• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,017 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

  • ...

10-44 in Progress

You awake to see Dash shaking your shoulder and pointing out the windshield. "Someone's here," she says. Sure enough, you see a familiar yellow Corvette drifting onto the dirt, followed by various other sports cars. You smirk while stretching. Even before the race starts, you're first.

"How long was I out?" you ask.

"About twenty minutes," Dash replies.

"Huh." You go to get out, before turning to your passenger. "Stay here, and don't touch anything, alright?"

She looks like she's about to protest, but then she nods. You get out and breathe the evening air as you walk over to your fellow racers to mingle.

The first person you spot is your longtime friend, getting out of the yellow 'Vette. Seeing you, he smiles and waves.

"What's up, man?" he greets.

"Nothing, other than cops still trying to bust me," you reply. You decided not to tell anyone else about your rather unique situation.

"Well, cops may not be able to do much, but trust me, I'll take you down one of these days."

"You sure? Cause you sure seem to like riding my rear bumper."

The two of you glare at each other, before he cracks a smirk, and you both start laughing. Outside observers would assume you and him were archenemies, which wouldn't be too unreasonable, given that he was the number two racer, second only to you. In reality, however, it was more like a friendly rivalry than anything.

Your friend looks behind you, points. "You see the new guy?"

Turning, you see someone leaning against a blue Porsche, simply watching everyone else. "Him?" you ask, pointing the guy out.

"Yep. Word on the street is he comes from Seacrest County."

You give a low whistle. "Seacrest? Damn." Seacrest County was infamous among street racers across the nation, and for good reason. Where else does the police force regularly use cars like the Bugatti?

"Don't worry, he doesn't know the streets like we do," your friend adds, holding up his fist.

"Damn right he doesn't," you say, returning the fist bump.

As you look at a new scratch on your friend's 'Vette, he taps your shoulder. "Hey, who's your lady friend?" he asks, pointing to Dash sitting in your car. Thankfully, bright, neon-colored hair wasn't too out of place in the street racing scene, so she didn't stand out too much.

Thinking quick, you come up with a story. "She's actually my... cousin, visiting from out of state." A different dimension counts as 'out of state', after all.

"Well, if you don't mind me saying, she looks mighty-"

"I do mind. She's my cousin, man, come on." If you're going with the story that Dash is family, you might as well act the part.

"Alright, alright," he says, holding up his hands. "Don't blame me for being a healthy male human being."

Before you can retort, your cell phone rings in your pocket, as does everyone else's. Pulling it out, you see a new text from the one behind the majority of the races in Fairhaven, who went by the name 'Criterion'. Not much was known about them, except that they regularly schedule races and set courses. Occasionally, they would also tip off the cops about certain races, adding an added fun factor to them. At least, for you.

"Alright, let's do this," your friend says, jumping into his car through the window, Dukes of Hazzard style. You jog over to your Ford and get back in the driver's seat, starting the car.

"Is the race about to start?" Dash asks.

"Yep." You plug your phone into your GPS, and upload the file embedded in the text. Soon, a course is plotted on the GPS screen. Down the interstate some more, then exiting at Ripley's Point, before ending at the beach there. Simple enough. All that was left to find out was whether or not the police would get involved. For once, you hoped not. Still, you turn your scanner back on, just in case.

As is usual for these races, you wait until everyone else is in position before taking your place at the back. A little added challenge, given that you never lose.

As you sit in park, you wait for the signal to start. Traffic keeps heading by on the freeway, but you think you spot a few people eyeballing the gathering of expensive cars. If the cops weren't tipped off before, they would be now.

A display on your GPS appeared, part of the essential street-racing app. Simply saying "Ready", it was enough to get everyone revving their engines, you included.


You shift out of park and into drive.


You get ready to slam your foot on the gas.


You prep your nitrous for deployment.


You hit the gas. Within moments, you and everyone else are breaking a hundred miles an hour as you get back onto the pavement. You quickly move up in the pack, soon finding yourself right behind your friend. You try to pass, but he cuts you off, and you don't want to wreck him, which leaves only one option. Seeing a empty space in the divider between lanes, you plunge into oncoming traffic, blasting nitrous. Dash screams, probably more from fear than excitement.

You effortlessly weave between the cars before returning to the right side of the road, the yellow Corvette now in your rear view mirror. You smile and give a small wave to him before boosting off, just as you enter a tunnel. As the car's engine noise reverberates off the walls, you top out at nearly 180. Dash seems to love the speed, but she looks as if she's not a fan of tight spaces like this.

Suddenly, something shunts your car from behind. You straighten back out, then look in the mirror to see that Porsche behind you, a new set of red paint flakes adorning its front bumper.

"So he wants to play rough, huh?" you ask yourself. You see that he's moving to hit you again, and you respond by swerving to the right and braking. The Porsche flies past you, and you quickly get back up to speed. You were well known for racing dirty when provoked, and you were about to demonstrate that fact to this newcomer.

