• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,017 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

  • ...

Bacon Grease

Your eyes slowly crack open, your vision still fuzzy from sleep. Looking at the clock, you see that it's about 7:30 right now. That seems like a good enough time to get up.

Pulling yourself out of bed, you stretch, getting a few joints to pop. You head into the living room, where the girls are still asleep. You spot a couple of bruises on the arms of Rarity and Fluttershy, so you'll have to explain that to the others, save for Applejack. Still, you'd have a bit before they woke up, so you might as well do something with that time. You go into the kitchen, and start looking through the fridge. Apparently it hasn't been touched since the girls got there, because everything's where you remember it being last time you checked it. This also means that you'll pretty much have to use all of it in order to feed the seven of you.

Grabbing a couple of cartons of eggs and a full pack of bacon, you set them on the counter next to the stove. You weren't much of a cook, but you could make scrambled eggs and bacon without burning down the house, so that's better than nothing.

As you set a pan on the oven and turn it on, you place a few strips of bacon in it, and they immediately begin sizzling. You inhale the scent, smiling at the future meal. It felt as if you were forgetting something, but you pushed the thought away.

Over the sound of the sizzling, you hear some of the girls moving about in the living room. You could overhear some of them talking, but you couldn't make out exactly what they were saying. Pretty soon, they walked into the kitchen, Twilight at the front of them.

She yawns. "What are you doing up so early?" she asks you.

"Just making breakfast," you reply, flipping over the slices of bacon. The feeling that you're forgetting something returns, for some reason...

"Oh? Whaterya makin'?" Dash asks, sleepily walking up behind you.

"Ah'm hungry enough t' eat anythin'," Applejack remarks, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

As you flip the bacon over again, you think about what she just said. It occurs to you that they hadn't eaten since yesterday, and that this will be their first full day as humans. Funny, how not too long ago they were ponies in some other-

Suddenly, you remember what you were forgetting earlier: Ponies don't eat meat.

Despite coming to this realization that your sleepy mind was unable to grasp earlier, you do your best to keep a cool head. Who knows, maybe they won't realize it's meat...

Rarity tapping your shoulder breaks your hope of avoiding the problem. "Excuse me for asking, but what exactly are you making?"

Your mind races for a way to explain this, when you just decide to not beat around the bush. "Well, first of all, there's something you should understand about humans..." You take a deep breath as you remove the bacon from the pan and place it onto a plate. "We eat meat."

You turn around to gauge the girls' reactions, and they all have some form of either shock or disgust on their faces.

"Y- You mean," Twilight starts, "that you- humans- are carnivores?"

"Omnivores, actually." They all still look disgusted, so you add, "But we don't eat ponies, or anything like that."

This seems to make them relax a bit, but only slightly. Surprisingly, Fluttershy seems the least shocked at this. This doesn't go unnoticed by the others.

"How can you not be sickened by this, Fluttershy?" Rarity asks. "It's... savage!"

You ignore the insult directed at your species as Fluttershy begins talking. "W- Well, I kind of knew since we got here, since humans had some sharp teeth..."

All of the girls start feeling around in their mouths for the teeth she mentioned, and you almost laugh at the sight.

"And besides," the timid girl continues, "it's only n- natural for them, just like it is for bears back home."

This causes the girls to think, and ultimately agree that, at the very least, you're not a terrible person just because you eat meat.

"I'm still not eating any meat," Applejack says. "So don't expect me to."

"I'm not making any of you do anything you don't want to do," you assure them as you start breaking eggs into another pan. "This was pretty much all I had, is all."

The girls eye the plate of cooked bacon, sitting on a plate. You notice this, but you don't want to push them into eating it. Besides, if none of them eat it, more for you.

While scrambling the eggs, you hear movement behind you. Turning slightly, you're surprised to see Fluttershy walking up to the plate of bacon.

"Fluttershy?" Dash says, mirroring your surprise. "What are you...?"

"I- It's normal f-for humans to eat m- meat," she stammers, obviously nervous about the whole thing. "S- So it should be alright if..." She trails off, now right in front of the plate of cooked meat. As you tend to another plate of eggs, you watch her cautiously pick a slice up. She seems off-put by the grease, and the bacon itself. She looks to you, and you shrug as if to say, 'Do whatever you want to do'.

