
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results

Almost Forgot to Update 7/17 · 6:40am Jul 18th, 2015

Almost forgot that I wanted to fill everyone here on my game plan for the next bit.

I weighed all of the input and started on the next chronologic chapter of SCS to work on it alongside the other chapter I mentioned. It is a shortish chapter so it is worth doing for your enjoyment.

So! Since the chapter is centered on a Sisterhooves Social, other than the events shown in the episode, what would you like to see? As long as they fit the theme of the episode, I'll consider them.

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Quick Question - 09/07/15 · 4:53am Jul 10th, 2015

Just a quick question for SCS readers. I'm currently working on a new chapter, BUT it is 1) a post-SCS bonus chapter and 2) not close to half finished. It is one that I can slowly work on piece by piece because it is about Razzly vlogging about events that happen after SCS ends and the next story begins, thus is a collection of scenes and not a unified narrative, so I can work on another chapter of two while this is brewing. Your opinions are:

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Viewing 1 - 2 of 2 results