• Published 28th Apr 2013
  • 3,018 Views, 115 Comments

Fast Friends and Faster Cars - The card holder

2nd person fic where the mane six end up teleporting to Fairhaven as humans, where "you" find them.

  • ...

Where Speed Limits are Mere Suggestions

You're sitting on the couch in your makeshift house, holding your head in your hands. The girls had just finished telling you about how they got here, and what 'Equestria' was like. Apparently, it was a world where everyone was some kind of talking animal, mostly ponies, and magic and flight were very common. Also, the sun and moon were controlled by two princesses or something.

You clap your hands together, looking up. "So, let me get this straight; You six lived in Equestria all your lives, as ponies..."

They all nod in confirmation.

You point to Twilight. "...and you were a princess."

She nods.

"And you decided to try out some kind of world viewing spell, but you- pardon the pun- royally screwed up."

Some of them contain their laughs while Twilight nods again.

"...and you all expect me to believe that?"

"Hey, it's true!" Rainbow says, getting in your face. "Why else would we be here?"

"I was starting to think you were all high as a kite in a hurricane, but now I see that you all just went insane in the exact same way," you say, leaning back on the couch.

"Insane?! Why I oughta-"

"Calm down, Rainbow," Applejack says, holding her friend back.

"What will it take for you to believe us?" Twilight asks.

"How about some undeniable proof, first? That'll be a start."

"Okay..." She looks on a nearby table, where a book is sitting. Just like before, in the clearing, she concentrates on it until the book lifts up into the air, covered in a purple glow.

"I've already seen that," you say, "and it's freaky, but there are all kinds of possible explanations for that."

The book drops back onto the table. "Well, maybe if I..." She now faces an empty space, concentrating massively. For a while, nothing happens, and you're about to say so, but then the smallest of purple lights flash, just enough for you to see it. When you look again, the most bizarre sight greets you: What looks like a purple-edged hole in space is floating there, and on the other side was some kind of town. When you looked closer, you saw that it was populated entirely by small, colorful horses, some with horns, who were doing magic, and some with wings, who were flying around. Before you could ask "What the shit-ass Christ?", the image flickers, before disappearing completely. Twilight falls to her knees, bleeding from her nose, and her face pale.

"Twilight!" All of her friends rush to her side, especially Fluttershy, who was there almost instantly.

"I'm... fine..." Twilight said, still pale, but bleeding from her nose less now. "I just need... some rest..."

You sit wide-eyed on the couch. "Well... I guess I believe you now... But there's still nothing I can do to help you besides let you stay here," you say.

"Don't worry," Twilight says weakly, being helped up by Fluttershy. "I'll... think of... something..." She takes a deep breath. "These bodies are... not made for magic..."

Once everyone saw she was alright, the tension in the room died down. "Hey, you said you were a racer, right?" Rainbow asks.

"Yeah, I did."

"Well, you can't be racing in that hunk of junk we rode here in! I could fly faster than that thing!"

"One, the fastest we went on our way here was seventy-five, and two, I have plenty of other, much faster cars."

"Oh yeah?" she challenged. "Show me."

"Oooh! I wanna see 'em too!" Pinkie spoke up, hopping again. The shirt she picked didn't do much to hide her figure.

"Well, I think I should stay here with Twilight..." Fluttershy said.

"No problem. Now, follow me to see some of the best cars around." You lead them out the door into the rest of the large garage, formerly used for airplane storage. Because of this, there was more than enough room for both your house (powered by a generator, to keep off the grid), and your collection.

Turning, you raise an arm out towards that collection. "Behold."

Nearby, the only visible car was a Ford Focus.

Rainbow laughs. "That's it? That looks even slower than the other one!"

You smile. "Oh, excuse me, I seem to have forgotten something." You pull a remote out of your pocket and press a button. One by one, the overhead lights came on, revealing row upon row of sports cars and exotics, positioned in a decently sized parking lot. All four girls' jaws drop.

