I enjoy this ship · 10:14am Nov 19th, 2016
They are too cute
Im on my way to see The Force Awakens and will more than likely be getting piss drunk tonight
I bid 2015 adieu with licour and lightsabers
Im not dead suprisingly just.... Lacking the motivation untill recently to do more writing in the pastel horse literature department. I totally blame pokemon for thie injustice. Created several characters more than i care to admit
Well, ive roped myself into attempting a clopfic as a gift for a friends birthday soon
A new era of nerd analysis has begun.
(Icon designed by myself and Lord Valtasar)
Hey all,
So you know how I sometimes make hyper blog essays analyzing stuff? Yes well, that's going to continue, but they're not going to be hosted on here anymore.
Frankly, would anyone actually be intrested in me taking another crack at this? Yes, its been dead for damn nearly four years now but that doesn't mean it cant pull na courier six and get back up?
But I have it
And I have the biggest shit eating grin ever!!!
*Poor Unfortunate Souls plays in the background*
Probably gunna be my only Halloween post till the actual day
But this pic is far too cute
The first chapter of the story I mentioned in my last blog is almosy ready to be sent to my editor so expect something new in the future from my typewriter monkeys
And have a anthro horse
Ask me stuff! I don't care! I'm bored at work....
she fits the role of ghost of christmas future damn well
Thanks to reading some Sword art online books and actually watching some of it, i now have another idea in my head