
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results

In a Snowstorm, by Michelle Creber · 8:54pm Dec 15th, 2023

With the holidays looming closer, I figured I'd get us into that festive mood with a new song from Michelle Creber!

You know, when I was listening to the song, I noticed it reminded me of When Life Gives You Snow...

Honestly, I can see In a Snowstorm as the tale's unofficial theme song!

What are you thoughts on that and the song itself?


Friendship is Worth It Update: Post-Mortems and Updates · 10:33pm Apr 6th, 2023

Hey folks! It's been a while since I last did this and a certain Winter-inspired tale got finished not too long ago, so now is a good time that I give you all an update on what's going on with the Friendship is Worth It series!

"When Life Gives You Snow..." Post-Mortem

EWhen Life Gives You Snow...
Cold and mighty ill, the Dazzlings faint against the wrath of a blizzard, only to wake up in the hands of people they would have happily avoided like the plague.
TheGJ90 · 29k words  ·  32  0 · 975 views

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When Life Gives You Snow... FINAL CHAPTER! · 6:43am Apr 3rd, 2023

The last chapter of "When Life Gives you Snow..." has been released! I hope you enjoy the story. I won't take so long to finish a chapter next time I swear...

"Looks at Spring Surprises"

Oh, horseapples! :applecry:

EWhen Life Gives You Snow...
Cold and mighty ill, the Dazzlings faint against the wrath of a blizzard, only to wake up in the hands of people they would have happily avoided like the plague.
TheGJ90 · 29k words  ·  32  0 · 975 views

Story Update #2 - When Life Gives You Snow NEW CHAPTER · 8:43am Jan 18th, 2023

A new chapter for "When Life Gives You Snow..." has been released into the wild!

It's not long before The Dazzlings find themselves in a scenario that the CMCs feel right at home in:

Watching a good movie!

How will they handle dealing with the Canterlot Movie Club when they're in their element? How long will it take for them to get the means to return home? Will Sci-Twi be able to maintain her composure? Find out by reading the newest chapter!

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Story Update - When Life Gives You Snow... · 6:51pm Dec 26th, 2022

As a Christmas Eve/Late Christmas gift, I posted new chapters for "When Life Gives You Snow..."!

Now, if only I could give it stellar cover art! :rainbowlaugh:

We're getting closer to the end of this tale, which will serve to set things up for the future.

As for what those things are... You'll have just to stay updated and read on to find out! :raritywink:


EWhen Life Gives You Snow...
Cold and mighty ill, the Dazzlings faint against the wrath of a blizzard, only to wake up in the hands of people they would have happily avoided like the plague.
TheGJ90 · 29k words  ·  32  0 · 975 views
Viewing 1 - 5 of 5 results