Hitting another button, you lower the platform where you parked the Land Rover, a panel sliding into place on the ceiling above it. Once it was on the ground, you walked over and got inside, starting it up. As the girls stayed put, you drove it off to where you put cars that needed some repairs, before shutting it off, getting out, and looking for another ride. You had a race to get to in a little over an hour, and it was agreed upon to pick something fast, but not too fast for it.

Turning, you spy the perfect car, and grin. Getting in, you turn the engine on with a roar, before pulling out and heading back to the girls at a decent clip. Just before you would've hit them, you spun the wheel and hit the brake, throwing the car into a drift. Once you stopped, you put it in park before rolling the window down, catching four surprised looks.

Rainbow Dash is the first to react. "Now that's more like it!" It seems she likes this new car a lot more. You don't blame her; the Ford GT is, indeed, a fast looking car, as well as just plain fast.

"I actually have a race to go to in about an hour," you say. "Which one of you want to go with me?"

Pinkie and Dash raise their hands, while Rarity and Applejack seem reluctant.

You chuckle. "There's only one passenger seat, so you'll have to decide amongst yourselves who gets to go."

The two eager girls look at each other, before Pinkie steps back. "I know how much you like races, Dashie," she says. "I can go next time, anyway!"

At first, it looks as if Dash is about to decline as well. But you rev the engine, and she makes up her mind, getting into the seat next to you. Turning back to the others, you say, "We'll be back in about an hour, ten minutes."

Before any complaints can be vocalized, you shift into drive and peel out. Whirling around, you park on the lift before hitting the button to raise it back up. Once back on the surface, you breathe in the evening air before rolling up your window, shifting back into drive, and punching it. Dash looks thrilled by the speed, and once you get onto the highway you're doing a comfortable eighty miles an hour.

Soon, Dash seems bored. "This doesn't seem much faster."

"Again, cause I'm only going eighty. I don't want to attract unwanted attention."

"Attention from what?"

You realize your mistake, and try to cover for it. "I mean... I don't want to tire out my car, is all. Going fast can take a lot out of it."

She still looks suspicious, but leaves the issue alone. At least, mostly. "Come on, go faster!"

"Alright, fine." You flip up a cover on the gear shift, revealing a red button labeled "NOS". "You want fast? You got fast."

You simultaneously shift into a higher gear and hit the button. At once, your speed starts rocketing up, and both you and Dash are pushed backwards into the seats. While you keep your eyes on the road, dodging around any traffic and watching for turns, Dash lets out a yell that's probably born of both fear and excitement. You glance at your speedometer a few times: one sixty, one seventy...

Finally, you top out at eighty, but you squeeze out another ten by hitting the nitrous again. Seeing a turn up ahead, you let off the gas, hit the brake, swing the wheel, and hit the gas again, going into a drift. Dash yells again at the maneuver.

"Told you it went fast!" you yell over the sound of the engine. Dash just nods in reply.

Suddenly, your rear view mirror is filled with red and blue, and someone begins talking over the police scanner. "Be advised, I have a vehicle going by at a-"

Acting quick, you shut off the scanner. Thankfully, Dash didn't seem to hear it. The cop is quickly left in the dust, and it looks as if you had the shortest pursuit ever. As you drive on, a few speed cameras take your picture, but you pay that no mind; with all the racers in Fairhaven, the cops stopped paying attention to every single speeder that goes through long ago.

Up ahead, you see your destination: The local construction site, where a new building was planned, but mostly forgotten. Deciding to make an entrance, you take a conveniently-placed ramp, courtesy of some of the more adventurous street racers, and smash right through a billboard telling drivers to buckle up. Dash screams as you fly majestically through the air, until you not-so-majestically land hard on the dirt, shaking you both. You go into another drift before sliding to a stop, just outside of view from the highway. Next to you, Dash breathes heavily, the adrenal rush probably wearing off. "That... was..." she starts.

"Awesome?" you ask. "Amazing? Other words that mean that?"

She thought for a bit, then simply nodded. Then she started looking around the empty lot. "I thought you said there was gonna be a race."

"There is. We're just early." You turn off the engine. "Now we wait."

You lean back and prepare to take a quick nap. "Wake me when someone else gets here," you say. Before you can hear her reply, you're out.