Just as you both exit the tunnel, you hit the nitrous, delivering a mighty blow to his rear bumper. Unlike you, he fails to correct himself, and ends up careening into a side wall, where he flips over. You laugh.

"Is he alright?" Dash asks, sounding genuinely worried.

"Oh, he'll be fine," you say. You don't know for sure if he will be, but you also don't really care much. He struck first, anyway.

Looking ahead, you spot the exit you need to take just in front of the setting sun. Veering into the opposite lane, you drive up the exit and start drifting left, lining up with the new road. Turning left at an auto-shop, you check your mirror to see the rest of the racers, your friend leading the pack. Glancing to the GPS, you get ready to drift right.

Just as you do so, you see a flash of red and blue in the mirror.

"Dispatch, be advised," an officer began saying over the scanner, "I've got a street race in progress here, back-up requested."

"What's going on?" Dash asks, worried.

"Nothing, nothing," you say quickly. Hopefully, you can go ahead and finish the race and escape the cops before any more damning evidence about the truth of your trade could occur.

"Copy that," the female voice of Dispatch responded over the scanner, "Code 3 authorized."

Almost immediately, several more police cars join the chase. The other racers split up slightly, and at least two of the cops were right behind you. Up ahead, you see a roadblock in place; right where the race route was supposed to go. Thankfully, a ramp also happened to be right there. Taking the opportunity, you jump over the block while Dash screams, and the other racers do the same.

"They got around the roadblock, suggest use of spikes."

"Approved. Interceptor units en route."

"Did those cars say 'Police'?!" Dash yells. You don't answer, instead focusing on the road ahead. Traffic was thinning out, but now Corvette police were on the scene, able to easily match your speed. You ignore them, as well. Just a bit further until the finish...

"All units, I have a positive ID on several of the racers as highly wanted suspects, we'll probably need to escalate this."

"Copy that, tactical units arriving shortly."

This wasn't good. Once tactical units, shorthand for "huge-ass SWAT trucks", get involved, it's generally not a quick chase.

Driving onto the sand, you hit the boost to make it through the home stretch. The car shakes from the lack of tarmac, but you overlook it.

As if fate decided it had enough of you, a 'Wanted' billboard up ahead displayed your face, easily visible. You can practically hear Dash's eyes widen.

As you smash through the piece of wood, you check the GPS. The race was over, and (surprise, surprise), you won. That's one out of three things done. Now all that was left was to lose the cops- and explain the situation to Dash...

"You- You're a criminal!" she accuses. Looking over, you see her trying to undo her seat belt, as if she was preparing to jump out of the car.

"First of all, don't do that, you'll become a red smear on the concrete at this speed," you say, which gets her to stop messing with the belt. "And secondly, I can explain everything once we're done here." Up ahead, you see a line of SWAT vans blocking the road, so you turn into a nearby shipping yard.

"I can't believe you! We trusted a lawless criminal?! Why did you lie to us?"

Another van comes in ahead of you, blocking your exit. "Hold that thought," you say as you activate the e-brake and slam the wheel to the side. Dash screams as the car spins, and you rocket off the way you just came, dodging around pursuing cops.

"Dispatch , I have identified a highly wanted suspect, driving a red Ford GT."

"Copy that, all units, Code 3 suspect is driving a red Ford GT; suspect is highly wanted, pursue and detain."

Welp, it seems that you've been singled out. You'll probably have to change into another car to completely get away from them. Following the road tracing the beach, you turn left at another SWAT roadblock. Hopefully, you can get back on the highway soon, and from there you can simply out run the cops.

A police Corvette pulls ahead of you, then evens out its speed.

"Be advised, dropping spikes."

As the device drops from the back of the cop car, you swerve to avoid it before boosting back to speed. Spotting an exit to the interstate, you take it, causing a few of the cops to overshoot and continue down the other road. The majority of them were still chasing you, though, so you kept your wits about you as you weaved through traffic.

"You still haven't answered me! Why would you-"

"Look, Dash, I'm kinda busy at the moment!" You shoot back. "We'll discuss it when there isn't a threat of us being arrested!"

"Us?! I'm not the criminal here!"

"No, but you're part of a group of magical horses who ended up teleporting into this world completely by accident! You have no previous records here, and it didn't look like that trick Twilight pulled was good for her. Do you really want her to do that again just to prove your story is true, and you all aren't just six raving lunatics?!"

While she's silent, you use the time to check your surroundings. Cops are still behind you, and you are just about to run into another SWAT roadblock, with no way around it. Cursing to yourself, you stop just short of it and spin around, now facing your pursuers. A SWAT van heads towards you, and you decide to play chicken with it.

"What are you doing?" Dash asks, broken out of her thinking. "You're gonna get us killed!"

