then." He disappears into the crowd of people, and you take another sip.

About an hour passes, with you making small talk every once in a while. You spotted the girls every once in a while, and it seemed that they were progressively getting more and more drunk. You told them there would be alcohol at this party, so if they want to drink, that's their business.

From what you could gather, Applejack and Dash got into a drinking contest at some point, and they both evenly matched each other after numerous shots. Now the two were nearly passed out in a couple of chairs.

Fluttershy continued being a wall flower, though now Rarity was with her. Judging by the purple-haired girl's loud laughter, she had a bit to drink, but not quite enough to cloud her judgement.

Pinkie, meanwhile, had been on the dance floor the whole time. Amazingly, she managed to get everyone around her to do the same dance at the same time. Because of that, you can now cross "watch a group of drunk people try to do the dance to Thriller" off your bucket list.

Surprisingly, Twilight was also on the dance floor, and from the sluggishness of her movements, you could guess that she had a bit too much to drink.

The music was still just as loud as before, but you had mostly tuned it out by now. Seeing nothing better to do, you walk over to Shy and Rarity, who were simply watching the party with mild interest.

Rarity is the first to spot you. "I must say, darling, that this was more fun than I anticipated," she says, a slight slur detectable on her voice. "I thought these kinds of parties were just uncouth, but now I see that there's a bit more to it than that."

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself," you almost yell to be heard over the music. "And you, Shy?"

She just nods in answer. The poor girl probably couldn't be heard over the noise if she tried.

You're about to comment on their friends, when suddenly you could hear and see sirens outside. The others notice this, too, and the DJ shuts off the music.

"It's the pigs!" someone shouts, and the room is filled with panic as everyone runs as fast as they can to their cars. You notice that the ramp back up is wide enough to drive on, and you get an idea.

"Get all the girls together," you tell Rarity and Fluttershy. "I'll get the truck and pick you all up."

You don't even wait for their reply. You sprint over to your truck, wincing as a couple of passing cars scrape it. You get in and start it up right as a couple of police cruisers enter the warehouse.

"Dispatch, be advised, we got what looks like a number of wanted street racers here, we're gonna need backup," you hear on the police scanner. You waste no time in driving back down to where the party was, where the only people left are the girls and the DJ, who was frantically packing up his equipment.

You honk the horn in front of the girls, and they start piling in, Dash and Applejack having to be lifted in. With Rarity and Twilight in the front with you, you give a quick thumbs up to the DJ, who returns it, before flooring it.

The ramp back up is blocked by the two cruisers, but you easily break through. The impact shakes all of you, and you notice that Dash and Jack are a bit more mobile now.

"That wassa fun time!" Twilight slurs, a stupid smile on her face.

"Glad you enjoyed yourself," you say, drifting back onto the road. "But we got a bit of a problem now."

"We got a red Ford Raptor heading south towards the interstate, we need units to cut him off."

A pair of SUVs drive past you and try to box you in, but your front bumper shows them that you're having none of that shit.

In the back, you spy Pinkie bouncing in her seat, while Fluttershy was sandwiched between the two drunk girls.

Next to you, Rarity seems a bit more calm than her last ride with you, but that's probably the alcohol doing its job. Twilight, meanwhile, still had a smile on her face.

Up ahead, you see a roadblock in place. You break through it easily, sending police cars spinning and rolling.

"I've stopped a green Camero and a blue Mustang, moving to assist with other suspects."

You begin knocking any cop foolish enough to drive alongside you off the road. You knew that if you kept that up, then they'd eventually lose you.

"You'rea nice guy, ya know that?" Twilight says, rubbing a hand on your shoulder.

"Yeah, sure, just let me focus," you tell her. She pouts and removes her hand.

In the back, you see that Pinkie was holding on as if she was on a roller coaster, and Fluttershy was now curled up, as if to protect herself. Dash and Applejack, meanwhile, had began to...

You shake your head. If their drunk selves wanted to make out in your back seat, that's their problem. But you had more important things to worry about at the moment.

Namely, the spike strip roadblock that was placed up ahead. You avoid the strip, and barrel through a pair of Corvette units, who go flying.

"Suspect is not slowing down, requesting tactical units."

"Roger that, tactical roadblock en route."

Hell, that's what you were afraid of. Only SWAT vans even had a chance of stopping you when you were driving this beast.

Speak of the devil, one of them was barreling at you now. You curse as you swerve out of the way, causing the girls to be jumbled around.

Just a few short minutes later, you made it back to the airfield. Another spike block was waiting for you, but it provided little resistance as you blasted through both it and the billboard behind them, causing you to catch some air. The landing was somewhat rough, but still passable.

After making sure there were no cops around, you shut off your lights and parked on the elevator. Then you hit the button to lower it, sighing in relief. In the back, Dash and Applejack were now completely passed out, still on top of each other. Twilight didn't look too far behind, either.

"...well that went well," you said after a while.

Pinkie laughed, seemingly entirely oblivious to the tongue wrestling that occurred next to her just moments before. "Yeah, that was fun! Can we do it again?"

You laugh weakly. "We'll see." You and the girls get out, and you help Rarity carry Dash and Applejack inside and put them on separate mattresses. Once that was taken care of, you yawned loudly. There would be a lot of things to deal with in the morning, namely hangovers and maybe some tension, but for now, all you cared about was sleep. You told the girls that, and they bid you good night as you went to your room, fell on the bed, and quickly entered dream land.

Author's Note:

I swear I was kidding when I said the next chapter would be around Christmas. I didn't think it actually would be.
I'm sorry