
Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results

How to Become an Engineering Consultant? · 8:29am Mar 21st, 2018

Engineering consultant is a person with a high technical level who can provide his clients with clarity and understanding of complex problems through a diagnosis, and then design and deliver solutions that adapt perfectly to the client's requirements. To achieve this, they must combine their technical knowledge with the best tools and techniques of commercial management for the sale of high-tech solutions.

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Kiat-kiat Pilih Aksesoris Mobil yang Tepat · 7:32am Nov 19th, 2015

Aksesoris mobil sebenarnya merupakan barang wajib untuk para penggemar mobil. Anda dapat melengkapi mobil yang Anda miliki dengan berbagai macam aksesoris yang tepat serta membuat mobil lebih terlihat berbeda dengan mobil lain, bahkan enak untuk dipamerkan. Sekarang ini di pasaran sudah banyak sekali berbagai aksesoris untuk mempercantik mobil kesayangan.

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Of extremism; why hands-off moderation is lackluster moderation · 11:15pm Jul 10th, 2020

The fandom has a nazi problem, and it is aggravated by moderators not taking a stance against it. 

Moderating is hard. It involves waltzing between building and keeping afloat a space dedicated to a shared pastime, and managing the people navigating it. And often, both come clashing, and sometimes crashing down.

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Viewing 1 - 3 of 3 results