"Nope." In one swift motion, you dodge the oncoming behemoth while simultaneously spinning the car again. As you watch, the fast-moving truck is unable to stop in time, and crashes right into the roadblock, leaving a hole big enough for you to drive through, so you do so. The other cops get hung up on the block, and you quickly out run the SWAT van, leaving you alone on the road.

"I lost sight of the suspect, he was heading down the interstate."

"All units, go Code 2 and search for the suspect."

Spotting an exit, you get off into Callahan Industrial. Sticking to back roads and alleys, you soon find what you're looking for, and shut off the car. "Come on, get out," you instruct your passenger.

As you leave the car, you receive a slap to the face. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" you ask.

"That was for nearly killing the both of us," Dash says. "Now, what did we stop for?"

Still rubbing your aching cheek, you point to the reason. "Changing rides."

While Dash takes in the sight of the Aston Martin, you get in and start it up. "Well?" you ask, motioning for her to get in with you.

"What makes you think I should still trust you? What's keeping me from just telling the cops where you are?"

In answer, you turn the scanner on and turn it up loud enough for her to hear.

"-suspect is extremely dangerous, and appeared to have a passenger with multicolored hair-"

You turn it back down. "You're an accomplice of mine, now," you explain. "They'll arrest you just as soon as they do me. And when they find no background on you, none at all, what will they do, you think?"

She stays silent, but gets in beside you. As you pull back into the street, she finally asks, "Why is one of your cars out here, anyway?"

"Technically, it's not mine; us street racers always need a change of wheels in a pinch, so different cars are parked away from sight, where any of us can just pull up and take it," you explain.

Getting back onto the highway, you pass a couple of roaming police cars, who, thankfully, seem oblivious to you.

"How long?"


Dash coughs. "How long have you been doing this?"

"About... I-unno, a few years, now? I kind of lost track, honestly."

"Why do you do it?"

"Well, I like the sense of speed, for one," you say. Chuckling, you add, "And I can see you like it, too."

Dash blushes slightly, but tries to hide it. Slight anger soon makes itself apparent on her face, however. "Still, you couldn't have told us what you did?"

"Let's see, you just teleported into someplace completely different from home, and the first person you see says they're a criminal. Gee, you'll surely trust him!" you say, your voice dripping with sarcasm. "And since you reacted so well to that fact, I think I'm gonna hold off on telling the others about this."

"What? You have to tell them, or I will."

"Alright, alright," you relent as you pull into the airplane scrapyard. "I'll tell them tomorrow, alright? Today was a long day."

This seems to appease Dash, so you park on the platform and press the button on your remote to lower it. Once it's done moving, you shut off the car and get out, Dash right behind you as you enter your subterranean home.

Inside the living room, Pinkie, Rarity, Applejack, and Fluttershy were all sitting on the couch next to Twilight, who looked much better now. "Heya," you greet.

They offer their own greetings, and Pinkie literally hops over to Dash. "So? How was it? Huh? Huh? Huh?"

"It was... fast." Looks like she's waiting for you to tell them tomorrow, so that's good. Gives you plenty of time to think up an explanation.

"So, what were you all doing while we were gone?" you ask.

"I was reading your collection of books," Twilight says, pointing to your bookcase, which was mostly full of road maps and car manuals. "I must say, this world seems much more technologically advanced than ours."

"And this upholstery is simply fabulous!" Rarity says, adjusting herself on the couch. "Just what material is this?"

"...I don't know, really." You never considered your couch that great, but eh.

"I don't know about you all, but I was bored as heck," Applejack says, her feet resting on your coffee table. "Ain't there anythin' t' do 'round here?"

"Well, you could turn on the TV, for one," you say, grabbing the remote.

"TV?" Fluttershy asks. "What's that?"

You nearly forgot about Twilight's little technology comment. "Well, I'll show you." You hit the power button, and the screen turns on to show the news channel. You don't even have to change the channel, the girls all seem captivated as it is. Besides, you might as well catch up on current events.

"-and the doctor has not been heard from since. In other news, today another street race has occurred in Fairhaven, with the area's most wanted racers taking part."

You stiffen slightly. Hopefully, they won't show any evidence that it was you...

"Here, you can see the apparent leader of the racers making his escape after the race was over."

The newscaster kept saying things, but you didn't hear it. On the screen was a helicopter view of your Ford GT escaping cops, even showing you bypassing roadblocks and weaving in traffic.

"It has been confirmed that this driver was the most wanted in all of Fairhaven," the newscaster continued, "but unfortunately, he escaped police and is still at large."

"Hey, isn't that the car that him and Dash left in...?" Applejack said, connecting the dots you hoped wouldn't be connected.

"I'm not the only one with one of those," you defend, "lots of people have Ford G- those cars."

"If you see this man," the news went on, showing the same picture of your face that was on that billboard, "please call police immediately."

All of the girls look at you, their faces showing a combination of anger, surprise, confusion, and worry.

"You're... wanted?" Twilight accuses.

"Well... Look, I can totally explain this."

"We'll be right back after these messages."