It was bigger than a pony, almost as big as one of the Princesses. Its skin was jet black, sans four white stripes crossing its chest like a ‘V’. The featureless face only sported two red eyes, surrounded by white markings, like the ones of a killer whale. There were also wings over the monster’s back, folded over it and covering most of its sides, but letting its forelegs out. The limbs were slightly red, ending in what looked like claws to Trixie. That’s when she noticed the chains
So what is the real story behind the mysterious and powerful Amulet in "Magic Duel" of the MLP Show?
No one really knows.
But there are many numerous head canons that say that the Amulet is an Element of Chaos/ Disharmony!
(Evil Maniacal Laugh)
And while I support this theory, there is one, well actually many, thing(s) I disagree with.
Oh boy, where to begin?
Subject: Lulamoon, Trixie Silverlight.
Species: Necro Sapiens Sapiens (formerly Equus Sapiens Sapiens); Order: Corniger
Height: 1.2192 [m]
Weight: Variable (decreasing)
Bloodtype: Necroplasm (formerly O negative)
Eye color: Gray-purple (formerly violet)
Fur color: Gray-sky blue (formerly azure)
Mane color: Gray with light gray stripes (formerly silver with light cornflower stripes)
Gender: Female
I can't believe it! Thank you all, guys and gals, for this effort was for and because of you. Readers, fellow writers, friends, even enemies. Thank you.
Actually, I'm Dead's Chapter 16: In edition.
What university looks like:
The story's writing so far:
How I feel about this whole situation:
So, feel free to submit your questions in the comments. Stay classy, readers.
Okay, first of all, for those who may want my head for not updating in over a week, despite the fact that university is not in the way anymore... you know what, I'm not even sure on how to finish that statement, so I'm going to use the standard apology form:
Yeah, apparently this is a thing.
So, here we are with the first week of report. Let's do the technical stuff first:
First Act finished.
Added scene transition.
Second Act sketched and started.
Third Act sketched.
Yeah, keeping things spoiler free will make these reports kinda dull. So, let's talk about how's been the writing process working.
Recently, a comment appeared in both of Nightwalker's and mine stories, Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster.
Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?
At first, I didn't pay them too much attention. However, after reconsidering it, I decided to answer it with the following, which I want to share with you, my faithful reader, in order to give you a clearer view of this strange look into the abyss that is our story.
Recently, a comment appeared in both of Nightwalker's and mine stories, Actually, I'm Dead and I, Monster.
Before I read this, what is the Dark tag for ?
And how bad does it get ?
At first, I didn't pay them too much attention. However, after reconsidering it, I decided to answer it with the following, which I want to share with you, my faithful reader, in order to give you a clearer view of this strange look into the abyss that is our story.
It was a dark and stormy--
(Violin whack!): No! None of that! Shame on you!
Okay, okay. Calm down! I won't do the purple prose thing, only if you stop hitting me with my own violin.
: I don't trust you enough, so I'll keep the violin at reach.
Just three lines, all already approved by Nightwalker.
: I don't trust him either.
Alternate tittle: Fluttershy's character development
Well, since this is technically a continuation of the previous editorial, I'll skip the introductions.
I want to state something, even if it's only for the record. There's a goddamn storm going on in Santiago at the moment of this blog's writing. And it's nighttime. And tonight is two years since I published the original one-shot for "Actually, I'm Dead", a story that, among other things -many tropes and references-, features the use of "it was a dark and stormy night" bit for what was a key piece.
Oh, we're so close.
Third Act's opening finished.
Third Act's first scene finished.
Third Act's final scene sketched.
Guess who got some spare time between a soul shattering cold and university doing everything to tire me to death.
Well, look at that, I'm doing these again. Sorry for the lack of an editorial on Chapter 13, but because I've been too busy with university, I couldn't come up with anything on time before publishing Chapter 14.
Now, let's get down to business. What the hell is Trixie's body now? Well, let's break it down, part by part.
The canon so far