She looks back to the bacon in her hand, then while you and the girls watch, she timidly takes a small bite.

For a good while, nothing happens, and no one says anything. Then Fluttershy begins shaking ever so slightly. It almost looks as if she's... crying?

The girls also notice this. "Fluttershy?" Twilight asks, taking a step towards her friend. "Are you... okay?"

Fluttershy says something inaudible to all of you.

"I knew it!" Dash says, shooting you a glare, as if you forced her to eat the bacon. "I knew it would be no good!"

Before you could offer a rebuttal, Fluttershy speaks up again, loud enough to hear this time. "N- No, Rainbow, th- that's the problem..."

Everyone goes silent and looks at her. "...whaddya mean, sugarcube?" Applejack finally asks.

"I- It's... good!" Suddenly, she takes a huge bite out of the strip of bacon, surprising everyone, though you notably less so. It seems bacon has its allure even to interdimensional travelers.

The rest of breakfast is mostly uneventful. The girls had no problems eating eggs, and Twilight and Dash also tried bacon (though they didn't like it as much as Fluttershy). Once you had all eaten, you looked into your now-empty fridge.

"Alright, I'm gonna go grocery shopping," you tell them, grabbing your keys and remote. "It shouldn't take me too long."

The girls say their goodbyes, with Rarity adding, "Try not to get involved with the police this time." You chuckle in response as you go out to the garage and to your chosen car for this trip.

About half an hour later, you return. You didn't get in a chase this time, but that doesn't mean the trip was uneventful; someone else had their own chase going, and they even sideswiped you while escaping. Police were completely focused on him, though, so you were able to keep driving with little issue. Still, you'd prefer if your Camero didn't get scratched to hell.

As the platform lowers you into the garage, you honk the horn a couple times. As you get out, the girls come out of the house to greet you. Which is great, because you also needed a few extra pairs of hands to get the food and stuff inside. You're just thankful there is a bit of a black market in Fairhaven, even for mundane things like groceries.

Twilight sees the rather large spot of missing paint on the side of the car. "I thought you weren't going to get involved with the cops," she scolds you.

"Hey, it wasn't my fault this time, it was someone else having their own chase," you reply. "Anyway, go ahead and grab some bags and carry them inside." You pop the trunk, and you and the girls begin moving the rather large pile of plastic bags into the kitchen, where you then start putting them in the proper places... more or less. Twilight seems a little annoyed by your lack of categorization, but says nothing.

Once you're all done, Dash claps her hands. "Alright, now what?"

"Well, nothing's really happening today," you tell her, leaning against the fridge. "I was just gonna spend most of today fixing the cars that need it, so you all could just... do whatever it is you do whenever I'm away."

At that moment, you feel a buzz in your pocket. You pull out your phone, and see that you received a text. You half expected it to be another race from Criterion, but instead it tells you that there will be a party later that night. You went to them once in a while, and almost every time it ended only when the cops broke it up. Still, it was a good way to both size up the local racers and to just unwind.

"What is it?" Rarity asks.

"Well, there's something to do, I guess," you say. "Later tonight there's gonna be a par-"

"A party?!" You almost fall over backwards from Pinkie suddenly jumping in your face and shouting.

"Uh... yeah," you confirm, backing away from the pink-haired girl.

"Great! I was going to throw you a 'Thanks for helping us when we're in another dimension' party soon, but now we can go to another party! A party in another dimension!" Her eyes go wide. "What kind of cake will they have? Oh, I hope it's chocolate, because I love chocolate, I mean, who doesn't? It's just so good and-"

You cut off Pinkie's rambling with a hand on her shoulder. "Pinkie. Calm down. Deep breaths." She does as you say, and does look to be a bit calmer, though her smile is still incredibly large. "The party's not until later tonight, anyway."

"Well, a party can't do much harm," Applejack says.

"I doubt they're as awesome as Pinkie's parties," Dash adds.

"Well, we'll all go to it later. Until then, I'll be out in the garage if you need me."

As you head back out to the garage to service some of your cars, you sigh. Tonight is gonna certainly be interesting...

Author's Note:

Good god I procrastinated so much and nothing's really happening yet why

At this rate, expect the next chapter at Christmas